Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 72 Refers to materialized form!

Chapter 72 Refers to materialized form!

While chiseling the bluestone, Cui Yu cursed and thanked Shi Long.If it weren't for Shilong, who had cultivated the iron hand and mastered the strength of a thousand catties, he really didn't know what to do.

"I provoked so many messy enemies without knowing it, who have I offended!" Cui Yu cursed and chiseled down.

That's all for the Chen family, what enmity does Shi Long have with him?

And the Sanjiang gang, since they dared to assassinate him, the Liang Zi was formed, and they must all be killed in the future.

Chiseling the bluestone one by one, Cui Yu noticed that as the chisel was swung up and down, his overall strength seemed to be improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Especially the speed at which the body adapts to the blood of the gods is improving rapidly.

Cui Yu was a little surprised, he didn't expect that there was such a trick in it.

The [-]-meter-high platform, whether it is high or low, is about [-] floors high.

Cui Yu bears a lot of power, and it's not digging step by step, but digging through Mixu.

It is not the steps that are dug, but as long as it can make oneself stand, there is a place to stand on.

Along with Cui Yu's excavation, the red strange power in the air began to boil and boil, and even strands of strange power poured in to make up for the loss of the divine power in Cui Yu's body.

Although the infused strange power is not much, it can make up for the consumption of the divine power in Cui Yu's body, but Cui Yu has also noticed the change of the strange power at this time, and the strange power seems to be really intelligent.

"You seem to welcome me up too, don't you?" Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of thought.

With the strength of a thousand catties, Cui Yu went down with a chisel, and a piece of bluestone was chiseled open.

Difficult to say or easy to carve out a little bit of ground, at least for Cui Yu, who has a lot of strength, it is still very easy.

an hour

two hours
three hours

a step

two steps

The distance between the feet and the ground is getting higher and higher. Cui Yu feels that the supernatural power in his body is getting faster and faster. Cui Yu is sweating profusely. When he is tired, he directly converts the stone into barbecue. Quench your thirst with water.

Cui Yu feels that there is no magical power better than material transformation in the world!

The only flaw is that material transformation consumes too much divine power!
To be precise, the magical powers transformed by the system consume too much divine power.Although the supernatural powers given by the system have no limit and incredible power, they are based on divine power.

On the contrary, the supernatural beings don't seem to consume that much blood power.

Cui Yu vaguely noticed that he was not the same as the bloodlined one, and he couldn't quite say what the difference was.

For example, when Yu used Yin Dun, he had never seen Yu exhausted, or Yu said that he had exhausted too much.

Although Cui Yu had thousands of doubts in his heart, he didn't know who to turn to for answers.

Don't dare to ask, dare not speak, for fear of accidentally falling into a pit.What if someone finds out about my ability and the other party comes to assassinate me?
Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of contemplation, but his hands kept moving. With countless stones falling to the ground, Cui Yu finally climbed to the top of the high platform after six hours.

Then Cui Yu froze!

What is on the high platform?
At the beginning, Cui Yu thought that the high platform was not that big, but after actually climbing the high platform, Cui Yu realized that the space on the high platform seemed to be distorted and compressed.

On the real high platform, which is a thousand meters in size, a round of red sun is scorching in the center, radiating into the depths of the earth, causing the water veins of the burning earth to boil, and the scorching air envelopes the entire land of Shenzhou.

He saw the red sun, which seemed to be a human figure.

On the entire high platform, there is also a jade platform with a height of Mi Xu, and the humanoid red sun is lying quietly on the high platform.

The high platform is ten feet around, and there is actually a stream of steam flowing, and under the jade platform is a pool of clear water.

Yes, it is a pool of clear water!
Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of thought, the water in the pool was misty, and it seemed that it was not affected by the scorching air at all.

The pool water has a radius of 30 meters, covering the center of the jade platform.

The most important thing is that the grass around the pool turns out to be green.

"It seems to be an elixir that has grown for an unknown number of years." Cui Yu was surprised.

Not only that, but he also sensed the power of time, and the chaotic power of time descended, constantly impacting the corpses on the jade platform, but he saw that the corpses on the jade platform were as motionless as a mountain, and they were not affected by the power of time at all.

Look at the lush greenery beside the pool, accompanied by the invasion of the power of chaotic time, the power of withered glory turns, it seems that spring, summer, autumn and winter are only in the blink of an eye.

The elixir was born and then died, and when it died, it was born again, and the cycle of birth and death was indefinite.

