Chapter 5
"I'm not a nobleman!" Facing the girl's black and white eyes, Cui Yu did not choose to lie.

He is indeed no nobleman!
Not only are they not aristocrats, but even the scholar-bureaucrat class is not considered.

"Impossible!" The girl shook her head resolutely: "You are not a nobleman, and you don't have the power of blood. How did you break the curse? Could it be a scholar-bureaucrat?"

"It's not a scholar-bureaucrat either. It's just a commoner!" Cui Yu's expression was flat. Although he was not an aristocrat, he didn't think there was anything great about being an aristocrat, how much more noble than himself.

"You don't have the power of blood, how did you break the curse?" The girl's eyes widened.

Cui Yu said nothing.

"Civilian?" The girl couldn't believe it.

"He's a weird person. It's rare to have the courage and cunning!" The girl patted Cui Yu's shoulder.

The girl looked at Cui Yu, raised her delicate baby face, stared with her big eyes for a while, and then tenderly pushed Cui Yu's shoulder: "Stretch out your arms!"

"What?" Cui Yu was puzzled.

"Just stick it out, I am a nobleman, a proud daughter of heaven, will I still be unfavorable to you, a mere commoner?" The girl pinched Cui Yu's thin shoulder angrily.

Cui Yu had no choice but to stretch out his hand and hand it to the girl: "What are you doing?"

The girl lifted up the old sackcloth on Cui Yu's arm, stretched out the index finger of her left hand, and saw a drop of silver-white blood appearing on the palm as delicate as milk.

Before Cui Yu could react, the girl had already branded a strange symbol on Cui Yu's arm. The symbol turned into a streamer and penetrated into Cui Yu's muscles along the pores of his skin.

[Name: Cui Yu. 】

[Status: Human God. 】

[Talent: Usurpation. 】

[Divine Blood: Fifteen wisps. (The canopy has changed and the volume of scriptures has increased)]

[Supernatural power: material transformation. 】

[Discovering the invasion of strange forces, after usurping, you can get the technique of 'tuning birds'. 】

[Requires the blood of the Yulong family.If there is no Yulong's blood, each time a monster is controlled, one of its random organs will be obtained.Such as: fox tail, rabbit ears, tiger head, etc. 】

[Price: exempt. 】

Cui Yu couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this, and a thought flashed in his mind: "Get supernatural powers."

Then Cui Yu had a ray of information in his mind.

Not bothering to check the information, the girl proudly grabbed Cui Yu's arm and shook it back and forth: "From today on, you are my 'samurai'."

Cui Yu was stunned for a moment, and looked at the silver-white imprint on his arm, which was not washed away by the invasion of strange force.

"What is this?" Cui Yu was puzzled.

"This is the mark of my Yulong clan." The girl said triumphantly.

"Yulong family?" Cui Yu was puzzled.

"It is said that in the ancient times, my Yulong family once controlled a nine-day dragon to help the Yellow Emperor suppress the demon lord Chi You, and made great contributions to the pacification of our human race. Unfortunately, the world is peaceful now, and the Dazhou and the eight parties have a weird covenant, and the dragon clan is named Zhou Tianzi , I have become a minister with me, and I, Yulongshikong, have the power to control dragons, but I can't catch real dragons from all over the world." Wu Zhao's eyes showed a hint of depression.

"My Yulong clan's blood needs to be nourished by real dragons, otherwise the power will not be as good as the next generation. Since Zhou Tianzi covenanted ghosts and gods, my Yulong clan has not captured real dragons for 5000 years, and can only cultivate dragon snakes to maintain it. It is not as good as one generation. It's been a generation." There was a hint of faintness in the girl's eyes:
"Originally, the dragon girl from the West Sea crossed the catastrophe. My ancestors secretly planned to teach me to take the opportunity to capture her and become the foundation of my Yulong clan. Unfortunately, I met a Qi practitioner in Laoshan and ruined the opportunity."

The girl gritted her teeth in hatred when she said this: "This account will eventually be settled one day."

Cui Yu's heart felt cold when he heard this, he seemed to have heard something important.

"What is a warrior?" Cui Yu was puzzled.

"When I become a nobleman, you will be my subordinate gentry. If I become a monarch, you will be my vassal."

The sorrows and joys of young people come and go quickly, at this time he shook Cui Yu's arm triumphantly: "You are a commoner, your status is too low, and you are only worth the money of two cows. Wouldn't it be a pity that a brutal noble killed you? With this mark, you are mine! No matter what kind of noble she is, she needs to give me three points. Of course, the premise is that you don't take the initiative to offend the noble. Go kill yourself."

