Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 44 The Furious Cui Tiger

Chapter 44 The Furious Cui Tiger
Along the way, I was thinking about acting and beating Cui Huhu. When I reached the village, I heard a cry, and I couldn't help being surprised: "Who's doing white things?"

Before he could figure it out, a group of people rushed over in the next moment, and knelt down on the ground weeping.

"Cui Huhu, you have raised a good son!"

"Cui Huohu, the evil bastard you raised, did a good job!"

"Cui Huhu, pay back my father's life!"


Looking at the corpses on the ground, Cui Huo suddenly changed color.

Cui's small courtyard

Cui Yu was swinging the rocking chair leisurely, and after an unknown amount of time, the little slave girl's voice sounded: "My lord, the meal is ready."

A bowl of corn, and a large piece of barbecue.

Cui Yu woke up from his practice, picked up the rice and put it in his mouth. He just ate half of it, when he heard a loud "bang" from the courtyard door. Winking, winking at Cui Yu desperately.

"Evil! Kneel down!" Cui Huo came to Cui Yu's side, stretched out his foot and kicked Cui Yu to the ground, scattering rice and barbecue all over the floor.

Seeing the blood dripping from the head of the village, Cui Huo was really angry at this moment!
He can tolerate Cui Yu being young and frivolous and careless, but he absolutely cannot tolerate Cui Yu disregarding human life and embarking on evil paths.

Although Cui Huhu is not a decent person, he can't train an executioner.

Cui Yu frowned, and didn't get up, just sat on the ground, looking at Cui Huhu who was furious, with a bruised nose and face, and shoe prints all over his body, wondering what kind of madness Cui Huo was going into.

"Don't kneel down for me yet!" Cui Huhu met Cui Yu's calm gaze, and the anger in his heart turned even more.

You have caused such a catastrophe, and you still act as if nothing happened. If you don’t teach you a lesson today, won’t the whole family be implicated by you in the future?
Cui Huhu was beaten up by the Chen family for no reason at first, and he was furious. After seeing the tragic situation in the village, after seeing the hundreds of rolling heads, he was even more furious.

Cui Yu's eyes fell on the barbecue rice on the ground, then raised his head to look at Cui Huhu:


There must always be a reason to get angry.

Cui Yu looked at Cui Huhu, that simple and honest man, who had never lost his temper in the past ten years in his memory, but today had a ferocious face, like a hungry ghost from hell.

"Second brother, hurry up and kneel down." Yang Erlang dissuaded him from the side, came to Cui Yu's side, and said in a low voice, "Today you took advantage of the power of the Xiang family to kill dozens of people in the village, and uncle When I came back, some villagers sued my uncle and went to settle accounts with my uncle!"

Cui Yu frowned when he heard this, and was about to speak when Cui Huhu over there heard Cui Yu's 'why', and he became even more 'furious': "Why? Are you asking me why?"

I beat you innocently at the Chen family, why do you ask me?
Cui Huhu stepped forward and grabbed Cui Yu's ear: "Go and listen to the wailing outside the yard, why do you ask me? They were just begging for mercy, but you actually killed them all! Such behavior, what is wrong with demons?" Different? Is this what I usually teach you?"

The ears hurt so badly, as if they were about to be ripped off alive, Cui Yu grinned in pain, as if the skin of his brain had been torn off.

"The other party is willing to take the risk of offending the Xiang family to intercede. It must be because of their deep friendship. Is there anything wrong with killing them? Chen Sheng and his son have ruined our family. These people are not ignorant. Now that they know this bloody feud, they still dare to say it In order to prevent them from avenging the Wang family father and son in the future, they must die!" Cui Yu explained.

Cui Yu was directly kicked out of his job by Cui Huhu indiscriminately. He also felt a little angry in his heart, but he still endured his unhappiness and explained carefully to the other party.

He thinks that Cui Huhu is a commoner. He has never seen a big scene in his life.

He was told in the novels of his previous life that 'weeds must be eradicated! '

How many TV series, how many novels have bloody lessons.

Cui Huhu hasn't seen it, so he can't be blamed!

But: Even if you are my father, you can't smash people's jobs.Can't you just talk about something?

"You fart! Where did you come from heresy!" Cui Huo tugged at Cui Yu's ears, did he care about human lives?
He originally wanted to find a reason to hit someone... No, it was just to teach the other party a profound lesson.

But now Cui Yu's attitude of not taking human life seriously made Cui Huhu feel a little chilly.

