Chapter 35

At this moment, under the blessing of the unceasing strange power, Cui Yu's whole body was filled with vitality, his senses were infinitely enlarged by the Dinghai Shenzhu, and all the water veins in a radius of three hundred miles came into view clearly.

"Mobilize the water veins!" Cui Yu looked at the river channel that could give Dinghai Zhu a strength of 300 million catties, and made a formula in his hand to mobilize the power of the water veins to bless Dinghai Pearl.

[Insufficient divine power, unable to mobilize. 】

Dinghaizhu's divine light flickered, and the water veins in the river moved slightly, and then there was no reaction at all.

Cui Yu was stunned when he saw this, feeling the vast and infinite divine power in his body, he couldn't even mobilize a Heluo power blessed by 300 million jun, he couldn't help but froze.

It's just a small river!

What kind of powerful divine power would it need to consume if it faced those great rivers of the Yangtze River, the intersection nodes of water veins, and the four seas and five lakes?

It is simply an astronomical figure.

Cui Yu felt that he was already very strong, but now he saw that he couldn't even mobilize the water veins of a small river blessed with a strength of 300 million jun, and the arrogance in his heart was completely wiped away.

Unable to mobilize the 300 million jun, Cui Yu turned his eyes and looked at the spring with the strength of [-] jun that was closest to him. In Dinghai Shenzhu.

"Go!" Cui Yu urged the Dinghaishen Orb to hit the invisible barrier in front of him, and then a water-blue brilliance streaked across the sky, and then Cui Yu felt that the barrier in front of him was forced back a step.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu was overjoyed, and hurriedly took a step forward, and then it became even more vast, and a strange power that was tens of times, hundreds of times poured over, transformed into a torrent of divine power, and poured into the Dinghai Shenzhu , to help Cui Yu temper the restraints in the Sea God Orb.

With the infusion of vast divine power, Cui Yu became more and more proficient in the sacrifice of Dinghai Shenzhu, and at the same time began to hammer and forge the bones.

There are five heavens in martial arts:

The first level: into the pole.

The second weight: exercise.

The third weight: forging bone.

The fourth step: marrow washing.

The fifth level: fullness of spirit, energy and spirit, replacing the blood in the whole body.

Needless to say, entering the extreme and refining the tendons, the state of bone forging is also very particular. It is not to temper the bones with the strength obtained from extreme training, but to manipulate the fascia and tendons attached to the bones, just like bowstrings Pull and bounce, continuously pumping on the bones, using the penetrating force of the 'slapping', to penetrate the camping air in the tendons and veins into the bones, changing the density of the bones.

If bones are steel, then tendons are sledgehammers.Constantly stretching and stretching, whipping and ejecting on the bone.

The strength of the tendons determines the upper limit of future bone forging.

The stronger the forging, the stronger the bone.

However, the fifth level of martial arts is a whole, as long as it does not break into the second level of 'rebirth', it can re-forge its tendons.

Moreover, entering the pole, strengthening the muscles, strengthening the bones, and even washing the marrow and changing the blood can be done in a cycle and gradually, one by one, or they can be practiced at the same time.

I can also come over and over again.

First hammer the muscles and bones once, and then go to find all kinds of natural materials and earth treasures for the second, third, fourth, and fifth times.

Martial arts training has a sequence, but it is not as strict as imagined.

It's like learning three subjects other than Chinese and Mathematics. You can study them together, or you can study them one by one, in a cyclical and gradual manner.

Cui Yu continued to practice martial arts in the dry well, hammering and forging the divine blood in his body, half a month passed in the blink of an eye, but the outside world was already turbulent.

Xiang Jia

Xiang Caizhu was kneading white flour in her hands, and the hot chili was fried in a frying pan. Xiang Yu squatted at the door, looking at Xiang Caizhu who was kneading the noodles.


Xiang Caizhu kept beating the dough on the table, changing shapes one after another.

"Little sister, don't hang out with that kid in the future. You went out to play a few days ago, and someone complained to your mother again." Xiang Yu's face was tangled, and he finally chose to speak:
"We are nobles, and he is just a commoner. We can't play together. Have you forgotten Princess Yunhua of Dazhou? If you go down that road, Princess Yunhua will be a lesson for you."

"You take care of me! When I was bullied by that bitch and couldn't eat enough or keep warm, why didn't I see you take care of me?" Xiang Caizhu hit the gluten heavily, the pot vibrated, and the flour on the chopping board flew up and flew towards Xiang Caizhu's face rushed.The noodle bowl next to it fell, and the flour poured out.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Caizhu felt anxious, and subconsciously wanted to grab the noodle bowl that fell off the chopping board, so as not to spill the flour in the bowl.

