Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 41 Yulong's little scum!

Chapter 41 Yulong's little scum!
Let's say that Cui Yu came back from Chen's house, and after a little meditation, he went to the thatched hut where the real Nanhua lived in seclusion.

He wants to ask about the origin of the Yulong family!

The imprint of the Yulong family is the confidence that determines how he should act.

He knew that the Yulong clan was by no means a small force, and Cui Yu could guess a thing or two from the girl's tone when they parted.

But he still needs to know better.

The best person to ask about this matter is that mysterious old Taoist priest.

The sun and the moon are together, one red and one white, one east and one west.

Sitting under the moon, Zhang Jiao swallowed the essence facing the bright moon in the sky, and saw a ray of moonlight falling from nothingness, and was swallowed by Zhang Jiao.Then Zhang Jiao closed his eyes, with a peaceful expression, as if he had fallen asleep.

Not far away, the little Taoist priest Shoucheng showed a hint of envy in his eyes: "What a perverted talent. I have been practicing Qi for eight years, but I can't steal Yuehua. Who would have thought that he would equal my eight years of hard work in a few months."

"Everyone has their own destiny, so I can't be envious about this matter. You envy Zhang Jiao, but Cui Yu's illiterate wild monkey also envies you." Nanhua real person joked beside him.

"Really, what you said is really hurtful." Cui Yu, who came from the mountain, happened to hear Nanhua's words, and his face suddenly darkened.

"You boy, I've been gone for some time..." Nanhua real person joked, but halfway through the words, the whole person was struck by lightning. Looking at Cui Yu walking under the moonlight, the stool under him suddenly fell apart in shock, and the whole body fell apart. The person fell on his back, like a tortoise turning over.

Immortal Nanhua climbed up, his figure flashed by, ignored the distance of more than ten meters, and appeared directly in front of Cui Yu, as if he saw something unbelievable, with a pair of eyes fixed on Cui Yu, pointing fingers By Cui Yu:

"you you you……."

You have been talking for a long time, but you can't say a word.The expression is the same as seeing a ghost.

"What? Is there something wrong?" Cui Yu looked at Master Nan Hua and blinked.

"No! No!" Master Nanhua shook his head resolutely, watching Cui Yu hesitate to speak, but he didn't say anything after all.

"Then why do you see me with this expression?" Cui Yu looked at the broken stool on the ground, and took a deep look at Master Nanhua. This old man is so advanced in martial arts, and even a little bit of energy would smash the stool to zero Baluo, if you say that he is an ordinary Taoist priest, only ghosts would believe it.

"Where have you been during this time?" Nan Hua real person changed the subject.

"Didn't you tell me to learn how to read?" Cui Yu looked at Nan Hua.

"Have you seen that old sour scholar?" Nan Hua's expression returned to normal, and he sat down again gracefully.

"Of course I saw it." Cui Yu said.

"Is this master still satisfied?" Master Nanhua looked at Cui Yu with a smile.

"Then what is the origin of Confucian scholars?" Cui Yu asked.

"Don't say it. I said that there will be karma. I told you to go to apprentice, which is already a taboo." Master Nanhua shook his head quickly.

Cui Yu looked at Immortal Nanhua, then at the stump dog that fell to the ground, and Zhang Jiao, a little Taoist priest who was meditating not far away.

"I thought he was pleasing to the eye, so I took the mantle. This son is destined for me." Nanhua Zhenren said.

"I don't see anything unique about it." Cui Yu was a little sour. At the beginning when he was apprenticed to a teacher, the old Taoist refused. What's so special about this little Taoist?
"He's a lucky one." Nanhua real person looked at Cui Yu: "Did you really only study in that Baicao Hall these days?"

Cui Yu looked at Master Nanhua with a half-smile.

"No other meaning, just curious." Nanhua real person laughed.

Cui Yu had a feeling that the old man saw that he had changed.As for whether he has seen through the blood of God, I don't know.

"This old Taoist has something." Cui Yu looked at Master Nanhua with a strange look in his eyes.

I don't know if this old Taoist is human!
"I want to ask you something, what is hidden in the well of gods and demons? Was it really born 5000 years ago?" Cui Yu asked curiously.

"What? Are you interested in that well?" The old Taoist looked at Cui Yu in surprise, then his expression changed, he looked Cui Yu up and down, and a thought flickered in his mind:
"The good fortune of this kid must have been obtained from the well of gods and demons, right?"

"I'm a little interested." Cui Yu asked.

The old Taoist shook his head: "I don't know much. The existence of the god-devil well is too long, and a lot of information has been deliberately erased by the royal family of the Great Zhou. All I know is that the ancient female God of War was buried under the god-devil well. The Yellow Emperor's daughter '魃'. Ba was cursed by the corpse ancestor, and when the corpse ancestor was beheaded by the Yellow Emperor, he swallowed the corpse ancestor's origin."

Speaking of this, the old Taoist hesitated a little: "But there is another theory, that is, the ancestor of the corpse wanted to seize the female demon, but was trapped in the female demon's body, fused with the source of divine power in the female demon's body, and then mutated. It became a natural disaster."

