Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 6 Grandpa is a good man

Chapter 6 Grandpa is a good man
Although the sparrowhawk is small, only the size of an adult's fist, but in terms of ferocity, it is by no means worse than any beast.

At this time, Sparrowhawk fell into Cui Yu's trap, and his whole leg was caught in a rope, hanging from a tree branch.

Seeing Cui Yu climbing up from under the tree, he flapped his wings fiercely, and the leaves rattled when the whole wings vibrated, and an unknown number of leaves fell from the branches.

He even threw himself at Cui Yu's face.

"What a ferocious sparrowhawk." Cui Yu shrank his eyes, took off his robe the next moment, and covered the sparrowhawk on the tree directly.

No matter how fierce the sparrowhawk is, it has no strength to struggle after being covered by the clothes. Following Cui Yu's gathering of his robes, the living space of the sparrowhawk is compressed, and then he catches the sparrowhawk with a lift of the rope and tells him to fix it under the clothes There is no longer any strength to struggle.

After wrapping up his robe, Cui Yu climbed down the tree, stretched out his hand to pull the sparrowhawk out of his robe, looked at the shining sparrowhawk, and stared at him with a ferocious expression, constantly struggling and shaking his body, trying his best Turning his head and wanting to scratch Cui Yu's hand, Cui Yu sneered, the divine power in his body flowed, and he began to chanting spells, accompanied by the circulation of the divine blood in his body, when the four eyes met, his spirit and energy transformed into a mark, like a sharp sword shot into Sparrowhawk's eye.

The next moment, Cui Yu's spiritual imprint appeared in an inexplicable space out of thin air. There were countless blue air currents rotating in that space. An eagle soared in the sky and rolled up countless blue air currents, engulfing the mighty air and attacking Cui Yu's imprint.

Cui Yu's spiritual imprint turned into a golden rope at this time, and a flickering light passed through the cyan airflow and was bound to the eagle's body. Then the golden rope turned into tiny runes, branded into the eagle's body, Make a series of golden chains to run through the body of the eagle, just like meridians, shuttling through the eagle's spirit body.

Then Cui Yu started chanting spells, and the next moment he heard a scream, and countless golden chains disappeared from the eagle's spiritual world.

Cui Yu opened his eyes

A pair of eyes looked at the sparrowhawk in his hand, and saw a touch of fear in the sparrowhawk's eyes, and stopped struggling.

Cui Yu loosened the wings that restrained the Sparrowhawk, and flicked the Sparrowhawk's head with his palm. The Sparrowhawk's eyes were fierce, but his head leaned involuntarily.

He has a heart of resistance, but his body has already betrayed him.

"Two strands of divine blood were consumed." Cui Yu put Sparrowhawk on his shoulder, feeling the flow of divine blood in his body, and then took out the dried meat from the package and put it on the grill for grilling.

The aroma of the barbecue spread, and while eating the barbecue, Cui Yu fed a piece of barbecue to the sparrowhawk, and sat in front of the campfire to recover.

The world passed by a little bit, the full moon rose in the sky, and the howling of wolves came from the mountains. Cui Yu sat in front of the campfire, letting the sparrowhawks fly back to the nest, and slowly closed his eyes, recalling the way of meditation taught by a Taoist priest , Practice the method of Qi training.

Although practicing that qi training formula would turn him into a pig, Cui Yu didn't care.Moreover, all the born qi will be swallowed by the divine power in the body in an instant, and there is no time for the birth of strangeness.

The world passed by bit by bit, and I don't know how long it took. When Cui Yu opened his eyes again, he was suddenly shocked.

I saw a Taoist priest wearing a plain soap robe sitting in front of the blazing bonfire at some point, holding a branch in his hand, with steamed buns on the branch, grilling in front of the bonfire.

The Taoist priest has gray beard and hair, and looks old, but there is no trace of age on his face.

"Who are you?" Cui Yu's eyes widened in shock.

"Are you awake?" The old Taoist looked at the steamed buns in his hand without raising his head, as if there was nothing more important in the world than baking steamed buns.

Cui Yu said nothing, but raised his vigilance.

"Are you a disciple of Laoshan?" The old Taoist took the steamed buns back from the bonfire, took a bite in his mouth with satisfaction, and turned to look at Cui Yu.

"Who are you?" Cui Yu didn't answer the old Taoist's words.

"Laoshan Taoist: Zhu Wuneng. Since you practice Laoshan Taoism, you should know that I am." The old Taoist took out a gourd from nowhere while eating a baked bun, and the aroma of wine spread in the air.

"Laoshan Taoist priest?" Cui Yu couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

He had just killed a Laoshan Taoist priest, and now he seemed to foresee an even older one.

It seems that in this unpredictable world, the longer you live, the greater your ability.

"Greetings, senior." Cui Yu remained calm, but his thoughts changed suddenly, and he saluted the old Taoist with his hands.

