Chapter 78
on the street

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves

"What do you think of Chen Changfa's strength?" Cui Yu asked.

"I don't know." Yu looked at Cui Yu: "I have Yindun, I'll go tonight. Even if I can't fight, I can escape."

Cui Yu shook his head: "I'll go in person! No matter what strength he has, he's dead!"

"That's the deal." Cui Yu finished speaking and walked towards Baicao Hall.

Inside the Baicao Hall, Gong Nanbei was still holding the sword in his arms, sitting in the corner with a sad face.Xiaoyi is holding a book, sitting in the corner and reciting something with a serious face.

"Junior Brother Cui Yu, are you here?" Xiao Yi saw Cui Yu and extended her hand to greet him.

"Continue to read and write, and you won't suffer from being uneducated in the future." Cui Yu smiled and said, "Where is Mistress?"

"Waiting for the master to retreat." Xiaoyi said with a smile.

"Senior brother, why are you so sad?" Cui Yu looked at Gongnanbei.

Gong Nanbei held the sword in his arms and shook his head: "Let's learn how to read."

Obviously he didn't want to say more.

Seeing this, Cui Yu didn't ask too many questions, because he was not a person with many things.

"You want to kill someone?" Cui Yucai sat down when Gong Nanbei suddenly asked.

Cui Yu was taken aback, and stared at Gong Nanbei in surprise: "How did senior brother know?"

"I can feel your killing intent even across eight streets." Gong Nanbei was laughing, talking about killing people very easily.

"Is it that obvious?" Cui Yu asked.

"Candlelight in the dark night." Gong Nanbei gently stroked the sword in his arms.

Looking at the thin and frail Gongnanbei, the sword in his arms was gaudy and inlaid with various gemstones. It looked like a work of art, not a murderous sword at all.

For the first time, he felt that the normally pretentious man sitting with his sword in his arms was like a thousand-year-old pond, unfathomably deep.

"Let's learn how to read." Nan Bei didn't open his eyes: "Recite to me the characters I taught you yesterday."

Cui Yu studied in Baicao Hall for half a day, until the sunset, and then walked out of Baicao Hall unhurriedly.

Wang Yi sat in the yard, grasping the pen with his fingers, and awkwardly sketched the words on the ground.

When Cui Yu's back was gone, Wang Yi stopped writing, raised his head, and looked in the direction of Cui Yu's departure: "Is he going to kill someone tonight?"

"That's right!" Gong Nanbei said, "You know I'm most sensitive to murderous intent."

"It must be the fault of this world that such a good person is forced to take risks." Wang Yi looked at Gong Nanbei: "Brother, what do you think?"

"I think so too. It's rare to meet a long-term meal ticket, so you can't just die like this." Gong Nanbei held the sword in his arms, and the murderous aura on his body seemed uncontrollable, and the tables, chairs and benches in the yard began to tremble.

"You two bastards, can you calm down a bit, your master is in retreat." The teacher's wife yelled and cursed from the inner courtyard.

In an instant, all the wind and grass in the yard were silent.

Daliang Chen's
Compared with the endless scenery and heavy traffic in the past, the whole Chen family has an air of desolation and panic.

inside the gate

The three core figures of the Chen family, Chen Changfa, Chen Erye, and Chen Wuye gathered together, each of them looked gloomy, and the air was filled with death-like depression.

"Have all the young and old been sent out?" Chen Wuye asked after a long time.

"Give some away, there are too many eyeliners now, and there is a secret force obstructing my Chen family's actions." Chen Changfa's eyes were cold.

"Interfering? Who? Dare to break the rules?" Chen Changfa looked coldly.

"I don't know, the other party didn't leave anyone alive. A total of 82 people died in the eighth family, the third family, and the sixth family. They all stayed in the wilderness."

"You bastard! You won't even let go of an infant child!"

"It's really a tiger in Pingyang being bullied by a dog, who did it?" The iron gallbladder in Chen Changfa's hand clanged like thunder.

"I don't know!" Master Wu shook his head: "Hands and feet are very clean and neat. Some people say that people in the Wu family have changed frequently recently."

"Then put the blame on the Wu family. A mere wealthy businessman dares to covet something that doesn't belong to him, damn it!" Chen Changfa said in a cold voice.

"I've already sent someone to do it. I have to weigh the confidence of the Wu family and see what the Wu family has, and dare to covet the position of the Shi family." Chen Changfa's voice was full of hatred.

If in the past, a mere wealthy household was not worthy of his serious treatment.

The gentry is a real war machine, and the masters in the family are all good at fighting and killing, so how can they be compared with mere wealthy households?

