Chapter 40 Intimidation

Over there, Chen Changfa's small calculations were crackling in his mind, but he suddenly noticed something wrong with Cui Yu's eyes.

Cui Yu's eyes dimmed, his face was full of shame, the embarrassment of a young man.

Chen Changfa, who was thinking about how to torture Cui Yu to death 180 times, felt a sudden in his heart, and quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

Chen Changfa couldn't help asking a question.

"What kind of character is that Miss Xiang? How can she remember me as a grassroots? I am not familiar with Miss Xiang, and I can't speak well in the Xiang family. Although the owner's treasure is good, I have no chance to use it." Cui Yu's eyes showed A touch of regret.

"You saved Xiang Caizhu's life, as long as you ask, Xiang Caizhu will never refuse." Chen Changfa quickly encouraged Cui Yu.

"I can't even see her face, where is there a chance to speak?" Cui Yu shook his head.

"You can't see Xiang Caizhu, we have a chance to ask you to see it, the premise is that you are willing to speak up for me." Chen Changfa looked at Cui Yu: "Let me see Xiang Caizhu."

Hearing this, Cui Yu looked at Chen Changfa, and then recalled Gou'er's words before, and his heart moved: "The Chen family's hand can reach into the Xiang family's? It's not easy!"

"How?" Chen Changfa looked at Cui Yu: "That's the deal? After it's done, we'll have nothing to do with it."

Cui Yu looked at Chen Changfa, Cui Yu's previous performances were all restrained, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "After the matter is done, will the Chen family really let me go?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Changfa looked at the strange smile on Cui Yu's face, and felt something wrong in his heart.

"Is there anything else?" Cui Yu asked: "There is nothing else, I have to go."

Chen Changfa's expression changed wildly when he heard the words. Even if he was being stupid at this moment, he knew he was being tricked.

However, Chen Changfa is Chen Changfa after all, and he is not angry at this time, but he is no longer close to him before, and his face is arrogant and condescending: "I hope you will think about it carefully, the days ahead are still long, don't regret it one day. Think about it for your parents, think about it for your younger siblings."

"Are you threatening me?" Cui Yu looked at Chen Changfa.

"It's just a reminder, to remind you of the gap between me. Just like now, I will keep you here forever. Although the Xiang family will be angry, my Chen family can also handle it." Chen Changfa said.

"Then I should think about it carefully." Cui Yu nodded, then turned and walked out of the yard.

Gou'er looked angry and wanted to stop him, but was stopped by Chen Changfa's eyes.

Looking at Cui Yu's back, the second master of the Chen family walked out from the arched door: "This kid is a character, no wonder he dared to give Sheng'er a scoop. It's a pity that our plan for Xiang Caizhu has fulfilled him, and we are now tied up. Especially that Xiang Mangzi is the most domineering and unreasonable person. We are now at a critical moment for a person who wants to fight for three points without reason, so it is not easy to offend him."

"He is indeed a character, and I can't fool him. He sees clearly and knows that we will never stop. If we don't kill him, we will be the laughing stock of the Eight Great Families!" Chen Changfa said, "What should we do now?"

"Didn't he say that you have to think about your parents, brothers and sisters!" Second Master said.

"Dog! Did you hear what your second uncle said? Bring me Cui Huhu and the young and old of the Cui family, and I will treat them well." Chen Changfa looked at the dog beside him.

"Yes, my nephew will do it now." The dog hurried out.

"Remember, don't be rude, please come here in a good manner." Chen Changfa said.

"Yes, good student, please come here."

With a ferocious smile on his face, the dog walked out of the yard with big strides: "I wanted to kill that kid a long time ago! Back then, I was going to feed his whole family to the wolves, but who knew you would have to take care of everyone?" The lady's face."

Watching the dog go away, Chen Changfa's eyes fell on the second master: "After all, the dog is young, and it is too rough to do things. Some old people in Lijia Village want their second brother to go for a walk in person. They live in Lijia Village. Be wary of the reactions of the elders and common people in the village."

"Leave it to me." The second master nodded and walked out of the courtyard.

Outside the gate of Chen's house

Cui Yu walked out of the gate, looked at the blue sky, and couldn't help taking a breath: "The wind is blowing! This time it's really completely torn skin, and there is no room for maneuver."

Walk all the way to the head of Lijia Village, and after a little meditation, walk to the cottage where the old Taoist is.

As for the safety of your parents?
The Chen family is not stupid, and will never touch their parents at this time.

As soon as Xiang Yu exiled Chen Sheng, the Chen family fought back. That was not revenge, it was slapping Xiang Yu in the face, against Xiang Yu.

