Chapter 4 Yulongshi

Holding the Canopy Bian in his hand, Cui Yu looked at the simple three large characters on the cover, and felt a strange, twisted, and icy aura pervading in a trance, attacking his body along his fingers.

At that moment, Cui Yu seemed to see an endless abyss, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared at him across the abyss.

At that moment, Cui Yu's mind went blank, letting the cold flow into his mind.


[Transform divine power +1+1]

As soon as all the strange power entered the body, it was usurped and transformed by the innate supernatural power, and turned into wisps of divine power that were absorbed by the divine blood, nourishing the power of the divine blood.

"I don't know how to read!"

Cui Yu stared at the three large characters on the book cover for a long time, finally put the book cover down, and then scratched his head.

On the blue book cover, the three big black characters are like ghostly symbols. When you look closely, the three big characters seem to come to life, turning into three strange insects that are flying in the sky and wandering in the void. They want to break free from the cover and fly out. In Cui Yu's eyes, his soul was swallowed up.

"Canopy change? Isn't this the lifeblood of the old Taoist priest? Why is it in your hands?" Just as Cui Yu was holding the book and feeling the growth of the divine blood in his body, a crisp word came from his ear, accompanied by Taoism Warm and hot, the little girl came to Cui Yu's ear at some point, and lay directly on his shoulder, staring at the book in a daze.

"Don't look directly at it, otherwise your spirit will be polluted and it will turn into something strange." Cui Yu quickly stretched out his hand to cover the eyes of the little girl in his hand.

"Ah, ah! How can a mere book pollute me?" The little girl slapped Cui Yu's palm away nonchalantly, stretched out her white and tender hand, and directly took the canopy-changing book in her hand.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu was shocked, he was still unable to resist the invasion of books, but this little girl has such abilities, is she extraordinary?
"I usually see that demon Taoist offering books like treasures. I can't even take a look at them. Unexpectedly, they still fall into my hands." The little girl flipped through the books happily.

"Are you literate?" Seeing the little girl flipping through the books, Cui Yu regained his energy and asked tentatively.

"Are you illiterate?" The little girl raised her head and cast a glance at Cui Yu, asked with a surprised face, then continued to look down at the book.

"..." Seeing the little girl's literate and fussy expression, Cui Yu held back her words when she heard the words.

This ghost world, do you want to be able to read and write?

"It's not really illiterate, is it?" The girl looked at Cui Yu with a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

"I'm illiterate, can you read the secret book to me?" Cui Yu is a studious person. It's embarrassing to be despised by a little girl, but if you miss the secret book first, you'd be a fool.

"You really can't read? How can you be so grown-up?" The girl blinked her eyes, as if she was a teacher in a school: "It seems that you don't study hard on weekdays, just like those bad kids. But see you take me Escape from the lair of the demon way, I will read it to you."

The girl's words are old-fashioned:

"This exercise is called "Tianpeng Transformation."

"5 years ago, a human Taoist named himself 'Tianpeng Marshal' and created his own practice method, which he called "Tianpeng Change". According to this method of practice, one child can be gradually conceived in the body, and after the fetus is formed, it will be transformed into The ancient evil 'canopy'. You can go up to the nine heavens and embrace the moon, and down you can enter the blue sky, canceling your life and death. Flying into the sky and escaping from the ground is omnipotent. This method is extremely fierce. After a long period of practice, wisdom gradually fades and thinking is sluggish. Cannot be done after success Falling asleep, once falling asleep is a hundred years, the soul will decay if it cannot survive, and a new soul will be born in the body."

The girl's voice was crisp and clear, shaking her head and reading in frustration, the ball on her head shaking back and forth:
"Taboo 1: Do not eat pork. Eating pork will pay the following price: karma reverses and the real body becomes a black pig. If a fellow monk eats a black pig, the speed of the canopy transformation can be increased by ten days. It can resist the power of lethargy, Avoid sleep.]”

"Taboo 2: Don't be contaminated with female sex. If you are contaminated with female sex, you will be invaded by strange forces and become a big tonic spirit pig. It is the true love of monks and demons. Swallowing the spirit pig can prolong life and increase Taoism."

Cui Yu was startled when he heard the words. After hearing about the taboo method, he thought about it, and then remembered one thing. Since this method prohibits female sex, then the dragon girl...

Listening to the girl reading the book in front of him, Cui Yu suddenly realized why the Taoist priest cultivated a group of apprentices and used them as food.

Taoist priests turn their apprentices into pigs, one is to increase their skills, and the other is to resist the disadvantages of canopy transformation.

