Chapter 68

"Where are we going?" Yu followed behind Cui Yu, holding the wooden sword in his arms and asked.

"Daliang City." Cui Yu replied.

He still wants to practice killing skills. For him, martial arts is just a pastime, and it's all about helping the fusion of gods and blood. Killing skills are what he wants to practice.

When he transforms into the body of an innate god in the future, how can the mere martial arts be put in his eyes?
Delong Martial Arts
Shi Long's hair was gray, and the iron sand in front of him was hot. A martial arts student bared his teeth, inserted his fingers into the iron sand and flipped it quickly.


A series of screams kept ringing in the yard, and the aroma of barbecue permeated the room. Chen Chuan, who was waiting beside him, was pale and sweaty on his forehead.

"Master! I feel uncomfortable, my stomach seems to be distended!" The martial arts disciples who were practicing kept begging for mercy.

"Practice! Don't stop! You can become a master only if you endure hardships. If you can't endure hardships, why do you practice martial arts? Just go home and farm." Shi Long scolded with a gloomy expression.

Hearing this, the disciple just kept screaming, but didn't dare to beg for mercy again.

In this era, masters have absolute authority in preaching and teaching, and they can learn the true skills of walking in the rivers and lakes and supporting their families, which is by no means comparable to the teachers of later generations.

If you want to learn art from the master, you don't know how long you have to do odd jobs with the master. The master will only teach you the real skills when he is in a good mood.If you don't know how to cherish the opportunity?

Get lost!
For this opportunity, I don't know how many years this disciple has worked hard to get it, how dare he disobey it?
"Master, my head is going to explode! My head is going to explode!"

After a while, the disciple screamed again.

"Practice! Don't stop! Practice for me as long as you don't die!" Shi Long's voice was full of coldness, and his eyes were fixed on the disciple in front of him: "Only by suffering and suffering can you become a master. You can't even suffer a little bit now." Don’t even want to eat, but want to gain a foothold in the Jianghu in the future? If you don’t suffer now, you must suffer from the Jianghu!”


While he was talking, a bloody hole suddenly exploded at the Yuzhen acupoint on the back of the disciple's head, and then he fell to the ground and died.

"It shouldn't be! I have already asked my disciples to perform martial arts according to the formula taught by that kid." Shi Long looked at the disciple who died of anger with a blank expression.

"Master, I can't continue anymore. Ten disciples have already died, and some disciples outside have already begun to discuss." Chen Chuan stepped forward and looked at the disciples who died in a terrible state, picked up a shovel and started digging holes in the yard.

"It shouldn't be, I teach people to do experiments according to the formulas that the kid recited, how could I make mistakes?" Shi Long was puzzled, his brows were frowned, forming a big pimple.

"Master, that kid must have lied to you, otherwise how could ten people fail to practice?" Chen Chuan complained while digging up a piece of iron shovel.

"It doesn't make sense! I have no grievances with him, why would he lie to me? What's more, I passed on the formula to him, so he shouldn't hide it from me." Shi Long couldn't figure it out.

"When he comes again, the master will find out after careful inquiry. It's just that the experiment can't go on, and it can't be hidden from the dead." Chen Chuan muttered.

While talking, he heard a voice from outside the door: "Master, that Cui Yu is here again."

"Well done, I'm going to ask, what's wrong with this formula." Shi Long looked at Chen Chuan: "Take care of the corpses on the ground."

After speaking, he walked to the front yard with big strides, and he saw Cui Yu holding a wooden sword and practicing sword stabbing in the yard.

One eye at a time, there is no mistake, as if it was engraved by a machine with a mold.

"Excellent swordsmanship, this stabbing sword can be said to be practiced to the bone three points, and it has three flavors." Shi Long clapped his hands and praised.

"I've seen the master!" Cui Yu retracted his sword and saluted Shi Long, "I came here today because I want to learn the remaining basic sword moves from the master. I want to practice together, so I don't need to spend the whole day The disciple lives outside the city, and it is not easy to go back and forth.”

"Alright!" Shi Long nodded: "Then I will teach you the rest of the basic sword styles. Although the basic sword styles are simple, they contain countless tricks. If you want to master them one by one without making mistakes, It's also extremely rare. In case you go back and remember wrongly and make mistakes in practice, I'm afraid the second lady will blame me at that time. From now on, you will come here to practice every seven days, and you can correct any mistakes in time."

Basic sword moves are not considered a unique skill, as long as you are a sword practicer, you can analyze them very well.It doesn't matter if I teach it to Cui Yu, but Cui Yu will practice sword at home every day and won't come to the martial arts gym. Who can he ask to spy on the iron forger?

