Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 22 Cui Yu, do you eat chili?

Chapter 22 Cui Yu, do you eat chili?
How thick is the corner of a person's mouth?
At least one centimeter thick, right?

It is unimaginable that the one-centimeter-thick titanium alloy was cut by the other party with a gap of five or six centimeters from the corner of his mouth.

That's titanium alloy!
Is that human being?
Cui Yu didn't even think about it, he turned into a titanium alloy body, is he still a human?

Seeing that Cui Yu showed great power and cut Li Biao open from the waist and abdomen with a single knife, and his intestines and internal organs flowed all over the floor.

Facing a monster with copper skin and iron bones, it can't be cut or killed, and its leader has been hacked to death. What can they do?
Continue to wait to die?
Seeing the robbers go far away, Cui Yu regained his flesh and blood, and then performed the "resurrection technique" of "resurrection", and the wound healed before the blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"It takes too much divine power, but to repair a wound, it took the power of two thousand strands of divine blood." Cui Yu felt the consumption of divine blood in his body, and couldn't help being shocked.

The consumption of material transformation and bringing the dead back to life is not of the same order of magnitude at all.

"It's great! Li Biao was hammered to death by you. He is the peak warrior in the first level of martial arts!" Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu, his eyes were as bright as stars: "As expected of the blood of the royal family of the Great Zhou, he is really capable Nothing to say. It’s just that your martial arts are too bad, if you understand martial arts and cooperate with the power of your blood, killing this group of ants is nothing more than cutting melons and vegetables.”

The girl chattered, her voice full of excitement.

"Don't worry, my Xiang family has a cooperative martial arts gym. When I return to Daliang City, I will recommend you there, and I will teach you to practice earth-shattering martial arts." The girl looked at Cui Yu with great interest, and squeezed it vigorously. His arm: "Copper-skinned and iron-skinned, you were also a great supernatural power in the ancient times. The ultimate pursuit of martial arts is copper-skinned and iron-skinned bones. Your supernatural powers have too much potential. If you are not from the blood of the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, I will definitely take you!" Be my warrior."

"Is it the peak of the first level? Can I defeat the peak of the first level of martial arts now? When I condense a drop of complete divine blood, I should be able to suppress the second level of martial arts!"

Cui Yu looked at the torn clothes and the man in black fleeing in a distance, and reminded him: "If I were you, I would run for my life so that these people don't catch up. Li Biao is a mere Li Biao. If you have the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard, there is absolutely no reason to dare to touch you."

"You mean there is someone behind Li Biao?" The girl became nervous when she heard this.

Cui Yu nodded.

"Let's go! Let's go home quickly! After we get home, I'll make Xiaoyangchun noodles for you myself." The girl was nervous, stood up in disgrace, dragged Cui Yu and hurried out of the mountain.

Cui Yu followed behind the girl, thoughtful: "Aren't you a nobleman? There should be blood power in your body? Why don't you see it?"

"The power of bloodlines can also be divided into thick and sparse. Besides, bloodlines are also divided into many types, just like the bloodline of my Xiang family, which inherits the bloodline of ancient 'power'. Some people master the giant technique, and some people master it. Strong power, and some people mastered 'weak power'. Others awakened to 'strength borrowing', 'power control' and all kinds of weird bloodline branches. I am only six years old, and the bloodline has not yet had time Awakening."

"If my brother were here, he would definitely kill all these bandits like cutting melons and vegetables. My brother has awakened the three talents of 'giant power', 'power control' and 'huge skill'. Once he grows up , must be the giant of my human race." At this point, the girl suddenly stopped talking, and looked at Cui Yu vigilantly with her eyes:

"I'm going to die! I'm going to die! You actually leaked my brother's details. My brother's details are top secret at home, and you can't let outsiders know about them, so as not to be assassinated. Especially the enemies of my Xiang family, the 'Zhang family' and' The Han family, if they know that brother has awakened the three abilities, they will definitely send someone to assassinate him secretly."

Seeing the girl's annoyed eyes, Cui Yu's heart skipped a beat: "I didn't hear anything."