"How is it? Am I treating you well?" The girl's face was full of complacency.

"Is this thing also useful for warriors?" Cui Yu suddenly thought of the warrior of the great noble.

"A mere samurai, how dare you not give me the face of the Yulong family?" The girl snorted, and then lowered her voice: "However, if you are in a barren mountain and wild ridge, it is hard to say that there are no people around. The other party killed you. If you want to track down in the future Can't do it."

Cui Yu was thoughtful when he heard the words.

"I've been talking for a long time, but I still don't know your name?" Cui Yu asked suddenly in a daze.

"My warrior, remember, your lord's name is: Wu Zhao." The girl suddenly smiled and made a strange gesture solemnly.


Seeing the girl's strange and serious appearance, Cui Yu suddenly laughed out loud.The girl's small face suddenly collapsed, and she muttered dissatisfiedly: "I am your lord, you don't have any dignity at all when you call me that."

"What lord, you little brat, believe it or not, I will send you back to that Taoist priest now?" Cui Yu rubbed the ball head on top of the girl's head.

The girl's face collapsed: "Cui Yu, you can't do this when there are many people in the future. I, Wu Zhao, will be the lord of the country in the future. One day I will overthrow this bullshit covenant of the gods and reproduce the suppression of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. The boldness of the world, let the world know the name of my Yulong clan."

Cui Yu replied with a smile: "Okay, from now on, I will respect you three points in front of people."

The girl's eyes lit up, and then she leaned over like a pug: "By the way, how did you kill that Taoist priest earlier? The canopy of the demonic practice has changed, and the cultivation base is not to say that it reaches the sky, but it is also a roll with copper skin and iron bones." Daorou can be regarded as a big demon. You have only practiced for a few months, and you can kill him?"

"It's the dragon girl's ability." Cui Yu played sloppy.

"Come on, if the little reptile has that kind of ability, it won't be stripped of dragon tendons and scales." Wu Zhao looked at Cui Yu dissatisfied: "Cui Yu, don't fool me! I'm your lord , You and I share weal and woe, there are no secrets between us."

Seeing the girl's approaching face and the faint fragrance from the nostrils, Cui Yu stretched out his hand and pinched the girl's fair face, feeling amazingly elastic: "Children don't inquire about adult affairs."

"Go to the Earth Temple first, and I'll take you home." Cui Yu turned around and told the girl to lie on her back.


The girl didn't get on Cui Yu's back, but kicked Cui Yu staggeringly, then raised her head to look at the birds in the jungle.

The next moment the whistle came out, and hundreds of birds flapped their wings within a radius of ten miles, and the flocks were quite spectacular.

Cui Yu looked at this scene in amazement, with curiosity in his eyes: Is this the power of blood?This is the stranger?
The next moment the birds dispersed, only Wu Zhao stood there quietly.

Cui Yu didn't bother, and after a while, he saw a sparrow flying over and landed in the girl's ear, whispering.

"Goodbye, there is an earth temple ten miles away, remember to go to Yulong's to find me." The girl glanced at Cui Yu and strode away.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Cui Yu hurriedly ran over and asked.

"No need. Hmph!" The girl glared at Cui Yu arrogantly, and the next moment, the birds all over the sky returned, and then rushed over in an instant, dragging the girl away from the sky.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu's eyes widened in shock, and he quickly ran after him: "Wait for me."

"No see! Never see you again! You unqualified warrior." The girl snorted arrogantly, and the person had disappeared into the sky.

Looking at the empty sky, Cui Yu was a little dazed: "What kind of world is this?"

Feeling the five wisps of divine blood in the body, the luster is dim at this time, obviously all of it has been consumed when killing the demon.

"If you want to restore the power of the divine blood, you need to gather the essence of the five grains, nourish your body with energy, and eat more spiritual things." Cui Yu has the divine blood in his body, so he already knows the characteristics of the divine blood.

Although there are only five strands of divine blood, it possesses incredible power.

In his perception, the opportunities in the blood were swallowed by the divine blood, and as the blood was swallowed, the divine blood gradually regained a ray of luster.

Moreover, the "Canopy Transformation" in his arms is also continuously providing strange powers. Cui Yu estimates that it will take less than an hour to recover his divine power again.

Looking at the strange skill 'Tuning Birds' I got, I couldn't help scratching my head: "The skill of Tunning Birds is also divided into levels. It is generally related to the amount of supernatural power. The supernatural person can control the divine beast dragon, phoenix and unicorn. The second one can subdue the demon king , big monsters. The third one is wolves, tigers and leopards in the mountains. The third one is poultry and birds.”

Looking at the introduction about supernatural powers, Cui Yu clearly found that it seemed that he was only qualified to control ordinary birds.

