Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 74 Gong Gong's Blood

Chapter 74 Gonggong Blood (please subscribe)
That strange force seemed to know that he would not be able to seduce Cui Yu. Seeing that Cui Yu was actually blocking his way of life, he just tore open his face, and the vast and infinite strange force poured into Cui Yu's body like money, as if he wanted to Cui Yu's body exploded.

He didn't believe it anymore. Can a mere mortal really be able to face his own shock?

Even if tens of thousands of years have passed, even if he is sealed in the deepest part, and only the aftermath of power can be scattered through the barrier, how can a mortal be able to provoke him?
But after all, he underestimated Cui Yu's ability!
Or maybe they underestimated the power of Cui Yujinfinger.

[Sacred blood + 10000 + 10000 + 10000.... 】

One after another of information flashed before his eyes, and with the incessant infusion of divine power, Cui Yu felt that the refining of Dinghai Shenzhu was very fast, and he could refine No.30 First Heaven, No.30 Second Heaven, and No.30 Three heavens.

It's just that the last three heavens of Dinghai Shenzhu seem to be uniquely mysterious. It can integrate the power of the three kinds of forbidden gods into one place, and can integrate and weave the powers of the three kinds of forbidden gods.

Integrating three completely different laws into one is such a powerful and incredible force, and it is an unimaginably powerful and unmatched force to gather together incredible forces.

I have to say that Cui Yu is indeed very strong, or Cui Yu's golden finger is very strong, and he is born to restrain all strange powers.

When strange power enters Cui Yu's body, it will become supernatural powers and divine blood.

What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger!

With the help of that powerful and strange power, Dinghai Shenzhu reached the No.30 third heaven in a blink of an eye, and spread to the No.30 fourth heaven restriction at an incredible speed.

It's just that No.30's restriction from the Four Heavens is too powerful!

It has already involved the fusion of the power of law, even with the blessing of the endless strange power, the speed of the sacrificial refining can't help but slow down at this time, turning into a slow speed.

As if aware of Cui Yu's change, the blood spring stopped surging, and all the strange forces shrank back.

"That's it? I thought you were so strong!" Cui Yu stared at the hole under the stone platform with a sneer in his eyes.

As the red light receded, the human figure on the stone platform gradually became clear. Cui Yu stared wide-eyed at the hazy figure, and couldn't help but froze.

is it beautiful?
It doesn't look pretty, because the whole figure is covered by strange lines, a black line covering the whole body of the figure.

"There is no life at all!" Cui Yu looked carefully for a while before confirming that the figure in front of him had lost its breath of life.

In charge of the great magical power of bringing the dead back to life, Cui Yu has an extraordinary sensitivity to life and death.

"But it's not the same!" Cui Yu pondered for a moment, looking at the female corpse covered with strange patterns on the stage, his eyes showed puzzlement.

"It's dead, the body is too dead! But it seems to be alive, and there seems to be a little weird vitality."

Cui Yu noticed the strangeness of the human figure in front of him.

Dead is dead!That strong dead air cannot be faked.

But in the dead air, there seems to be a new change, and there seems to be another kind of vitality that is being bred.

And at this time, a scorching air transformed from the humanoid body.

It was as if it burst out from that other kind of vitality.

That vitality swept across the land of Kyushu, and at the same time suppressed the strangeness under the jade platform.

Cui Yu's eyes fell on the body of the female corpse: "I don't know how many years this corpse has existed, and what incredible good fortune it has bred, whether I can get some to increase my strength."

Cui Yu looked at the female corpse with a pair of eyes, and wondered in his heart: "It's a bit interesting. It stands to reason that the female corpse is also considered a strange thing. When the line of sight comes into contact with it, there must be strange and ominous attacks. But at this time, I looked directly at the female corpse, but there was no The slightest change is really weird."

Then he looked at the female corpse carefully for a while, and finally Cui Yu's eyes fell on the hands of the female corpse.

It was a pair of bony palms covered with black spots and covered with red hair. Between the fingers of the palms, Cui Yu found a strange blue color.

Yes, it is a weird blue.

That bit of weird blue is like a drop of water, even though the vicissitudes of life have passed, it still hasn't dried up.

There is an immortal divinity circulating on it, but it is filled with lifeless energy, as if a strange force is bred in it.

"What is this drop of blue liquid?" Cui Yu showed curiosity, then stretched out his finger, subconsciously touching it lightly.


The next moment there was a roar in Cui Yu's mind, and the sound of huge waves came, like a big hammer hitting Cui Yu's head.