It's a pity that the noodle bowl was spilled too fast, Xiang Caizhu's body was mortal, how could he react in time?

Suddenly at a certain moment, the flour dispersed in the air suddenly shrank with the movement of picking pearls, and turned into a dumpling the size of a ping-pong ball, which was held in his hand.

The dropped noodle bowl was suddenly suspended in the air.

"Teng~" Seeing this scene, Xiang Yu stood up abruptly, his eyes widened in surprise, and he trembled when he spoke excitedly: "Little sister, have you awakened your abilities?"

"Have I awakened my abilities?" Xiang Caizhu also stared blankly at the dough in her hand, her eyes filled with disbelief.

"What ability have you awakened?" Xiang Yu hurried forward, his eyes fixed on Xiang Caizhu.

"Gravity!" Xiang Caizhu felt the information in the blood, and said something after a while.

"Gravity!!!" Xiang Yu's voice was drawn out, and his tone was full of disbelief: "You have awakened gravity!"

Gravity is definitely the strongest force of all forces!

There are too many types of gravity, and it can even sense with the earth, borrow the power of the earth, and even manipulate the power of the earth, moving mountains, cracking the ground, magma, electromagnetism and other incredible abilities.

Even in the later stage, you can use the power of mountains and rivers, and the power of mountains and rivers, which is already the ability of ancient gods.

The last time the Xiang family awakened gravity was when Dayu was controlling the water, right?

With the stimulation of the divine power of King Yu's breath, which ancestor of the Xiang family could awaken the infinite power to control the earth.

"If the King's Court of Dayu knew that you had awakened to gravity, they would definitely take you over and become the direct descendant of the King's Court of Dayu. Even Dad might not be able to return to the King's Court and fight for the position of Lord of Dayu." Xiang Yu's eyes were full of excitement.

His awakening of three abilities is enough to defy the sky, but who knows that his little sister has awakened the legendary gravity.

Gravity is the force of the earth!

"It's gravity!" Xiang Caizhu also expressed emotion, and the noodle bowl suspended in the air flew up and landed in her hand.

"Little sister, you're going to be rich! You're going to be rich, you know? Father married that woman because he wanted to use the power of that woman's family to return to Dayu Kingdom. But now that you've awakened gravity, the future must belong to my Xiang family." Be the pillar, as long as we report to Dayu, we will return to the royal court just around the corner." Xiang Yu's eyes were full of excitement: "I've had enough of staying in the backcountry of Daliang City."

"Leaving Daliang City?" A figure flashed in Xiang Caizhu's mind, and then subconsciously shook his head: "What's so good about Dayu Country, I don't want to go back."

"What's so good about Daliang City? What's the point of staying in this place where no shit is done!" Xiang Yu was impatient, and tried to comfort him.

Xiang Caizhu continued to meet, ignoring Xiang Yu's eyes.

"By the way, you've been asked to check things, how well have you checked?" Xiang Caizhu asked.

"It's all that Wang Tao's fault. Chen Sheng was provoked by Wang Tao." Xiang Yu looked at Xiang Caizhu's side face, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and gradually recovered his calm tone.

"Cui Yu is my friend, you should know what to do, right?" Xiang Caizhu said without looking back.

"You don't care about him..." Xiang Yu opened his mouth to retort, but looked at Xiang Caizhu who was kneading the dough, and immediately swallowed the words in his stomach: "Wang Tao is just an ant, not worth mentioning. But Chen Sheng is For members of the Chen family, it depends on the owner to beat a dog, the Chen family is not weak in Daliang City, and they are still from the second uncle..."

"Then Chen Sheng is the one who hurt me." Xiang Caizhu turned to look at Xiang Yu.

"Don't talk nonsense, this kid's slander trick is long outdated." Xiang Yu shook his head.

"Does it matter if it's true or not?" Xiang Caizhu looked at Xiang Yu and asked.

Chen Sheng would attack Cui Yu sooner or later, and he would not leave any clues to the Xiang family.There are too many ways for the gentry to kill a person.

Similarly, there are countless ways for a nobleman to kill a nobleman.

"You can't do anything to Chen Sheng, because a commoner is not worth it! Even if that commoner saved your life!" Xiang Yu shook his head.

"Then I'll do it myself?" Xiang Caizhu said calmly.

Xiang Yu was silent when he heard the words, then flicked his sleeves suddenly, and walked down the pavilion.

"Why are you going? Are you still eating Yangchun noodles?" Xiang Caizhu looked at Xiang Yu's back and shouted.

"Don't eat! I'm suffocating!"

Inside Delong Martial Arts Hall

Shi Long was playing with Tie Dan in his hands, and facing him was Chen Sheng, the eldest son of the Chen family. Compared with Chen Sheng a few days ago, some subtle changes seemed to have taken place in his whole person.

