Chapter 7

The Yaodao Chunming has the ability to fly in the air, let alone the old Taoist who is known as Master Chunming?

Cui Yu raised his head to look at the sparrow eagle in the sky, with divine power flowing in his body, as if he had an extra pair of eyes in the dark, soaring above the blue sky and white clouds, he could see all the scenes within a hundred miles.

"That's the direction." At this moment, Cui Yu used Sparrowhawk's vision to determine the location at a glance, then picked up the package on the ground, and ran to the distance with a whistle.

This place is not far from Xiaowangzhuang, who knows when the old Taoist will come back?
The old Taoist priest went to Xiaowangzhuang and found that Chunming was dead, but he escaped a catastrophe. God knows if he will come back to greet him?
The only thing to be thankful for is that all the brothers are still alive.

Moreover, the old Taoist canopy became more and more practiced, and his brain seemed to have something wrong with his practice, and he began to become dull like a pig's brain.

Cui Yu galloped all the way with the package on his back, and countless memories flooded out of his mind.

River State Guard


My parents are just the most ordinary civilians. There are also a younger brother and a younger sister in the family, as well as a female slave 'Yu'.

Yu's name is Yu, which is the same as the country name of Dayu.

There are [-] vassal states under Zhou Tianzi, and Dayu State is one of the [-] vassal states under the jurisdiction of Zhou Tianzi. It is a small country with low national power, only as big as Jiangnan Province in later generations.

It stands to reason that the Jiangnan Province of the later generations is not small, but it is still too insignificant for the Great Wilderness and Demon Kingdom, which occupies hundreds of millions of miles.

Yu has no name. Cui Yu was picked up by Cui Yu in the water when he was four years old. At that time, "Yu" was five years old and became Cui Yu's slave.

There are countless aristocrats of all sizes in Dayu, and even more "scholars", but there are only a few of the most famous ones.

The Li Family Village in Liangjie Mountain, where Cui Yu lives, belongs to the territory of the aristocratic Xiang family.

Under the Xiang family, there are eight major "scholar" families, as well as the Qing Dafu composed of countless bloodlines from the Xiang family's main family.

Cui Yu sorted out the thoughts in his mind as he walked.

"It seems that the one I opened is one of the descendants of the Chen family, one of the Eight Great Scholars: Chen Sheng." Cui Yu paused: "Chen Sheng, this name is very interesting."

It is similar to the name of a colleague of the Daze Township Uprising in later generations.

"One of the Eight Great Scholars' families, the Chen family, even though the Chen family that Chen Sheng belongs to is only one of the original families, it should not be underestimated. In this era of talking about fellow villagers and the same party, offending a branch of the Chen family is offending the entire Chen family." Home." Cui Yu became more and more worried.

"Fortunately, Hezhouwei is the fiefdom of King Xiang's third son, and it seems that the Chen family is not against him." The thoughts in Cui Yu's mind were churning rapidly.

The whole of Dayu is the land of the Xiang family, and countless descendants of the Xiang family divided up and suppressed the land of Dayu.

Although the Eight Great Scholars are loyal to King Xiang's subordinates, they have a constant relationship with King Xiang's princes.

Just like a certain prince in later generations, and a general in the court.

Of course, the difference from later generations is that the Xiang family enfeoffed nobles from all over the country and has absolute dominion over the territory.

The Chen family in Liangjie Mountain is just a branch of the main family with the Chen surname in the Dayu Dynasty. With the founding of the Xiang family and the distribution of feudal titles, the leaves gradually fell and took root, and each bet on the princes.

For thousands of years, the Dayu Kingdom has not been without swordsmen and civil strife. The eight major families have already used their brains, and the branches of the major families have branched out all over the place.

"Xiang Yan, the third son of King Xiang." A word flashed in Cui Yu's mind: "Isn't it a bit too coincidental? Could there be Xiang Yu? It's a pity that he was originally a farmer with little knowledge, so he didn't know the heroes of the world at all. .”

"In the Liangjie Mountains, the Chen family can't easily cover the sky with one hand." Cui Yu was thoughtful, stopping and stopping along the way to cover his footprints, until it was dark and he had only traveled eighty miles.

Let's talk about Xiaowangzhuang

The old Taoist Zhu Wuneng stood in the room with a gloomy face, looking at the bloody corpse on the kang, his face was gloomy like water.

Walking out of the courtyard and sweeping across the messy courtyard, all the money was looted.

The entire courtyard was deadly silent. All the disciples had already packed their bags and left cleanly, only the floor was in a mess, with cabinets and baskets overturned on the ground.

"Who killed Chunming?" Zhu Wuneng took a deep breath: "It's a big trouble."

"My intention was to train Chunming to survive the catastrophe for me, but who knows that it can be harvested when I see it, and this kind of thing happened?" Lake, taking advantage of Xihai Longnv's robbing, but who knows that she was killed at a critical moment."