"Let's not hear it." The girl looked at Cui Yu and murmured, "Why don't you come to my house to be a steward? Ask for an errand? I'm watching you day and night, so I'm not afraid that you will tell me It leaked out."

Cui Yu stared at the girl, looked at the strange eyes of the other party, no expression could be seen on the dark face, he couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Do I have any choice?"

He always felt that the girl was deliberately revealing the secret.

"Of course I have no choice." The girl patted Cui Yu on the shoulder: "From now on, you will be my housekeeper. When you arrive in the city, I will arrange for you to practice martial arts."

The girl's heart is not bad, just look at her performance when collecting rent.

To be able to eat people in this world and still have such a heart, can be said to be a truly good person.

"It seems a bit troublesome for you to accept me as a housekeeper." Cui Yu led the girl along the desolate mountain road.

"What's the trouble?" The girl raised her head and looked at Cui Yu.

"I have an undying hatred with Chen Sheng." Cui Yu said expressionlessly.

"It was you who opened Chen Sheng's head a few months ago?" The girl was surprised, she made a wrong step and almost fell to the ground.Thanks to Cui Yu's quick hands, he grabbed the girl's palm.

"It's me." Cui Yu didn't hide it either.

"That's a little troublesome, the Chen family is not easy to mess with." The girl scratched her head: "It doesn't matter, it's just a scoop, and it's just a loss of face. There is always a way to resolve it."

The two stopped and walked all the way, and finally the girl simply lay on Cui Yu's back.

"By the way, why did the Xiang family send you to collect the rent?" Cui Yu asked with doubts in his heart.

"Every child of the Xiang family should be familiar with the family's property from an early age." Xiang Caizhu said: "But this time I only collected a little rent, and I am afraid that a severe beating will be inevitable."

Xiang Caizhu was a little distressed, but she smiled again: "I have escaped my life, what are you going to do with mere poison?"

Cui Yu didn't say a word, just carried Xiang Caizhu all the way to Daliang City.

Although Daliang City is only a small city, it is equivalent to this world, compared to Kyushu.

According to later generations, it is also a big city with a population of several million.

There were people coming and going on the street, and although the land outside the city was thousands of miles away, the city was still singing and dancing, peaceful and peaceful, it seemed that the dry atmosphere outside had not affected the city.

When you enter the city, you can see that its bustling streets and densely populated Fu are different from other places.After walking for another half day, I suddenly saw two big stone lions squatting on the north side of the street, three gates with animal heads, and a dozen or so people in beautiful clothes sitting in front of the gate.The main door is not open, only the east and west corners are used for people to come in and out.Above the main entrance, there is a plaque with five big characters in a big script.

Cui Yu didn't know him, but he just thought he was handsome.

"I'm home." Xiang Caizhu climbed off Cui Yu's back, and rushed towards the mansion excitedly.

"Stop, this is the Viscount's mansion, where does Hanako dare to intrude!" A servant in gorgeous clothes hurried out to stop him.

"You bastard, you're blind, you don't know me, my aunt?" Xiang Caizhu cursed.

Cui Yu's eyes widened in shock when he heard Xiang Caizhu's tough words.

Who would have thought that the gentle girl along the way would have such a tough side?
"Miss..." A group of servants were taken aback when they heard the words, and they all knelt down on the ground, crawling forward on the ground with their knees, and came to Xiang Caizhu: "My aunt, why are you so embarrassed? Li Biao Where is the guy? Where did the bastard go? Let’s see if we don’t skin him.”

A group of slaves kept coming forward to greet them with concern.

Xiang Caizhu raised her foot and kicked away a group of gorgeously dressed servants standing in front of her: "Don't stand in the way of my aunt, you are a group of things in the way."

As he spoke, he took Cui Yu's hand and entered the mansion, and the servants followed behind him with a clatter.

"These people are slaves in the mansion. You can't have a good face towards them, otherwise you will cause them to have thoughts that they shouldn't have, and it will harm them instead." Xiang Caizhu said:
"My slaves are placed outside, and they are also the third class in prestige. The food, clothing, housing and transportation are no worse than those of the masters of the big families, so we must establish rules."

