Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 36 The Eighth Drop of Divine Blood

Chapter 36 The First Drop of Divine Blood
Whether it's Xiang Yu or Xiang Caizhu, they would never have thought that they would find the real culprit by mistake.

Chen Sheng didn't dare to confront Xiang Yu, he was already guilty of being a villain, not to mention Xiang Yu was a well-known Xiang Mangzi, and a real nobleman, how could he be allowed to resist?

Watching Chen Sheng being escorted away, Xiang Yu said to the samurai beside him, "Go and find Wang Tao for me."

The burden in Cui Yu's heart, the dark cloud that weighed on his heart, actually disappeared within Xiang Yu's few words.

On the way back, Xiang Yu's eyes flashed with ambition: "Little sister has awakened 'gravity' and is in charge of the law of the earth. Even if she faces all the powerful people in the world, the members of the royal family of the Great Zhou will never be inferior. Returning to the Great Zhou Yucheng, even if he can't inherit the throne, it's enough for my branch to be exempted from crimes and re-appointed as a prince. With the protection of my younger sister, it's enough to last for hundreds of years."

"However, that commoner boy is indeed a troublesome one. My little sister was neglected in her childhood and tended to have a good impression of others. If she continues to develop, she will be the laughing stock of Princess Yunhua again. Maybe she can get rid of him with the help of the Chen family!" Xiang Yu paused: "Wouldn't it be nice to find an excuse to get rid of the Chen family then?"

dry well

Cui Yu is refining Dinghaishenzhu, he would never have thought that Xiang Caizhu would clear up the hidden danger in his heart for himself. Since his rebirth, the Chen family has been the biggest hidden danger in his heart.

Cui Yu didn't know it at this time, but was frantically absorbing strange powers in the underground cave, continuously pouring them into the Dinghaishen Pearl, refining the restrictions in the Dinghaishenzhu.

In the cave, Cui Yu was originally [-] feet away from the high platform, but through Cui Yu's continuous efforts at this time, he continued to sacrifice the Dinghaishen Orb. With more and more restrictions on the sacrifice of the Dinghaishen Orb, he could control the power of the Dinghaishen Orb. It was also getting bigger and bigger, and the entire Dinghai God Orb had changed from light blue to dark blue.

The refinement of Dinghai Shenzhu's prohibition represents authority.Mobilize a river, a river, and the sea.Without authority, even if you have enough strength, it is useless.

At the same time, Cui Yu continued to break through layers of air walls, advancing a distance of ten feet.

The strange power in the air was so thick that it had turned into a misty crimson mist, and within three feet of Cui Yu's body, he was plundered.

Cui Yu has the formula of Dinghaishenzhu, which is equivalent to having a key to a lock. As long as he operates according to the formula of Dinghaishenzhu, refining Dinghaishenzhu is like breaking a bamboo.

"Dinghai Shenzhu is a rare treasure born from the beginning of the world. It has 36 natural restrictions. It is the essence of water in the world, and it is formed by the fusion of the word 'Ding'." Cui Yu stayed in the cave for an unknown how long. It completely turned into dark green, even turning black, like a black bead.

"I have already refined the twelve restrictions, and the rest of the restrictions are sad and difficult. It is the work of grinding ink with water."

Cui Yu was unshaven at this time, and his whole body was full of sour smell. Sitting in the cave, he looked at the red sun on the high platform, and when his eyes came into contact with it, the overwhelming strange power descended, was instantly decomposed and absorbed by it, and poured into the Dinghai Shenzhu .

"It's time for Consummation!" Cui Yu said suddenly.

As the words fell, Cui Yu's body surface glowed with golden light, and golden lines appeared on his whole body. The lines were like silk threads, running through all the orifices in his body, and the cycle was endless.

"Forty-eight thousand strands of divine blood have formed a certain unique number. Even if I look directly at the source of the strangeness, the circulation of divine blood can bear part of the attack for me."

Cui Yu held the Dinghai God Bead in his hand, and there was a hint of thought in his eyes: "The [-] strands of divine blood have formed a perfect fragment of order, and the next step is to collect the [-] strands of divine blood into a drop, and completely transform it into a single drop." A whole."

If someone stood beside Cui Yu, they would find that countless golden silk threads in Cui Yu's body were shuttling through blood vessels, acupoints, and meridians at this time. Along with the flow of 'Qi', they kept shuttling through the blood vessels.

Forty-eight thousand strands of divine blood are connected end to end, passing through all the veins and blood vessels of the human body, just like a snake biting its tail, burrowing through the body regularly.

"Divine blood condenses!"

I don't know how long it took, Cui Yu's energy and energy reached its peak, and the next moment he suddenly opened his eyes to look at the red sun on the high platform, and then an overwhelming strange force poured down like a nine-day galaxy.

