Chapter 45
Yu Jian's eyes widened, filled with unbelievable touches.

After recovering for a while, he panicked and said:

"Slave... slave... I have to cook, the master hasn't eaten yet.".

"Hungry for him! Don't pay attention to him as an old fool." Cui Yu sneered.

The two fell asleep in the house, Yu returned to his bed, Cui Yu looked at the tent above his head by himself, and gradually fell into deep thought.

After a while, he gritted his teeth firmly and said: "I'm not wrong! If I do it again, I will kill all those untouchables. Those people still dare to come forward to intercede despite the pressure of the Xiang family. Cramp, I want to avenge Wang Tao, how can I guard against it? I can guard against it, but Yu can't guard against it! Parents can't guard against it either!"

"I don't have the capital to start over. Once some mistakes are made, there will never be a chance to make up for them. If this is the case, it is better to wipe out the roots."

Looking out of the window, Cui Yu murmured in his heart: "Originally, you and I have no enmity, and there is no cause and effect between us. But when you stand on the side of the Wang family and intercede for Wang Tao, we have a camp and a Karma is over. If you can become ghosts, just find me for revenge."

At this time, there was a sound outside the yard. The younger sister and younger brother, and the mother came back from work in the Xiang family. The laughter of the younger sister and younger brother resounded throughout the yard.

"What's the matter? You have a bad face? Has Cui Yu come back?" Cui's mother came from outside the door.

"Don't mention that bastard, hurry up and cook for me, I'm going to starve to death!" Cui Huhu scolded angrily, "You came back so late today?"

"Why are you so angry, did that one provoke you?" Mother Cui complained dissatisfied.

"You still dare to ask, it's not the evil you were born with." While talking, Cui Huhu got up and hit Cui's mother beside him.

"What did you do to me? Are you crazy? Can't you make it through?" Cui's mother screamed, running back and forth.

"I told you to give birth to that evil, I will beat you to death." Cui Huhu yelled and chased him all over the courtyard.

"Uncle, stop quickly, why are you venting your anger on Auntie?" Yang Erlang's voice sounded.

"Don't stop me. If you offend the Chen family, you will die sooner or later. It's better to tell me to beat them to death. They will die happily." While talking, he also started to attack Cui Li and Cui Lu next to him, and the courtyard was full of tears Voice.

Cui Yu sat up from the bed, hesitated for a while, but finally did not go out, but lay down quietly.

Soon the crying and cursing in the yard stopped, only the voice of Cui Huhu cursing.

The courtyard quickly fell into silence. Cui Yu was sitting in the room, and he could see through the window paper that Cui Huhu in the courtyard was standing alone under the bright moon, standing blankly under the moonlight without saying a word.

The old elders who are drawn by the shadows under the moonlight.

After a while, Cui Huhu walked to the window, took down the butcher's knife hanging on the shelf, took a sip of the wine, then took a sip of the wine, bowed his head and began to sharpen the knife.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get!

When did I, Cui Huo, kowtow to someone?
Cui Huhu has ruled the world for so many years, when did he experience such idleness?
Besides the master, who has he kowtowed to?

Cui Yu sat in front of the window blankly, looking at Cui Huhu who was sharpening his knife in the yard with his eyes, suddenly his heart was touched, and all the grievances disappeared without a trace.

He is indeed a humble man, without much courage and insight, all he wants in his life is stability.But it's not his fault, he was born in this era, and he hasn't read a book, so how much knowledge can he have?
"The Chen family came to him today. He is an ignorant commoner. He has been frightened out of his nerves, right? That's why he is so irritable."

"When he ran away for the first time, he didn't blame me. Now that I have caused more and more troubles, I feel more and more uncertain." Cui Yu didn't sleep either, so he just sat in front of the window and watched through the window paper. Looking at Cui Huhu in the yard.

At this moment, Cui Yu felt a little regretful, he shouldn't have spoken so harshly before.

Cui Huhu was sharpening the knife, sharpening it very seriously, and it seemed to sharpen Cui Yu's heart.

The sound of sharpening the knife seemed to contain a unique rhythm. Hearing the sound of sharpening the knife, Cui Yu felt dizzy for some reason, and then fell into a drowsy sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Cui Huo took the knife under the moonlight and looked at it for a while: "It's really sharp and bright. It's been 18 years, and the skill of sharpening the knife still hasn't deteriorated!"

"My knife can't kill? Hehe!"