"Come to win!" Xiang Caizhu shouted in disgrace.

"Little ancestor, please order." A young man in his 20s bent over and rushed out of the crowd, saluting respectfully.

"Take this old man to wash up. He is preparing some clothes for the master. Besides, there is no need to prepare food and drinks. Take him to the Fangyuan boy's room to wait for me." Xiang Caizhu ordered.

The young man was taken aback for a moment, then quickly saluted Cui Yu: "Master, follow me."

"You go with him first, I'll be there later." Xiang Caizhu walked away with big strides after speaking.

"Master, follow me." Lai Sheng respectfully said to Cui Yu.

He saw that although Cui Yu was dressed in coarse linen, he did not dare to neglect him.

Laisheng leads the way westward, not far away, and there are still three gates, but he does not enter the main gate, but only enters the west corner gate.After walking for a shot, when turning the corner, we came to the door of a pendant flower.Entering the vertical flower gate, there are chaoshou verandahs on both sides, and a hall in the middle, where there is a large screen with red sandalwood shelves and marble.Turning around the screen, there are three small halls, and behind the halls is the main courtyard behind.The five upper rooms on the front are all carved beams and painted buildings.There are corridors and rooms on both sides of the mountain, with parrots, thrushes and other birds of various colors hanging.

"Master, come and take a bath with me."

Lai Sheng greeted the outside, and not long after, more than a dozen pretty little girls arrived, carrying buckets, flower petals, incense, and various styles that Cui Yu didn't recognize.

Then he began to serve Cui Yu to take a bath, and invited Cui Yu to come to the barrel.

"My lord, these are all high-quality medicinal materials. They are the essence made of crushed ginseng for thousands of years. It is the medicine for nourishing the skin and invigorating the blood that was secretly prepared by Huang Jing in 680. Which one is 'Chu Liuxiang', a spice that came as a tribute from Chu State three thousand miles away. , it can last for three days after bathing. This is 500-year-old fox demon cream, which can increase the charm of people after bathing. This is the dragon incense of Jiaolong..." Lai Sheng kept introducing in Cui Yu's ear, and Cui Yu who listened He smacked his tongue secretly.

More than a dozen kinds of accessories are needed for one bath, which cannot be calculated with money at all.

"Don't wait for the uncle to take a bath yet." Lai Sheng ordered, then exited and closed the door.

The five maids were wearing gauze clothes and wanted to help Cui Yu take off her clothes, but Cui Yu refused.

The five girls retreated, and Cui Yu soaked himself in the wooden barrel, feeling a burst of Qi flowing through the pores into the blood, and the recovery speed of the divine power in his body suddenly increased by more than ten times.

This power is not a strange power, but a purely tonic power.

Cui Yu stood up from the barrel when the power of the medicinal materials was exhausted. He couldn't wear his own coarse linen clothes, so he could only change into the luxurious clothes.

The clothes are so finely crafted that they don't look ordinary.

The hair on her head was pulled up casually, Cui Yu pushed open the door, but the girl was gone, only Lai Sheng was waiting outside the door: "Master, let's take you to the small kitchen. You are really a noble person, my lady always pays attention to cooking. Members, there are only two or three people in Daliang City who can enter my young lady's kitchen."

"Cooking to make friends?" Cui Yu asked in surprise, this girl really likes flowers.

"Of course, my lady likes to make Xiaoyangchun noodles the most." Lai Sheng introduced, and the two walked for half an hour before they came to a bamboo building:

"Miss is already here, you can just go up."

Cui Yu nodded when he heard the words, and walked up to the attic, when he heard a beating sound coming from the attic, he pushed open the door and walked in, and saw Xiang Caizhu, who was covered in flour, beating the dough seriously.

Just looking at the flour flying around the room, Cui Yu stopped knowingly.Suddenly, I began to doubt Xiang Caizhu's cooking skills!

