Chapter 42 Elderly

Mountain top
Zhang Jiao returned to the thatched cottage, and saluted Shoucheng: "Brother, the matter has been settled, and Chen Sheng's life has been saved."

"Well, it's done well. Chen Sheng can't die!" Shoucheng sighed leisurely: "There are not many such devout followers of the Taiping Dao. Master calculates that Chen Sheng's future is the key to my Taiping Dao, so he can't die here. This place is not the place to be ordered.”

"About Cui Yu?" Shoucheng looked at the little Taoist priest.

"Stand by and watch." Shoucheng pointed to Lijiacun: "We are doing something shady. The less unobtrusive the better."

Cui Yu walks among the mountains

Knowing the strength of the Yulong Clan gave Cui Yu great confidence.

He knew that the Yulong clan was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so outrageously strong.

"How long has it been since Yu took a bath?" Cui Yu stood in the forest and stuffed the stick into the Qiankun bag: "If I don't take a bath, I'm afraid my house won't last."

Cui Yu continued on his way, the more he came into contact with this world, the more he realized his shortcomings.

"But I don't have the strength to fight back." Cui Yu smiled coldly.

Although copper skin and iron bones are not reliable, they are definitely not weak in this world.

When he arrived at the head of the village, Cui Yu saw a group of people standing at the head of the village. Thirty or so elderly people were holding a bag of grain in their hands with a smile on their faces.

Looking at the costumes of the people queuing up to distribute food, they are really the costumes of the Chen family warriors.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu was taken aback: "Why did the Chen family go to the village to distribute food? When did the Chen family become a living Bodhisattva and be so kind?"

Cui Yu couldn't believe it, couldn't believe his eyes.

"Cui Yu is back! Look, Cui Yu is back!"

An elderly man with sharp eyes saw Cui Yu walking down the mountain, and immediately attracted everyone's attention with a shout.

All the elders looked at Cui Yu, their eyes lit up, they didn't care about receiving the food, they grabbed their pockets and rushed over, blocking Cui Yu at the head of the village.

Seeing this, Cui Yu's pupils shrank, and he wanted to detour as soon as he turned his footsteps, but in a blink of an eye, he was blocked by all the elders again.

"What are you grandpas doing in my way?" Looking at the gray-haired old men, Cui Yu spoke very politely.

"Xiao Yu, we watched you grow up, and after more than ten years, you have become an adult." An old woman looked at Cui Yu with kindness in her eyes:

"I am your Aunt Chen, do you still remember me? I once delivered your mother when she had a difficult delivery? I delivered all three of you siblings! I remember that your mother had a difficult delivery when you were born. Thanks Without me, your mother and son survived safely."

"Of course I remember, I dare not forget my kindness and virtue." Cui Yu hurriedly saluted.

"Since you remember the old lady's kindness, today the old lady asks you something, I wonder if you agree?" The old woman looked at Cui Yu.

After a moment of silence, Cui Yu said, "I don't know what the aunt is talking about?"

"That boy Wang Tao is the only child of the Wang family, and I want you to tell the nobleman to leave a heir for his old Wang family."

"Cui Yu, I beg you, Second Uncle Wang." At this moment, a middle-aged man in the crowd came out and looked at Cui Yu with tears in his eyes: "I am your Second Uncle Wang, do you remember? When you were eight years old I was seriously ill that year, and your father fell into the mountains and was injured. I carried you all the way to the county town to find a doctor in the middle of the night. I helped you save your life. Wang Tao is my eldest brother’s calf, just a single seedling, you Please say something to the nobleman with great kindness, let me leave a seed for my elder brother. I will definitely discipline that bastard when he comes back in the future, and I will never cause you any more trouble."

Cui Yu was silent when he heard the words, looked at the man kneeling on the ground, and the old woman who was delivering the baby, and sighed leisurely: "I know about this matter, since that's the case, I'll just say it when I meet a nobleman. Everyone, please go back! "

There are too many ways to kill Wang Tao, and there is no need to ruin his reputation.I agreed to it first, and then I will find an opportunity to get rid of Wang Tao later.

Seeing Cui Yu's response, he was indeed coerced by favors, the elders cheered up, but the soles of their feet were like nails, firmly rooted in the ground, surrounding Cui Yu in the center and unable to move.

"Why, do you elders still have something to do?" Cui Yu frowned when he saw this.

There was a cough in the crowd, and another old man came out: "Xiao Yu'er, do you recognize me?"

"Master Ma." Cui Yu recognized the old man when he saw him.

"I remember three years ago, when your sister suffered from the cold and had no money to hire a doctor, I lent you ten taels of silver to save your sister's life." Ma Sanye looked at Cui Yu, full of ravines. The face is full of shrewdness:

"We have something else to ask of you today."

Cui Yu was moved when he heard the words: These old people probably know that they have the Dinghai Shenzhu and mastered the power of supernatural powers, so they want to pray for rain by themselves?
"I wonder what orders Grandpa Ma has?" Cui Yu asked.

