Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 79 What to do with my sister!

Chapter 79 What to do with my sister!

What can Cui Yu do in this era of clear distinctions between three, six, and nine?
He seems to be unable to do anything, the only thing he can do is to live a more comfortable life according to his own wishes.

That's it!

You want to be an official without a scientific examination?

Countless noble children are waiting in line.

Not only the children of the nobles, but even those descendants of the nobles who were "fuze five generations and beheaded" are also queuing up.

You, a commoner, want to be an official?

Find a nobleman to take refuge in. If you can gain the appreciation of the other party, you may be able to be a steward.

What is the basis for selecting officials in this world?
Give Xiaolian!
That is the nomination system.

But the one who was elected was also the queen of the nobles, how could such a good thing happen to you, a commoner?
You can't do an industry that is too profitable. If you do it, some people will be jealous. When the time comes, you can't keep your foundation, and you might want to get involved.

After thinking about it, Cui Yu felt that he was in the business of raising pigs.

The smelly smell of pork in this world is unbearable, but he has a way to prevent the smelly smell of pork.

Moreover, troubled times are coming, and now that prices in the Great Zhou have collapsed, and people buy things by barter, who will recognize the currency of the Great Zhou?
Too much currency is minted, causing too much inflation, and the people are not fools, so they simply won't play with you.

Every time a coin was minted in the Great Zhou Dynasty of the Central Dynasty, the expansion of this coin would be averaged on the heads of every person in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the copper coins in the hands of the people in the Great Zhou Dynasty would depreciate accordingly.

Originally there were only ten apples, and each apple cost one yuan. Now you have printed 100 million coins in Kaka, and you say that the price will not collapse!
You dilute my hard-earned money with the money you minted effortlessly. You tell me that this is not a money grab, what is it?
This is money grabbing!
Minting copper coins is stealing money!Grab the hard-earned money in ordinary people's pockets!

I used to be able to buy ten steamed buns for a penny, and I saved up to buy a wife, but your fucking Kaka minted 100 million coins, and a steamed bun was worth a hundred coins. Are you stealing money?

This is money grabbing!
The fairest transaction in the world is barter.

Cui Yu looked at the pork shop in front of him with his eyes: "Coins are worthless, but pork is. Even if you don't sell pork, you can eat it yourself."

Cui Yu was thinking in his heart, and saw a short figure, holding a rag with a smile at this moment, got out of the crowd, came to the pork shop, and wiped the cutting board for the pork boss with the rag: "Boss, your cutting board is too dirty , look at it, it's all grease, who will buy your meat? I'll wipe it for you."

While talking, he quickly wiped it in front of the pork stall.

"I beat you to death, you little bastard. If you don't buy meat, you dare to come here to take advantage. See if I don't beat you to death. Everyone knows that I, Butcher Zhang, never suffers. Only when I, Butcher Zhang, takes advantage of others, there are people who take advantage of me." reason!"

The butcher shop owner was a meaty butcher. While yelling and cursing, the butcher's knife flew out of his hand. It stuck to the boy's scalp and was nailed to the pillar behind him. The handle of the knife was shaking constantly.

"Fuck, Zhang Guanxi, didn't I just use a rag to dip you in a little lard? You and I are serious!" The boy trembled in shock, holding a rag in his hand, looking at the trembling blade, and quickly wiped the rag away. Hugged in his arms and ran fast.

"Your rag is so dirty that it stained my cutting board. How can I sell pork?" Zhang Guanxi cursed.

While cursing, he smashed the meat skin over.

"Thank you, uncle, for rewarding the meat skin."

The short figure was dexterous, like a vigorous kitten, shuttled through the crowd, saw the flying fleshy skin, and stretched out his hand to catch it with a happy smile.


The fleshy skin flew over the crowd, and the short boy missed a bit, and the fleshy skin directly stuck to Cui Yu's clothes.

Impartially, it landed directly on Cui Yu's chest, covered with a layer of grease, and slid down the clothes.

"I'm sorry, sir! I'm sorry, sir!" The young man's face turned green when he saw this scene, and his muddy face was full of fear, but he still didn't forget to lower his head to pick up the fleshy skin on the ground, and then ran to the distance in a panic.


The young man ran out seven or eight steps in a hurry, his figure was nimble like a loach, and he was about to disappear from Cui Yu's sight. The next moment, there was an exclamation from the crowd, and then a figure seemed to be Like a ball, he shot back backwards, slipped over a dozen innocent people, rolled up a cloud of smoke, and hit Cui Yu's feet.