"Just wait, it will be ready soon." Xiang Caizhu's voice was very happy.

"How long have you been making Yangchun noodles?" Cui Yu asked with a surprised expression.

"Eight months." Xiang Caizhu's voice was a little smug: "You are the third person to eat my Yangchun noodles! Even my eldest brother and sister have never eaten it."

Cui Yu frowned even more when he heard this: Can the noodles made by a five-year-old be delicious?

"I've already told my elder brother. My elder brother personally sent someone to track down the whereabouts of that group of people. When they are found, I will cut them into pieces." Xiang Caizhu scolded fiercely while kneading her face with.

Cui Yu remained silent, because what happened next was beyond his control, it was an internal affair of the Xiang family.

"Don't worry, after dinner later, I will take you to the martial arts hall, and then I will find a chance to dissolve Chen Sheng's hatred for you." Xiang Caizhu comforted Cui Yu.

"Aren't you a nobleman? Chen Sheng is just a scholar." Cui Yu was puzzled.

"Chen Sheng is a scholar, but he is a scholar who is loyal to the King of Dayu, not my Daliang Xiang family. Besides, even if the other party is a soldier loyal to Daliang Xiang's family, he is also a scholar who is loyal to my father, not me." Xiang Caizhu said: "I told you that you still don't understand."

Cui Yu suddenly realized that not only did he understand, but he also understood it very well.

Isn't this similar to the previous ancient generals and ministers?

Generals and ministers are the subjects of the monarch, but not the subjects of the prince.

Or there is a saying that is very clear, 'The monarch's monarch is not my monarch, and the vassal's vassal is not my vassal. 'This is the strange enfeoffment system of princes.

The oil was burned on a high fire, and an aroma of marinade came out, and the smell didn't seem to be as bad as imagined.

"Cui Yu, do you eat chili?" The clanging of spatulas in the room came from Xiang Caizhu's excited voice.

Cui Yu was about to answer when suddenly a piercing female voice came: "Xiang! Cai! Beads!"

"Ding Dang~" The sound of a spatula landing in the kitchen sounded.

Then the fragrant wind came, and a rush of footsteps came from a distance, and then I saw a woman in red rushing in like a fire: "Who gave you the courage to reduce or exempt the rent? Are you going to drink Northwest Wind next year? The master told you to practice, not to prodigal!"

The woman's speed was so fast that Cui Yu couldn't see her face clearly.Then there was a clanging sound in the room, and there was a sound of punching and kicking.

"Those people can't survive anymore! When Mother was alive, she said that she wanted to leave a way for the people of the world to survive, and she couldn't do things absolutely."

"You lose money, you dare to talk back, let's see if I don't beat you to death!" the woman in red shouted angrily.

Then there was another violent clanging sound: "Sooner or later, you will send out your money-losing goods."

After a while, the sound stopped, and the woman in red came out from the kitchen. Only then did Cui Yu see the woman's face. She was about 24 or [-] years old.

"Who are you?" The woman in red saw Cui Yu standing at the door.

"Who are you?" Cui Yu asked blankly.

"You came to the mansion and asked who I am? You are the first." The woman in red looked unhappy.

"He's my friend, what are you doing!" At this moment, Xiang Caizhu rushed out of the house, limping and standing in front of Cui Yu with red and swollen cheeks, her eyes were fierce and cold, like a guard. Pullet with a calf.

"Hehe, your friend? You friends, no one is serious." After speaking, the woman in red turned and left.

As the woman in red walked away, Cui Yu looked at Xiang Caizhu, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and finally said a thousand words into one sentence: "Who is she?"

"My stepmother." Xiang Caizhu smiled, a stream of blood flowed out of her nostrils, but she wiped it off carelessly, then walked into the kitchen, there was another sound of clanging.

After a long time, a suppressed cry came from the kitchen: "Cui Yu, do you eat spicy food?"

Cui Yu's heart twitched when he heard this, and for some reason an inexplicable sadness swept through his heart.

"Eat! Just put more." Cui Yu calmed down the throbbing in his heart, and replied.

(End of this chapter)

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