You can't fall into evil ways, ah!

This kind of thought is very dangerous and must be broken!

"You bastard! You are the elders of the people in the village, and you don't care about human feelings at all. You are a demon! Do you know that the old lady of the Chen family who was killed by you once delivered your mother herself when she had a difficult labor?"

"Mr. Ma, who was killed by you, once lent us ten taels of silver when your sister suffered from the cold and had no money to ask for a doctor, so that your sister's life can be saved."

"Second Uncle Wang even suffered from a serious illness when you were eight years old. He carried you all the way to the county town to find a doctor in the middle of the night."


Cui Huo yelled angrily, and directly pushed Cui Yu to the ground, took a whip from nowhere, and whipped Cui Yu's ass with Wu Xiao.

"How do you tell me to face the elders in the village? How do you tell me to explain?"

"How can we explain it? Why do we need to explain it? We have power, why should we explain it? The elders in the village will only flatter and flatter when they see power." Cui Yu simply showed an expression that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water:
"You said they were kind to me, but that time it wasn't in exchange for money?"

"Mr. Ma borrowed ten taels of silver from us, but he wants us to pay back thirty taels of silver."

"Second Uncle Wang carried me behind his back and went to the city in a black light. Didn't you take five taels of silver?"

"How can there be any kindness! If there is any kindness, when the Wang family harms my female slave, they should stand up as well." Cui Yu spoke with his neck stuck.

Cui Huhu's momentum weakened when he heard the words, and he was stunned: "How did he know these things? What he said seems quite reasonable...but I am the old man! Dare to talk back to the old man?"

As soon as he rolled his eyes, there was another excuse for beating someone!
If you talk back to me, you should fight!

Seeing that he couldn't defend himself, Cui Huo suddenly felt that the momentum to beat his son was a bit weak, is that okay?Quickly change the subject:
"Leaving aside the matter of the villagers, let me ask you: Since the Chen family wants to settle the matter, why don't you agree? Do you want to provoke the Chen family to do something?"

"Are you willing to kill our whole family? You instigated the Xiang family to exile Chen Sheng, how could the Chen family swallow this bad breath? The Chen family dared not trouble the Xiang family, how could they let us go?"

"What about your younger brother, your younger sister, your mother, and Erlang? Are they all going to be buried with you?" Cui Huhu cursed hoarsely, his whip cracking like firecrackers, and his whole body was dripping with blood in a blink of an eye.

"I'll beat you to death, you scourge! I'll beat you to death, you ungrateful bastard." Cui Huo hit him twice again, only to see the bloody Cui Yu quietly looking at him, neither hiding nor making trouble, his heart suddenly softened up.

This is my son!
It hurts so hard, right?
His heart softened, what should he do?
But if you don't beat him hard, will the other party have a long memory?

Preaching [-] times is not as good as a beating.

Do not hit?Getting into trouble like this will sooner or later cause trouble for the family.

"Did the Chen family trouble you?" Looking at Cui Huhu with a bruised nose and swollen face, listening to Cui Huhu swearing, and looking at the shoe prints and blood stains on Cui Huhu's face, Cui Yu suddenly asked under the shadow of whips:

"Otherwise, how do you know about the Chen family? Has the Chen family looked for you?"

Cui Yu was stunned. Looking at the violent Cui Huhu, not only was he found, but he suffered a loss for him.

No wonder it's so hot!

"You don't have to worry about this matter, I just ask you, if the Chen family gets involved, how will you deal with it?" Cui Huo pointed at Cui Yu with a whip: "Are you asking your younger siblings to die with you?"

"You acted so recklessly, what should you do if the Chen family takes revenge on your mother and younger sister in the future? Show off for a while, and refuse to resolve the grievances, but put everyone in a desperate situation."

Cui Yu looked at Cui Huhu, and the wound was painful: "Don't worry, I will never implicate you. As for the people in the family, I have already made arrangements. You will go to Xiang's house tomorrow. I will tell Xiang Caizhu Well, Xiang Caizhu will take you in. The Chen family will never dare to anger the Xiang family at this time! As for the Chen family? Sooner or later, there is no room for resolution. Now that you have formed a deadly feud, what if you tear your face apart? "

Hearing Cui Yu's words, Cui Huhu was holding a whip, his eyes drifted a little.

Question: What should I do if I beat my son by mistake?Waiting online, very urgent!