"Disciple obeys." Cui Yu cupped his hands and saluted.

Shi Long didn't say much, and started to practice the basic sword moves. The basic sword moves are not difficult to say, and if you want to practice the basic sword moves well, you need a lot of perseverance.As long as one is willing to work hard, the basic sword moves can be mastered, but if the basic sword moves are to enter the realm of transformation, then one needs excellent comprehension.

Shi Long practiced the basic sword moves carefully, and Cui Yu watched quietly from the side, his whole heart was immersed in it, and he felt the difference from the past in an instant.

Little Taoist Shoucheng said it right, the human mind is a big vat, and the [-] afflictions are the water in the big vat.If you don't pour out the stagnant water in the vat, how can you fill it with new living water?
Cui Yu squinted his eyes, he felt that his mind was clear at this time, Shi Long's every move fell into his eyes, and was firmly imprinted in his spiritual world in an instant, and brought forth new and different changes.

At this moment, Cui Yu felt tears welling up in his eyes: "Are we also young geniuses? Have we also changed our shotguns? Your understanding has improved by leaps and bounds?"

"How about it? How much do you write down?" Shi Long waved his sword formula, and then looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

"Remember the next move." Cui Yu was afraid that he might have missed something, or that Shi Long might be alerted, so he replied, deliberately understating his understanding.

"Just remembered one move?" Shi Long frowned.

Although he knew that Cui Yu's memory was poor from the previous teaching of the iron-making secret book, he never expected that Cui Yu was so poor.

This is no ordinary bad!

Dead wood cannot be carved!

Shi Long scratched his head, and said with a gentle expression: "It's okay, I'm going to demonstrate it for you, Master."

Shilong waved the wooden sword and continued to demonstrate the basic sword posture.

Cui Yu watched carefully, not refusing to miss a single bit.

Shi Long had practiced it thirty times, Cui Yu had already memorized it fluently, and memorized all the sword moves by heart.

"Forget it, you memorize a few tricks, and practice them first when you go back. You have a pure heart and can't hold too many things." Shi Long is also a wonderful person, and he described Cui Yu's dull talent as a pure heart.

Shi Long didn't give Cui Yu a chance to speak, and directly hung the wooden sword on the shelf: "Today, as a teacher, I want to test and teach you martial arts skills. External moves are no more than floating clouds. If you have internal methods, external moves are just a shelf. , Martial arts practice is the foundation."

"How far have you reached in your iron-making skills?" Shi Long asked.

"The disciple has already completed his cultivation and started to strengthen his muscles and strengthen his bones. However, there is no material that can penetrate into the bone. This disciple is unwilling to break through hastily." Cui Yu didn't hide it either.

"How did you cultivate so quickly? It's only been a few months?" Shi Long was shocked when he heard the words: "Are you joking?"

Martial arts practice, the most important foundation, is the kung fu of fine grinding.

Just like a person's height, it is impossible to grow ten centimeters overnight.

Just like ordinary people exercising, it is impossible to exercise eight-pack abs overnight.

At this time, Shi Long's eyes showed a touch of shock.

Cui Yu's words were heard in his ears, as if he had grown eight-pack abs overnight.

Ordinary people will sprain their muscles and bones if they exercise a little carelessly, let alone martial arts practice?

The medicinal properties penetrate the body and act on the skin, which takes a long time.

Cui Yu has finished forging his muscles and bones, which is outrageous!

It's just out of line!

"Martial arts practice, how dare you joke? It's a pity that I don't have the bones of ancient spirit beasts, otherwise I'm afraid I can break through to a higher level at this time." Cui Yu sighed with emotion.

Shi Long stepped forward, Cui Yu only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and Shi Long's palm had already landed on his body, slapping on the key points of his whole body, the gathering point where the blood circulation converges.

"Sure enough, you have forged your muscles and bones. It's unbelievable. How did you practice martial arts so quickly?" Shi Long looked at Cui Yu in disbelief.

Cui Yu also shrank his pupils at this time: "This guy is so fast!"

Cui Yu didn't know Shilong's strength, but at least his attack speed was faster than Yu's.Moreover, no one knows how much faster, after all, Shi Long didn't make a full shot at this time.

"I would also like to thank the master for teaching me how to forge iron. This martial art is good. It doesn't matter whether it is mountain herbs, monster bones, or even ordinary sandstone and iron ore. It can be refined by seizing the essence. As long as the disciples keep refining Turning the blue stones, grasses, and everything you can see in the mountains, the martial arts will naturally improve, and it's a huge leap." Cui Yu looked at Shilong with a pair of eyes, and deliberately praised loudly:
"Master, this iron smelting hand is really extraordinary. The disciple already has the strength of a thousand catties, so he is considered a good hand, right?"