"I don't know the rest." Nanhua real person looked at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu was thoughtful, and his eyes fell on the dog in front of the old Taoist: "Have you heard of the Yulong family, Taoist priest?"

The old Taoist changed his face, his expression was a little unnatural, and he swept Cui Yu's arm indistinctly: "Of course I heard it, you live here, and you don't communicate with Dayu abroad, how can you know Yulong?"

"I met a member of the Yulong clan." Cui Yu did not elaborate: "I also ask the Taoist priest to enlighten me."

"The Yulong family is one of the most powerful ancient clans in the Great Zhou Dynasty. It was entrusted to the bitter cold place in the west. It is located outside Hangu Pass. It monitors the Dragon Clan in the West Sea. It can be ranked among the top three nobles in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Its inheritance is no worse than that of the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty. In the past The Yellow Emperor fought against Chiyou, and the Yulong clan controlled the Yinglong to summon the wind and rain, and smashed the 81 tribes of Chiyou. Even the Yushi tribe and the Xiangliu tribe did not dare to take advantage of it. It’s just that they have made an alliance with the world’s ghosts and gods. Naturally, the dragons of the four seas are also within the scope of the agreement. The Yulong clan can't go to the four seas to capture real dragons, so they can only rely on their own cultivation. The power is not as good as before. But even so, the Yulong clan is still unfathomable, and it can be called one of the four major powers in the world." Nanhua Zhenren's eyes showed a touch emotion.

The Yulong clan was too domineering, Tai Pingdao was preaching in the Yulong clan's territory, and was chased and killed by the Yulong clan, but they ran away with their heads in their hands.

"Have you ever heard of Yulong's Wuzhao?" Cui Yu blinked, never expecting that the stinky girl had such a big background that day.But the Laoshan Taoist even dared to touch Yulong's brow, how daring.

"Chaoge scum!" The old Taoist blurted out the words without even thinking about it.

"The Taoist priest has heard of her?" Cui Yu's eyes lit up, he remembered that the girl said that she wanted to become a duo of Dazhou scum with him.

"I haven't heard of it! I don't know him!" Nan Hua quickly vetoed it, and then looked at Cui Yu in surprise: "You said you met a member of the Yulong clan, so it must be Wu Zhao, right? But Wu Zhao shouldn't be here."

"My name is Wu Zhao, she is... a girl with a tricky mouth." Cui Yu nodded.

"Why did Wu Zhao appear in Liangjie Mountain?" Real person Nanhua was surprised, and then seemed to think of something, his whole face changed, and his beard almost broke: "No way! No way! No way!"

The old Taoist said three times in succession, then he looked up at the bright moon in the sky. He was in a daze, ignoring Cui Yu's words, and just sat there blankly, lost in thought.

"Taoist? Daoist?" Cui Yu waved his hand in front of the old Taoist, who turned a blind eye, as if turned into a sculpture.

At this time, the sky was shining brightly, and a ray of purple rose from the east. Cui Yu looked at the nervous old Taoist priest and stood beside him helplessly.

"Believers, don't wait any longer. Although the master's physical body is here, the Yang God has already left the body." Zhang Jiao woke up at some point, and came to salute Cui Yu.

"Is the Taoist apprentice an old Taoist teacher?" Cui Yu looked at Zhang Jiao with surprise in his eyes.

"Thanks to the believers, believers are really my lucky stars." Zhang Jiao grinned loudly at this moment.

He is just an ordinary magic stick, who would have thought that he would have a great luck, and a great Taoist would come to him directly to accept him as a disciple.Cui Yu is really his lucky star.

At the beginning, when I did fortune-telling and calculations, I had a fairy fate, but now I really got caught by myself.

Cui Yu looked at Zhang Jiao, thinking about Zhang Jiao's lottery, but his thoughts faded after thinking about it.

I have great supernatural powers, and even more precious body protection. It takes hundreds of millions of strange powers to form the supernatural power of "one word becomes a prophecy", and I don't know if it will take until the year of the monkey.

What's more, Cui Yu is also indifferent to the prophecy that this supernatural power is good but not bad.

Finding ways to improve the 'substance conversion' is the right thing to do.

Although the transformation of matter is only a pre-supernatural power to mediate good fortune and belongs to the category of small supernatural powers, in terms of power, I am afraid that many great supernatural powers cannot match it.

"Junior brother, you just finished your morning class, and you haven't gone to the mountains to collect herbs, why are you being lazy?" There was a scolding from the room, and the little Taoist priest Shoucheng walked out of the room with a serious face, his eyes staring at Zhang horn.

Zhang Jiao trembled, raised his hand to fist Cui Yu, and quickly lifted the basket in front of the thatched hut without thinking about talking: "Little brother, go now! Little brother, go now!"

After speaking, he blinked at Cui Yu, then picked up the basket tower and ran down the mountain like a nimble monkey.