As for wolves, tigers and leopards?
It's fine if you don't swallow him in one gulp.

Cui Yu looked at the birds in the sky with his eyes, and shook his head after a little thought: "Go home first."

His level of bird mobilization is too low, and it is not an easy job to catch birds.

Thinking about it, Cui Yu has nowhere to go, he can only think of going home, thinking of his parents at home, and a sense of anxiety arises in his heart.

The original body left a mess waiting for him to clean up.

Originally lived in Lijia Village, Weiliangjie Mountain, Hezhou

Although life at home is difficult, they can barely survive by farming the land for the nobles.

It's a pity that there is a beautiful slave girl in my family, who was targeted by the son of the "scholar", and she refused to sell the slave, but the son of the "scholar" came to the door to force the sale, so the young man was full of blood, and directly sent the "scholar" 'The son opened the scoop.

I only remember that the man's face was covered with blood, the whole yard was in a mess, and then Yuanshen took the opportunity to escape overnight.

Thinking back to this point, Cui Yu couldn't help feeling anxious, as if he had personally experienced this matter.

"I don't know whether it was because I awakened Su Hui or what the reason is. This incident seems to me to have experienced it myself. If I hadn't awakened my memory, it would be fine for a young man to be ignorant. If he ran away, he would run away and wander around the world since then. But my body As an adult, of course I know the power of it, I ran away while I was in trouble, but what about my parents, younger brother, and younger sister? That 'scholar' will never let it go." Cui Yu walked, countless thoughts flickered in his mind .

Scholars, not nobles, are military leaders raised by nobles, equivalent to generals of feudal dynasties, who specialize in fighting for nobles.

Words such as guards and warriors in later generations all come from this.

Although he is not considered a nobleman, as a person who escorts the nobles, his status is definitely not low.

Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's mind, he took out the silver in the package and counted it, and then looked at the mark on his arm.

"At least try it! I don't know if there are demons in this world, but I can't do nothing. It's been three months, I just hope it's still too late." Cui Yu felt the slow movement in his body At this time, the divine blood has regained its golden glow.

When he came, the Taoist priest led the way, but when he went back, Cui Yu had a difficult time. There were identical forests everywhere. He only knew the general direction, but he couldn't remember the way at all.

If you go on indiscriminately, you don't know how many detours you will have to take.

After pondering for a long time, Cui Yu simply stopped under a big tree, raised his head to look at the bird's nest on the tree, and took off his clothes after looking at it for a long time, then climbed up the tree and came to the huge bird's nest.

I don't know what kind of bird's nest it is, Cui Yu looked at it for a while but couldn't tell, climbed up the tree, took out the rope clothes, and began to set traps on the bird's nest.

Fortunately, Cui Yu took a piece of rope with him when he left Yao Taoist's house, and then carefully tore open his clothes to make a cover, and then propped the cover open with a branch, and then carefully climbed down the tree.

Unable to find his way home, Cui Yu felt a little fortunate that he had obtained the skill of mobilizing birds.As long as he catches a bird, no matter what it is, as long as he catches it, he can use the bird to identify the direction.

As time passed, Cui Yu didn't stay idle even after he got down from the big tree, and began to collect dry firewood to prepare for the fire.

He will never forget the rules of survival in the wild.

Especially in this primitive society, who knows if there are any beasts?
Or are there monsters?
Lighting a bunch of bonfires, after all, gave me a sense of security and gave myself a little bit of security.

As the sun set, the birds in the sky returned to the forest one after another. Cui Yu looked at the nests, but he never saw the birds return.

"If I knew it earlier, I should have told her to leave me a bird, otherwise why would it take so much effort?" Cui Yu muttered, and suddenly he heard a particularly powerful sound of flapping wings, and the frightened birds scattered in the jungle, and a black shadow Passing across the eyes, there was a 'collapse' sound from the bird's nest, the trap was bounced off, and then the fallen leaves on the big tree were flying, and there was a violent struggle.

Seeing this, Cui Yu's eyes lit up, looking at the struggling black figure in the branches and leaves, he quickly stretched out his hand and climbed towards the big tree: "I fell into a trap. This is definitely not an ordinary bird."

Cui Yu climbed up the tree nimbly, and as he approached, a figure the size of a fist came into view.

"sparrow hawk!"

Seeing this, Cui Yu couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Although the sparrowhawk is only the size of a fist, it is definitely a well-deserved bird of prey. It specializes in feeding on birds and can hunt and kill birds that are bigger than itself.

The sparrowhawk is definitely the overlord of the 'finch' species, and even hunts and kills snakes.

(End of this chapter)

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