"It's a good and decent exercise, but it was changed into a demon exercise by that monster." The girl over there suddenly stopped reciting, and couldn't help but complain:
"However, although this canopy change is very good, it is too easy to be plotted by people. Once you eat pork, it will turn into something weird..."

The girl shook her head and shook her head: "You must be a hermit in the deep mountains to practice, and you must not be known about this fatal flaw. It is far different from my martial arts "Shen Zuo Jing"."

"Although the kung fu has big flaws, and I'm still afraid of women's sex and pork, but this kung fu is just right for me, just right. These two taboos are not taboos for me." Cui Yu blinked.

Invasion by strange forces?

He is not afraid!

On the contrary, he was afraid that the strange force would not invade.All the strange powers are only his nourishment.

It's just that the cultivation techniques in this world seem to be somewhat evil!

What the hell is breaking the taboo and turning into a pig directly?

The girl over there had a disdainful face while talking and threw the book back into Cui Yu's hands.

"Why don't you read it anymore?" Cui Yu hurriedly caught the scripture carefully, and looked at the girl with his eyes.

"What's the use of reading such tasteless books?" The girl raised her neck arrogantly.

Cui Yu was speechless when he heard the words, and caressed the book lovingly: "It's tasteless to you, but it's the supreme scripture to me."

"Trouble you, please help me read." Cui Yu stepped forward to discuss.

The girl stared at Cui Yu with big eyes, and blinked innocently: "Cui Yu, don't you think I really know the words in this book? I'm only six years old this year, and I haven't studied the Enlightenment of Ethnology yet." Woolen cloth."

"Then what did you read earlier??" Cui Yu's head was full of question marks.

"The Taoist priest babbled in my ear all day long, and I wrote it down by accident." The girl showed a weird smile.

Cui Yu's smile froze on his face.

That's right!

This is the troublemaker I know, the troublemaker who almost drowned the old Taoist priest!
"Do you remember which family you are from?" Cui Yu changed the subject, he was afraid that he could not help punching the girl in the face.

Pretty good girl, but unfortunately she has a mouth.

"Of course I remember, I can't forget it at the age of three." The girl looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes: "Cui Yu, since you recited me, do you want to send me home?"

"Of course, do you remember the way?" Cui Yu asked.

"I was knocked out by that demon at that time, I don't even know where this place is, how can I know where my home is going?" The girl frowned: "But if you find a temple for me, I will naturally have a way to go home .”

How to go home after finding the Earth Temple?Is this girl the daughter of the land?

Before he could figure it out, the girl spoke again.

"By the way, you're not bad, you've hooked up that damned dragon, how's the beauty of the dragon?" The girl leaned forward and stared at Cui Yu with watery eyes, showing gossip.

"Why do you know everything?" Cui Yu's smile froze on his face, his eyes fixed on the girl in front of him.

This is a stain on Cui Yu's life!
"It's such a big place, what can you hide from Miss Ben?" The girl folded her arms and looked at Cui Yu: "You have a bit of Miss Ben's taste, and you sacrificed all your looks just to survive, so you are shameless." Jin, if you follow Miss Ben, we will definitely become the 'scum duo' of the Great Zhou Dynasty. You and I will be famous forever and become legends in the entire Kyushu."

"How about it? Hang out with me in the future." The girl patted Cui Yu's shoulder with a smile.

Looking at the girl with bright and white teeth, Cui Yu's face was a little hot, and a thought came to her mind: she is a pretty girl, but it's a pity that she has a mouth.

"How did you resist the power in this book?" Cui Yu chose to change the subject.

"Bloodline!" The girl looked at Cui Yu with a surprised expression: "You can break the taboo of that day, you must be a stranger, why don't you even know this?"

"An alien? A bloodline?" Cui Yu was puzzled.

Why did another alien and bloodline appear?

What kind of world is this?
"The foreigner is the bloodline!"

"In ancient times, there were monsters and other inconceivable forces that roamed the world. Human beings were mixed in with the weirdness, and they were the rations of hundreds of races. However, there are some lucky humans who not only resisted the strange power during the invasion of ghosts, but also Keep that strange power in your blood and pass it down from generation to generation."

"There are still some lucky ones who, when those ancient existences that created the world and died out, merged and contaminated the original laws of the gods and branded them in their blood."

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard the words, so that he had some understanding.

The girl chattered aside: "For example, the emperor of my human race's bloodline: Fuxi. It was the god of thunder that died in Lei Ze, the Huaxu family entered Lei Ze by mistake, and the god of thunder was reborn in Hua Xu's body. Only then did my human race Rising, under the leadership of Emperor Fu Xidao, began to resist the weirdness of the world."