"Arranging to go to Xiang's house in advance to avoid disaster? I have some brains. Could it be that I made a mistake? No, it is only natural for me to beat my son! If he really handles it properly, I can be beaten now?" Cui Huhu cursed in his heart:

Also, don't implicate me?Don't implicate me, why did you get beaten today?

That's right!No mistake!Asking Lao Tzu to suffer humiliation for him in Chen's house, he deserves to be beaten for this!I am right!What's more, he handled this matter too roughly, causing Lao Tzu to be beaten for nothing!

Cui Huhu kept cheering himself up in his heart, he would never admit that he made a mistake!
Can he say that he was beaten up for no reason and wants to vent his anger on Cui Yu?

That kid caused the trouble, why beat yourself up
But if you suddenly stop in the middle of the fight, will it appear that you are at a loss?Will it appear that you are not confident enough?
And looking at the wound on Cui Yu's body, Cui Huo felt a little distressed, and the speed of waving the whip in his hand could not help but slow down.

After all, he is his own son!
"Don't hit master! Don't hit my master!"

At this moment, Yu walked out of the house with hot water. After seeing the scene in front of him, the hot water in his hand fell on the ground, and then he stepped forward and pushed Cui Huhu back, and then lay down in front of Cui Yu, as if An old hen protected Cui Yu under her body.

Cui Huhu froze in place, never expecting that Yu would dare to push him?
How dare a slave reach out and push himself?
Well, I still feel sorry for my son, but now I have a substitute!
This kid loves the little slave girl the most on weekdays. He was obviously fascinated by the beauty, which caused a series of incidents, involving the whole family.

Hitting the little slave girl is more effective than beating him!
And it's just a slave, it doesn't hurt to kill him!

"Beauty is a mistake! Let him have a long memory today. Beauty is the first hurdle in the world. Only a virtuous woman like your mother is the most suitable wife! What's the use of beauty? It's really fragrant to be virtuous and take care of the family." !" Cui Huhu was thinking in his heart, but his hands kept moving, and he beat the little slave girl with a whip:

"You culprit! Slut! If it weren't for you, how could this kind of thing happen at home? How dare you push me, you ignorant thing? How dare you push me? I'll beat you to death today, and I'll teach you who you know It's the master, who's the slave!" Cui Huo beat Yu directly with the whip in his hand, without showing any mercy.

Cui Yu couldn't react in time, only heard a scream from the female slave on his body, and then quickly turned over to protect the little female slave under him, facing Cui Tiger's overwhelming whip, he stretched out his hand suddenly, and grabbed Cui Tiger's whip in his phantom.

At this time, seeing Cui Huhu implicate innocent people, Cui Yu's heart became angry.

What's wrong with the little slave girl?

Cui Huhu whipped once, but the whip didn't move like a mountain.

"Do you still dare to resist? It seems that she was instigated by that slave, and she must be beaten to death today!" Cui Huhu glared at Cui Yu.

"Killed? The life of a slave, isn't it life?"

"You were still laughing at me for killing those villagers, so it turns out that you and I are on the same road, and you didn't kill them." Cui Yu looked at Cui Huhu, and when he heard that the other party was about to kill Yu, Cui Yu felt angry and taunted him.Then let go of the whip in Cui Huo's hand:
"If you want to hit you, hit it, anyway, I've already done it. It's just that you can't involve innocent people! Yu is innocent!"

"You... How can slaves compare with civilians? How can there be any comparison? Slaves are goods, not people!" Cui Huo stared at Cui Yu.

Cui Huhu looked at Cui Yu and felt that this kid had a problem with his thinking. How could a slave be a human being? .

Seeing the serious face of Cui Huhu who didn't think he was wrong at all, and the trembling little slave girl in his arms, Cui Yu felt inexplicably sad.

Even Cui Huhu, who is at the bottom, does not regard the slaves at the bottom as human beings. Is there any way to save the world?
What is the difference between a slave and a commoner, who are also low-level ants who have been killed by nobles?
This is the tragedy of the times. Both slaves and civilians are the lowest level people. In order to prevent them from uniting, the nobles deliberately draw a gap.

"Chickens talk to ducks, there is nothing to say." Cui Yu looked at Cui Huhu and said unyieldingly: "Yu is mine! Even if it is a slave or an animal, it is my animal or slave of Cui Yu, and others have no right to it." Deal with it!"

