Chapter 54 Lay Down!

After a while, the little Taoist priest Shoucheng opened his eyes, wiped his sweaty temples, and then looked at Yu behind Cui Yu, and Zhang Jiao with a relaxed expression. of self-doubt.

Then the three people on the mountain stared at each other, looking at each other, only the voice of the old Taoist preaching sutras was stirring like a clear spring in the mountain.

After half a sound, the old Taoist stopped lecturing, and Zhang Jiao and Yu woke up from their immersion.

"People in the world are divided into three levels of understanding." The old Taoist did not stop talking, but continued, looking at everyone with a pair of eyes:
"A superior person can comprehend his own breathing method and comprehend his own kung fu method from the principles of the big volume of scriptures. He can practice rapidly and quickly, and he is also the fastest and the best. In this life, he is expected to reach the peak. Clear the mysteries and trajectory of the entire world, and be with the heaven and the earth, immortal, immortal, and even superior to ghosts and gods."

"Those with the appearance of a middle-aged person can get enlightened from the exercises left by their predecessors and embark on the road of Qi training. It's just that this generation is following the old path of the predecessors, and after all, they cannot escape the shackles of the predecessors, and their achievements in a lifetime are limited. Playing around for a hundred years, even dominating a place and playing with the wind and clouds to be happy and happy, but when the deadline comes, it will definitely turn into ashes and become strange food."

"As for the second thing, if you enter the heresy, you can be sideways, but when the calamity comes, you will immediately become weird, and the people who make you are neither human nor ghost. This generation does not practice longevity, does not understand the magic of heaven and earth, but only pursues power to the limit. In 200 years, the body will die and the Tao will disappear, and it cannot be reincarnated in the world, and can only be turned into ashes."

"What's more, it's like rotten wood and rocks, so it's worth not talking about it. It's a waste of saliva and useless work."

At the end of the old Taoist's speech, he looked at Cui Yu, making Cui Yu's hair explode. He felt that the old Taoist was connoting himself, but he had no evidence.

Before Cui Yu could speak, the old Taoist's eyes fell on Yu: "Yu, you are a person of extreme talent. In the future, you are expected to live forever and be with this world. Would you like to worship me?"

"Disciple is willing." Yu glanced at Cui Yu, saw Cui Yu nodded, and knelt in front of the old Taoist priest: "It's just that my elder brother also admires the Dao of Longevity..."

"Your eldest brother is extremely talented, and he doesn't have to worry about not having a famous teacher and secret method. His chance is not with me." The old Taoist looked at Yu: "Originally, the old Taoist was destined to have two disciples, but after meeting you, the old Taoist really felt that he was destined for you, and couldn't bear to have you around." The pearls in the world are dusty, so I opened my mouth to give enlightenment."

Yu turned to look at Cui Yu, Cui Yu smiled and said, "Your master, I have another chance, so you should go to apprentice first."

"Disciple pays homage to teacher." Yu kowtowed.

Seeing this, the old Taoist nodded, and looked at Shoucheng: "Go and prepare for the apprenticeship ceremony."

The little Taoist stood up, entered the room and moved out the altar, and then placed all kinds of melons and fruits for incense, as well as a stack of yellow mounting paper.

The old Taoist cut his wrist, and purple blood flowed and dripped on the yellow mounting paper, which turned into strange and unpredictable symbols, which were arranged on the yellow mounting paper according to some mysterious rules.

The old Taoist dripped 72 drops of blood, and there were 72 mysterious runes on the yellow mounting paper. The runes were like swimming tadpoles, swimming vividly in the inch above the paper.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu's mouth widened in shock: "Unbelievable! It's unbelievable!"

The old Taoist folded the yellow mounting paper according to a certain shape, then stuffed it into the dog, and said something in his mouth: "Regard all ghosts and gods..."

The voice is too low, like a murmur in a dream, it is not really audible at all.

After the real Nanhua recited a stick of incense, the yellow mounting paper in his hand suddenly turned into a strange streamer, flew into the air and burned, and the burning flames intertwined continuously, transforming into a mysterious golden rune , shot into Yu's eyebrows.

Then it turned into a golden human-shaped mark, which was dimly imprinted into the skin.

"It's done! This is my teacher's secret method, which can be passed on to the ancient gods, and can communicate with the unpredictable great existence in the dark." Nanhua real person looked at Yu: "In the future, you will follow me to study the big volume of scriptures, Understand your own Dao. When you enter the Tao, you can go down the mountain."