"Although the blood of my human race is only the most common waste blood, it can accommodate the blood of hundreds of races in the heavens. In order to extend their lifespan, those immortal gods have borrowed my human blood to be reborn. There will always be some reborn gods who will stay In the human race, or leave a legacy in the human race, teach my human race some ways to resist weirdness."

"Human Emperor Fuxi? Hua Xu?"

The girl's voice was crisp and clear, and Cui Yu's heart was agitated when he heard it. He knew that there were gods in this world, but when he heard that familiar name, he still couldn't help but feel his blood boil.

"such a pity!"

Speaking of this, the girl's voice became low: "The peaceful days of my human race are coming to an end, and the real chaos is coming."

"How do you say it?" Cui Yu hurriedly asked, "Why is a catastrophe approaching?"

"Qi practitioners and bloodline practitioners are almost at the point where water and fire are incompatible. Our human race has experienced three emperors and five emperors for a total of 8000 years. In the world of Middle-earth, our human race is becoming stronger and stronger. Unfortunately, with the help of Qi trainers, King Wen of Zhou and King Wu made a covenant with Weird from all directions. After overthrowing the Great Xia Dynasty of King Yu, they worshiped Weiji wantonly and enshrined countless Weiji as my human race. After the gods, the whole family will worship with incense, and our human race will already be hard to suppress the Middle-earth world."

Cui Yu was taken aback when he heard the words: "Great Zhou? What era is it now? Could it be the Zhou Dynasty? The Emperor Zhou is in power?"

The girl rolled her eyes: "Would it be that if it wasn't the Great Zhou? It has been 5000 years since the founding of the Great Zhou, and the Emperor of Zhou and King Wen of Zhou have long passed away."

Speaking of this, the girl hesitated for a moment: "It's not right, Da Zhou has a divine edict to suppress the world, and it is possible for those two old things to be alive. In recent years, I heard that a heavenly palace appeared, maybe Da Zhou is behind it."

The girl only spoke a few words, but the information she could reveal was so huge that Cui Yu couldn't help feeling dizzy.

5000 years since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty?

What is the concept of 5000 years?comparable to Chinese history.

"Hello!" The girl suddenly shouted in Cui Yu's ear, interrupting Cui Yu's turbulent thoughts: "Come here!"

"Why?" Cui Yu leaned forward.

The girl looked Cui Yu up and down, and then stretched out her delicate hand to brush his cheek: "There is no slave mark, it seems that you are not a slave. What class are you?"

"Who are you waiting for?" Cui Yu was stunned.Are people still classified?

Thoughts flickered in his mind, the original body didn't have any concept of who was who.

"Seeing that your mind is in a daze, you don't even forget this?" The girl's eyes widened.

"First-class Son of Heaven. Second-class princes. Third-class officials. Fourth-class scholars. Fifth-class common people. Six-class slaves. You won't even forget this?" The girl patted Cui Yu's brain.

There was a burst of thunder in Cui Yu's mind, and the next moment there was a flood of resentment, mixed with endless murderous intentions, spreading overwhelmingly.

He is a commoner!

One of the most ordinary civilians!

But he offended a "scholar", and had to go into exile in order to survive, so he simply searched for the immortal way.

The cause is a slave!
The son of a "scholar" fell in love with his beautiful female slave. He and the female slave have been dependent on each other since childhood. Although they are slaves and masters, they love each other like siblings.

A figure flickered in Cui Yu's mind, and a shockingly beautiful face could not help breaking into his mind at this moment.

Even if he has seen countless girls in the 21st century, he is still amazed by them.

Although the woman in my memory is dressed in coarse linen clothes, which are always patched and mended, she is still thrillingly beautiful with her bare face.

What is a taxi?
Aristocrats, large and small, will keep a group of people who are responsible for fighting—these people are the main force in the battle on the battlefield, and they are the most reliable group to defend the nobles in peacetime. These people are called "scholars".

Like the "gentry" and "soldier" of later generations, they are all evolutions of this name.

A scholar is equivalent to a general in later generations, a person who specially escorts the nobles.

"What are you?" The girl withdrew her palm, her voice brought Cui Yu back from her memory, and her eyes began to light up: "It seems that you are weak in writing, but you don't look like a 'scholar'. I remembered, you only learned it in the demon way." Half of the canopy changed, but broke the method of the demon way, it must be the power of blood. Could it be that you are a nobleman?"

"Are you an abducted nobleman like me?" the girl asked, then shook her head in doubt: "But you are so old and illiterate, so it doesn't look like you."

(End of this chapter)

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