Shi Long looked at Cui Yu, feeling worse than eating a fly, iron-smith!He even dreamed of becoming an iron smelter!It was actually trained by a fool with low talent.

"It's your good fortune that you can become an iron-smelting hand." Shi Long resisted the nausea in his heart, wishing he could just swallow this lucky boy alive: "Talk about your own process of practicing iron-smelting hand, the more detailed you say, the better." Well, there can be no slightest error, I will check it for you as a teacher to see if there are any mistakes and omissions, so that I can make up for it in time."

Cui Yu looked at Shilong, pretending not to know his intentions, stood in the courtyard and started talking again, his whole voice was full of agitation, and he talked about the cultivation process with majestic momentum, just like commenting on storytelling.

Shi Long felt tired of listening to it, but he also pinched his nose, resisting the nausea and listening to Cui Yu's noise.

Where is Cui Yu rambling, drooling, and the corners of Yu, who was wearing a bamboo hat not far away, raised his mouth: "The master is playing a joke again, obviously teasing this stone dragon."

Shi Long listened to Cui Yu's practice, and when he heard Cui Yu said 'burning Tianchi with fire', his heart moved: "Wait!"

"What's wrong?" Cui Yu looked at Shi Long in surprise.

"How do you set fire to Tianchi Lake?" Shi Long asked.

"Just set the Tianchi on fire and guide the iron sand energy over there." Cui Yu pretended to be puzzled.

Shi Long wanted to scold someone, was this what he asked?
Regardless of Qi practitioners or martial arts practitioners, since ancient times, it has always been "the red dragon walks in Tianchi, trying to burn Kunlun." 'Now Cui Yu directly sets the Tianchi on fire, and the red dragon goes to Kunlun. Isn't this self-defeating martial arts?
It's a pity he didn't dare to say that!
"Just burn it!" Cui Yu's eyes widened.

"How fragile is Tianchi, how can it withstand the poisonous gas of iron sand and fire?" Shi Long finally couldn't help asking.

"Master doesn't know? Didn't the master teach me?" Cui Yu looked at Shi Long with innocent eyes.

"Of course I know." Shi Long replied without changing his expression.

"Master knows, why ask me?" Cui Yu's face was full of foolishness.

One sentence almost choked Shi Long to death.

"My teacher is afraid that you may go the wrong way, so I ask you to speak up and give you some advice." Shi Long said.

Cui Yu looked at Shi Long who was blushing, smiled secretly in his heart, and replied: "I just practiced according to the master's teaching."

Shi Long took a deep breath, and he really wanted to point at Cui Yu's head and curse: "According to my advice? If you fucking follow my instructions, you will die countless times. Rotten!"

But still suppressed the anger in his heart, and said calmly: "On the road of martial arts, a slight mistake is a thousand miles away. Although you practice according to what I said, everyone's physique is different, so there are bound to be mistakes and omissions. Besides, your aptitude is dull. It’s not known whether you have remembered the mistakes or omissions of your secret technique. As a teacher, you are checking for the gaps and making up for the omissions, what’s your attitude?”

"I know I'm wrong." Cui Yu immediately turned into an honest boy, and said with aggrieved expression, "I just burned it with fire poison! The Kunlun burned down, the jade liquid burned dry, and the fire poison gas passed away."

Shi Long was a little speechless, so rigid, big brother?
You didn't die when the jade liquid burned dry?
That jade liquid is the three treasures of human spirit, energy and spirit!
"Think about it again, what's the difference when you practice. What's the difference from when you were taught by a teacher?" Shi Long stared at Cui Yu, he insisted on learning the practice formula of the iron hand today. It cannot be pulled out.

This has become his obsession!His life-saving straw against Wuzhuang Temple!
the difference?

Cui Yu rolled his eyes: "Disciple remembered that the poisonous fire wanted to burn Kunlun and Fenyuchi, but for some reason, this disciple vaguely poured the poisonous fire into his heart, and it was actually inside the heart." Entrenched, it merges with the Qi mechanism of the heart and flows through the whole body, without any harm."

Shi Long's pupils shrank when he heard the words, and then suddenly realized that he looked up to the sky and laughed: "Hahaha! I know! I know! It must be that the heart fire has subdued the poison fire, the heart fire has merged into the poison fire, and merged with the three treasures of spirit , when the time comes, it will naturally not hurt my own body."

"I got it! I got it!" Shi Long laughed loudly, ignored Cui Yu, turned around and ran towards the secret room.

ps: [-] words are here, please subscribe, big brothers.Woooooo... The monthly ticket is also voted... Woooooo...

(End of this chapter)

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