Speaking of this, Master Nanhua looked at Cui Yu: "The next thing is my teacher will teach the big book of secret law. As an outsider, you still need to avoid it... Forget it, you are stupid, even if I recite it to you thousands of times. , you can’t even remember.”

Master Nanhua took out a white jade board from his sleeve after finishing speaking, and then looked at Zhang Jiao, Shoucheng, and Yu: "Next, I will recite a large volume of scriptures for the teacher, please sit down and concentrate. Don’t let your mind wander.”

Cui Yu sat on the bluestone with a blank expression, looking at the solemn old Taoist priest, he felt that he had been humiliated, but he had no proof.

His teachers don't teach secret methods behind their backs, so how bad should my aptitude be in the eyes of old Taoists.

Looking at the old Taoist, Cui Yu was not polite, and sat down cross-legged directly. He wanted to see what the old Taoist said, but he didn't believe that everyone was equally human, and he had gained nothing, nothing at all.

"Being not from being, not being nothing, not being empty, not being empty, being not being, being not being being, not being empty, being empty. Emptiness is emptiness, emptiness has no fixed emptiness, knowing that emptiness is not emptiness,..."

Nanhua real person opened his mouth, his voice was cadenced, and a unique tone spread in the air, turning into a unique melody that directly rushed into people's hearts.It's like a loud bell and a big drum, deafening to the ears and cleansing the mind.

However, the moment Cui Yu heard that voice, he was completely stunned.

What the hell?
What is this old Taoist talking about?

What is there or not, what is empty or not, what are you talking about?

He could understand every word, but when these words were connected together, he didn't know a single word, and he was completely confused.

What are you talking about?Can you speak something human, something people can understand?

Looking at the three people on the side, Yu was so engrossed in it that he almost danced.That corner is not bad either, the whole person is at ease, with a little more leisurely posture.In the caretaker, although his brows were furrowed, he seemed to be listening.

Only myself, listening to the old Taoist priest chanting scriptures, literally went in one ear and out the other, as if there were eighteen flies buzzing in my mind and I was restless.

Just as Cui Yu was sitting there, he was distracted for a while, thinking about going to Java.

For a while, he thought about how to kill the Chen family, and for a while, he thought about how he should live in the future.

"The weirdness in the well of gods and demons is enough for me to practice for a long time. This weirdness is too powerful."

"What is the weirdness in the well of gods and demons?" Cui Yu's mind flickered with countless distractions.

While the old Taoist chanting at the side, although his eyes were on the white jade board, he was always staring at the people in the field from the corner of his eye.

A pair of eyes swept over the three apprentices of his family, and seeing Yu dancing and dancing, he seemed to be completely immersed in Daohezhen, so he couldn't help nodding: "As expected of the blood of the Chu royal family, the talent is tyrannical. Such an obscure canon in the Daquanzhenjing, for There is no difficulty for the other party, obviously the whole person is completely immersed in it."

Going to look at Zhang Jiao again, he praised in his heart: "As expected of Huang Tian's chosen one, this talent is no worse than that of Chu's royal family."

Looking at Shoucheng, Nan Hua frowned: "It's a pity! I only hope that he can gain something in Liangjie Mountain, otherwise he will be a middle-aged person in this life."

Then it landed on Cui Yu, looking at Cui Yu who was out of his mind, the jade plate in his hand fell to the ground in shock, the sound of chanting in his mouth changed, and it was so long.

"I don't see good or bad, I don't make high or low, and I don't make choices. Why? There is no good or bad in the Dharma, because it is separated from all appearances. There is no high or low in the Dharma, because it is equal to the Dharma-nature. There is no choice in the Dharma...I will go! Mind ape, mind horse! !!"

The old Taoist priest was reciting scriptures, and when he saw Cui Yu, who was wandering away from his mind, the jade board in his hand fell to the ground in shock. Withdrawing, even in contact with that brilliance, Cui Yu suddenly leaked a ray of energy, and the huge distracting thoughts in the body escaped out of the body along with a ray of qi from the mind and horse, and was absorbed by that strange qi Go, that Guanghua unexpectedly changed at this time, and even changed the last sentence of the old Taoist priest, 'I will go!Heart ape, Italy horse! 'branded on the bluestone under the seat!
The jade board in the hands of the old Taoist is by no means an ordinary jade board, but a real treasure of heaven and earth, which records countless mysterious scriptures of the great way of heaven and earth.

Every word in the scriptures penetrates the good fortune in the dark, and has incredible power attached to it.