After the words fell, he walked towards Cui Yu's room with a knife in his hand, pushed open the door and came to Cui Yu's bed, his eyes fixed on Cui Yu's neck.At this moment, people couldn't help but doubt whether Cui Huo would cut it off, and he couldn't help sighing leisurely: "I have taught this kid for 15 years, but his growth is still crooked! How can I learn it in just a few months?" Heresy? You still blame me for being incompetent!"

"I have been incognito here for 18 years, and now it seems that I can't hide it anymore. But I still have two years left! Two years away!"

"After learning the skills of a three-legged cat outside, I thought I could fight against the Chen family. You are too easy to think. But you are worthy of my kind. Even if you come from an ordinary background, you still have an extraordinary heart." Cui The tiger looked at the sleeping Cui Yu, and looked at the ice in the room with his eyes: "I have been waiting for 18 years for this opportunity! Why can't you endure it for a few more years?"

"Today, my father got angry at you and gave you a good beating. I just hope that you will have a better memory and don't act alone. You also have younger brothers and younger sisters. Have you considered them? You are overwhelmed." You idiot, what will your little brother, your sister, your mother, and Erlang do when the time comes? Are they all going to be buried with you? Do you really think that you can be arrogant after learning the kung fu of the triangular cat outside? Are you ignoring the rules of this world?"

"I've been pretending to be a grandson for 18 years, but I'm really tired!"

Cui Huhu muttered, covering Cui Yu with a quilt.

"But since it's irreconcilable, let's not reconcile it. It's still two years away, and it's okay to ask this kid to attract attention." Cui Huo cut off a piece of ice, put it in his mouth and walked away:

"There's only so much Dad can do for you."

Cui Huhu took the knife and walked away, all the way to the stone bridge at the head of the village, his eyes swept over the dry river bed, and fell on the mirror hanging under the bridge.

There is a mirror hanging under the stone bridge, which is used to suppress Feng Shui.

"Who would have thought that!" Cui Huhu looked at the mirror with a sigh: "It is said that there is another world connected to the mirror, and Jiang Taigong got the list of gods from the mirror. A deadline for this mirror to open."

All the way out of Liangjie Mountain, a few flashes have already arrived in a valley outside Daliang City: "I remember that there seem to be a few old guys in the Chen family! Kill all these old guys first, and the Chen family will definitely be able to calm down." A few years. The rest of the rookies, I leave it to you to practice. If you can’t even deal with the rest of the Chen family’s rookies... then you can’t handle it, just practice slowly in the future.”

The next moment, the butcher's knives scrambled, and in an instant they turned into thousands of steel wires, which quietly drilled into the valley.


There was a scream in the valley, and an old figure soared into the sky: "I don't know where Gao Shi sent down thunder and anger, please be merciful to Gao Shi's subordinates. My Chen family has already taken refuge in Taiping Road... ah..."

Before the voice could finish speaking, a steel wire had pierced through the heart.

"It's too long-winded." Cui Huo shook his head, and then the sword shone all over the sky, turned into a steel knife and returned to his hand: "Call work, go home and sleep!"

"The little fish in Daliang City are left to you, kid. If you want to make a career, how can you do it without going through hardships." Cui Huo walked to Lijia Village step by step: "Lijia Village is said to be buried with gods and demons. But I have been searching for 18 years, where is the good fortune of the gods and demons? Could it be that Jiang Taigong's handwriting was fake? But the power of the Kunlun mirror clearly enveloped the small mountain village."

Cui Huohu walked back to the village, then skillfully put the butcher's knife in the corner, looked at the house with a look of pride in his eyes: "I, Cui Huohu, was born to be a good actor. But for the upcoming opportunity, I will bear it!" "

Going back to the house, looking at his wife sleeping soundly on the bed, Cui Huo showed tenderness in his eyes, and then stretched out his hand to hug the sleepy mother Cui in his arms: "It's better to be a wife, a wife is gentle and virtuous, never so much. matter."

"It's just a pity that my wife is a mortal, and she can't accompany me for a long life, it's really lonely! Don't worry, even if you are a mortal, I love you! I will accompany you through this life and grow old with you."

After speaking, Cui Huhu fell asleep and snored loudly.

Cui's mother, who was in his arms, turned her back to Cui Huhu, and slowly opened her eyes, which were extraordinarily bright in the dark.

Second day

Let's talk about the Chen family
Inside the Big Mountain

The Patriarch of the Chen family, Chen Changfa, stood pale in front of the main building, looking at the corpses on the ground, he felt the world was spinning, and his whole body was trembling constantly.

People in the Chen family have natal lamps, which are lit day and night to illuminate, and never go out.Unless one day, the person of his destiny dies, the light will be extinguished.