Seeing Zhang Jiao go away, the little Taoist priest Shoucheng walked over, smiled at Cui Yu and said, "My junior is too talented, but my mind is too flexible. If I don't sharpen and hammer it, I will want to lock him in the future." If you keep your heart ape and your mind horse, you will inevitably encounter a natural moat, and maybe you will be wasted in this life. His talent is too high, and he needs to be constantly suppressed to make him restrain his mind."

Cui Yu was noncommittal, feeling that there was no need for the little Taoist priest Shoucheng to tell himself, but explaining to himself felt like there was no silver 300 taels here.

"My master, Yangshen, is traveling. I don't know how long it will take to come back. Believers, please go back." The little Taoist saluted Cui Yu.

Cui Yu didn't say much after hearing the words, turned around and walked down the mountain.

I just walked halfway, and suddenly I heard a cursing voice from the mountain: "Xiang Mangzi, you bastard, I don't accept it! Why did you lock me up and send me to hard labor for no reason?"

"You bastard son of a turtle, you actually bully people like this because you are a nobleman. My father will definitely sue the king of Dayu and swear to you!"

The voice was cursing, which sounded familiar.

At this moment, there was another voice pleading: "My son, please stop scolding. If someone hears you insulting nobles, how can we still survive?"

"Damn it, I was wronged for nothing, so why not let me scold you?" Chen Sheng still yelled, "It was he who opened the ladle for me, and it's fine if I didn't settle accounts with him, but now I'm just eating melons, and why don't I scold me?" Is there any reason?"

Through the gaps between the branches and leaves, Cui Yu saw that Chen Sheng was wearing shackles, riding two servants in soap robes, walking arrogantly among the mountains.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu was dumbfounded: Why did Chen Sheng appear here wearing shackles, and then rode away on a messenger? "

Then suddenly remembering that the Chen family was looking for him, Cui Yu's eyes lit up: "Xiang Caizhu moves quickly."

"Now is a good time to kill Chen Sheng!" Cui Yu's heart flickered with murderous intent.

Knowing the background of the Yulong family, would I still be afraid of the Chen family?

He and Chen Sheng have been dying endlessly, here is a barren mountain, who knows if they do something?

"I advise believers not to act rashly." Just when Cui Yu's heart was full of murderous intent, a clear voice came from his ear.

"Who?" Cui Yu suddenly turned around, but there was no sign of the other party.

"You are quite courageous. Chen Sheng is a gentry. It's interesting that you, a commoner, want to attack the gentry." At this moment, the tree in front of Cui Yu twisted, and a figure stepped out from the tree.

"It's you!" Cui Yu looked at Zhang Jiao in front of him, and then at the big tree coming out from behind Zhang Jiao, unexpectedly that the other party had such abilities.

But then his heart moved: "The other party is following him?"

"Chen Sheng can be assigned, but he must not die here." Zhang Jiao said to Cui Yu: "He is going to die, the Chen family will slaughter the village! All the villages within a radius of tens of miles will be slaughtered, including the Li family village."

Seemingly aware of the dissatisfaction rising in Cui Yu's heart, Zhang Jiao smiled and said, "Xiaodao is not following believers, it just so happens that I want to have a cause and effect with believers."

Zhang Jiao took out a stick from his sleeve, and handed it to Cui Yu: "You said earlier that your mother wanted to enshrine this thing, so I will lend it to you. This thing is a bit evil, and you need to be careful when offering it. I was chasing after it." To give you a lottery."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jiao said with a smile: "The believer is so bold that he even opened Chen Sheng's head."

"How do you know about this?" Cui Yu subconsciously asked, and took the lottery.

"Daliang City is called Cui Yu, and as a commoner, who dares to kill the gentry, who else but you?" Zhang Jiao looked at Cui Yu with a smile.

Cui Yu frowned, feeling a sense of displeasure in his heart, no one would be happy if someone saw through their minds.Looking at the lottery in his hand, Cui Yu was about to speak when Zhang Jiao took a step back and merged with the big tree, the person had disappeared without a trace.

Standing in the jungle, Cui Yu looked at the big tree that Zhang Jiao disappeared, and Chen Sheng who was gradually swearing away, and then looked down at the lottery in his hand, his eyes gradually became cold: "It's getting more and more interesting."

He really felt jealous of Zhang Jiao's weird and unpredictable methods.

Walking directly out of the tree trunk, who can guard against it?

If I have a conflict with the other party, wouldn't the other party come and leave whenever they want?
If you want to sneak attack, you can sneak attack, and you can't defend yourself?
Another thing is that Zhang Jiao said that once Chen Sheng died here, the Chen family behind Chen Sheng would slaughter the village, Cui Yu became more unhappy, and the coldness in his eyes became more and more terrifying.

"The Chen family cannot stay." Cui Yu made up his mind again.

However, Chen Sheng was dispatched, and Cui Yu felt a doubt in his heart when he left here: "Could it be Xiang Caizhu's handwriting?"

No one will help him except Xiang Caizhu.

(End of this chapter)

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