"You mean, it's the bastard from Lijia Village who ruined our good deeds?" Chen Sheng stopped his hands when he heard the words, his eyes were full of disbelief: "He's just a mortal, how can he have the ability to fight against those good players?"

"My apprentice saw this with his own eyes, there is no mistake. Moreover, Cui Yu and Xiang Caizhu suddenly became friends, which must be the reason." Shi Long looked at Chen Sheng.

"Are you sure it's Cui Yu from Lijia Village? Not someone who looks exactly the same?" Chen Sheng's eyes were filled with coldness.

"That's him! Liangjie Mountain, Cui Yu of Li Family Village." Shi Long said.

"Trouble! The eldest lady has already ordered you not to embarrass the Cui family anymore." Chen Sheng's eyes flashed with murderous intent: "Can you get rid of them with the help of the Sanhe Gang?"

"It is said that the brat is hard to deal with." Shi Long shook his head, "Furthermore, this matter must not alarm the Three Rivers Gang. If we can't deal with a mere Cui Yu, doesn't it seem that we are useless and incompetent? Besides, The Sanhe Gang and Taipingdao are planning a big event right now, so there is no time to take care of us."

Chen Sheng's fingers turned white: "Cui Yu can't stay! This kid has become a scourge now, why don't you take action yourself?"

"Why does the old man need to take action?" Shi Long smiled: "It's also that kid's life is short, and he actually sent it to the door. Before long, that kid will run out of life and die, young master, just wait for the good news."

"Is there such a method?" Chen Sheng was taken aback.


After Chen Sheng walked out of the martial arts hall, the sky was already getting dark.

"Chen Sheng." At this moment, a deep voice came from the corner of the street.

"Chen Sheng met Mr. Xiang." When Chen Sheng saw Xiang Yu, he bowed quickly.

"What happened to you." Xiang Yu looked at Chen Sheng like an ancient beast. Chen Sheng trembled when he saw it, and his complexion changed wildly: What happened?Could it be that he colluded with the Three Rivers Gang and plotted against the Chen family?But obviously I have cleaned all hands and feet clean?

"I don't know what the young master said?" Chen Sheng looked at Xiang Yu tentatively:

"Young master, if there is anything wrong with the villain, please tell me clearly, so that the villain will die clearly, so that he will not go to the underworld to be a fool." Chen
"If you stay in Daliang, you will die, but if you are sent to Daze Township, you can still live." Xiang Yu looked at Chen Sheng, saw the sincerity of the other side, and finally explained something.

"From now on, you will be sent to serve in Daze Township, let's go." Xiang Yu waved his hand impatiently.

Although Xiang Yu didn't directly say the reason, Chen Sheng also knew that it wasn't the murder of Xiang Caizhu that happened.

Since it's not the case, it's easy to handle.

Seeing that the warriors behind Xiang Yu were about to attack, Chen Sheng became anxious:

"I belong to the second master, what right do you have to assign me? Besides, even if you want to assign me, you still need to give me a reason."

"Reason? What are you, you deserve a reason." Xiang Yu smiled coldly: "Take it, put a mark on it, and send it to Daze Township immediately."

He is a majestic Yu nobleman, does he need a reason to dispose of a gentry?

Chen Sheng didn't dare to resist, but just stared at Xiang Yu with a pair of eyes, letting the warrior press him into the darkness.

The relationship between warriors and nobles is sometimes not absolutely suppressed.

Just like the eunuchs next to the emperor, they are not afraid of being the prime minister.There are even some prime ministers who have to take the initiative to please.

The warriors around the big nobles are not too afraid of the small nobles.

The family surnamed Chen was a warrior family next to the king of Dayu, and Xiang Yu's father, Xiang Yan, was just a prince who was assigned and lost the qualification to compete for the throne. Xiang Yu was even worse than Xiang Yan.

Xiang Yan is a viscount, and when Xiang Yu succeeds, he can only be reduced to a baron, and the Chen family will not be afraid of him at that time.When Xiang Yu's descendants inherit, they can only become high officials.

At that time, we still don't know who will win!

Although the status of the gentry is not as good as that of the nobles, the gentry cannot stand to follow the lord's direct descendants forever and serve the direct descendants from generation to generation.

And although you are now the heir of the monarch, but after five generations, you were stripped of your title of nobility, who still knows you?

The world is so big, and the country is so big, if you want to maintain the orthodox status of the direct line, you must constantly reduce the collateral line.

Where did the saying of "going out of five clothes" come from in later generations?
That's where it comes from!

Gong, Hou, Bo, Zi, and Nan, after five generations are reduced, they are no longer nobles. Can you still be related to your uncles and uncles?

(End of this chapter)

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