"We old guys come here, actually there is a more important thing to ask you." Ma Sanye looked at Cui Yu with a smile, but what he said made Cui Yu's heart sink:
"It's about the Chen family!"

"The grievances between you and Chen Sheng, son of the Chen family, are obvious to all the old people in our village. They are nothing more than young people's squabbles, and should not be used as a real fire. Why don't we old guys go through it and be a middleman, you and Chen Gongzi How about the grievances and grievances between us and the end here? The Chen family came here with sincerity, those rewards for us old guys are very exciting, it can be seen that they are full of sincerity."

"How?" Ma Sanye looked at Cui Yu.

"Are you all here for the Chen family's affairs?" Cui Yu saw that all the elders were ostentatiously strutting their food pockets.

"That's right, it's all here for this matter. We old fellows are also a bit mean in Xiaoli Village. We went to the Chen family to make peace for you and resolved the hatred. As the saying goes, it is better to settle enemies than to end them. What do you think?" Second Uncle Wang came out, no longer knelt down and crying, and now looked at Cui Yu with burning eyes.

"I'm afraid this matter will fail. You all know the grievances between me and the Chen family. This matter is irreversible. I can only thank you grandpas for their kindness." Cui Yu shook his head.

"So, if you don't agree, you won't give us face?" Ma Sandao asked from the side.

"The enmity of life and death, I'm afraid there is no way to agree!" Cui Yu was expressionless, looking at the familiar faces in front of him, a little bit of indifference gradually rose in his eyes.

"Cui Yu, you are embarrassing us." Ma Sandao's eyes became colder and colder.

"This is my business, why bother you all? You don't have much to worry about, so how can you be embarrassed?" Cui Yu stared at Ma Sandao without showing any weakness.

"Cui Yu, Mr. Ma is an elder, how can you talk to Mr. Ma? Mr. Ma cares about you with good intentions, but you don't know what is good or bad! Hurry up and kneel down to apologize to Mr. Ma."

"I've already decided this matter for you, and now I'm just notifying you. Do you really think of yourself as someone?"

"Also, let's make peace for you and teach you the Cui family to solve the disaster. But we can't do it in vain. The Cui family's martial arts cheats and all kinds of natural and earthly treasures must have us. Those of us The old guy spared his face to save your life, and gave you half of the compensation, isn't it too much?"

"That's right! After all, I gave up my old face to beg for it, and I want to visit Chen's family as a grandson, bowing my head and making amends to them. It's not too much to share half of the compensation with you!"

All the elders agreed one after another.

Facing the scorching gazes of all the seniors, Cui Yu felt chills in his heart, where is the kindness of the previous seniors?He only saw hideous-looking monsters hiding under the old man's skin, looking at him greedily, as if they could pounce on him at any time and gnaw off his bones.

"These grains belong to the Chen family?" Cui Yu looked at the grains in the hands of the elders.

"Cui Yu, let us advise you not to be ignorant of flattery. You should think about it carefully. That's the Chen family. It's better than anything else to resolve the hatred and survive." Ma Sanye stared at Cui Yu.

"That's right, we also have good intentions." Aunt Chen also echoed.

For a while, all the elders were chattering and trying to persuade each other.

Seeing this, Cui Yu shook his head and suddenly laughed.

Ma Sanye looked at Cui Yu and smiled, and frowned: "What are you laughing at?"

"It's so embarrassing for me to laugh at you, even the Chen family wants to save face for you." Cui Yu's words were full of sarcasm.

"Don't worry about whether the Chen family will give me face or not, I just ask you whether you should do it or not." Second Uncle Wang stared at Cui Yu, and when he heard the other party's ridicule, he felt that his dignity in the village had been provoked, and felt a little bit in his heart. Annoyed, he didn't bother to pretend with Cui Yu, and got straight to the point.

The mere Cui family is just an outsider. In Lijia Village, they are like pigs and dogs who are bullied by others. How could he be allowed to mock himself like this?

"What if I say no?" Cui Yu looked at Second Uncle Wang.

"Really disagree?" Second Uncle Wang asked.

"No! Unless I die!" Cui Yu said seriously.

"It's up to you." Second Uncle Wang smiled ferociously, as if he was looking at an ant.

"Oh?" Cui Yu replied lightly.

"If you don't agree, I'm afraid you won't be able to stay in Lijia Village." Second Uncle Wang looked at Cui Yu: "My Lijia Village's family law and village rules don't tolerate your family."

"Your family has only been here for 20 years, so you probably don't know the rules of my Lijia Village?" Ma Sanye smiled and said, "Anyone who violates the rules of my Lijia Village will be killed by adult men and sold by women. Be a female slave. You always have to think about your father, mother, younger siblings. If you say no, I’m afraid you won’t be able to get out of my Li family village. I know you have a relationship with Miss Xiang’s family, but what’s the matter? The emperor has The rules of the emperor, the princes have the rules of the princes, and our villages also have the rules of the village. Asked by the Xiang family, it is not painful or itchy, and the law does not blame the public."