Cui Yu was shocked in his heart: "Sure enough, it is an extremely dangerous place. Not to mention the invasion of strange forces, even the erosion of the power of time is also frightening."

Flicking your fingers means thousands of years, just ask if you are afraid?
Even if those taboo creatures who have lived for thousands of years come, they can only be turned into powder of dry bones.

No one can resist the scour of the power of time—except Cui Yu!

Cui Yu's eyes showed seriousness, he was only immune to the invasion of the power of time, not against the loss of the power of time.

"If you want to get in touch with the mysterious figure, there are three levels of barriers. The strange force in the air is the first level, the erosion of the power of time is the first level, and climbing up the cliff is also the first level.

Cui Yu looked at the power of time in front of him: "I hope you can give me a little help so that I can sacrifice Dinghaizhu smoothly."

Cui Yu stretched out his palms, and his hands instantly turned into diamond shapes, reaching towards the chaotic time zone.

[Ding, I discovered the power of time emanating from the Kunlun Mirror. 】

The voice of the system rang in Cui Yu's ears. Cui Yu's eyes lit up, and he was eagerly waiting for the transformation of the power of time, but who would have thought that the voice of innate supernatural power would pour cold water on him at the next moment:
[It was discovered that the host has been immune to the power of the Kunlun mirror, and the power of the Kunlun mirror cannot affect the host and cannot be usurped. 】

Then there is no more.

Cui Yu stood there blankly, looking at the withered and disillusioned vegetation in front of him, he was dumbfounded.

Transforming the diamond palm into a flesh and blood body little by little, Cui Yu tentatively stretched out the flesh and blood body, but the next moment Cui Yu's flesh and blood body did not respond to the power of time.

Regardless of the speed of time in the outside world, I will survive forever and never die.

"What did you say about the innate supernatural power just now? The power of time here is emitted by the Kunlun mirror?" Cui Yu seemed to have grasped the point: "The Kunlun mirror?"

Where is the Kunlun Mirror?

He has the formula for manipulating the Kunlun Mirror!
Strands of thoughts flowed in Cui Yu's eyes, and then he took a final step and stepped into the restricted time zone.

Take a step forward, and the elixir will wither under your feet.

One step forward, flowers bloom.

In one step, everything is depressed.

There was a strange look in Cui Yu's eyes, as if he was walking in the long river of time, an indescribable artistic conception emanated from Cui Yu's body, it seemed to be integrated with the power of time in the air, and the whole person fell into the heavenly world. The state of oneness.

The power of time in the air permeates Cui Yu's skin little by little, sinking into his soul. In Cui Yu's soul in this state of distorted time and space, a faint imprint seems to be slowly forming.

Step by step, Cui Yu stepped forward with blank eyes, approaching the high platform step by step, and finally stopped in front of the pool.

Then the whole person suddenly woke up.

Then Cui Yu stood in front of the pool, stunned: "What kind of artistic conception?"

"It seems to be useful, but it doesn't seem to be useful." Cui Yu scratched his head, as if he had some insights, but he didn't seem to have any insights.

Across the pool, Cui Yu looked at the red light source on the jade platform, which was a humanoid creature.

The reason why it is said to be a humanoid creature rather than a person is because Cui Yu can only see a blue dress.

The red light is like the scorching sun, only the green dress looks very conspicuous.

The whole body was shrouded in red light, and its appearance could not be seen clearly at all.

Cui Yu's eyes fell on the water in the pool under his feet.

The water in the pool is so clear that you can see the bottom of it, showing multicolored light, but you can't see the spring, and you don't know where it comes from.

"This spring water is very unusual." Cui Yu stretched out a finger, wanting to touch the spring water, the air in front of him wavered for a while, and then a transparent air wall blocked Cui Yu's body.

The air wall is as hard as iron and cannot be shaken at all.

Cui Yu looked at the air wall in front of him, and a thought came to his mind: "Boundary? Strange power?"

Looking around, the air wall pierced the sky and covered the entire pool.

The air wall is tens of thousands of feet high, and it looks straight into Qingming at a glance. There seems to be emerald green light and water blue fluctuations flowing and reflecting down in the sky.

It seems that at the top of the air wall, there is a colorful alternative world linked.

The entire air wall seems to be another world.

And all the strange powers and fierce red lights came from another world.

The space in front of my eyes is distorted, the pool water, the high platform, and the nun seem to be in another world.

Only the torrent of strange power, which is not restricted by the barrier, flows from the other end of the barrier.

