Chapter 80
Think about it, those old antiques have passed through the ages and lived for thousands of years, so I ask you if you are afraid?
Think about the talents of those old guys, they are definitely extremely intelligent, old antiques who can break the shackles of the laws of heaven and earth and eliminate the book of life and death, but none of them are simple people.

People have lived for thousands of years, swallowed countless good fortunes, and obtained countless opportunities, how do you compare?
What is even more frightening are those demon gods, who have been suppressed for thousands of years without dying.Now Cui Yu will starve to death if he does not eat for seven days!

It can't be compared!
There is really no comparison!

"It's too far away from me. I'll work hard to live a good life first, and make a fortune in this world." Cui Yu muttered, then carried Han Xin and shuttled through the crowd.

After a few flashes, Han Xin had already entered the Qiankun bag without anyone noticing.

According to memory, Cui Yu observed the nearby alleys all the way, constantly remembering the small roads and places where he could hide his tracks.

Chen Family
Chen Changfa sat quietly on the stool. Opposite him, Wu Guang, who was wearing a brocade robe, was sitting on the stool at this moment, rubbing the lard on his chest with his head down.

Wu Guang took the setback very seriously, and Chen Changfa also took it seriously.

After rubbing for a long time, it seemed that he finally confirmed that he couldn't continue rubbing, so he raised his head and looked at Chen Changfa: "You arrested my father?"

"To be precise, not only I was arrested, but thirteen members of your family, young and old, were also arrested." Chen Changfa looked calm, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him, as if he didn't do all of this.

"Why?" Wu Guang asked.

"Are you asking why a gentry?" Chen Changfa looked at Wu Guang.

"Yes." Wu Guang did not show any weakness: "Everyone in Daliang City knows that I am coveting the position of a scholar. And I don't think there is anything special about a scholar! I, Wu Guang, can also become a scholar."

"Why? Your Wu family has only accumulated 30 years. How many warriors are there? How many soldiers? How many soldiers have you trained?" Chen Changfa looked at him.

"Is this enough?" Wu Guang stretched out his hand and clenched it into a pair of fists.

Chen Changfa shook his head: "Although you are strong, you are not strong enough! There is too much difference. My Chen family's ancestral home is from the Chen family of Dayu State, and there are even a few ancestors who have lost their life and death records. Your fists can't beat you!" The capital of Yu country."

Wu Guang sneered, but did not refute.

He, Wu Guang, couldn't hit the capital of Dayu, and he didn't need to hit the capital of Dayu either.

"Let's draw a path." Wu Guang looked at Chen Changfa.

"Did you intercept and kill the members of my Chen family who went out? You also intercepted the letters sent to the capital of Dayu Kingdom?" Chen Changfa stared at Wu Guang.

Wu Guang smiled and pointed to his head: "I don't like to use my brain, but it doesn't mean I have no brains. I still know the background of your Chen family."

Chen Changfa's expression darkened when he heard the words, and he sat there motionless.

He hoped that it was Wu Guang who did it, but it doesn't seem to be the case now.

"It should be done by the other families, more importantly, the Xiang family, or Taipingdao." Wu Guang analyzed enthusiastically at this time: "It is unlikely that the other families will kill them, but it is precisely because it is unlikely that they will do so." It is very likely that he will make a murderous move. As for the Xiang family? Xiang Yan has long hated your lineage, and it is not impossible for him to repay you to the Dayu Chen family. It is to drive you into a desperate situation, and then teach you to wait for the whole family to take refuge."

Chen Changfa scoffed at Wu Guang's words, there is no need for the seven major families to do this, and there is no need to send people to kill them all.As for the Xiang family?Those are nobles, and if they want to kill the Chen family, there is no need to use such shady methods.In his heart, he felt that Wu Guang did it!

Wu Guang started his career recklessly in the world, and he did everything by any means, and he didn't care about the rules between aristocratic families and nobles.

This style of doing things is very similar to the quack methods of the Sanjiang Gang.

Of course, Taipingdao is also possible!And the suspicion is also not small.

"You fart!" At this moment, there was an angry reprimand from the next door, and a middle-aged man in a wide avenue robe and a yellow scarf rushed in from the next door angrily, behind him, Second Master Chen kept laughing.

The middle-aged Taoist wore a yellow scarf on his head and held a fly whisk in his hand. He came to Wu Guang angrily, pointed at Wu Guang's nose and cursed: "How dare you frame me on Taiping Dao? You know me!" The strength of Taipingdao? It’s just a big Liang city, and I don’t pay attention to Taipingdao at all. Not to mention Daliang City, even Dayu Kingdom, I don’t pay attention to Taipingdao. The strength of my Taipingdao swept Kyushu , how could you, a mere lizard, know that?"

"Really Tang Zhou, please calm down. This matter is nothing more than speculation. Of course, this old man will not believe it. He is just a big Liang city, how can he know that the sky is high and the earth is thick?" Chen Changfa hurriedly expressed his heartfelt heart.