And even if the lights are extinguished, there will be a little natal soul left in the wick, which can be used to check the crisis that the other party suffered during his lifetime, so that the family members can avenge their blood hatred, or they may not know who the murderer is.

Last night, the natal lights in the family's ancestral hall were largely extinguished, and the few powerful masters of the Chen family stayed up all night in shock. They disappeared at dawn the next day, and quietly came to the place where the Chen family arranged.

"Don't worry, our Chen family has been in business here for a hundred years. Even if the power to wipe out the books of life and death comes, it is absolutely impossible to slaughter all our clansmen overnight. The ancestors are even more extraordinary, and it is me, Liang Chen. Clan Dinghai cornerstone, everyone has the means to save their lives, and it is absolutely impossible to be killed easily." Chen Erye said a word of comfort, and then a few people walked into the valley, only to see eight Chen family disciples lying on the ground with their clothes on. It was clean and tidy, nothing abnormal could be seen, as if asleep.

Second Master Chen took a step forward, carefully observed the disciple's body, and finally saw a wound the size of a steel needle on the temple.

"They're all dead!" Second Master Chen sighed.

Seeing that Chen Changfa was about to continue walking in, he quickly got up and pulled him back: "We go in, and you take care of it outside. If something happens, you don't have to worry about me, and flee back to Daliang City immediately."

Chen Changfa didn't say anything, just watched Second Master Chen carrying eight Chen family disciples into the pavilion, and then dodged and hid himself in a big tree not far away.

Second Master Chen walked all the way into the pavilion, opened the door, and saw eight disciples of the Chen family in the room maintaining their eating movements, each with a stiff body and a joking expression on their faces.

Seeing this scene, Second Master Chen's pupils shrank, and then he came closer to examine carefully, and saw blood stains on one person's ears that had dried up.Another person had dried blood stains on the back of his head.

"I was killed as soon as I met him!" Second Master Chen's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Even before these people died, they didn't even know that they had been killed.They were talking and laughing, and they died quietly.

"Go and find your ancestors."

Chen Erye gave an order, watched the disciples disperse, and then walked carefully from room to room, looking at the dead bodies.

What kind of enemy is this?
The most elite disciple of the Chen family can't even react?
Even before he died, he didn't even know that he was dead!

"I hope the ancestors are fine, otherwise..." Second Master Chen looked at the rooms and corpses, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Second uncle, some ancestors... several ancestors... several ancestors..." The trembling voices of several disciples came from a distance, full of panic.

"What happened to the ancestors? Second Master Chen hurried out of the house.

"It's gone! It's gone! It's all gone!" The Chen family's children knelt down on the ground limply, their eyes full of fear.

"Impossible! There is no strong person in Daliang City who has lost his life and death records, and it is impossible to slaughter all the heritage of my Chen family in one night." Second Master Chen couldn't believe it. He went up to check the corpse himself, and then The whole person gasped.

Still a one-hit kill!
When the ancestors of the Chen family faced any strong man, they were no different from those ordinary disciples.

"When did my Daliang Chen family offend such a terrible enemy?" Second Master Chen sat slumped on the ground, his back was already wet with sweat.


The unprecedented fear was like a black cloud, covering the sky and covering the earth, as if it could crush the sky and the earth.

The Chen family has been slaughtered, so is it the turn of the disciples of the Chen family in Daliang City?

"Who is it that is so cruel and merciless!" Chen Erye muttered to himself.

A quarter of an hour later, the distraught Second Master Chen walked out of the canyon.

"How is it?" Chen Changfa quickly jumped out from behind the tree.

"There is no one alive, they are all dead!" Second Master Chen's eyes were dull, his voice was vague and slightly crazy: "The 72 people in this valley were all killed by one blow."

"Impossible! Second brother is joking with me, isn't he?" Chen Changfa couldn't believe it.

Chen Erye shook his head, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Where are the ancestors? Where are the ancestors?" Chen Changfa was so startled that cold sweat dripped down his back and wet his clothes.Looking at the beautiful canyon in front of my eyes, I only feel that the place where I used to raise my heart and mind is endlessly eerie and terrifying, with ghostly spirits circulating constantly.

"The ancestor is also dead." Second Master Chen's voice was trembling.

That is the background of the Daliang Chen family!
At this time, there were disciples of the Chen family who kept carrying out one after another corpses in the valley and placed them neatly.

Looking closely at the corpse, no obvious wounds could be seen, the only wound was a bright red spot the size of a needle eye.

(End of this chapter)

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