Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 69 Teacher Niang

Chapter 69 Mistress (please subscribe.)
"What did he understand?" Cui Yu was puzzled, looking at Shi Long's crazy back suddenly enlightened, his eyes showed a touch of astonishment.

"He's a demon." Yu shook his head, his voice full of regret.

"Let's go." Cui Yu turned around and walked out of the martial arts hall.

"Where are you going?" Yu asked curiously.

"Meet a very interesting person." Cui Yu raised the corner of his mouth.

Chen Chuan is working tirelessly to dig the soil on the ground.

"I know! I know the key to it." Shi Long came from the door with an ecstatic expression on his face.

Chen Chuan, who was digging a hole, paused, looked at the ecstatic Shilong, and couldn't help feeling eager in his heart: "Master, do you know? That kid Cui Yu said it? That kid won't be lying to you again, right? "

"Absolutely not. After my various deliberations, there will never be any problem." Shi Long proudly came to the cauldron, wanting to put his hand directly into the iron pot, Chen Chuan couldn't help but tremble: " Master, be more careful! Let’s find a disciple to do the experiment.”

"There is absolutely no problem this time." Shi Long shook his head, "I'm sure of it as a teacher. How can such a secret be passed on casually? This time there is absolutely no mistake or omission. If one more person knows, there will be more danger. You go and wait. Watch how I do it!"

"Hahaha! I have finally peeked at the key to the iron-making hand. Gods and demons, martial arts, immortality is right in front of you! Wuzhuang Temple? The shame of the past will be doubled!" Shi Long raised his head and laughed wildly, inserting his fingers into the iron sand.


Cui Yu with his hands behind his back, and Yu wearing a veil, respectfully followed behind.

Walking through the familiar alley, Cui Yu really heard the familiar voice of reciting classics again, and the familiar strange atmosphere spread in the air.

Cui Yu led Yu to the gate, and saw the old Confucian scholar standing in the courtyard, preaching Confucian classics in a peaceful manner.

When Cui Yu and Yu arrived, the old Confucian scholar just took a look, and then continued to lecture on the scriptures. Cui Yu didn't say much, and sat quietly with Yu in the corner.

Cui Yu looked at the old Confucian scholar, and saw a few dark red scratches on the old Confucian scholar's neck, which seemed to be from a woman's hand.

Seemingly aware of Cui Yu's gaze, the old Confucian scholar stretched his collar, and then continued to lecture on scriptures in a leisurely manner.

A strange force spread in the air, Cui Yu sat on the ground, this time he finally understood some of the scriptures preached by the old Confucian scholar.

The most holy teacher achieved Taoism with "rituals", and he paid attention to the rituals of the week.

Mencius, the sub-sage, became enlightened with "goodness", and he talked about "people's nature is good at the beginning".

However, since the old Confucian scholars have read the classics of Yasheng, they have a different feeling in their hearts. They think that the beginning of human beings is not goodness in nature, but "human nature".

It is believed that people are born with innate virtues, those with profound innate virtues are good, and those with shallow innate virtues are "evil".

Although the Taoism of the old Confucian scholars took a different approach, they still followed the Tao of Mencius and could not completely transcend it, which shows that Mencius had a profound influence on them.

Cui Yu listened to the morality preached by the old Confucian scholar, and a little thought flickered in his mind. He thought of a famous theory in his previous life: "At the beginning of human beings, nature is evil."

"Although the theory of the old Confucian scholar was born out of Mencius and had the concept of evil, it was not completely born out, and was too deeply influenced by Mencius. After all, he is a disciple of Mencius. He has followed Mencius for many years and wants to really get rid of the shackles of Mencius. , Awakening one's own way is not an ordinary difficulty." Cui Yu immersed himself in it:
"Although the old Confucian scholar came out, he didn't go completely."

Waves of waves emanated from Cui Yu's body, and the strange power emanating from the mouth of the old Confucian scholar was absorbed by him.

Cui Yu was in a daze, and he didn't know how much strange power he had absorbed, passively transforming it into the aura of divine blood.

"Stop reading it! Reading your nonsense every day, is it annoying!"

Suddenly, an impatient female voice rang out, accompanied by the aroma of rice overflowing from the tip of the nose.

Cui Yu opened his eyes, and saw a woman in coarse linen, wearing an apron, holding a square table with numb hands and feet. On the table were three dishes of green vegetables and five bowls of rice placed in the yard In the shade of big trees.

The woman is in her 40s, and her face is full of years of weather, but she still can't hide the charm of a mature woman.

She has a graceful figure, and although she is already forty, she can still see the charming appearance when she was young.

The few disciples in the courtyard took it for granted, with indifferent expressions on their faces, and the corners of the old Confucian scholar's mouth turned up, stroking his beard leisurely.

