Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 55 The stone ran away!

Chapter 55 The stone ran away!

Cui Yu looked at the stone under the real person Nanhua with his eyes, and he was a little confused. Can you still listen to the preaching after seeing the stone?
But now he can clearly see that the stone is absorbing the profound meaning of the scriptures recited by the Nanhua real person.

A stone to absorb the profound meaning of the scriptures?
Cui Yu was a little confused, did the scriptures recited by Master Nanhua really contain truth?

Look at Yu who is immersed in it and dancing.Zhang Jiao shook his head and felt complacent.Shoucheng frowned, thinking hard, but still immersed in it.

Then he looked at the stone under Nan Hua's body, Cui Yu fell silent.

A stone was immersed in the scriptures written by the real Nanhua, and began to realize the Tao and absorb some kind of wonderful energy between the heavens and the earth, but he didn't get anything.

Could it be that I am not as good as a stone without emotion and consciousness?
Looking at the stone that absorbed a certain mysterious power between heaven and earth, Cui Yu looked at Nanhua sitting on the stone, and suddenly wanted to say: "Why don't you ride me and preach the scriptures." '

It's a pity that he is a face-saving person!

"It's really not even as good as a rock." Cui Yu stared at Nan Hua sitting down on the rock, and saw the sentence, "Fuck, mind ape, mind horse." 'Gradually penetrated into the stone, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Cui Yu moved his eyes away from the stone, and then looked at Nanhua himself. At this time, Nanhua was also looking at Cui Yu, and thoughts flickered in his mind: "This kid is useless! Want to enter Taoism? Want to eat ass!"

A great monk who has lost his life and death certificate can't subdue the mind ape and the mind horse, let alone Cui Yu, a mortal?
Yes, mortals!
In Nanhua's eyes, although Cui Yu is handsome, he is just an ordinary person.

Until the evening, when the lecture was over, Cui Yu felt drowsy after listening to it, but he didn't know that there was a mysterious energy fluctuation all over his body, which was absorbed by the blue stone that Nanhua Daoist sat on.

"Is there anything you can gain from speaking the scriptures today?" Nanhua Daoist asked.

"I've gained a lot. This disciple has already comprehended a mantra, which can swallow a certain kind of strange power in the mountains and rivers." Yu opened his eyes, and the villain between his eyebrows seemed to be alive, and his eyes were full of joy.

The old Taoist priest was horrified and moved: "It's really incredible to be so talented."

Looking at Zhang Jiao, Zhang Jiao smiled shyly: "The disciple is already able to enter the soil."

Master Nanhua was surprised: "The blood of the five virtues is really extraordinary."

Looking at the little Taoist priest Shoucheng, he saw Shoucheng bowing his head and smiling wryly.

Seeing this, Master Nanhua comforted: "Don't be discouraged, your talent is already superior, surpassing ninety-nine percent of the worldly people, there are many people who are not as good as you. It's like some people, who clearly heard the scriptures, But you are still deaf, and the Dao is in front of you but you don’t know each other. You are already very good.”

"I am ashamed, I will work harder in the future." The little Taoist priest Shoucheng said.

Cui Yu looked at Master Nanhua with an unhappy expression on his face. He had a feeling that this old Taoist priest was connoting himself, but he had no proof.

"The Taoist priest finished his lecture, we're going back to eat." Cui Yu stood up.


After Cui Yu finished his words, he suddenly saw four legs growing out of nowhere from the blue stone under Nan Hua's buttocks, and then suddenly knocked Nan Hua over to the ground, and fell to the ground.

Then the stone had four legs, like a pug, and ran around Cui Yu's legs.


Seeing Nan Hua being overturned to the ground, Zhang Jiao and Shou Cheng were startled, and Shou Cheng stepped forward to help him.

"What an evil! Where is the evildoer, dare to make trouble here?" Zhang Jiao glared at Qingshi, with a hint of nervousness in his eyes.

"The stubborn stone opened up, and actually stole the power of the scriptures." Nanhua real person looked at Shitai who had grown four legs and ran around on the ground, and pushed away Zhang Jiao who was supporting him, his eyes were full of surprise.

"No! No! Not only has the power of the scriptures been stolen, but also the power of the inner demons. This is 'Fuck! Heart ape, Yima!'! Which 'Damn! Heart ape, Yima!' '." The old Taoist exclaimed again and again, his voice full of disbelief.

Zhang Jiao and Shoucheng had strange expressions on the side, why did their master start swearing?

What' damn it!Heart ape, Italy horse! 'very messy.

