Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 56 Refining the Curse

Chapter 56 Refining the Curse

Cui Yu scoffed at the old Taoist's words.

Help yourself to conquer the heart ape and the horse?
If he had that ability, he would never miss the blow just now.

The old Taoist priest was a little numb at this moment, he had seen Xinyuan and Yima before, they were the biggest enemies of the monks after the life and death book was eliminated, but it was the first time he saw Xinyuan and Yima escaped from their shells.

Even if you are a great monk who has eliminated life and death, once you can't subdue Xinyuan and Yima, your xinxing will continue to expand, and then you will die under the methods of killing demons and demons by countless righteous monks. How can you make Xinyuan and Yima run away come out?

Xinyuan and Yima are like babies who are pregnant for nine months. All monks are dead when they are pregnant, and Xinyuan and Yima are also stillborn.But right now, Xinyuan and Yima have come out of their shells, and this is the first time he has seen them.

Even this is the first mind ape and mind horse to come out after the great calamity of the ancient world.

Seeing the old Taoist's gaze, Cui Yu smiled and did not speak.

He has already mastered the magic spell, and he has his own means to subdue Xinyuan and Yima.

"What exactly are Xinyuan and Yima?" Yu asked the key point.

"Unrestrained desire." Nanhua real person said.

"Running around all day long is just for hunger, and I just think about clothes when I'm full."

"I have enough food and clothing, and I think of a delicate and beautiful wife."

"Marry a beautiful wife and give birth to a child, but hate having no land and few roots."

"I bought Tian Qianqing in front of the door, but I want to go out without a horse."

"Buying thousands of horses in the stables, I lamented being bullied without officials."

"Yipin hangs purple clothes in court, and wants to win the emperor's foundation."

"I am content to be the Son of Heaven, but I also want to live a long life."

"If you get the elixir of life, then you can talk with the gods."

Nanhua Zhenren's eyes swept across the crowd, and landed on Cui Yu: "A person with a heart and a mind, looks no different from a normal person, but the desire in his heart is constantly expanding, and one day even This sky can't hold it, and I want to compete with the heavens. If he caused a disaster in his year, it would be a catastrophe that swept across the world."

Cui Yu doesn't admit it, but Master Nanhua knows that only the huge distracting thoughts in Cui Yu's body can awaken the mind ape and mind horse.

"Of course, if the Heart Ape, the Mind Horse and the Heavenly Demon unite, they will turn into a demon lord, put them in the hearts of all beings, and get rid of the shackles of the original owner." Nanhua pondered for a while, took out a scripture from his sleeve, and handed it to Yu : "You recite this "Qingjing Sutra" to him after you go back."

Speaking of this, I still feel a little unsafe: "From now on, you can come to me to listen to the scriptures for a quarter of an hour every day, hoping to dissolve the huge and complicated evil thoughts in your heart."

"Master, why do I hear people say that once the mind ape and mind horse are awakened, their strength will improve by leaps and bounds, and even ghosts and gods will be frightened by a thousand miles?" The little Taoist priest Shoucheng asked curiously.

"That's the combination of the Heavenly Demon, the Heart Ape, and the Mind Horse, and they have turned into the Demon Lord. At that time, the Demon Lord will be placed in the hearts of all living beings. This deity can borrow the power of the Demon Lord, so he can improve his cultivation by leaps and bounds, and have the power to sweep the world." Nan Hua The real person said: "Unrestrained and infinitely expanding power, of course it will advance by leaps and bounds. But in the end, when you merge with the heavenly demon, you will only be polluted by the chaotic consciousness of the outer world, and the whole person will become crazy and become the nourishment of the extraterritorial demon. She, live in this world."

Cui Yu felt a little terrified when he heard Nanhua's scary words.

"Now the ape has just shed its shell, so it can't leave you too far, it can only be around you for hundreds of miles. During this period of time, you should keep your mind calm and don't let the ape continue to absorb the huge distracting thoughts in your body. The huge Distracting thoughts will be the best nourishment for the heart ape, and it is also the foundation of the heart ape's strength. Remember, don't get angry! Don't move desires! Any emotions and desires will strengthen the heart ape." Nanhua real person looked at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu's expression was gloomy, he turned and walked down the mountain.

Who did he offend?
Just listen carefully!Suddenly, disaster happened!
People preach the scriptures, dance with joy and joy after hearing the righteous Dharma, gain a lot, and comprehend supernatural powers and secret dharmas, what about him?

To come up with a demonic thought that devours himself and harms the common people in the world.

"I have nothing to do with cultivation!" Cui Yu cursed in his heart.

The first time he practiced, he was almost turned into a pig and killed to eat meat. Fortunately, he had a gifted supernatural power and escaped directly.

