Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 73 On the High Platform

Chapter 73 On the High Platform
Cui Yu sensed that something was wrong. What if he was sucked into the body of the figure on the high platform?
And he also noticed one of the biggest flaws in his own golden finger: After being changed by the "finger materialized form", the golden finger also disappeared!
In other words, only the self in an 'abnormal' state can usurp the strange power.

Or to be more precise, only the self in the state of being "invaded by strange forces" can use the golden finger to prevent the invasion of strange forces.

Transform yourself into Weird, and Goldfinger will disappear with it.

It is not in a normal state, that is to say, after being transformed by one's own magical power, the golden finger will disappear. The "self in a strange state" is itself a kind of strangeness, and it is impossible to usurp the strange power between heaven and earth.

In other words, the self in an abnormal state will die!Will be killed by Weird!
He will be killed by strange forces because he can't react in time to many things.

"No! That's bad! Once the fingering materialization is activated, I will really be transformed into the 'pointed thing', and even the blood and talent in my body will disappear. I am completely a strange force at this time. I simply lost the ability to cast 'referring to materialization form'!"

Cui Yu wanted to use his fingering form to undo his state, but where was the blood in his body?

Even the supernatural powers!All the supernatural powers such as materialization and form have disappeared!
He turned out to be really spooky!

Really weird power.

At this moment, Cui Yu was panicked, and he didn't know whether to scold or laugh.

Play yourself to death!
Really play yourself to death!
He didn't know whether he should praise the power of the materialized form at this time, or cursed himself for being stupid for playing himself to death.

"As expected of the supernatural power of mediating good fortune, it has completely changed the essence of the law from the material form, and even the golden finger cannot resist it. It seems that the golden finger is not omnipotent! Think about it, the great supernatural power of mediating good fortune can open up the world It seems quite normal to suppress Goldfinger's power, doesn't it?"

Cui Yu wanted to cry, and watched helplessly as he was engulfed by the strange force bit by bit, going upstream inch by inch, and crashing towards the source of the weirdness.

Look at their protagonist, their golden finger.

Look at your own gold finger, should it be said that it is too reliable?Or is it too unreliable?

The supernatural power extracted by Goldfinger suppressed Goldfinger. This was the first time Cui Yu met him.

"Damn it, if I transform myself into an innate god, wouldn't I be a real innate god?" Cui Yu's mind was filled with distracting thoughts, and some inexplicable thoughts emerged.

Seeing that Cui Yu was slammed into the red light by the torrent of strange force at this time, even if he could use the magical power of 'golden finger' to dissolve the 'referring to material form', it was too late.

Seeing that Cui Yu was about to crash into the ball of red light, the Tsing Yi on the high platform suddenly sent out a wave, knocking Cui Yu out from the strange force.


A green light radiated from the green clothes, which not only knocked Cui Yu out from the source of the strange force, but also broke the shape of his fingers, Cui Yu rolled on the stone platform like a rolling gourd, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. , and then fell directly into the pool of water.

Although his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, Cui Yu was very happy, feeling the joy of narrowly escaping after a catastrophe!
"Damn it, I almost cheated myself." Cui Yu let out a long breath.

"It's weird! It's weird! How can I trust the weird power? The weird power before was clearly trying to kill me!" Cui Yu cursed while standing in the pool.

Weird is synonymous with ominousness and death. Why was he so confused for a moment, fell into the trick of Weird, and almost thought that Weird was good to him?Reached a tacit agreement with yourself?
In the beginning, the strange attack on him was also to swallow him up?

Weird is really fucking cunning!

Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's mind, and he hammered his chest fiercely: "Long memory! Long memory! You can't believe the weirdness in this world! You can't believe the weirdness in this world."

Countless thoughts rolled in Cui Yu's mind, and he made up his mind that the materialized form would never be used on him again, the fault was not because it was accidentally broken this time, and he was afraid that he would have died.

Too much trust in Goldfinger!

Just when Cui Yu had countless thoughts in his mind, and was secretly afraid, the voice of Goldfinger sounded in his head:
[You are immersed in a wonderful liquid, which contains the power of longevity and has incredible activity. When you find a strange force invading, do you want to swallow it? 】

[After devouring, you will get the wonderful method: Raindrops.Obtain an unknown amount of divine blood. 】

[Note 1: Ganlin can cure all spiritual roots such as herbs. 】

[Note 2: Ganlin has an incredible magical effect, it can life and death human flesh and bones. 】

[Note 3: The price: You will gain longevity. 】

【Note 4: The consideration can be waived. 】

Cui Yu looked at the pool of water on the ground, with shock in his eyes: "Longevity? Ganlin?"