"Master, this is Junior Brother Cui Yu. Our family's hundreds of tans of rice were delivered by Junior Brother Cui." Wang Yi stood up, took the table from the woman with a flattering face, and introduced it to the woman.

He winked at Cui Yu again: "Haven't you met Master's wife soon?"

"I've seen my wife." Cui Yu hurriedly saluted.

"Are you the one who gave me a hundred tans of rice?" Mistress looked Cui Yu up and down: "You seem to be a smart person, why did you believe the old man's nonsense and come here to learn from you?"

Cui Yu's eyes were full of bewilderment, looking at the woman for a while, he didn't know what to say.

"Sit down and eat." Wang Yi put down the table and looked at Cui Yu vigilantly: "You won't go back on your word and ask for the food back?"

"How could it be?" Cui Yu's eyes were blank.

"Our teacher's wife has such a personality. If you see it a lot in the future, you won't be surprised." Wang Yi pulled Cui Yu to sit down: "I think our teacher's wife was also a well-known talented woman in the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty. I think I am no better than a man. Poor. I like drinking, fighting poems, eating fine clothes and beckoning with friends to fight chickens and dogs, but since the master was suppressed by the sub-sage lineage and fell to this place, his will gradually weakened, and his whole person became more and more tricky. "

Cui Yu raised his eyebrows and glanced at Wang Yi: "Isn't this the street sneaker of later generations?"

The old Confucian scholar looks honest and friendly, can he like this kind of woman?
"Master had a three-day poetry battle with his mistress, and he lost to his mistress. From then on, he became a fan of his mistress. Besides, men are visual animals. You don't know how beautiful my mistress was back then! Now she is over 70 years old, and she still looks like a He looks 40 years old. And even if the master is in trouble, he will never leave and follow him from Dazhou Haojing.” Wang Yi was thinking about it, but was hit on the head by two chopsticks, and the teacher’s wife on the other side frowned coldly:
"Eat well, can such good rice not block your mouth?"

Wang Yi chuckled and buried himself in cooking.

Cui Yu looked at his mistress in surprise. She is over 70 years old and still looks like 40 years old. It is really against the sky!
The senior brother and the old Confucian student were seated, and saw the teacher holding a red jar, took out a bowl, and then filled it with wine, and the aroma wafted in the courtyard.

"I heard that this wine was brewed by you?" Mistress looked at Cui Yu.

"Exactly." Cui Yu quickly put down his chopsticks.

"You don't need to be too polite. We are not disciples of Li Sheng's lineage. We are too disciplined and impersonal." Mistress picked up an empty bowl, put it in front of Cui Yu, and then poured a full bowl: "It's true. Good wine! The royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty did not have such good wine."

"What's the name of this wine?" Mistress asked.

"Moutai." Cui Yu said.

"What a bad name, it's so vulgar." The teacher snorted, and then said: "Can you compose poetry?"

Cui Yu didn't dare to make a fool of himself, so he could only shake his head.Who knows what meter the poems in this world use.

"I can only drink, but I can't write poems, but I have lost a lot of fun." The wife sighed leisurely, and raised the wine bowl: "Do it!"

Cui Yu quickly picked up the bowl and drank it down in one gulp.

"Drink and drink!" Mistress smiled and said, "Seeing how refreshingly you drink, you can tell that you are a good person."

"It's a pity, a good child, but he was fooled and lost his mind. How rare is a hundred tans of food these days!" While speaking, he changed his voice, shook his head and sighed.

Cui Yu stopped drinking, almost choked to death, and hurriedly lowered his head to eat.

Not to mention, although it is the simplest meal, it tastes delicious.

Mistress looked at Yu, saw him wearing a bamboo hat, sipping food under the hat, and asked, "Is this your friend?"

"My sister." Cui Yu replied.

"Since we're here, there are no outsiders, so why are you wearing a bamboo hat to eat?" Mistress said.

"Yun'er, everyone has their own habits, eat well soon." The old Confucian scholar next to him interrupted his speech angrily.

The woman glanced at the old Confucian scholar, then shook her head, lowered her head and began to drink alone.

After the banquet, the wife hugged the wine jar and fell into a deep sleep under the peach blossom tree.

"This tree was planted by the master himself, and it was broken from the temple of the most holy master in Dazhou. His wife said that he likes to see peach blossoms the most, and eats apricots in the school. Unexpectedly, 30 years passed in a blink of an eye. The years have passed, and the old Confucian scholars have been wasted!" Cui Yu was sitting under the big tree drinking tea, Wang Yi raised his head and looked at the big tree behind Cui Yu, his eyes were full of emotion.

"Are the apricots in the academy delicious?" Cui Yu asked.

"It's not very delicious, especially the people in the academy, they are very annoying! All the men steal and prostitutes are the most disgusting!" Gong Nanbei next to him took the words.