That day, the words "knocked down" in the book reacted with the huge distracting thoughts in Cui Yu's mind, and some incredible changes happened.

It's just that neither the old Taoist priest nor Cui Yu noticed such a change, so that the brilliance fell into the stone silently and completely merged with the stone.

The old Taoist suddenly burst into obscenity, and the three people who were listening to the scriptures next to him were so excited that they almost lost their temper.

The three people who were listening to the scriptures over there couldn't help being stunned: I'll go?Mind ape, mind horse?What is this scripture?
Is there such a sentence in the scriptures?
Seeing the distorted faces of the three people, puzzled, the old Taoist hurriedly picked up the jade board. Seeing that the three people in the enlightenment were about to wake up, he quickly pulled the jade board three times. The three people's disordered minds straightened out again, and they opened their mouths to continue reciting the classics, but their eyes fell on Cui Yu's body, and countless turbulent waves rolled up in their hearts.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" The old Taoist thought in his heart.

An old Taoist saying 'I will go!Heart ape, Italy horse! Wake up Cui Yu, who was out of his mind, the trill of the old Taoist's words flashed in his mind, Cui Yu opened his eyes, his eyes were full of bewilderment.

He understands this sentence!
Just, 'I'll go, Xin Yuan, Yi Ma! 'Is it also a scripture?

Opening his eyes, Cui Yu and the old Taoist faced each other, and they were speechless for a moment.

"How is it possible! How is it possible! He has only lived for so many years and has so much insight, how did he awaken the mind ape and the mind horse? Aren't the mind ape and the mind horse only comprehended by monks who have eliminated the book of life and death?" In the eyes of the old Taoist Full of shock.

He finally knew why he had seen divine signs all over Cui Yu, but his talent was so dull!

Xinyuan and Yima are the most powerful enemies of all monks in the world!
That was the ordeal of a great monk. Cui Yu, a mortal, has awakened his heart and mind, how can he suppress it?
Xinyuan and Yima also have another name, that is, "devil master".

It is the unfettered thought in the human body, it is also the sustenance of the devil, and it is also the seed that the devil takes root and sprouts.

It is the demon within the body and the demon outside the body.

"Unable to subdue the mind ape and mind horse, he will never be able to realize the Tao in this life. However, although his mind ape and mind horse have awakened, it seems that they have not had much influence and have not interfered with his mind." Countless thoughts in Nanhua's mind flashing:

"It's useless! This kid is useless! Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, there is no way for him to enter the Tao."

Immortal Nanhua became even more curious about Cui Yu. Where did Cui Yu come from with so many distracting thoughts? He actually awakened his mind ape and mind horse in a mortal body.

What is mind ape and mind horse?
It is an old antique that has erased the book of life and death. I have lived in the world for too long, and I have seen too much. Countless distracting thoughts have affected the mind. ,
But how much knowledge do you need?
read more, walk more.Live for hundreds of years!
What about Cui Yu?
At the age of fifteen or sixteen, where did he gain knowledge?
He didn't know that Cui Yu's soul came from an era of big bang, and countless information was poured into his mind through the Internet. Even an old monster who has lived in this world for tens of millions of years may not be as knowledgeable as Cui Yu.

Originally, it would be fine if Cui Yu lived in that world, but who would have thought that in this strange world, the huge knowledge, the dreamy information that reversed the glass, would eventually give birth to the greatest evil that people fear in this world : Mind ape, mind horse.

"Moreover, his mind and mind are just brewing, and there are countless huge distracting thoughts that are turning into nourishment to nourish his mind and mind." The eyes of the old Taoist were full of shock, and then a thought flashed :
"No! Absolutely not! He must not be allowed to enter the Tao! If he enters the Tao, under the blessing of the huge mind ape and mind horse, he will inevitably master an extremely incredible power in a very short period of time. The human race and the gods are invincible. The whole world will be reduced to ruins under his ravages."

"We must not let him enter Taoism!" A thought flashed in Nan Hua's heart.

Let's say that Cui Yu looked at the real Nanhua, and then his eyes flickered, and from the corner of his eyes, he suddenly saw the big rock where the real Nanhua was sitting cross-legged.

I saw a line of small characters exuding a faint clear light, which was clearly imprinted on the stone.All the tones uttered from Nanhua's mouth were heard by the writing on the stone.

"Can you listen to the words written on the stone?" Cui Yu was stunned, staring at the handwriting carefully, but he didn't recognize it. go!Heart ape, Italy horse! '.

(End of this chapter)

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