But not now!

When the Chen family was at its weakest, the family background was wiped out for no reason. Who do you ask the Chen family to talk to?
"Why don't you ask my family for help?" The second master on the side tapped the table with his fingers: "If there are masters from our family in charge, we will be able to calm down the storm, but in the future, most of our family's income will be turned over, and the whole family will become the master." But it is better than being forced to flee in embarrassment and leave Daliang City."

"I have such a plan, and I have sent people to Dayu Country to send eight urgent letters one after another, but there is no news from them all." Chen Changfa said in a gloomy voice:

"If there is no accident, none of the eight letters left Daliang City. Someone secretly made trouble and wanted to take the opportunity to divide up our Chen family's property."

Regardless of whether it is the fifth master or the second master, they did not ask who did it.

Because the seven great scholars in Daliang City are all suspects, each of them may fall into trouble.

Everyone would never mind carve up the Chen family to strengthen themselves.

"What about the Xiang family? What's the attitude of the Xiang family? If the Xiang family can be invited to come forward, the turmoil will definitely be calmed down." Fifth Master asked again.

"Xiang Yan is eager to get rid of us, how can he interfere with our life and death?" Chen Changfa said with a gloomy face: "Sure enough, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one, and the Dayu Chen family has taken refuge in the second prince, asking us to follow suit, and follow here be bullied."

"Is the end of the mountain?" Fifth Master's eyes began to turn red.

"That's right, it's the end of the mountain. You can walk as much as you can!" Chen Changfa didn't hide it.

"Aren't they afraid that I, Dayu Chen, will settle accounts in the future?" Fifth Master couldn't believe it.

"Since they dare to attack, they are sure that we will not be able to grasp it." Chen Changfa said.

"Actually, it may not be impossible to salvage the situation." At this moment, the second master suddenly said, "Not only can it be salvaged, but it can also wipe out those evil people. We swallowed those bastards instead."

"What way?" The gazes of Chen Changfa and Fifth Master were all attracted, and they looked at Second Master firmly, their eyes full of urgency and disbelief.

"Taiping Dao!" The second master stretched out his hand, stained the water in the cup, and wrote three large characters on the table.

Chen Changfa shrank his pupils, then shook his head and rejected: "No! Taiping Dao wolf ambition will completely drag us into a place of eternal doom."

"Isn't it already beyond redemption?" The second master looked at Chen Changfa: "If you can't pass this test, what future is there?"

"But this time it's different!" Chen Changfa shook his head: "Taipingdao is a tiger that eats people without spit out bones."

"If we don't rely on the way of peace, why should we break through the obstacles and evolve from a scholar family to a nobleman? It will happen sooner or later!" The second master's eyes did not budge.

"I'm going to invite the steward of Taiping Road, and I will say that my Chen family will follow his lead in the future, and I will never dare to disobey it." Fifth Master stood up.

"Fifth you know what you are doing? Once you get on the pirate ship, you can never get off again." Chen Changfa's face changed color.

"Let's do it." Second Master looked at Fifth Master.

Fifth Master turned and left directly.

"Hey..." Looking at the back of Fifth Master going away, Chen Changfa sat down on the stool directly, his eyes were full of blankness: "What is this all about! All the elders in the family were slaughtered for no reason, and now they are being stared at superior."

"I just want to know who is it now? Who leaked our news?" The second master beat the stone table angrily: "There are only a few people who know about this, and they are all inside our Chen family. "

"You mean the Chen family has internal traitors? That's absolutely impossible! Everyone is the core of the Chen family's lineage, grasshoppers on the same line. What good will the Chen family's destruction do them?" Chen Changfa kept shaking his head.

"Maybe it's the dog. The dog leaked the news before he died."

For a moment, there was a dead silence in the yard, Chen Changfa and Chen Wuye were in a daze!

You don't even know who the enemy is, and your own family is already in a precarious situation. How can you not be aggrieved?
Even if he has the power to move stars and change battles, what can he do if he can't see the enemy?

On the streets of Daliang City
The sparrowhawks in the sky kept flapping their wings and chirping, swimming happily in the sky.

"This animal has become spermed!" Yu raised his head to look at the Sparrowhawk above his head, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"I want to help his blood return to his ancestors, instead of following the path of a monster." Cui Yu replied.

"You really want to go alone?" Yu looked at him with worry in his eyes.

Cui Yu smiled, bought a bamboo hat on the street, and put it on his head: "I have confidence in my own strength. You are outside to meet me!"

After Cui Yu finished speaking, he slowly pointed at the wooden sword in his hand, and the whole wooden sword turned into a titanium alloy long sword, and then walked unsteadily towards the Chen family's old house.