"Master, where did this monster come from?" Zhang Jiao asked from the side.

The stone was like a puppy, it bumped to Cui Yu's side, and kept rubbing against his legs.

"That's a demon!" The old Taoist looked serious.

Heart demon?

Everyone in the field was puzzled.

The old Taoist looked at Cui Yu: "It's your demon."

"My inner demon? The old Taoist is fooling people. I am very happy. Where is the inner demon?" Cui Yu sneered: "I must be playing tricks on me somehow."

"He is really your ape and horse! By chance, he turned into a foreign demon with the help of a large volume of scriptures." The old Taoist was a little numb.

Outer demons!
That is the product of Xinyuan and Yima after they have shelled and matured!

"Master, don't care what kind of monster he is, don't care what kind of weirdness he is, just refine him to death." Zhang Jiao said disapprovingly.

"Since it is a demon, it is born with the concept of immortality. How easy is it to refine to death?" The old Taoist shook his head: "If he does not die, this foreign demon will not be extinct."

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this: what does it have to do with me?

A stone suddenly opened its mind in a strange way, what is it doing?
"If you want to get rid of this demon, you have to rely on his great wisdom and perseverance." Nan Hua looked at Cui Yu, then shook his head: "Rely on his great wisdom and perseverance? There is no hope in this life."

"Then what should we do?" Yu was a little worried.

Master Nanhua looked at the stone and scratched his head: "What should I do? I don't know what to do? Capture him first and then we'll talk about it."

The palm stretched out, wrapped in a strange force, as if blocking a space, and took it towards the stone.


The stone turned into a puff of smoke, ignoring Nan Hua's supernatural powers, and fled directly to the ground.

"Impossible!" Master Nanhua's pupils shrank.

A mere stone, how could it master the strange power just by opening its spiritual wisdom?
Moreover, the ability of the stone evolved according to the number of inner demons in the original subject. Cui Yu, a mortal, must have such a huge amount of demonic thoughts in his body to make a stubborn stone born with spirituality and supernatural powers.

"Earth escape technique! Come back to me, you!" Zhang Jiao's body flickered, and he went straight to the ground.

"No!" Master Nanhua wanted to stop it, but it was already too late.

"Bang bang bang!"

Not long after, Zhang Jiao came out of the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face, screaming incessantly.

"Boy, that's your external demon. You try to use your heart to sense and comfort him constantly." Zhang Jiao said.

Cui Yu blinked when he heard this: "What's none of my business?"

Inexplicably, I have an extra heart demon!
Cui Yu had countless distracting thoughts in his mind, but seeing that Master Nanhua was serious about it, he still tried it.

Don't even mention it, he really sensed it!
A strange 'chatter' smirked in my ear: "chatterchat, you trash mortal, you don't understand the true scriptures after hearing about it, what's the use of living in this world? It's a waste of air, why don't you call me I will live on for you and appreciate the wonderful things in this world."

"Who are you?" Cui Yu asked.

"I am your heart!" The voice was extremely evil and irritable: "You trash, you have been in this world for almost a year, and you haven't even established a foundation. Your enemy Chen Sheng is still alive, and you haven't realized it yet." There is nothing you can do about the method of practicing qi and the Demon God in the Well, if I were you, I would have wiped out the Chen family and taken away the fortune of the Demon God in the Well."

"Trash! Trash! Why can a trash like you live, but you will lock me into the abyss of darkness forever for such a smart natural Dao species!"

"Idiot, give me your body, give me your soul, and I will give you a different future! I will give you a life that is overwhelming!"

"Worry, why do you live? Give me your body!"

The next moment, an evil force shot out from nothingness and attacked Cui Yu.

This power is completely different from the weird power in the past. This power directly acts on Cui Yu's mind. At this moment, Cui Yu only feels that his soul is frozen, and time seems to have stopped.

The sky darkened, and a big hand that covered the sky and the sun came down from the sky, trying to kill himself.

But at this time, Cui Yu seemed to be in a nightmare, and everything in his whole body seemed to go away except his thinking.

What supernatural powers, divine blood, all of these seem to have never existed.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't die at the hands of the enemy, but died at the hands of my own demons for no reason."