This time Cui Yu didn't look away, but let the strange power invade, and even let his innate supernatural power transform the strange power into divine blood, controlling the countless divine blood to pour into his body suddenly.

The divine blood circulating back and forth in his body seemed to have sensed the crisis, and suddenly contracted sharply at the next moment. Under the overwhelming pressure from the outside world, it retracted into the heart in a few breaths, and the [-] strands of divine blood were woven according to a certain unique law. Interlaced and woven into a golden colored glass, only half the size of a rice grain, suspended in the heart.

Then that drop of golden colored glass shot straight towards the raging divine blood in his body.

Although the divine blood transformed by countless strange powers is overwhelming, it is like scattered soldiers fighting on their own, while Cui Yu's divine blood is weak, but it is a regular army. The stragglers smashed, devoured, suppressed.

Although the regular army was strong, it couldn't stand up to too many stragglers. Before the blood could completely defeat them, they had already raged in Cui Yu's body.

"Bringing back to life!" Cui Yu used his supernatural powers, and his injuries were reversed in an instant, then he quickly looked away, and then poured the raging power of the divine blood into the Dinghai Shenzhu.

The divine blood flowed, repairing Cui Yu's damaged tendons, strengthening and tempering Cui Yu's muscles and bones, constantly washing and refining his body.

"This is the power of divine blood! The power of a single drop of divine blood." Cui Yu felt the power flowing around his body, and his eyes revealed a hint of obsession.

Forty-eight thousand strands of divine blood form a whole, and there are countless laws operating inside. Cui Yu can't see it clearly, nor can he understand the mystery of it.

"Inconceivable power." Cui Yu's eyes showed a look of excitement: "Although there were a lot of 12 strands of divine blood before, they fought on their own, like a wooden stick. And the power of a drop of divine blood is like steel. It is simply a technology that has crossed the ages. I really don’t know what kind of incredible power it will have when the [-] drops of divine blood are derived and the one yuan is perfect.”

"I don't know how this drop of my divine blood compares to those bloodlines." Cui Yu was thoughtful.

How is it compared to warriors!

Cui Yu had a feeling that his strength was more than ten times stronger.

He has never done it before, and he doesn't know the ways of it. He only knows that he seems to be a little stronger now, at least ten times stronger than his previous self.

More than ten times!

If he didn't really do it, how would he know how much stronger he was?
"At least the second level of martial arts is definitely not my opponent! As for the third level of martial arts, the heavenly and human realm can borrow the power of heaven and earth..." Cui Yu has never fought against each other, so he can't figure it out.

"Xiang Caizhu said that apart from the unfathomable Shilong in Daliang City, as well as Xiang Yu and Xiang Yan, there is no third-level powerhouse! It's time to find Chen Sheng!"

"Staying in the cave doesn't seem to be very effective anymore." Cui Yu stood up slowly, with a sigh in his eyes.

It's not that the strange power in the cave doesn't have a strong effect on him anymore, but that his body has reached its limit, it's really reached its limit.

That drop of divine blood flowed through the blood vessels, and Cui Yu felt the pain in the blood vessels, as if heaviness of being run over by a big truck.

He is just a mortal body, how difficult is it to transform into a demigod body that can bear the blood of God?

That's a long slog.

Every circulation of the divine blood is a tempering of the blood vessels.

"It's a pity that you can't temper the tendons with the blood of the gods, otherwise the strength of the physical body will increase by leaps and bounds." Cui Yu sighed with emotion, and swallowed the Dinghaishen Pearl.

This time it wasn't hidden under the tongue, I saw that the Dinghaishen Pearl turned into tiny particles, went down the salivary glands on both sides of the cheeks, entered the salivary glands, and hid them inside.

At the same time, Dinghai Shenzhu released an inexplicable force in the salivary glands, flowed down the saliva, entered Cui Yu's mouth, nourished Cui Yu's body, continuously relieved the load of repairing blood vessels, and moistened Cui Yu's body silently muscles and bones.

"It's time for revenge!" Cui Yu walked unhurriedly from the cave, and the barrier behind him spread along with Cui Yu's walking. appear once.

Cui Yu turned around and took a look: "Next time when I come in, can I directly prove that I am a demigod, that my blood has been condensed to perfection?
"It should be possible to take revenge." Cui Yu climbed out of the ancient well, and it was still dark at this time, so he went directly to take a bath outside the village, and then began to think about revenge.

"It has been six months, and the eldest lady has not shown up. The time for Chen Sheng to do something is getting closer. The eldest lady only cares about her own face, and she will never start a war with Chen Sheng for me." Cui Yu knew very well in his heart, As long as Chen Sheng gave the young lady a face, quietly killed himself after the turmoil passed, and then found an excuse to say that he was suffering from some disease, or that he was bitten by a monster, the young lady would never pursue it.