Wu Guang glanced at the real person in Taipingdao and didn't defend himself. He just lowered his head and continued to wipe off the oil on his body: "Patriarch Chen, can you release my father?"

"Hmph! It's impossible to release people, even if you didn't do it, you are still suspect!" Chen Changfa stared at Wu Guang.

Let him go back?

That is impossible!

It's impossible!

Let him go back to do things?

To say that the one in Daliang City who most hoped for the collapse of his Chen family must be Wu Guang.

If Wu Guang wanted to rise to the throne, he had to step on the corpses of the gentry.

"You..." Wu Guang looked at Chen Changfa and slapped the table angrily, but he finally calmed down when he saw Tang Zhou staring at him.

"Hehe, I want to see how your Chen family gets through this difficult time..." Wu Guang wanted to say more, but suddenly he heard a scream from the front hall:

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

A shrill scream continued to spread in the yard.

Chen Changfa's pupils shrank: "I'm so brave, I dared to come to the door on my own initiative, do you really think that my Chen family has sunk into the sky?"

Outside the gate of Chen's house

Cui Yu, wearing a bamboo hat and carrying a titanium alloy sword on his shoulder, walked slowly from a distance.

Taking one step forward, the countless water veins in the earth seem to echo with it, constantly exchanging breaths, and the essence of water enters the body, transforming into the power of divine blood.

Coming to the Chen Family Courtyard again, Cui Yu suddenly felt as if he was in another world when he looked at the gate of the Chen Family from afar.


A disciple of the Chen family looked at Cui Yu who was wearing a bamboo hat, and felt vigilant in his heart. Now the entire Chen family has become a bird of fright.

"Who?" Cui Yu walked towards the warriors of the Chen family leisurely, holding his long sword.

Cui Yu pierced out the titanium alloy long sword, and there was a loud roar in the air.

Cui Yu's sword drawing speed is not fast, but after he transformed his bones into titanium alloy bones, his tendons into polymer composite materials, and his muscles into polymer elastic belts, Cui Yu's sword drawing speed was extremely fast. unimaginable.

Coupled with Cui Yuwu Dao's first-tier cultivation base, how can these ordinary gentry children resist?
It was so fast that no one could see the shadow of the sword, there was a sonic boom in the air.

As soon as Cui Yu stabbed out with his sword, he couldn't control the exact control point where the tip of the sword fell.

It doesn't matter if it's accurate or not, as long as it's fast.

Can't hit with a sword?

It doesn't matter, can ten swords work?
The sword light circulated in the air, and more than a dozen corpses fell in a pool of blood. Cui Yu walked leisurely, like shopping, and pushed the door into the Cui family compound:
"I'm only looking for the master of the Chen family, and ask Chen Chang to send it."

"Bold, who are you, dare to come to my Chen family to be presumptuous?" But hearing a roar, Mr. Chen Wu strode out of the backyard over the wall with a chopping knife in his hand, and slashed at Cui Yu.

This knife was fierce and domineering, extremely fast, so fast that Cui Yu had no time to react.


Slashing Cui Yu's chest with a knife, Cui Yu rose from the ground and flew upside down, smashing the rockery behind him.

Cui Yu's pupils shrank in the smoke and dust, and he looked down at his own chest, only to be cut two centimeters apart.

"This is titanium alloy! What kind of strength is this guy?" Cui Yu was startled.

The second level of martial arts!
At least [-] jin of force rushed over!

Titanium alloys can cut two centimeters apart, Cui Yu thinks he has some misunderstandings about martial arts?
"If you are so capable, you dare to come to my Chen family to be presumptuous. Who gave you the courage?" Seeing that Cui Yu was vulnerable to a blow, Chen Wuye flew backwards with one blow, and rubbed his numb wrist involuntarily.

That's it?

I thought how powerful it is to dare to come to the Chen family to make trouble, but I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable.

But this boy's physical body is strong enough, as if he was chopped on steel, his hands and feet were numb from the shock.

When the smoke and dust cleared, Cui Yu ignored the wound on his chest, and walked out with his sword in hand. Under the hat, his eyes shot out with divine light, and the power of [-] strands of divine blood was drawn away. Chen Wuye was defenseless, and was directly captured by Cui Yu. Yu's immortal divine light fell on him.

My first level of martial arts is indeed inferior to the opponent's second level of martial arts, but... I have supernatural powers!

The next moment Cui Yu drew out his sword!
The slow sword doesn't look very fast, but in Chen Wuye's eyes, this sword is like a shooting star from the sky, it's unbelievably fast.

Before he could change his mind, the sword had already passed through his teeth and stabbed out from the back of his head.

Chen Wuye --- died!
"But that's it! So what if you practice martial arts?" Cui Yu shook his head and sighed. At the same time, he secretly lamented that bloodlines are unreasonable. No wonder the world is ruled by bloodlines.

Cui Yu has only practiced for a few months?

How many years has Chen Wuye practiced?But in the face of Dingxian Shenguang, he has no power to parry, and he doesn't even know how to die.