Xiang Caizhu procrastinated for her own growth again.

Cui Huhu was concocting tiger skins in the yard, while Chen Erlang was sharpening his knife unhurriedly.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, and then the door was kicked open, and a group of warriors with swords and guns on their waists broke in.

"Cui Huhu, my master is sympathetic. Take all the people in the house away!" The dog looked at Cui Huhu and waved to the people behind him. The next moment, everyone rushed into the house, and someone took out the rope and asked Cui Huhu bundled up.

"I don't know who you are?" Cui Huhu's complexion changed wildly, and he clenched the butcher's knife tightly in his hand.

"People from the Chen family. Don't worry, we have no malicious intentions. It's just that my master invited you to drink tea. I advise you to go with us obediently, otherwise you will suffer from flesh and blood. No wonder we are here." Seeing Cui Huhu Holding the butcher's knife tightly, Gou'er smiled coldly.

Cui Huhu's complexion changed, after all, he put down the butcher's knife in his hand, and was obediently tied up.

The dog stepped on Cui Huhu's pig-killing knife with disdain: "Hehe, looking at your face full of murderous intent earlier, can your pig-killing knife still kill people?"

"Of course I don't dare to kill people, I'll make adults laugh at me." Cui Huhu smiled ashamedly.

Chen Family
In the same place, Chen Changfa quietly drank tea.

"Cui Huhu?" Chen Changfa looked at Cui Huhu with calm eyes and no fluctuations in his voice.

"It's Xiaomin." Cui Huhu hurriedly bowed his body, lowered his eyebrows, and said flatteringly: "Master summoned Xiaomin here for the sake of that bastard."

"Hmph!" The dog beside him snorted coldly: "Is it you who talk like that when you see the old man? Why don't you kneel down to the old man."

While speaking, he smashed out the scabbard in his hand, directly bent Cui Huhu's knees, and slammed them heavily on the blue bricks.

"Dog, don't be rough in front of the guests, and back off." Chen Changfa's face suddenly darkened.

Cui Huo knelt down on the ground, grinning his teeth in pain, but forced a smile and said: "It's okay! The little old man doesn't know the rules, but I should thank this young master for teaching me the rules."

"You are smart, at least much smarter than your son. I like smart people all my life! I also like dealing with smart people the most."

Looking at the submissive Cui Huhu, Chen Changfa felt emotional: "How can an honest and worthless bastard give birth to such a shrewd son? Could it be that Cui Yu is not Cui Huhu's species? Otherwise, there is no explanation at all."

"I want to resolve grievances with your family. After all, it's just a young man's fight for favor. It's not a big deal. There's no need to go to war or even bleed for it."

"Do you think so?" Chen Changfa looked at Cui Huhu. "Yes, yes, my lord is magnanimous, and my lord has a lot of them, so how can I and other small people compare to them. The small people are grateful for five times, and I kowtow to you." The honest Cui Huhu knelt down on the ground, with a sincere expression and continued to kowtow, The knocked blue bricks kept making noise.

When his forehead touched the green brick on the ground, he kept making bang bang noises.

"Cui Huhu, it's not that the old man refuses to give up. It's that your son is so determined to let our Chen family go. You actually pushed Miss Xiang and exiled my son. My master is just such a precious son. In the future, the entire Chen family The family still relies on him to be the leader, and the whole Chen family depends on him to support them, but now they are exiled by you." The dog next to him just at this time chimed in: "The son of your family who had a heart higher than the sky before It’s already here, my master promised countless benefits, such as food, female slaves, martial arts cheats, and natural treasures, but Cui Yu thought that he was close to the Xiang family, but he didn’t pay attention to us.”

"Cui Huhu, you rotten lives, our master doesn't bother stepping on them, for fear of getting bad luck from you. But if you don't know what's good and what's wrong, we don't mind getting our hands dirty. I really think there's nothing we can do if we get close to the Xiang family? If I want to kill you, why do I, the Chen family, do it myself?" Gou'er walked up and squatted next to Cui Huhu's ear:

"My lord is kind, I sent you here today. If you don't know what is good or bad, maybe the one who is coming to the door may be a passing bandit, a monster from a deep mountain and an old forest, or a sudden fire at night. Burned to death. You don’t think about yourself, you also think about your children, don’t you?”

"Can you understand what I mean?" Gou'er patted the back of Cui Huhu's head, crackling, and Cui Huhu spewed blood from his mouth and nose: "You bastards are too fragile to withstand the toss. See Okay, just accept it, don't make a fuss so that everyone doesn't end well."