"In your eyes, slaves are not human beings, but in my eyes, how can those villagers be human beings? What's the difference between them and slaves? If you kill them, you can kill them. I have the ability to kill you! If you have the ability, ask them to kill me!" Cui Yu said eloquently .

Cui Huhu can beat him, but he doesn't treat the little slave girl as an adult --- no! ! !

"You're reasonable!" Seeing Cui Yu contradicting him because of a female slave, Cui Huo's heart was furious, and he whipped his head and face again: "I usually tell you about keeping a low profile, why don't you remember at all!"

Yu Zai was so frightened that he burst into tears under Cui Yu's body, but Cui Yu's expression was normal, he just protected the shivering little slave girl, but didn't speak.

Yang Erlang hurried forward to support Cui Huhu and dragged him aside: "Uncle calm down, what my younger brother said is not unreasonable."

"You also help him speak." Cui Huo pointed at Cui Yu angrily: "Little brat, I have raised you for more than ten years, and it was nothing. You are a white-eyed wolf! For a slave, now you dare to contradict me. , you act so selfishly, why don't you think about your younger sister, younger brother, and younger sister, and consider their safety. Are all the people combined, not as good as a female slave? I think you are fascinated by this vixen .”

"This little slave girl is the culprit, and that's why you changed your temperament drastically. You can either kill her tonight or sell her tomorrow!" Cui Huo cursed.

Cui Yu's complexion changed when he heard this, he could tolerate Cui Huhu beating him and scolding him, but for the little slave girl?But not!
Pulling up the terrified Yu, Cui Yu looked at Cui Huhu, and felt agitated at this moment, especially Cui Huhu, who doesn't treat female slaves as human beings, and doesn't treat human beings as human beings. He is clearly at the bottom, but he still looks down on the same Being a slave at the bottom, this kind of world makes Cui Yu feel helpless and desperate.

We are all at the lowest level, why bother to persecute each other?
Seeing that Cui Huhu was like this, he didn't listen to his words at all, and he didn't ask the reason of the matter, Cui Yu gradually became angry in his heart.

What are you explaining to this idiot?
If you can't explain it, just don't explain it!

Cui Huhu's vision is so wide in his life, he is destined to be unable to explain it, and he will talk to the duck.

But looking at the bloody wound on the little slave girl, Cui Yu became a little anxious:
"White-eyed wolf? The grace of nurturing belongs to the grace of nurturing, and the way of doing things belongs to the way of doing things. You support me, but how I do things has my own reasons for doing things. I only do what I think is right! As for nurturing Grace? What kindness is there in nurturing? Since you gave birth to me, you should support me! Not only should you support me, but you should also give me a life of luxury. If you treat me harshly, it is your fault. You can’t support me. Remember me, why did you give birth to me?"

"You have no money and no power to have children, and you are worthy of being a parent? How dare you ask me to live in your house for more than ten years?" Cui Yu spoke eloquently.

Cui Huhu beat him, he couldn't fight back, but he was not allowed to be angry with him?
Does he blame Tiger Cui?
In fact, he didn't blame Cui Huhu. Cui Huhu was just an honest man, just a commoner, with no vision and courage, and what he wanted all his life was stability.

He is just desperate for this world!

"You..." Cui Huhu pointed at Cui Yu, trembling with anger, unable to speak for a while.

This kid is clearly heresy, but it seems to make sense!

You don’t have the financial resources to raise your child well, you can’t give him a high-quality life, you make him suffer when he is born, and he is used as an ox or a horse for others. After all, they have to thank you?

Where did you learn this fallacy?Cui Huohu has a toothache!

Cui Yu helped the little slave girl into the house, leaving Cui Huo furious in the yard, cursing and smashing bamboo baskets and tubes

in the house

Standing beside Cui Yu, Yu looked at Cui Yu with tears in his eyes, "Master, it's all because of the slave! It's because of the fault of the slave that the conflict between the master and the master started."

"Don't do your business, he's a small man who deceives himself and others with his knowledge, always thinking that the matter will be over in peace." Cui Yu sneered.

"Go to sleep." Cui Yu stroked Yu's head.

"I will give you the medicine." Yu looked at Cui Yu's wound, with distress in his eyes.

"Hahaha, where is the injury? It was just a trick to fool that old fool." Cui Yu stretched out his arm, which was so white and delicate that there was no wound.

ps: How is Tiger Cui's acting skills?This chapter lays the groundwork, and the next chapter will show you "The more I think about it, the more angry I get" Cui Huhu.

(End of this chapter)

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