Cui Yu didn't dare to use force, the boy backed up quickly, if he caught him with all his strength, he might end up with broken tendons and bones.

Fortunately, Cui Yu practiced iron-making hands, and he also had some understanding of martial arts practice. He stretched out his foot to block the young man's flying body, and then stretched the fascia on his thigh, and all the force from the young man's impact was absorbed by Cui Yu go.

At this time, the common people on the ground wailed in pain one after another, and the people around them dispersed like a tide.

Only Cui Yu stood there, looking down at the disheveled and dirty boy, with red blood spurting out of his mouth and his eyes starting to turn white, it was obvious that he was about to die.

"What a domineering kick, it directly shattered the bones of the opponent's whole body, and even split the internal organs." At this time, Cui Yu was able to sense the blood flow in the boy's body through the Gonggong blood.

"You son of a bitch, the uncle's newly bought clothes were all dirty by him, you really deserve to die." A young man in a brocade robe appeared, looking at the grease in front of him with a disgusted face.

"Oh, it's too bad, this bastard's life is not hard enough. Two, give him two rolls of cloth to take home." The young man wiped the oil on his body with disgust, and glanced at the child on the ground, his eyes were full of disgust, and then Hastily walked through the crowd.

"He is the young master of the Wu family, the proud martial artist." Xin Yuan whispered in Cui Yu's ear.

"Master Wu?" Cui Yu narrowed his eyes.

"Don't be troublesome, the world is like this, and human life is worth two pieces of cloth." Xin Yuan is the result of the seven emotions and six desires in Cui Yu's heart, and he has the most keen perception of Cui Yu's emotions. He can clearly perceive Cui Yu's heart. A huge rage is about to burst out.

Very strong anger!
It was a fury like never before.

Cui Yu moved his lips, and finally chose to remain silent. Then he looked down at the boy who was vomiting blood on the ground. At this time, he was still holding the blood-stained skin in his hand, and he was holding it tightly. He wanted to lift his lips hard. Trembling constantly, seems to say something.

Cui Yu lowered his head and looked into the boy's eyes. There was no fear, no fear, but only an indescribable nostalgia, which was a nostalgia for the beauty of the world.

The young man kept coughing up blood in his throat, and his voice was stuck in his throat, blocked by the bright red blood foam.

"What do you want to say?" The butcher shop owner squeezed through the crowd, leaned in front of him and looked at the boy.

The young man was dark-skinned, clutching the fleshy skin in his hands vigorously, his throat kept gurgling, and his eyes were fixed on the butcher.

"Sister...sister..." The young man tried hard to speak.

"I see, I will send this piece of skin to your sister." The butcher's face full of flesh and beard twitched, and he lowered his head to grab the skin in the young man's hand.

Sure enough, the young man let go of his palms, but his expression was still unwilling, he coughed blood vigorously, the corners of his mouth twitched constantly, he couldn't speak in a hurry, his eyes turned white, but he still refused to swallow his last breath.

Cui Yu squatted down, stretched out a finger, and tapped the young man's throat: "What do you want to say?"

"Sister... sister... what should I do with my sister... what should I do with my sister... I'm not reconciled... I'm dead... what should I do with my sister!" At this moment, the young man grabbed Zhang Guanxi's hand and held him tightly His wrist was full of concern, his eyes were full of concern: "Just say...I a! Yes...just say I...went to a very...far away place."

"I beg you to take my sister in, she can be a cow or a horse! Give her a bite to eat, don't let her starve to death!"

"Please! Please!" The young man spat out mouthfuls of blood.

"Boy Han, it's so difficult for people to live these days. I have to sell meat for others. I can't even support myself. How can I support your sister?" The butcher's voice was full of sighs, but he didn't agree to the young man's request. Require.

"What about my sister?"

"What about my sister?"

The young man's breathing became weaker and weaker, his eyes gradually turned white, but he still refused to take his last breath, and the obsession in his body turned into an inexplicable wave, hovering in the young man's heart.

"I'll take care of your sister from now on." Cui Yu grabbed the young man's hand.

"Thank you so much!" The young man finally began to let go of his last breath after hearing the words: "My name is Han... Xin. When erecting a monument, you must engrave my name. Bury me in Liangjie Mountain, where The view is the best, thank you."

The words fell, and he swallowed his last breath.

Cui Yu was taken aback.

"You kid, you're asking for so much after you're dead, and you have to ask someone to erect a monument for you. It's as annoying as it was when you were alive." The butcher shook his head helplessly.

Cui Yu looked at the young man in front of him, and the obsession hovering in his heart turned into a wisp of strange force, which still did not dissipate.