"How can we kill the other party? And we still have to kill him quietly!" Cui Yu sat in the stream, wiping the dirt off his body leisurely:

"Also, if I give Chen Sheng a cup, the family behind the other party will never let me go. They must find face for Chen Sheng."

"Don't I want to destroy the entire Chen family? Behind the Daliang Chen family, there is the Dayu Chen family." Cui Yu couldn't even bite the hedgehog.

After 5000 years of development, a force that can exist for 5000 years can develop into a colossus even if it is weak.What's more, 5000 years ago, the Chen family in Daliang followed the Xiang family and was enshrined, and their power was definitely not weak.

Even some small princes may not be able to match the Chen family.

"One poke, one nest." Cui Yu scratched his head, and tied the hairpin on his head leisurely: "I just hope that the surname of Chen in Dayu Kingdom is not one-hearted."

Now it is not the grievances between him and Chen Sheng, but the grievances between him and the Chen family of Daliang.

Under the moonlight, the imprint of the Yulong family exudes a strange fluctuation. Cui Yu looked at the imprint in his hand thoughtfully: "The Yulong family! I wonder if I can hold down the Liang Chen family."

After Cui Yu washed his body, put on coarse linen clothes, and tied his hair with a hemp rope, Cui Yu walked towards the house, but just at the entrance of the village, he saw a group of people blocking the village.

Let's say one day ago, the night Chen Sheng was taken away.

In Daliang City
Chen's old house
A middle-aged man held a big iron ball of Mishu in his arms, and he was as light as a cat, walking back and forth on the blue bricks, but never splashed a little dust.

Patriarch of the Chen family: Chen Changfa.

"Second uncle, it's not good! It's not good!" A panicked shout came from outside the door, and then a young man of seventeen or eighteen ran in from the door in a panic.

"What's it like to be in a panic? The sky won't fall!" Chen Changfa was still walking around on his own, and reprimanded him in a serious voice.

"Brother was taken away by the guards! I heard that it was Xiang Mangzi from the Xiang family who took the initiative and dispatched elder brother to Daze Township, where he was exiled for three thousand miles!" the young man gasped.


The big iron ball fell to the ground, rolling up trails of dust, the green bricks on the ground turned into countless pieces, and the entire courtyard was shaking.

"What did you say?" Chen Changfa's voice was full of disbelief.

"Xiang Mangzi made a move and dispatched the elder brother." The young man hurriedly replied.

"Could it be that the kidnapping of Xiang Caizhu happened?" Chen Changfa's face was serious, and he immediately vetoed it:
"It doesn't look like it! If the Dong Chuang incident happens, it won't be the eldest brother who will be assigned, but the entire Xiang family's masters will come to the door together."

"Or is it that great changes have taken place in the Dayu Kingdom? What news did Xiang Yan hear? What happened to the second master?" Chen Changfa's expression was serious, and countless thoughts flickered in his mind in an instant:
"Go and investigate, what happened is that Xiang Yan was asked to attack Chen Sheng. Chen Sheng is the heir of my Chen family, and if you attack Chen Sheng, you are attacking my Chen family. In addition, send people to Dayu's family to inquire about Dayu Kingdom Movement. I am asking the second master and the fifth master to discuss matters."

Chen Changfa is worthy of being the person in charge of the Chen family. Although there have been accidents, he is still in an orderly manner and arranges things properly without leaking any water.

The young man left in a hurry again, and Chen Changfa also stood in the yard restlessly, looking at the big iron ball with his eyes, not knowing what to think.

Not long after, two more figures hurried over, they were the second and fifth sons of the Xiang family.

"Brother, what happened?" Chen Wuye's voice was heroic, standing there like a small iron tower, at this time striding forward, the voice came from the door before he arrived.

"Chen Sheng was dispatched by Xiang Mangzi." Chen Changfa's voice was serious and suppressed.

"What?" Both Chen Wuye and Chen Erye exclaimed in surprise.

"Could it be that Chen Sheng committed some crime and ran into Xiang Mangzi's hands?" The second master's voice was warm and his words were tepid.

"I don't know, I have already sent a dog to find out the news." Chen Changfa said.

"It's just that I don't know whether it's Xiang Yan who wants to break up with the second master and attack me, or it's just Xiang Mangzi's intention. If it's the former, it will be a big trouble." The second master's voice was full of seriousness.

"If Xiang Yan wants to break up with the second master, how about doing it against me, Mrs. Chen?" Chen Changfa asked.

During the questioning, Chen Changfa's eyes were filled with intense murderous intent slowly brewing, and the leaves in the air were soaked in a layer of frost in the scorching heat.

The temperature in the yard dropped sharply, making people shiver.

(End of this chapter)

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