Seeing the big hand covering the sky and suppressing it, everything in the world is going away, the voice in the ear is gradually dimming, and the thinking consciousness is sluggish and he is about to fall asleep. When the big hand is about to completely destroy Cui Yu's soul, suddenly there is a familiar sound in his ear. The voice, which seemed to span far away time and space, passed through the era of thousands of years, poured into Cui Yu's ears:

[Ding, I found a strange force invading. 】

[Refining the strange power, you can get a wisp of divine power.Obtain the supreme magic method "tight hoop curse", which is specially used to restrain the mind ape and the mind horse, and it is the supreme weapon to subdue the mind ape and the mind horse. 】

[Excuse me, do you want to refine the strange power? 】

At the moment when the strange force invaded, Cui Yu's talent for new skills, which had not been triggered for a long time in his mind, unexpectedly triggered a new supernatural power at this time.

"Tightening spell?" Cui Yu's eyes widened, full of curiosity.

Wasn't Monkey King wearing a magic spell?

The sluggish thinking recovered, and everything in the world was clear again. Cui Yu's face turned green when he felt the chattering insults in his ears, such words as useless, trash, living to waste air, and dying to waste land.

He was scolded by a stone!

It's not even as good as a stone!

"Refining!" Cui Yu didn't even think about it, and directly chose refining.

[Refine the strange power. 】

[Gain a wisp of divine power. 】

[Obtain the magic method: the magic spell. 】

[Note 1: The price is to practice the tight-knit spell, and feel the same as one.The consideration cannot be waived. 】

Then Cui Yu's layout was refreshed, and a new layout appeared in front of him.

[Name: Cui Yu. 】

[Talent: Usurpation. 】

[Sacred Blood: One drop + 38000 strands. 】

[Supernatural powers: Bringing the dead back to life (big). 】

[Supernatural power: material transformation (small). 】

[Supernatural power: sit on fire. 】

[Supernatural power: Dingxian Shenguang (+). 】

[Kunlun mirror manipulation formula (completeness five thousandths)]

[Wonderful method: tight-knit incantation. 】

"Huh!" Cui Yu looked at the new page with surprise in his eyes.What appeared on the page this time was not supernatural powers, but the word Miaofa.

What is the difference between magic and supernatural powers?
Cui Yu is a little confused, but he can be sure that magical techniques are absolutely different from supernatural powers.

Feeling the description of the 'Tightening Curse' in his mind, Cui Yu was surprised: "The Tightening Curse is a wonderful method, but it requires a very special material from heaven and earth to practice it."

"Six irons, pure earth, and three corpses."

Detailed information about the three materials flashed in Cui Yu's mind, and he could produce the three materials only after returning to the well of gods and demons and relying on material transformation.

At that time, I can rely on the mantra to refine it into a magic spell that is specially used to tame the mind ape and the mind horse.

"I'm a fool, wanting to subdue me is simply wishful thinking! Sooner or later, I will swallow you, replace your identity, and live in the world instead of you." The stone with feet jumped out from under Cui Yu's feet again, pointing at Cui Yu. Yu yelled.

Cui Yu was scolded one by one, a wretch, a little trash, and Cui Yu was furious.

"How is it?" The old Taoist looked at Cui Yu with concern in his eyes.

"I can't help it! What the hell is this thing? It can interfere with my spiritual world, turn upside down in my spiritual world, and keep disturbing the wind and rain. I'm no match for him at all." Cui Yu was crying bitterly at this time.

"Troublesome!" Master Nanhua felt a little headache.

He just preached the Tao once, so why did he come up with a terrifying demon lord?

And is he the demon master whose heart ape has escaped from its shell and the mind has reined in?

Hard to do!
It's really difficult!

Although the demon lord has just been born and is still a baby lord, he has already obtained the qualification of immortality.

If after some time, this demon combines with the Heavenly Demon of Freedom in the Darkness, and turns into the Demon Lord who is truly entrusted in the hearts of all living beings, it will be a terrible natural disaster.

Master Nanhua looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes. Right now, there is one quickest way to deal with the devil, and that is to kill Cui Yu.

But killing Cui Yu, although delaying the growth of the demon lord, also made the demon lord completely lose his check and balance. When the time comes, who can restrain him?

Cui Yu is not dead, the demon lord who has just been born at the moment cannot do without Cui Yu for hundreds of miles, and can only sway around Cui Yu constantly.

If Cui Yu died, it would really be a heart ape and a horse without restraint.

"You old Taoist priest, what are you looking at me for?" Cui Yu was a little horrified by the old Taoist priest.

"It's none of my business. Who said he was my demon? Who has evidence? I said he was your demon!" Cui Yu began to quibble again.

Never admit it.

The word "devil master", if you think about it, you know that it is definitely not a good word.

"When the demon master grows up, the first thing he kills is his own deity. Are you sure this is not your inner demon?" The old Taoist looked at Cui Yu: "Originally, the old Taoist wanted to help you subdue it."

(End of this chapter)

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