"What did he say his name was?" Cui Yu asked.

"Han Xin!" The butcher took the bloody skin and rubbed it carefully with the soil on the ground: "After his ancestors were originally Korean nobles, counting the current princes of South Korea, he is still the same ancestor as him. It's a pity that nobleman Fuze , Beheaded for five generations. Although his lineage lost the title of nobility, there are still talents rising up in his ancestors. There appeared a legalist quasi-sage named Han Fei. Unfortunately, he lost when a hundred schools of thought contended for Dao. Since then, his Dao heart has been broken. Said that all the members of his lineage surnamed Han were also exiled and suppressed by another lineage of Legalism." The butcher carefully washed the blood of Han Xin on the pork: "I remember when they came three years ago, they almost Starve to death in front of my cupboard."

"Young master is very imposing, and he is not an ordinary person. If he has a mouthful of food, he might as well adopt his sister. Although Han Fei's theory of Dao has been broken, his entire Dharma veins have suffered backlash, and he himself has been imprisoned in the forest of merit. I can't figure it out, but with Han Fei's wisdom, it will be a matter of time before the damaged Taoist heart is repaired and the shackles are broken." The butcher stuffed the meat in Cui Yu's hands:

"His sister is in the dilapidated earth temple on the street."

After speaking, the butcher turned around and continued to sell meat at the stall. The surrounding people also stood up one by one, rubbing their arms and legs, and they could only leave feeling unlucky.

Pedestrians in the past turned a blind eye to Cui Yu and Han Xin on the ground, even fearing that they would get into trouble, they hurriedly avoided them.

Cui Yu sighed, looked at the young man who had lost his breath on the ground but still refused to let go of his obsession: "You are lucky to meet me!"

"Han Xin! What a good name! Just for this name, you can't die!" Cui Yu finished speaking, carrying Han Xin's body, and disappeared into the crowd.

In the 5000 years since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the historical era has long been in chaos.

King Xia Qi's strength is beyond everyone's imagination. It was Ji Chang who inquired in Weishui to prove his holy position, and was lucky enough to get a piece of mysterious cloth to covenant with ghosts and gods all over the world. With the help of Qi practitioners, how could it be possible to overthrow Xia Qi? ?

But even so, it was still the rise of Wu Wang Ji Fa that completely pacified the Great Xia era.

There was no Shang Dynasty between the Great Xia and the Great Zhou, and many of the names that should have been brilliant were unknown at this time, or they hid in the deep mountains and old forests to cultivate, or they had turned into strange bodies and died.

And the Great Zhou ruled the world for 5000 years, and the Spring and Autumn Period, Warring States Period, and even the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties did not exist in between, none of them!
How many heroes and heroes should have risen from the grass and bloomed brilliantly in the long river of history, but they all died halfway like Han Xin at that time.

Even if he did not die young, it would be difficult to have a bright future.

But Cui Yu believes that no matter how the historical era changes, those outstanding people will turn into rocs and soar into the sky as long as they get a chance.

They were imprisoned by the times and lacked a chance to reach the sky.

Or some people have already got the opportunity, but dare not go against the general trend of the world, quietly hiding and waiting for the world to change.

5000 years!This is the era of Qi trainers, who knows if they are dead?
The demon gods in the Shenmo well have been suppressed for tens of thousands of years, but they are still not dead?
"The founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty was 5000 years ago. Even counting the era, Han Xin should not be from this era. At least he should be from the Han Dynasty, 3000 years ago." Cui Yu murmured inwardly.

But after thinking about it again: If Han Xin's ancestors had the opportunity to practice the longevity method and refused to have children, they would have a father with Han Xin's mother after they had lived for hundreds of years, and his father would live for hundreds of years and even go to heaven. It seems that it is not impossible to give birth to him in a thousand years.

In such a weird and twisted world, everything seems possible.

Who knows how old Han Xin's ancestors and grandma lived?
How many years later did you live to give birth to him?
"You're lucky." Cui Yu carried Han Xin's body, and countless thoughts flickered in his mind: "Then can I meet Liu, Guan, Zhang, and even Fan Kuai who sells dog meat? Or maybe I can meet Zhang Liang and Jiang Taigong Waiting for someone?"

Thinking of this, Cui Yu was stunned: "This world is too fucking dangerous. It's too convoluted!"

ps: Today's 1 words are dedicated to wow brothers.

 The protagonist can't recognize Nanhua because Nanhua has Shoucheng and Daxian around him, and there are no famous people such as Zhang Jiao.This is actually a foreshadowing for the protagonist/
(End of this chapter)

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