"Boy, I know the etiquette, but it's a pity that the talent is too poor. The old Taoist sees you breathing here for an hour, but you haven't even raised a breath. You are really rotten!" The old Taoist shook his head.

Cui Yu's heart skipped a beat, he had developed energy in his body, but it was swallowed by divine blood.

This is a perfect misunderstanding.

"Chunming, that blind man, actually took you, a elm lump, as his apprentice? You didn't cultivate in Xiaowangzhuang, why did you appear here?" The old Taoist's words seemed careless, but Cui Yu's heart couldn't help beating wildly.

Chunming is the name of that monster!

This Zhu Wu can know Yao Dao.

And it looks like a good relationship.

The old Taoist seemed to speak casually, but Cui Yu understood.The only way to enter Xiaowangzhuang is to become a pig, and there is no chance to come out. I am afraid that my appearance here in the middle of the night has already aroused the suspicion of the old Taoist.

As long as one of his answers is inappropriate, the old Taoist will definitely rise up and restrain himself and bring him back to Xiaowangzhuang, or kill himself directly.

When he was brought back to Xiaowangzhuang, the old Taoist saw that the demon Dao Chunming was dead, and he would die at that time.But to kill himself directly, Cui Yu didn't think he had a chance to resist.

"How does the Taoist master know the taboo of respecting the master?" Cui Yu pretended to be surprised, and quickly explained: "I am too poor in talent and was disliked by the master. Originally, the master wanted to expel me from the house, but I begged hard, saying that my family was a bad boy. My younger brother is extremely talented and can be introduced to the master. The master can't bear my begging, so he can only promise me that as long as I introduce my cousin to the sect, he will give me a chance to enter the sect. The disciple is about to go home and invite my cousin to enter the Tao .”

"So that's how it is." The old Taoist ate the steamed buns thoughtfully: "Your talent is really too low. What you practiced is only superficial formulas, which don't even count as beginners, but you still can't raise your energy. You are really an unprecedented waste."

"The old Taoist knows my master?" Cui Yu leaned forward and asked at this moment.

"Hey, the old Taoist is your grandpa, and Chunming is my disciple. Good disciple, come and pay your respects to your grandpa." The old Taoist stared at him with a smile.

"It turns out that the grandpa master was in person, and the disciples are paying homage to the grandpa master." Cui Yu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly "thumped" to his knees, and excitedly climbed in front of the old Taoist priest, billowing up a cloud of smoke, knelt down and kowtowed, Dust flew up on the knocked ground.

"Good disciple, he is filial." The old Taoist stretched out his palm, helped Cui Yu up, looked at the red mark on Cui Yu's forehead, and nodded with satisfaction: "Although a person is a bit useless, a heart is Sincerely."

"Grandpa Grandpa, this disciple is stupid. Although he has a magic formula in his hand, he still can't get started. I ask Grandpa Master to guide me through the maze." Cui Yu said earnestly and sincerely.

"You want to cultivate "Canopy Transformation" so much? Do you want to get started?" The old Taoist had a strange expression upon hearing this.

"I think about it every day, day and night, I only hate myself for being stupid." Cui Yu's eyes turned red.

"Since you have this heart, meeting me is considered your luck." The old Taoist looked at Cui Yu with a strange expression: "Come forward, I will teach you the formula carefully."

Cui Yu bit the bullet and stepped forward, looking at the old Taoist anxiously.

The old Taoist opened his mouth and said "Canopy Transformation" again, then looked at Cui Yu: "Do you understand?"

"Understood." Cui Yu nodded vigorously.

"Tell me how to practice." The old Taoist looked at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu sat cross-legged on the ground, but he was worried in his heart. If the power of the blood in his body was discovered by the old Taoist...wouldn't it be a bad idea?
But at this time Cui Yu had no choice but to bite the bullet and meditate. When the old Taoist really discovered the power of divine blood, it would not be too late to find an excuse to shirk.

Immediately, he began to exhale and breathe, but the sense of qi had just been born in his body, and he had already been absorbed by the divine blood before entering the dantian.

Seeing Cui Yu sitting there cultivating, but unable to get in, the old Taoist stroked his gray beard and said, "It's really a rotten tree! It's your luck to meet your grandpa."

While talking, a big hand patted Cui Yu's head, and Cui Yu's heart trembled in shock: "Could it be that this old man saw a flaw, sensed the power of divine blood, and wanted to kill me?"

Before Cui Yu finished changing his thoughts, the voice of the old Taoist came to his ears: "My ancestor will help you, so you can use your exercises to survive, and you must not disappoint my ancestor's heart."

Then a warm current poured into Cui Yu's body from the top of his head.