"Impossible! Impossible! How could you kill Fifth Brother with one sword?" Chen Erye and Chen Changfa who came from behind saw Cui Yu's long sword pulled out of Chen Wuye's mouth, their eyes were full of disbelief.

"Brother, the idea is prickly, shoulder to shoulder!" Second Master Chen looked serious.

The matter has come to this point, there is no need to talk nonsense, and there is no need to ask the other party's identity and background. The two sides are already endless, and the conflict cannot be resolved.

"Kill!" Chen Changfa and Chen Erye shot together.

"Hehe." Cui Yu smiled lightly, and the next moment the Immortal Immortal Light was activated again, and this time it was Chen Changfa that was enveloped by the Immortal Immortal Light.

As for the sword that Chen Erye chopped off, Cui Yu chose to ignore it.

Dingxian's divine light fluctuated, and this time he drew 1 strands of Cui Yu's!

Cui Yu secretly wondered why Chen Wuye took out 1 strands, but Chen Erye actually got [-] strands?That's right, they are both in the second level of martial arts, and they also have different strengths and weaknesses!

The divine light of Dingxian is formless and phaseless, and it moves with Cui Yu's gaze. Wherever Cui Yu's gaze falls, the divine light of Dingxian is shrouded.

Chen Changfa was enveloped by Cui Yu's immortal light, and his movements were slow for the next moment. He seemed to have lost control and balance, and he staggered and fell to the side inexplicably.

Cui Yu had no expression on his face, and the sword in his hand was merciless, stabbing at Chen Changfa's heart at a very fast speed.

"Evil, give me an assistant!" Second Master Chen felt that something was wrong. Seeing that Chen Changfa fell to the ground inexplicably, Cui Yu was about to poke a sieve hole in his body with a sword. Immediately anxious, he immediately surrounded Wei to save Zhao, and stabbed at the No. 12 big acupoint on Cui Yu's back spine.

Surround Wei and save Zhao, one life for another.

Chen Erye wanted to force Cui Yu to withdraw his sword, but Cui Yu ignored Chen Erye's sword and pierced into Chen Changfa's throat.

"Many people say that Chen Changfa's martial arts cultivation is not bad, and he has already touched the threshold of the third realm, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!" Cui Yu thoughtfully.

Then there was a huge force from his back, and then a long sword with a cold light pierced through his chest.

Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned as he looked at the sword tip flickering with cold light.

Someone pierced your steel and iron frame?
The body of the sword is like autumn water, with faintly visible lines flickering on and off, and there is a strange force circulating in it, but it does not overflow.

"This is a long sword full of strange power!" This was the first thought in Cui Yu's mind.

"Good stuff!" This was Cui Yu's second thought.

"Damn it, I'm made of steel and iron, not bean curd!" This was Cui Yu's third thought.

"I can come back to life, as long as I don't get split in half by you, I'm not afraid!" This was Cui Yu's fourth thought.

"...Wait, cut it into pieces?" This was Cui Yu's fifth thought, and then he stretched out his hand suddenly, grabbed the tip of the sword, and instantly activated the iron-smelting hand.

If this sword can pierce through his own body, it means that he can break through his own steel and iron bones!

It may not be impossible to split yourself in half!

"Brother!" Chen Erye was distraught, looking at Chen Changfa's rolling head, his eyes were full of grief and indignation: "Bastard! I want you to die!"

Chen Erye grasped the long sword, and the veins on his forehead bulged, and he was about to cut Cui Yu's whole body. The next moment, a scorching force flickered in Cui Yu's hand, and instantly spread the long sword, sticking to Chen Erye's hand .

The power of fire and poison cultivated by Samadhi True Fire!
"Ah!!!" An unimaginable scorching heat caused Erye Chen to instinctively release his palms, and then a domineering fire poison stained his skin, turning into a red flame mark in an instant, and it was about to spread to Erye Chen whole body.

Although Cui Yu is a first-class martial artist, Cui Yu's fire poison is a relic of the gods, and it is definitely not something that ordinary warriors can resist!
That fire poison is too domineering, it belongs to the poison of Samadhi real fire, and it belongs to the taboo power of gods and demons.

Even though Cui Yu had only absorbed a little bit of the poison of the iron sand smelted by the real fire of Samadhi, there was still an unimaginable terrifying force brewing in it.

Chen Changfa, who was at the pinnacle of Martial Dao Second Layer, still couldn't stop him!


At this moment, a knife flashed beside him, and then Second Master Chen's palm was cut off at the root, preventing the spread of the fire poison.

"Your Excellency is so overbearing!"

A voice sounded in the yard, and Tang Zhou stood beside Wu Guang with a serious face.

Although the strength of Chen Changfa and Chen Erye is insignificant in the world, they are not weak in the backcountry of Daliang City.

These are all real monks of the second level of martial arts!
But now, in just a short time, the principals of the Chen family were about to be killed by Cui Yu like cutting melons and vegetables!

He could see clearly from the side that Cui Yu was a bloodline man!Or call it a supernatural being!
Cui Yu ignored Tang Zhou, but looked at the long sword piercing his chest with a serious look in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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