Then an extremely domineering penetrating power in the blue liquid penetrated into the pores of Cui Yu's body before Cui Yu could react.

[Discover the invasion of strange forces. 】

[Invading thing: A drop of dead blood with divinity left behind, even after thousands of years, the divinity still lingers. 】

[After usurping, you will get a strand of Gonggong blood. 】

[Note 1: Gonggong is an ancient god, and does not respect the jurisdiction of the Yellow Emperor.The emperor, Ba, was trapped in the Buzhou Tianzhu, awakened by the water god and fire god, and turned into Ba.After the Tianzhu collapsed, the water god and the fire god died under the Tianzhu together. 】

[Note 2: There are three, six, and nine grades of gods, and Gonggong is an ancient god with extremely powerful divine power.After getting Gonggong's divine blood, you will gradually awaken the power of Gonggong's supernatural powers. 】

[Note 3: You will gradually dissimilate into the body of the demon god Gonggong, and obtain the body of the demon god.When you get the body of the demon god, you are the demon god alive, you are the darling of the law, and your supernatural power will continue to increase. 】

[Price [-]: manifest the body of the demon god when performing supernatural powers, and seal as a human body when not performing supernatural powers (partial costs can be exempted). 】

[Price [-]: Tempered with the blood of the demon god, you will quickly increase the strength of your physical body (exemption is possible). 】

"Gong Gong's bloodline? There are also different levels of gods?" Cui Yu was stunned.

Even the innate gods are so curly?

Alienated body?

Wouldn't that be turning into a monster?

What does Gonggong look like in memory?

Most importantly, does Cui Yu have a choice now?
Don't usurp, wait until that drop of dead blood enters the body, then the trouble will be big.

Cui Yu had a feeling that it would not be good to wait for his own end when the dead blood of the gods entered his body.

"Usurpation!" How could Cui Yu have so many choices in times of crisis?The whole person shouted directly in his head.

[The usurpation is successful, you have obtained a wisp of the blood of Gonggong Demon God. 】

[The blood is being distributed. 】

The sound of the system sounded, and then Cui Yu felt a chill in his heart, and then a sense of extreme cold flowed out of his heart, and his breath followed the whole body's energy, permeating the whole body.

Then the next moment, Cui Yu's hair was soaked in frost, and a wisp of frost appeared on his whole body.

It was as if the whole person had been frozen from an ice cellar, a force of extreme cold seemed to freeze his consciousness.

"It's not good, it's just a ray of blood from a demon god, can I not bear it? No way, I have the power of three drops of divine blood in my body! I can even bear three drops of divine blood, but I can't bear Gonggong's blood." A ray of power?" Cui Yu was puzzled.

The extremely cold air was so domineering that Cui Yu's body was frozen in an instant, and he couldn't even blink.

Then Cui Yu's heart had a hair thick and thin light blue crystal, the crystal appeared, and before the three drops of divine blood in Cui Yu's heart could react, it was simultaneously refined by the light blue divine blood .

At this time, the light blue divine blood in Cui Yu's body did not increase at all.

"Fuck! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Seeing this scene, Cui Yu's whole mentality was about to collapse. Your blood is also divine blood, and it's only three drops. He is also divine blood, only a wisp. With a large quantity gap, even if you pile it up, you can pile it up to death!

In fact, when the three drops of divine blood met Gonggong's blood in Cui Yu's body, they were like a mouse that had encountered a snake.

Why is there such a big difference between the same two bloods?
As if sensing the doubts in Cui Yu's heart, the layout in front of him changed:

[Gonggong's blood has been transformed synchronously and turned into the host's own blood.But the blood of the demon god is too strong, and the body of the host is too weak, and a benign reaction will occur. 】

[Note 1: Demon God refers to the god who was born before the first opening of the heaven and the earth, and lived the same life as the sky. 】

[Note 2: Innate gods refer to the gods born from the self-consciousness of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and condensed the essence of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers for good fortune. 】

"Is there a difference?" Cui Yu was puzzled.

[Note 3: All wills born naturally can be called innate gods.Demon gods are innate gods, but innate gods are not demon gods. 】

Cui Yu looked at the information board in his mind, and countless thoughts flickered in his mind, but he still couldn't tell the difference between innate gods and demon gods.