[Discover the invasion of strange forces. 】

[The innate supernatural power 'Usurpation' activates. 】

[Extract a wisp of divine blood. 】

[God blood +1. 】

[God blood +1. 】

[Sacred blood +++]

Hearing the reminder in his ear, Cui Yu was stunned, and then exulted in his heart: "Didn't you discover the power of divine blood? This old Taoist is a good man! A very good man!"

Cui Yu felt relieved when the old Taoist priest couldn't discover the power of divine blood.

The mana of the old Taoist priest is mellow and poured into Cui Yu's body continuously, but Cui Yu's body is like a sponge, or like a bottomless pit. Like a mud cow entering the sea.

"Eh???" The old Taoist realized that the mana he poured into Cui Yu's body had disappeared, he couldn't help but froze, and then frowned: "That's weird!"

He originally wanted to help Cui Yu practice Qi, and then add food tonight, but who would have encountered such a strange thing again?

"Old Ancestor, I really don't believe it. How much mana can you swallow for a mere mortal with a mere mortal body? My Ancestor, I have practiced for 300 years. If I can't even transform you as a mortal, isn't this old man all-in-one capable?" Cultivated to a dog?" The old Taoist scratched his head, feeling strange that mana entered Cui Yu's body and disappeared out of thin air.

"I can transform even a pig ancestor, let alone a person?" The old Taoist couldn't help but forcefully open the dantian in Cui Yu's body.

As mentioned earlier, people who practice canopy change will have the habits of pigs, and their brain intelligence will continue to degenerate.

At this time, the old Taoist really became stubborn in his heart!

Feeling the increase of divine blood, Cui Yu pretended to work hard and breathed desperately, but the qi mechanism in his body was turbulent and changing, and he still couldn't get through the meridians to create a sense of qi.

"I really don't believe it yet." The old Taoist priest sat in front of the fire with a stubborn look in his eyes as he continued to use his mana.

Time passed bit by bit, until the sky was full of light and the first ray of morning sun rose, the old Taoist with a pale complexion retracted his palm, and his eyes fixed on Cui Yu.

Noticing that the old Taoist priest stopped irrigating his divine power, Cui Yu opened his eyes and looked at the old Taoist priest anxiously, his eyes full of uneasiness: "Grandpa Patriarch, disciple...disciple...."

"It's really rotten wood that can't be carved, no wonder that fellow Chunming drove you out. I have practiced for 300 years and I have seen countless waste wood, but this is the first time I have seen it like you. It stands to reason that after the old man helped you overnight, even A pig should also be enlightened..." A drop of sweat remained on the old Taoist's temples.

"Grandfather Master, is this disciple hopeless?" Cui Yu lowered his voice, looking at the old Taoist priest in front of him with a strange look in his eyes, wishing that the old Taoist priest would pull him and irrigate him fiercely all night.

"Practice? Just think about it! I'm afraid you want to fart." The old Taoist couldn't help but swear, and stood up with a wave of his sleeve.

He just wanted an extra meal, why is it so difficult?This whole night almost put me on it.That is the mana that I have cultivated hard, and I don't know how long it will take to make up for the consumption of this night.

Cui Yu looked at the swearing old Taoist priest with an innocent look on his face. He was the director of a film crew in his previous life. Although he was not an actor, his acting skills were outstanding.

Seeing the old Taoist limping and turning around to leave, Cui Yu hastily shouted, "Grandfather, where are you going?"

"Go to Xiaowangzhuang to discuss with your master." The old Taoist said without looking back: "Remember to pick up your cousin and come back quickly. By the way, if your seven aunts and eight aunts want to cultivate immortality, they can all pick them up." come on."

The old Taoist left with trembling legs, Cui Yu silently looked back at the bonfire on the ground, and then at the divine blood in his body: "Three hundred wisps."

Overnight, it was better than the previous sum!

Three hundred strands!It can convert fifty or sixty coins!
"Good man! He is really a good man in the world of cultivating immortals! In the future, I will definitely set up a memorial archway for you, and set up an archway for worship day and night." Cui Yu was moved to tears.

Although three hundred strands of divine blood are just a drop in the ocean compared to the 12 strands required for one drop of divine blood, and only those who have cultivated [-] drops of divine blood can begin to embark on the path of demigods, but the three hundred strands of divine blood have For the five wisps of divine blood, that was a qualitative improvement.

At least when I got home, I had greater confidence in my plans.

"O benevolent man of the tenth world!"

Cui Yu sighed with emotion, looked at the back of the old Taoist priest, performed a full set of plays, and knelt down on the ground and kowtowed: "The apprentice and grandson kowtowed to you, old man."

Cui Yu shouted with tears in his eyes.

Then he looked at the sparrowhawk on the tree, and the next moment the sparrowhawk soared into the sky, and everything in a radius of a hundred miles came into view clearly.

"I have to hurry up, otherwise when the old Taoist priest arrives at Xiaowangzhuang and finds out the truth of the matter, I'm afraid I'll have a cramp." A thought flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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