Even this pool of water is weird, no wonder it can be preserved from the power of Hanba.

Looking at the clear spring water, Cui Yu didn't even think about it, and directly activated his innate supernatural power: "Usurpation! The price does not need to be exempted."

[The usurpation is successful, and you get the raindrop technique. 】

[Note 1: Thirty drops of divine blood! 】

[Note 2: Add ten years to the life span. 】

Then Cui Yu noticed that the power of the spring water penetrated his whole body, continuously cleansing his soul along every inch of his pores, and even the endurance of the divine blood was rapidly increasing.

"You can bear the third drop of divine blood." Cui Yu could feel that after soaking in the spring water, his physical body's ability to withstand the laws continued to increase, and his physical body seemed to be completely reborn, undergoing an incredible transformation.

And look at the Ganlin technique, if it is said that the meat and bones attached to the resurrection from the dead are used to treat the wounds of swords and soldiers, then the "sickness" and "plague" are cured by the Ganlin technique.

[Name: Cui Yu. 】

[Talent: Usurpation. 】

[Divine Blood: Three drops. 】

[Supernatural powers: Bringing the dead back to life (big). 】

[Supernatural power: refers to materialized form (small). 】

[Supernatural power: sit on fire. 】

[Supernatural power: Dingxian Shenguang (+). 】

[Kunlun mirror manipulation formula (complete)]

[Wonderful method: tight-knit incantation. 】

[Wonderful method: Ganlin technique. 】

[Magic weapon: Dinghai Shenzhu. 】

Cui Yu stared at the Ganlin Technique, his eyes were a little lost. The healing effect of the Ganlin Technique was stronger than that of returning to life!
And I don't know how much stronger it is!

"This is a very wonderful method. It needs to use some unique materials and combine it with spells to refine a unique water drop." Cui Yu was thoughtful.

Moreover, the rain technique can evolve!

At this moment, voices sounded in Cui Yu's mind:

[Discover the invasion of strange forces. 】

[Sweet Rain Technique +1+1+1+1...]

【Sacred Blood+36+36+36...】

[Life +1+1+1.... 】

Cui Yu looked at the ever-changing page and the constantly refreshing information, and doubts arose in his heart: "What is this pool of water?"

It is really incredible that this pool of water can increase life span and transform people.

Without further ado, he picked up the Dinghai Pearl and immersed the Dinghai Pearl in the pool water, only to see how much water flowed into the Ding Haizhu, and the water in the pool dropped by ten centimeters before Cui Yu swallowed the Dinghai Pearl again.

Dinghaizhu can control all waters in the world, so naturally it can also collect all waters in the world.

As for the spring water, Cui Yu didn't dare to spoil it casually, so he quickly climbed up the stone platform with all his hands and feet.

There are unknown and strange things on the stone platform. The water in this pool can heal injuries, provide divine power, and has incredible magical effects. How dare Cui Yu spoil it at will?

If you encounter an unpredictable attack on the stone platform later, this spring water will be your life-saving medicine.

"Fountain of Immortality." Cui Yu just climbed up the stone platform, and saw a line of ancient characters branded on a boulder. Although Cui Yu could not read, those three primitive characters exuded an inexplicable artistic conception, as if directly branded into Cui Yu's soul , the information in which is interpreted.

"Soaking in this spring water can rejuvenate and increase life expectancy. It is indeed a fountain of youth." Cui Yu praised, and turned his eyes to Yutai.

At this moment, the strange force in the air seemed to have noticed Cui Yu's gaze, and the next moment, an overwhelming strange force attacked Cui Yu.

Looking at the mighty strange force that seemed to be collapsing mountains and mountains, Cui Yu felt the anger of the strange force for some reason.

Not bad!

Just anger!
It seemed angry why Cui Yu didn't ask him to swallow it.

"If you only have this kind of power, how can you do nothing to me?" Facing the mighty strange power, Cui Yu just stood there quietly, and the next moment, the strange power that surged like a tide was all caught by him. Transformed into the power of divine blood.

Dinghai Shenzhu No.20 is refined in an instant with seven layers of restriction, 28 layers, 29 layers, and [-] layers. Being turned into nourishment by Cui Yu, he couldn't help roaring angrily, and then dodged far away.