"Could it be that the Xihai Dragon Clan noticed that I had plotted against the Dragon Girl and came to kill Chunming? Impossible! This is the Great Zhou, and it is impossible for the Dragon Clan to kill people here openly. Moreover, Chunming is very skilled, and he can kill Chunming with a single blow. To kill him, to break his copper skin and iron frame, is definitely not mediocre." The old Taoist thought to himself:
"Or is it that the old enemy from the past came to the door?"

As for those apprentices murdering the master?
The old Taoist didn't think in any direction at all.

What is Chunming's cultivation?Standing there and telling this group of people to kill, this group of people can do nothing.

"I took advantage of the time when the Dragon Girl of the West Sea was crossing the catastrophe, and now I am about to cross the catastrophe, but I have suffered a terrible disaster. Is it really karma?" The old Taoist's face became even more ugly.

"Sorry! I'm trying to cultivate new seeds, but it's too late. I'm afraid the old man will take over himself."

Speaking of this, the sorrow on his face became more and more serious, and then he suddenly realized, and slapped his head suddenly: "I heard that there is a longevity golden pill in Dalin Temple, and swallowing it will have the power of indestructibility. There are ginseng fruits in Wuzhuang Temple. , swallowing it has the magic method of immortality..."

He didn't care to settle accounts with Cui Yu, so he decided to find a way to survive the calamity first.

Although the big volume of practice scriptures is the power of righteous enlightenment, it still encounters strange accidents. This is the price of stealing the mysteries of the sun and the moon, and the good fortune of heaven and earth.

"But how can we get it out! Whether it is Dalin Temple or Wuzhuang Temple, they are all masters like clouds." The old Taoist scratched his head, and the gray hair on his head turned white again.

Turning his head to look at the pigsty, the remaining three pigs howled in the pigsty with desperate expressions.Seeing the old Taoist priest looking over, they slammed into the railing of the pigsty one after another, hoping that the old Taoist priest could let him out.

Looking at the big fat pig in the pigsty, the old Taoist swallowed hard, and then forced himself to look away: "No, you can't go astray. The most important thing right now is to avoid the investigation of the East China Sea and Dongting Lake. The treasure has survived the calamity. There is also the girl from the Yulong clan, I am afraid that the Yulong clan has already got the news, and the Yulong clan will not be offended."

Swallowing his saliva while talking, he strode out of the manor.

between the mountains
The birds and cicadas are singing, and the green grass is so uncomfortable.

Cui Yu held the satchel on his shoulders, wiped the sweat from his temples, and sat under the big tree, fanning the cattail fan vigorously in his hand, raised his head to look at the scorching sun, took out the dry food in the package, and started to eat.

In the distance, there are skinny farmers in ragged clothes, weeding the fields.

"It's a world where individuals cannibalize people. All the land in the world belongs to the nobles, and the common people can only farm for the nobles, and they can't even get enough food and clothing for a year." Cui Yu continued to sort out clues based on the memories in his mind. More and more desperate.

This is definitely a society where people eat people.

Three, six, nine, and so on are as distinct as a natural moat that cannot be crossed.

A farmer's son will always be a farmer, and a slave's son will always be a slave.Aristocrats will always be nobles, born above all living beings, and treat common people as dogs.

After a short rest, Cui Yu stood up and continued on his way, not daring to delay for a moment, for fear that the old Taoist priest would catch up behind him.

Cui Yu walked for three days and three nights, relying on sparrow eagles to find water sources along the way, constantly identifying the direction to find the way, and finally returned to the familiar village.

Standing far behind the big tree at the head of the village, looking at the quiet and peaceful small village, Cui Yu felt anxious, and drove Sparrowhawk to fly towards the village.

The sparrowhawks flew by in shock.

A familiar dilapidated courtyard came into view. Through the perspective of Sparrowhawk, Cui Yu saw the familiar courtyard and the familiar figures in the courtyard, and his nose felt sore for no reason.


Everyone is here!
The worst didn't happen.

The sparrowhawk returned and landed on the branch. Cui Yuzuo's anxious heart gradually returned to calm. Sitting behind the big tree, he began to think: "It's weird, I've already opened Chen Sheng, and the Chen family didn't take revenge? It's impossible, isn't it? ?”

After driving the sparrowhawk to fly around the village a few more times, but seeing nothing unusual, I became even more puzzled.

"Brother Cui?" Just when Cui Yu was puzzled and racked his brains but couldn't figure out the reason, a pleasantly surprised voice came from not far away.

Cui Yu turned his head and saw a young man standing under the shade of a tree looking at him with surprise on his face. The most important thing was that this young man was carrying a patterned tiger on his body.