"I advise you to agree as soon as possible. The Chen family will leave you with a share of the apology. Otherwise, it will be better than your family being ruined." Aunt Chen persuaded earnestly.

"I agree now, but there is still time. If it is too late, it will be too late to speak."

A group of elders spoke one after another.

Cui Yu's face was ashen, looking at the elders with a pair of eyes, he just felt that the world was crazy.

I'm not even afraid of the Chen family, so why would they think they can blackmail me?
Want to sell your little sister and brother as slaves?

He suddenly couldn't understand the world, whether they were crazy or he was crazy!

It can only be said that the ignorant are fearless!
far away
Chen Erye folded his arms leisurely, gave Cui Yu a smug smile, then turned and left.I said to myself in my heart:

"It's done!"

No one can face the persecution of the general situation, and there has never been one since ancient times.

The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors were also forced to retreat from the stage of history by the general trend of the world, let alone him, Cui Yu?
Just as everyone surrounded Cui Yu to threaten and lure him, suddenly there was a sound of horseshoes, and a familiar figure sitting on a stretcher gnawing on shaved ice appeared at the head of the village.

Behind Xiang Caizhu, followed by more than thirty knights in iron armor.

A figure was dragged on the ground by a rope, crying and howling, begging.

The cavalry soldiers were mighty and mighty, and all the elders were shocked and retreated, revealing Cui Yu.

"Cui Yu, you're back!"

When Xiang Caizhu saw Cui Yu walking down the mountain, her eyes lit up, and she waved her arms excitedly.

"Why are you here? Who is he?" Cui Yu looked at the figure on the ground with bruised nose, swollen face, and bloody flesh, showing a bit of surprise.

"Isn't that Wang Tao, I sent it to you." Xiang Caizhu looked at Cui Yu proudly: "Are you enough friends? Seeing that I have strength, I will be the first one to find you back."

"Cui Yu, Uncle Cui! Please let me go! I won't dare again!" Seeing Cui Yu over there, Wang Tao staggered as if he had seen a life-saving straw, and wanted to pounce on him, but was caught by a black-clothed warrior. It kicked and flew, and fell to the ground, spurting blood.

"Cui Yu, we are all from the same village, so you should show your respect and spare him once." An old man in the village couldn't help but said, "After all, he is the only one left in the Wang family. It’s about to end.”

"That's right! That's right! You don't have any unresolvable hatred with him. You're just a slave girl. What's the problem? It's better to get rid of the enemy than tie it up. Let him live." The village said again. Several elders opened their mouths, and everyone begged for mercy.

"Cui Yu, I'll let go of this old face, so you can do me a favor." An old man said.

"That's right. There are so many old faces in our village. Could it be that we can't keep even one junior?" All the elders asked one after another.

Seeing that all the elders were still trying to put pressure on him, Cui Yu finally knew how those honest farmers in later generations were oppressed.

Isn't it common for local officials to threaten petitioners in front of the emperor's envoys?

Seeing all the elders pleading for mercy, Xiang Caizhu became interested and looked at Wang Tao on the ground curiously: "This guy seems to be very popular in the village, look at you, how did you get along! Why didn't anyone plead for you back then?" ?”

Cui Yu was expressionless, his face twitching constantly.

Seeing this, Xiang Caizhu smiled and said, "How do you want to deal with it?"

Hearing Xiang Caizhu's question, the second master of the Chen family who was hiding in the distance held his breath and watched quietly.

Cui Yu looked at Wang Tao with a pair of eyes, but he saw Wang Tao kowtow like garlic: "Cui Yu! Uncle Cui! The villain knows his mistake! The villain knows his mistake! Please let me go, the villain will never dare again! Xiaoren People will never dare again!"

"Don't dare?" Cui Yu looked at Wang Tao.

Hearing Cui Yu's question, Second Uncle Wang in the crowd smiled smugly. Everyone knew that Cui Yu's clothes had softened.

Ma Sanye's eyes were full of complacency, and he expected that Cui Yu would have to give in to the general situation in the village, otherwise the village would have 180 ways to kill his family afterwards.

"Cui Yu, I did not misunderstand you. You are a smart child. From now on, your little sister and parents can live happily in Lijia Village." Ma Sanye was a little proud.

"Thank you, Mr. Ma, I appreciate your kindness." Cui Yu cupped his fists at Mr. Ma and smiled, then looked down at Wang Tao.

"Don't dare! The villain will never dare again!" Wang Tao whimpered.

Xiang Caizhu folded her arms at the side, watched coldly, took the shaved ice from the hand of the maid beside her, gnawed it leisurely, but narrowed her long and narrow eyes.

Over there, Cui Yu looked at Wang Tao and nodded, "Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and there is nothing good about it. In this case..."

ps: This chapter lays the groundwork, accumulates some conflicts, and the next chapter will start killing.Don't worry everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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