"Brother, have you ever been to the academy?" Cui Yu asked.

"Stayed in the academy for three years, I couldn't take it anymore, and then ran back." Gong Nanbei stroked the sword in his sleeve, and stood under the peach blossom tree blankly, with a flash of memory in his eyes.

"Actually, we have few disciples, and we were almost starved to death, thanks to our teacher's wife." Wang Yi said in Cui Yu's ear.

"Huh?" Cui Yu was taken aback.

"Although Master looks down on Master, she always feels that our Master must be a figure who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Confucius in the future. We can't recruit any kind of people, so as not to ruin our reputation in the future. I don't know how many disciples have been rejected by us." Mistress has been 'dissuaded'. Otherwise, with the reputation of our master, no matter what, we won't get mixed up to the point of starving to death." Gong Nanbei replied.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard the words, but he couldn't express his emotions in his heart.

"Nanbei, Xiaoyi, Kunpeng, Cui Yu." The old Confucian scholar shouted from the side.

"Master!" The four came back to their senses and came to the old Confucian scholar.

The old Confucian scholar took out a blue book from his sleeve, glanced at the four people, and finally landed on Nanbei: "You are literate, this is my painstaking effort for 50 years, and you will tell them this book for three years later." Listen, I'm going to retreat."

"Mister has written a book?"

The voices of the north and the south trembled, and the swords in their arms were contending.The gourd in Li Kunpeng's hand fell to the ground.Wang Yi's voice was trembling even more.

"It's considered writing a book! The next step is to make a statement, to see if there is a chance to create a complete theory, and maybe you can hit the holy position in your lifetime." A smile appeared on the old Confucian scholar's face.

"Tomorrow I will retreat in the backyard, organize all my knowledge, and see if I can forge a complete theory." The old Confucian scholar looked at Cui Yu: "It's just a pity for you. If you want to learn from me, you have to wait a little longer. Some time. However, in my free time, Nanbei can give me lectures, and your brother Nanbei is my true biography, unlike the two of them, who are just half-hearted."

"Hmph!" Li Kunpeng said dissatisfiedly next to him: "Which one is half-baked? It's clearly Master, you're making a small stove for Bei Nan."

"If you can keep up with the progress of your study, I will also give you a small lesson." The old Confucian scholar almost choked Li Kunpeng to death.

The old Confucian scholar said that he retreated as he said, and he did not procrastinate at all.

Looking at the old Confucian scholar who turned and left, and the woman sleeping soundly holding the wine jar under the peach blossom tree, Cui Yu scratched his head and chose to leave.

"Junior Brother Cui Yu." Seeing that Cui Yu was about to leave, Nanbei called out.

"Huh?" Cui Yu paused and turned to look at Gongnanbei.

"Let me teach you how to read." Nanbei grinned.

"But Master didn't say..." Cui Yu said in surprise.

"Listen to the words of the old Confucian scholar, it is really hopeless." Nanbei said with a smile: "It is just my master's imagination to want to enter Confucianism and Taoism just by preaching the scriptures."

"Come on, I'll teach you how to read." Nanbei enthusiastically pulled Cui Yu's palm to read.

"Bring me one! Take me one! I've been waiting for this day!" Wang Yi also stretched his neck and leaned over.

Cui Yu looked at the two people in front of him, and a hundred thousand question marks kept circulating in his mind.

What kind of weird brothers are these?

"Senior brother, don't you teach scriptures?" Cui Yu looked at the book in Gong Nanbei's hands.

"Knowledge while teaching the scriptures is the same." Nanbei's face was full of smiles: "One must know how to be flexible. This is what the master told me."

"That's right, the master also told me personally, 'The master's words are not the holy words of truth, the disciples should dare to question the master's words.'" Wang Yi said proudly.

The corner of Li Kunpeng's mouth twitched: "The old Confucian scholar told you this sentence, so that you will not be restrained by others, and you must have the courage to go out of your own way. It is not for you to misinterpret it."

"Bah, that's a twist? If I knew how to read and write, I would have already helped people copy books to support my family. Why did we all almost starve to death?" Wang Yi poohed at Li Kunpeng, then pulled Cui Yu and said: "Leave him alone, come! Let's read and write together."

Looking at the group of people in front of him, Cui Yu was a little confused.

This is really a master or an apprentice!

The old Confucian students deviate from the scriptures, and the disciples they teach are also deviant enough.

However, Cui Yu was not a bound person, so he obediently walked over and began to wait for Gong Nanbei to speak.

As for the exhortation of the old Confucian scholar, he had long forgotten behind the second sect.

The mistress on the side twitched her mouth, her arms trembled, and the water in the wine jar spilled on the ground, which showed that her inner emotions were turbulent.

ps: Ask for a subscription.Thank you "Feng Junzi Haoran" for the rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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