"Why do useless work? You have already lost the opportunity to kill me." Cui Yu stood on the high platform with a smug smile on his face, looking at the corpse shrouded in red light, he took the initiative to walk towards the red light step by step.

Wherever they passed, the red light in the sky retreated three houses, not daring to come within three feet of Cui Yu.

Cui Yu finally saw the source of the strange power.

It was a jade platform with a height of about [-] meters. The pure white and delicate suet jade was carved with strange patterns, and inexplicable symbols were branded on the high platform.

At the bottom of the jade stone under the high platform, red light flowed out like viscous water, and then spread into a red light curtain, like a small sun covering the figure on the high platform.

Then Cui Yu saw that the figure on the high platform exuded a scorching aura, which was the source of the severe drought in the world, and was fighting against the blood-red strange force.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Cui Yu was stunned.

The source of the strange power is not the corpse!
Not only did the corpse not exude a strange power, but it was fighting against the strange power.

Cui Yu was stunned.

A pair of eyes fixed on Yushitai, no matter how stupid he is at this moment, he should clearly know what happened!
Under the jade platform is the source of the weirdness, and the figure on the jade platform is suppressing the weirdness under the jade platform.

It's just that the weirdness under the Yushi stage was too strong, and the figure couldn't suppress it at this time, causing the weirdness to overflow.

Then Cui Yu froze, completely stunned.

If he guessed correctly, Weird under the jade stone must still be alive, and even kept planning to devour himself, but unfortunately, he was interrupted by the figure on the jade stone platform, resulting in a fall short.

Then Cui Yu looked at the figure on the stone platform with horror, the strange person under the jade platform was still alive, so what about the figure on the jade platform?

Cui Yu couldn't stand anymore, and kept scolding the old Taoist Master Nanhua in his heart: "This bastard, say that the one who suppressed in the dry well is the daughter of the Yellow Emperor, it's a mistake!"

Who can tell him, what is the figure on the stone platform and the strange thing under the stone platform?
Moreover, the source of the severe drought in the world is the scorching power shot out from the figure on the stone platform.

It was the remnants of the power that the figure was fighting against the strange burst.

Thinking about it makes one's hair stand on end, just the aftermath will cause catastrophe in Jiuzhou. If there is no restraint by the strange force, what incredible power will the figure on the stone platform have?
Moreover, the strangeness under the stone platform can escape from this overbearing suppressing force, what kind of incredible magical power must there be?
Cui Yu felt that Li Family Village was very dangerous!
Not only Lijia Village is dangerous, but the whole Hezhou Wei is also dangerous!

This is obviously sitting on the crater, if there is a slight inattentiveness, it will explode and destroy everything.

Seeing the two confronting forces, Cui Yu did not dare to act rashly, but walked around the stone platform, and finally saw lines of simple and mysterious ancient characters on the other side of the stone platform.

A line of immemorial characters exudes mighty and strange power fluctuations, but unfortunately Cui Yu is illiterate, staring at the stone tablet, but can't see any mystery.

"Write down the words first, and ask the old Taoist when I go back." Cui Yu felt a little uneasy, and after writing down all the characters in that line with all his strength, he turned his eyes to the green-clothed figure on the high platform.

The divine light around the figure in green blurred his vision. Cui Yu couldn't see clearly, he could only see a blur: "You saved my life earlier, so you can be considered my benefactor for the time being. We are allies on the same front. But I haven't figured it out. Before the words on the tombstone, I dare not do anything casually."

Then he looked at the strange power constantly emerging from under the stone platform. The strange dark red color was like a flame, constantly evaporating the spring water of the Fountain of Youth.

Looking up at the sky again, where the red light soars into the sky, it seems to connect a vast starry sky.

Cui Yu looked at the strange force emerging from the ground, and directly stretched out his hand to block the blood-red source.

Are you not going to touch me?Won't you devour me?

Now I will block your source and see if you will let me touch you.

That's right, Cui Yu is going to use that weird power to refine the last triple restriction of the Sea God Orb!
If such a powerful strange power and such a powerful golden finger are not used, can he still be called a traverser?
Just for the sake of saving his life, that figure should also help him.


Cui Yu took the initiative to block the eyes of the blood spring, as if completely angered by the strange power, Cui Yu could only hear a roar coming from the blood spring, and Cui Yu's mind went blank after the shock.

But the next moment, the overwhelming and mighty strange power poured in like a swarm.

[Discover the invasion of strange forces. 】

[Usurp the strange power, divine blood 10000+. 】

(End of this chapter)

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