The appearance is clear and handsome, with bright ears and shoulders.The young man has a South China tiger slanted across his back, and his character and appearance are upright and upright.The face is powdered and the teeth are like jade, and the high bridge of the nose is like gall hanging.Lin Lin's stature is one foot tall, and his immortal demeanor is not extraordinary. "

Looking at the flawless face in front of him, Cui Yu suddenly had a feeling in his heart: "If you give birth to me, Cui Yu, how can you give birth to this person?"

So handsome!

The whole person is flawless, even Song Yu and Pan An are a little bit inferior.

The most important thing is that Cui Yu saw the dead tiger on the young man's back, and couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart, even the pride of getting the blood of God disappeared.

Yang Erlang!
Cui Yu's neighbors were all starved to death when Cui Yu was five years old, and the whole house was left empty.One day half a year later, Cui Yu suddenly discovered that his neighbor had an extra little Douding.At that time, Yang Erlang was eight years old. He was dirty all over and didn't even have a decent clothes. No one knew where he came from, but suddenly he settled down next door to Cui Yu's house. Beasts, fish and shrimp allay your hunger.

Cui's mother saw that he was pitiful, so she often helped him, ate and mended clothes.

Although he is not his own son, he is still considered a half son.

The two grew up together, not brothers, but more brothers.

The most important thing is that as this guy grows older, he has a supernatural power.

That's a tiger!
Although Yang Erlang had the ability to subdue a fierce tiger in his memory, Cui Yu still took a breath when he saw Yang Erlang walking in the mountains with a tiger weighing hundreds of catties on his back.

Some people spend their whole lives on the road to Rome, while others are born in Rome.

Just relying on the strength of this arm, it is better than Taoists who have practiced hard for hundreds of years.

"Second brother Yang?" Cui Yu stood up in surprise.

"Where did brother go these days? Tell auntie to find it." Yang Erlang leaned forward and looked at Cui Yu.

"It didn't cause trouble." Cui Yu smiled wryly and said, "I wanted to run away, but halfway I thought, what if my family is involved? So I quietly turned back."

Cui Yu stared at the tiger head on Yang Erlang's back, it had become limp and battered, with blood oozing from the mouth and nose.Turning his gaze to Yang Erlang's flawless face: "How is my family? Have you ever been implicated?"

Yang Erlang smiled when he heard the words: "It's good that the younger brother is back, the matter has been resolved, let's live a good life from now on."

"Solved? How did you solve it?" Cui Yu hurriedly asked.

Yang Erlang was silent when he heard the words.

Cui Yu grabbed Yang Erlang's arm: "Brother, how did you solve it?"

"That day Chen Sheng brought people to arrest him, and wanted to demote my uncle and aunt into slaves. I had no choice but to agree to the condition of Miss Xiang's family. I will give him an interview in the future, and Miss Xiang will come forward. The matter has naturally settled down." Yang Erlang said with his head down.

Cui Yu was taken aback for a moment, thinking of that young lady from the Xiang family, he couldn't help but froze.

Speaking of Miss Xiang's family, the eldest lady came to collect rent and hunt with the guards at the age of five, and then she couldn't forget to follow Yang Erlang when she saw Yang Erlang.

It's just that although Yang Erlang is a commoner, he is born with arrogance for some reason, and always dodges in every possible way when facing Miss Xiang's family, deliberately hiding in deep mountains and old forests.With his supernatural power, he was happy in the mountains, which made Miss Xiang helpless.

"After hiding for eight years, she finally succeeded." Cui Yu sighed quietly.

Just thinking of Miss Xiang's beautiful face, Cui Yu said, "You're not at a disadvantage."

Yang Erlang smiled wryly: "The young lady of the Xiang family is unruly and capricious. It is said that she is already married. She insisted on telling me to go with her when we got married, and to always bring me by her side to benefit from it."

Cui Yu looked at Yang Erlang and scratched his head: "Miss Xiang will not be released from the cabinet in three to five years, we still have time, we can't wrong you."

"I'm not wronged, you can come back, as long as our family is safe and sound." Yang Erlang looked at Cui Yu, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "Let's go, let's go home, uncle and aunt saw you come back, I don't know how happy I should be."

Although Yang Erlang said lightly, but as a young boy who grew up together, how could he not know the arrogance in Yang Erlang's heart.

That is a kind of arrogance that comes from the bones.

"Chen Sheng is not a magnanimous person, and the Chen family is not a magnanimous family either. He will never let it go after being cut off by our mud legs. If he does not come back with revenge, he will never be able to hold his head high among the scholar-bureaucrats and the eight major families in the future. .” Cui Yu followed behind Yang Erlang, deep in his heart, there was a deep worry.

"We still need to try our best to solve the trouble of the Chen family." Cui Yu scratched his head.

(End of this chapter)

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