"It's interesting." Cui Yu caressed the air wall in front of him, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

"Strange power? I don't know if innate supernatural powers can swallow us." Cui Yu was thoughtful.

His fingers touched the air wall, but there was no reaction at all. Cui Yu knew that he had made a mistake. It would be too unrealistic to rely on his innate supernatural powers to devour the air wall and turn the air wall into his own nourishment.

"The wall of air has no shape or form, but it is actually standing in front of him." Cui Yu was fascinated. The next moment, the wooden sword stabbed out from his waist. It pierced into the void on the left.

"It is indeed the power of space!" Cui Yu retracted his palm thoughtfully, not daring to move carelessly.

When it comes to the power of space and time, none of them are simple.

With the advancement of science and technology in later generations, isn't it still difficult to touch the hidden laws of space and time?

That has already broken through the shackles of the universe, and you can travel in the universe.

Cui Yu didn't act in a hurry, but carefully observed everything in front of him, and finally his eyes fell on the strange force projecting the barrier.

"It's interesting." Cui Yu seemed to have discovered something interesting: "The strange force can pierce through the barrier, if I can transform into the strange force to get through, it will be fine, right?"

Cui Yu thought of his own supernatural power—referring to materialization.

Refers to the materialized form, which can undoubtedly be regarded as one of the most heaven-defying magical powers in the world. It has already involved the most fundamental law change between heaven and earth, and can be regarded as a heaven-defying means to break the law change of heaven and earth.

"If I transform Xinyuan into a Great Freedom Demon, I don't know if I can break through and use it as a real Great Freedom Demon." A thought flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

Stretching out his hand silently, sensing the fluctuation of the strange power in the air, Cui Yu's thoughts flickered in his mind: "It refers to the supernatural power of materialization, but you want to turn me into a strange power. I don't know the power of the two drops of blood in my body. Is it enough?"

Cui Yu didn't dare to experiment with himself directly, but picked up a stone on the ground, recalling the mysteries of supernatural powers that refer to the materialized form, and then a series of wonderful laws fluctuated in his mind, and then the stone in Cui Yu's hand turned into a wisp of strange force.

[Ding, I found a strange force invading.Is it usurpation? 】

Cui Yu restrained that strange power in the palm of his hand, and even touched the vigilance of the innate supernatural power.

"The power of eight hundred strands of divine blood." Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of thought.

Transforming a stone consumes a disproportionate amount of energy.

A ray of strange power transformed into a ray of divine blood.But to transform a stone into a strange force, eight hundred strands of divine blood are needed.

"It doesn't follow the law of energy conservation at all." Cui Yuba clicked his mouth.

"I've done everything to change the laws of heaven and earth, so why talk about the law of energy conservation." Cui Yu took a sip: "Just transforming me into a strange force, the two drops of divine blood in my body alone seem not enough."

At least in Cui Yu's opinion, it's not enough.

As if aware of Cui Yu's thoughts, suddenly there was a wave of strange power in the air, and the strange power that was three feet away from Cui Yu's body suddenly poured towards Cui Yu like a swarm.

[Discover the invasion of strange forces! 】

[Is it transformed into divine blood? 】


Cui Yufu came to his heart, and the next moment he pointed to the materialization form, and his whole body directly transformed into a wisp of strange power.

"It's really good, I can change myself." Cui Yu turned into a strange force and floated in the air. At this moment, I can't tell what it feels like, that feeling is very strange.

However, before he can feel it carefully, the next moment, the strange force in his body surged up, unexpectedly surrounded Cui Yu, and rushed upstream to hit the void barrier.

In Cui Yu's eyes at this time, the barrier seemed to have turned into a sieve, and he was like running water, and it was easy to pass through the sieve.

In a moment, Cui Yu was coerced by a strange force and passed through the barrier, appearing in another world.

Then without giving Cui Yu time to react, the strange force flowed backwards, and even flowed back towards the corpse on the high platform.

"No! I can't be absorbed by that corpse! If I am absorbed by that corpse, I'm afraid I will fall instantly and become the nourishment of the corpse." Cui Yu was shocked when he saw this scene: "These strange forces are not good-hearted, they want to swallow me."

Cui Yu was anxious in his heart, but at this moment he wanted to devour the strange power in his body, but his innate supernatural power didn't respond at all.

"It's not right! It's not right! Could it be that I'm in a strange state, and my innate magical powers have also been changed?"

(End of this chapter)

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