The inner demon came out from the ground, turned into a thumb-sized stone, and landed in Cui Yu's sleeve: "Chen Changfa of the Chen family is in the yard. Now the Chen family is like a bird of fright. All the important people of the Chen family have sneaked back to stabilize the overall situation. Even Yu took action to clean up some unremarkable little things in an attempt to calm down the situation."

"How is the situation now?" Cui Yu asked.

"I think we have allies." Xin Yuan said in Cui Yu's sleeve.

"Allies?" Cui Yu asked in surprise.

"An ambitious wealthy family, Daliang Wu."

Cui Yu was puzzled: "Daliang Wu style?"

"Daliang Wu Shi is a wealthy household in Daliang City, the number one wealthy household!" Xin Yuan said.

"Huh?" Cui Yu pulled a long nasal voice.

"You also know that people in the world are divided into three, six, and nine classes, the first class is the emperor, the second class nobleman, the third class official, the fourth class gentry, the fifth class commoner, and the sixth class slave." Xin Yuan said:

"The fourth-class gentry are the guards of the nobles. They specialize in defending the territory for the nobles in all directions. The nobles inherit by blood, but the gentry do not."

"Daliang Wu's family has produced a character in the past ten years. He has extraordinary talent in martial arts. I don't know who he is. His martial arts cultivation is said to have touched the third level. In the past ten years, the Wu family in Daliang City has expanded wildly and developed at a high speed. It has reached the limit of ordinary people. If you want to seek a breakthrough, you can only be promoted to a scholar."

"Daliang City's cake plate has long been fixed, and the interest class is unbreakable. The common people want to climb up and evolve from the common people to the nobles. They must be replaced by a family of nobles." Xin Yuan whispered: "In the past, Daliang The Eight Great Scholars in the city firmly occupy the dominant position, and no one can shake the entire Daliang City. The Wu family was vaguely suppressed by the Eight Great Scholars, and now there is a sudden disturbance in the Chen family, which makes the Wu family see the hope of replacing them."

"Although Daliang City is big, it can't accommodate the ninth family of nobles. If the Wu family wants to go further, they have to move to one of them. But the Eighth Great Master's family is deeply rooted, and the forces behind it are even more intertwined. It is not easy to move. Now it is hard Hearing the wind, he naturally refuses to miss the opportunity." Xin Yuan said to Cui Yu:
"As long as you take action and verify the news that the Chen family is a paper tiger to the outside world, someone will naturally do the rest for you."

Cui Yu was thoughtful: "Mr. Wu! It seems that there are many restless people in the world."

Commoners want to be promoted to nobles, nobles want to be promoted to nobles, nobles want to become princes, and princes all want to become the emperor of Zhou!
Cui Yu looked at the layout of the street all the way, his eyes flicked across the shops, and his eyes kept sweeping among the shops.

Since you want to do it, you must explore the terrain in advance.

He didn't know the terrain inside the Chen family compound, but the surrounding streets outside the Chen family compound needed to be explored clearly.

The power in the Chen family's mansion is one, and surrounding the Chen family's mansion is the Chen family's vassal forces, secretly guarding the Chen family.As long as there is any trouble in the Chen family's mansion, these people will immediately rush out to protect it.

If there is no war on weekdays, the nearby residents are the Chen family's eyeliner.

Cui Yu scanned the shops with his eyes, then suddenly stopped and saw three connected pork shops.

The three shops are very large and look very imposing. They are the pork shop of the Chen family.

It perfectly satisfies Cui Yu's fantasies about all pork shops.

"Are you really going to be a pig butcher in the future?" Xin Yuan complained in Cui Yu's sleeve.

"Otherwise? What do you think I can do?" Cui Yu stared at the three shops, and the more he looked at them, the more he liked them: "Could it be that I want to be a samurai who looks after the nursing home."

Nobles need gentry guards, while rich families also need bodyguards and good guards.

This world is not peaceful!
"Didn't you join the Yulong clan? In the future, you can go directly to the Yulong clan. Isn't it easy to get riches and wealth?" Xin Yuan muttered.

"The Yulong family is good, but I will never be an inferior watchdog. Although the gentry is called well and their status seems to be glorious, in the eyes of real nobles, they are just a watchdog that can be replaced at any time , that’s all.” Cui Yu shook his head: “You don’t understand.”

It seems that besides raising pigs, Cui Yu couldn't think of a suitable means of survival in this era.

Burning glass?
Can you keep this technology?

What he can do are some seemingly inconspicuous, but actually very profitable industries.

(End of this chapter)

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