"Yes, yes, after Xiaomin returned, he asked that Nizi to ask Miss Xiang's family to rescue the young master. Thank you for not killing me!" Cui Huhu was full of humility.

"Go away!" Gou'er kicked Cui Huhu impatiently.

Cui Huhu was beaten and kicked repeatedly, and he staggered all the way to the door.

"Send someone to watch him day and night," the dog ordered.

Walk out of the Chen family gate.

Cui Huhu turned around and glanced at the gate of the Chen family, and the warriors following him not far away, wiped the red blood stains from the corners of his mouth, his eyes showed a stern look, and he lowered his head where he still had the humility he had in the yard before.

"The Chen family?"

"My son is getting worse and worse, and even implicated my old father, what a disgraceful descendant!" Cui Huo scolded as he walked, "It doesn't matter if you cause trouble, but if you cause trouble, you must take care of it, otherwise you will be implicated. If there are innocent people in the family, they are ignorant."

"I moved to Lijia Village for 18 years, and I have been swallowing my anger. Even my son dare not teach..."

While walking, Cui Huo folded his head and coughed: "That kid is getting older and causing more and more troubles. One day he will expose me. The world is too big. If you make troubles regardless of the consequences, sooner or later There will be a day when I can't handle it, and the whole family will be imprisoned at that time... I don't care, but he has a character that doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and causes troubles at will, so he has to be reminded and changed for him. "

"By the way, as an ordinary father, how should he react when he is threatened by a tyrant?" Cui Huo looked down at his toes as he walked. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, and finally slapped his head:
"Just hit it! Show shock and anger, and then hit hard! The harder you hit, the deeper the memory."

"After going back today, I beat my son, but I can't keep my hand. I can't take the beating for him in vain. I want him to know what enemies he can provoke, and not to provoke enemies beyond his ability!" Cui Huhu muttered, staggering disappears into the crowd.


The second master stood in a courtyard with his hands behind his back. At this time, more than thirty elderly people looked at the second master in awe.

"You are all Wang Tao's elders, so I won't say anything superfluous. Whether Wang Tao can survive depends on whether you can ask Cui Huhu to change his mind. Then Cui Yu is determined to kill Wang Tao." The second master Sound does not fluctuate:
"I've made everything clear to you before? As long as you finish the matter and ask Cui Huo and Cui Yu to change their minds, each of you will have [-] dan rations in the future. If it doesn't work out, the Elder Master will get angry, and I'm afraid you, Xiao Li Village, won't be able to bear it." rise."

"Master, don't worry, Wang Tao is the only child of the Wang family, we will never ask the Cui family to harm him!" A senior came out and replied righteously.

"That's right, what's so crazy about the mere Cui family? It's fine if their father and son are obedient. If they don't listen to persuasion, we don't need to dirty Second Master's hands. Let's send his family on the road for a reunion."

"That's right, either the Cui family's furuan will rescue the young master, or we will send the Cui family on the road. In the future, the master and wife of the Xiang family will blame us, and we will all bear it, and we will bear all the punishments! It has absolutely nothing to do with the Chen family. Only I hope that the second master will send out some rice first, so that we can fill our stomachs before we can work hard!"

"That's right, you'll have the strength to do things when you're full!"

"Hehe, you old things are really old and mature, and you dare to negotiate terms with the second master, but the second master likes it." Seeing the greed of the elders, Chen Erye not only did not get angry, but smiled happily: "I'm not afraid that you are talking about conditions, but I am afraid that you have no conditions. The people who took them went to get food."

"Lord, don't worry, this matter will be handled properly for you." An old woman said with a smile: "When the boy's mother had a difficult labor, I was still the old woman who delivered her in person? I have such a great kindness with him. His mother and son have two lives, and that child must obey me!"

"Aunt Chen, don't brag, what kindness is there? You went to deliver the baby, but you took the opportunity to blackmail five dan of rice." The old man beside him sneered, and then flattered Chen Erye:
"The old man immediately cut the knife. When the little bastard's sister was suffering from the cold and had no money to ask for a doctor, the old man lent them ten taels of silver to save his sister's life. If you have such a friendship, please see me."

"Mr. Ma, you borrowed ten taels of silver back then, but you asked for 50 taels of silver to repay the debt. If you mention this again, if he doesn't tear you up, you are purely honest. Mr. Chen, that kid was ill when he was eight years old. Serious illness, I was the one who carried him all the way to the county town to find a doctor late at night. He has to pay back the debt!"

ps: A group of nasty villagers, and a tiger who has been beaten for no reason for 18 years.These villagers want to die by themselves!

 They have all ordered the books of Wan Daxie, and the quality can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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