Practicing martial arts for the second time, and somehow got entrapped by the martial arts hall.

The third time is now, when everyone listened to the scriptures together, Yu directly realized the method of training qi, and Zhang Jiao also realized the technique of escaping from the ground. Although the little Taoist priest Shoucheng didn't gain anything, he also gained part of his fortune.

Only myself, so that I can create a devil lord.

Looking at Cui Yuyuan's back, the old Taoist frowned, his eyes full of worry.

Turning to look at Shoucheng: "Did you see it?"

"The disciple saw it." Shoucheng nodded.

"Although you are a middle-aged person, you practice steadily, one step at a time. As long as you persevere, there will be great fortune in the future. What do you think of him? Before you practice, the road ahead is broken. Compared with him, you have It's the lucky one." Nanhua Zhenren is worthy of being a good teacher, and he gave a negative example to the little Taoist priest Shoucheng face to face.Cui Yu's tragic situation was in front of him, and the restless heart of the little Taoist priest Shoucheng couldn't help but calm down at this moment.

"The master taught me how lucky I am to be able to make progress steadily? It's because my disciples are too impatient." Shoucheng showed a smile on his face.

Seeing what the old Taoist said, Yu on the side suddenly became unhappy, stomped his feet and said angrily: "Master, how can you teach students like you, making fun of other people's plight, it's just adding insult to injury."

"Hahaha, being a teacher is nothing more than making the best use of everything." Master Nanhua laughed, and looked at Yu at this point: "You remember, when you go back, urge him to come here to listen to the scriptures every day, and you can't delay for a moment."

"Master, can my elder brother be saved?" Yu Wenyan showed worry on his face.

"I have made good friends with Sakyamuni Buddha of the Great Leiyin Temple in the west. Buddhism is best at subduing the mind, checking and balancing heretics, and exterminating demons. No joy, no sorrow, without the seven emotions and six desires, the demon of the day lost the nourishment of the seven emotions and six desires, just like a flower that has lost its roots, it will naturally disappear." Nanhua Daoist replied.

After all, he is a great monk, and the moment he saw Xin Yuan and Yi Ma, he had a decision in his heart.

"Brother wants to enter the path of Nirvana? Then won't you be unable to marry a wife and have children?" Yu Wenyan shook his head again and again: "It's not right! It's not right!"

The three real people of Nanhua all looked at Yu in unison, but Yu was not shy, and said with a straight neck: "My master can't become a monk, and I will have children for him in the future."

Master Nanhua was speechless, and after a while he said: "Then we can only imprison him in Daleiyin Temple and forcibly convert him with the mantra of Buddhist scriptures."

"What will happen if you use the mantra of the Buddhist scriptures to forcefully transform you?" Yu asked again.

"It's just a walking corpse who can only chant sutras and Buddha in his life." Nanhua said.

"No! Not even this one!" Yu shook his head like a rattle.

"Then you go and remind him to come here every day to recite the scriptures, and see if my Taoist Qingjing Sutra can quench his desire. Also, you are not allowed to meditate and practice Qi in Xiaoli Village, otherwise weird things will definitely happen. Daily If you want to meditate and practice, come here." Speaking of this place, Nanhua real person looked at Daliang City:

"I don't know if that old sour scholar can do anything!"

After the words fell, the Yang God had already left the body.

Seeing this, Yu could only stamp his feet, and chased after Cui Yu.

"Master." Yu followed Cui Yu, catching up with light steps.

"Have you really understood the method of Qi training?" Cui Yu was a little curious, the scriptures that the old Taoist chanted were just ordinary, no matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with the exercises or the Dao.

"I understood a formula." Yu looked at Cui Yu, blinking his eyes: "It's just that I can't pass it on to the master. This formula has a taboo price, which I can bear, but the master can't."

"What price?" Cui Yu asked curiously.

"It can't be said, all the plants and trees in this mountain have ears. Once word spreads, if someone plots against me, they will definitely die!" Yu looked at the mountain with a pair of eyes.

Cui Yu's gaze moved when he heard this, and he looked at the vegetation in the mountain thoughtfully, then walked down the mountain without asking any further questions.

"You called me master again just now." After walking a few steps, Cui Yu seemed to remember something, and reprimanded him angrily.

The girl chuckled: "In Yu's heart, will the master always be my master?"

Cui Yu didn't say a word, thinking about the magic method in his heart, and hurried ahead with his head depressed.

"Master, don't worry. Although Xinyuan and Yima are powerful, there is no solution. The master has already said that he will find a way to suppress Xinyuan and Yima for you, but you must keep your inner peace and don't act rashly. .” Yu stretched out his hand to grab Cui Yu’s sleeve.