At this time, the information page in Cui Yu's mind was refreshed, and the personal information page was directly refreshed:

[Name: Cui Yu. 】

[Talent: Usurpation. 】

[Devil God Gong Gong's blood: a wisp. 】

【Divine Blood: Three Drops】

[Supernatural powers: Bringing the dead back to life (big). 】

[Supernatural power: refers to materialized form (small). 】

[Supernatural power: sit on fire. 】

[Supernatural power: Dingxian Shenguang (+). 】

[Kunlun mirror manipulation formula (complete)]

[Wonderful method: tight-knit incantation. 】

[The magic method: the nectar technique. 】

[Magic weapon: Dinghai Shenzhu. 】

The page is still the same, but the information about the blood of the gods has been updated to the blood of the demon god.

Cui Yu's eyes were fixed on the page, his whole body was frozen by the extreme cold air, and turned into a body stained with white frost.

Cui Yu stood there blankly, his heart almost stopped beating, and it took more than a dozen breaths to beat.

"What should I do?" Cui Yu stood on the high platform, his whole body turned into a sculpture.

What should I do if I can't move?
He has already turned into an ice sculpture, how can he move his legs?

Even thinking became dull at this time, the speed of brain rotation seemed to be delayed by dozens of times, and the passage of time was also slowed down by dozens of times.

"Could it be that I'm going to be frozen here?" Cui Yu's thoughts flickered, and the next moment a strange imprint appeared in the depths of his soul, it was a white and flawless snowflake.

The snowflakes seemed to come from the depths of time and space, gently penetrated the time and space, drew a wonderful arc in the air, and landed on the light blue blood of the heart.

Just like if he met a natural enemy, how domineering the devil's blood is to the god's blood, then how well-behaved the devil's blood is when facing Xue Hua at this time.

The snowflakes fell into the strand of light blue blood, and then the coldness of the light blue blood converged, but there was an extra snowflake shape in the deepest part.

The frost on his face subsided within a breath, Cui Yu only felt his yang energy rising, and the frozen blood in his body was slowly flowing.

"Huh~" Cui Yu let out a long breath, seeming to exhale all the cold air in his body.

"Finally came back to life." Cui Yu's eyes showed a lingering fear.

He already thought he was strong enough!The innate blood in his body is also strong enough!But who would have thought that in the face of a ray of demon god's blood, he almost lost his life.

Moreover, this was transformed by Goldfinger, and it was his own blood of the devil god.

It's already in his blood!

If he hadn't been transformed by Goldfinger, he might be frozen to death with just a single touch of the demon god Gonggong's blood.

"Absolute Zero is fused with the blood of the demon god, and I don't know if there will be any sequelae." Cui Yu moved his stiff hands and feet, and the whole body was bubbling with cold air.

With lingering fear in his eyes, Cui Yu quietly observed the Gonggong blood in his body, and saw that the blood was like a dragon, quietly circulating with the beating of the heart in Cui Yu's blood.

Then Cui Yu looked at the light blue blood circulating in his body, and his pupils shrank: "It's a bad dish!"

Although the stream of Demon God's blood was suppressed by Cui Yu's absolute zero, there was still traces of cold air escaping, which caused Cui Yu's movements to become sluggish wherever the blood passed.

For example, if the blood flows through Cui Yu's left hand, the speed of Cui Yu's left hand will be at least three to five times slower.

If the right foot passed by, the speed of Cui Yu's right foot would definitely be extremely slow.

The impact this has on life is simply immeasurable.

The most important thing is that now I have so many enemies, and countless people want to kill me. If I fight with others, wouldn't I just wait for death?
People's swords are stabbing over, but your feet haven't stepped out yet.

Just ask if you are afraid?
Cui Yu panicked!
Very panic!

But it's not without benefits, Cui Yu's body is growing stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye where the demon god's blood passes.

Cui Yu's physical strength is constantly increasing!

"I don't know what supernatural powers Gonggong's blood can bring me? Can I use the power of Gonggong's blood to activate my previous supernatural powers?" Cui Yu thoughtfully, standing on the high platform and looking at the female corpse. The identity of the female corpse became more and more curious.

An unknown female corpse was actually stained with the blood of the ancient demon god Gonggong. Does this mean how long the ancient corpse has existed?

Maybe someone from the same era as the Demon God Gong Gong Zhu Rong!
"Things from before the ancient times are so strong and unreasonable." Cui Yu was a little apprehensive.

Having experienced two crises in one day, Cui Yu knew that no matter how powerful the golden finger is, it depends on the strength of the master.

No matter how strong the golden finger is, it will be useless if the master doesn't.

(End of this chapter)

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