Cui Yu looked at the stunning girl, then scratched his head: "Don't listen to the old Taoist's nonsense, you don't have to worry about me, it's just a heart ape or a horse. Come with me, let's go to the old place."

Cui Yu and Yu walked down the mountain all the way to the God Demon Well. Cui Yu turned into a ball of plasticine and jumped down, then went all the way to the depths of the well, and once again suppressed the scorching power in the well with the Dinghai Shenzhu.

"You wait by the side and forge the ancestral blood in your body by yourself. I have one thing to do." Cui Yu ordered, and then walked into the cave alone.

With Cui Yu's arrival, the magma in the depths of the cave quickly condensed and turned into a hard rock plate.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu was stunned: "The demon god here really has his own consciousness."

Then the next moment the power of Dinghai Shenzhu was withdrawn, Cui Yu stepped forward step by step and walked towards the high platform.

Finally, after walking thirty steps, he felt the unceasing strange power being swallowed by Ding Haizhu, his body had reached the limit load, and the whole person stopped in his footsteps.

Then he picked up the bluestone on the ground, and three strange materials for refining the magic spell flashed in his mind.

"Six irons! Pure land! Three corpses!"

Countless information in Cui Yu's mind reversed.

The six irons are a kind of illusory material, which is obtained from the will of the six determined people and smelted into a substance between illusion and reality.

Just like electromagnetic waves, do you think they are matter?Does it exist?

The six irons are a flawless, indestructible, immortal and incorruptible unique substance that is condensed from the will of the six thousand and six hundred and sixty-six great Luo Gaozhens who have lost their minds.

As for the pure land, it is to take a grain of pure sand in the minds of 880 world powers who have cultivated into the pure land, and gather them together to form the pure land.

If you want to cultivate the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss in the spiritual world, you are afraid that you have already reached the world of good fortune and created the magical realm of making people out of earth.

Only Buddhist sages have such means.

Since the birth of this kind of people, the Buddhist school has only a few people, no more than the number of hands, where can we find [-] people?
If it is placed in Honghuang novels, it is the second sage of the West.

As for the three corpses, there are three corpses in every human body.And if you want to refine the Tightening Curse, what you need is not an ordinary three corpse insect, but a three corpse insect beheaded by a master of cultivation.

The one who beheaded the three corpses, isn't he like a saint?
And it's the three corpses that absorb the nutrient essence of the saint?

But it needs nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

Cui Yu looked at the red sun on the high platform: "I don't know if the power of this demon god can support me in making this three treasures."

The pure land is the simplest, but the difficulty is that it requires six thousand, six hundred and sixty-six grains of different powers.

A grain of soil is nothing but a speck of dust that has the power to purify the world.

Cui Yu felt the mighty infusion of divine power, Cui Yu casually grabbed a handful of sand on the ground, and the next moment the material transformation started, pouring into the sand in his hand.

The overwhelming and mighty strange power poured in, and after a while, a little light was born in Cui Yu's hands.

Although the brilliance is only a little bit weak, it seems to be able to illuminate the world in ten directions and light up the universe in all directions.

Pure land!
Cui Yu looked at the grains of sand in his hand, but couldn't tell what color it was or what shape it was.

"It takes the power of a drop of divine blood to make a grain of sand," Cui Yu thought thoughtfully.

Then there was the endless transformation, and the strange power overflowing from the air became Cui Yu's nourishment at this time.

Even with Cui Yu's consumption, the speed of the strange force's attack couldn't keep up with Cui Yu's consumption.

Even the barrier that blocked Cui Yu's advance was transformed into infinite strange power at this time, which was continuously diluted, transformed and absorbed.

Then Cui Yu stepped forward step by step, the strange force in the air around him was continuously decomposed, and the barrier was also turned into nutrients.

Cui Yu moved forward seventy steps, and 660 grains of clean sand had been shaped. Cui Yu held it in his hands, as if he was holding an infinite world, exuding a supreme artistic conception of "vacuum hometown, blissful pure land" all over his body.

It seems that all the good things in the world are gathered in the palm of Cui Yu.

"The next thing is the six irons. The Buddhist six-roots are pure and quiet, and the tranquil artistic conception of Daluo requires 880 people." Cui Yu felt the strange power that was still mighty and eloquent, and his eyes became brighter and brighter. The first ray of Da Luo's artistic conception was transformed.

"Huh? A wisp of artistic conception, half a drop of divine blood?" Cui Yu showed surprise on his face, the power of divine blood consumed by the six pure artistic conceptions was somewhat beyond Cui Yu's expectations.

After smelting [-] clean irons, Cui Yu walked another [-] steps, and the high platform was already in sight.

"Next is the three corpses!"

(End of this chapter)

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