Chapter 84
"The blood of the Great Zhou royal family?" Wu Guang was stunned, his body trembling involuntarily.

That's the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty!A random sneeze can destroy him a hundred and eight thousand times.

If Cui Yu was really of the blood of the Great Zhou royal family, one of the two present would count as one, and no one would run away.

Even if Cui Yu is the remnant of Princess Yunhua's exile, it is also the blood of the Great Zhou royal family, and only members of the Ji family can deal with it.

"What are you afraid of? A man born between heaven and earth should have great ambitions. It's just a remnant of evil. If you kill it, you will be killed. How can it scare you like this?" Ma Zhou picked up the toad on the ground and looked at it. Wu Guang, who showed fear, had a look of disdain in his eyes.

"The Taoist priest has great supernatural powers, so of course he will not be afraid of the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty. A villain with a small family and a small business can't stand such a toss." Wu Guang said with a wry smile:
"Why did the Taoist say that he is of the blood of the Great Zhou royal family? Didn't he say that he is a warrior of the Yulong clan?"

"He can master the transformation technique, and he has so many abilities. Although he has the mark of the Yulong family on his body, the mark can also be faked. It is said that when Princess Yunhua escaped from Haojing, she left on a dragon. Think It's not difficult to hide the mark of the Yulong family, isn't it?" Tang Zhou stuffed the toad into his sleeve:
"If this matter can be used well, it may be a great opportunity for me to break into Haojing in Taipingdao."

"You went to take over the property of the Chen family. Whether you can get the approval of the Xiang family and survive the backlash of the seven big families depends on your own means. After all, I, Taipingdao, don't accept useless people." Tang Zhou shook his head after finishing speaking. Whisk, but suddenly a white silk thread fell from the whisk.

Looking at the falling white silk thread, Tang Zhou's face changed suddenly: "Impossible! This is a natal magic weapon that my teacher has personally sacrificed for hundreds of years. There is a mark of Huangtian on every thread, how could it fall?"

"You underestimate the people of the world."

Outside the main gate of the Chen family, Cui Yu sighed softly as he looked at Gongnanbei who had gone away.

He really underestimated the people of the world. The power in this world is more difficult than he expected.

Cui Yu walked on the street, took off the bamboo hat casually, threw it into a box beside him, and then saw Yu waiting in the teahouse in the distance.

"Brother." Seeing Cui Yu approaching, Yu's eyes showed a look of joy, and his nervous expression eased: "It's done?"

"Of course it's done." Cui Yu patted Yu's arm, and then walked up to the teahouse.

"It's very rewarding this time. Not only did I see the opponent's strength, but I also saw my own shortcomings." Cui Yu took a sip of tea.

He lacks practical means.

And there is still a lack of methods for gang fights.

Yu laughed, his eyes widened like a crescent moon: "Brother, I knew you could do it."

Cui Yu looked at the sky: "Go, go see Xiang Caizhu."

The sky was getting dark, and I happened to go to Xiang Caizhu's house to spend the night.

Stepping on the ground, countless water vapors gathered from the underground river and poured into Cui Yu's body. The power of the three drops of divine blood consumed in Cui Yu's body was restored. Under the moisture, there is a mysterious fluctuation.

Cui Yu tucked his hands into his sleeves, suddenly feeling very insecure about this world.

Steel and iron bones can be pierced with a sword, which is a bit too terrifying.

But if he thinks that there are people who can carry mountains and catch up with the moon, Cui Yu feels inexplicably balanced.

How much does the mountain weigh?

Not to mention steel and iron bones, even titanium alloys will crush you.

How strong is the press?
Compared with a big mountain, it is drizzle.

"It's not safe! It's really not safe! I still have to keep fighting!" Cui Yu muttered, and glanced at Yu without a trace. If he can master the unreasonable ability of Yin Dun, his survival is probably guaranteed. Bar?
inside the hut

Xiang Caizhu sat on the stool boredly, fiddled with a string of beads in his hand, and Xiang Yu quietly looked at the boxing score not far away.

"Do you think Cui Yu can do it?" Xiang Caizhu suddenly asked.

"A mere commoner wants to challenge the gentry. I really don't know who gave him the courage. In all likelihood, he has to explain where it is..." Xiang Yu replied casually, then felt that the atmosphere in the air was not right, and raised his head Seeing Xiang Caizhu's cannibalistic eyes, he quickly smiled wryly and said:
"I don't know what methods he has. I only know that he practiced boxing and kicking with Shilong in the Delong Martial Arts Hall. It's not like you don't know those scholars. How can they be ordinary people with hundreds or thousands of years of experience?" Comparable?"

Xiang Caizhu snorted angrily, but didn't bother to pay attention to him, just sat at the table alone, the beads fiddled with by her slender fingers crackling.

Looking at the steel ball in Xiang Caizhu's hand, Xiang Yu tentatively asked, "Little sister, when shall we go to Dayu?"

"It depends on my mood." Xiang Caizhu said casually, and then muttered: "What's wrong with Daliang City? What are you doing in Dayu?"

"You can't hide the matter of your awakening ability for too long. You beat that woman last time. When Dad comes back, she will definitely sue. At that time, your ability to control the power of the earth will definitely be exposed. Dad will definitely try his best. There is a way to send you to Dayu! You are the biggest trump card for our team to turn around. I hope you grow up, and when the time comes to destroy those vassal states with evil intentions, our Xiang family can also become the king of vassals in one fell swoop. Zhang, Han The family's grievances should also be completely settled."

"Understood, is it annoying? You fight and kill all day, I really don't understand you, a bunch of brainless people." Xiang Caizhu cursed impatiently.

While talking, Tong Bing, a warrior, came from outside the door: "Master, Cui Yu is here."

"Cui Yu is here?" Xiang Caizhu retracted the beads into her sleeves like a string of small snakes, then stood up nervously, and rushed out directly: "How is he? Is he injured?"

Looking at Xiang Caizhu going away, Xiang Yu sat in front of the table and put down the boxing score in his hand.

"Troublesome! This little sister is worthless." Xiang Yu let out a sigh of relief: "But it's not troublesome."

"Cui Yu, you bastard, are you injured?" Cui Yu just sat down in the lobby, when Xiang Caizhu ran out of the back hall in a hurry, and when he saw Cui Yu sitting there intact, with a smile on his face Big and bright smile: "Yes, it seems that you didn't go. I said, you are a very smart person, how could you do such a stupid thing like hitting a pebble against a stone."

Seeing that Cui Yu didn't even have any scars on his body, he thought Cui Yu hadn't gone to Chen's house.

When Cui Yu heard Xiang Caizhu's phrase 'dog fuck', black lines appeared on his forehead: "I said Xiang Caizhu, you are a girl, what's the matter with swearing all day long?"

"I'm not too happy, I can't control my mouth for a while." Xiang Caizhu threw herself into Cui Yu's arms.

Cui Yu pressed Xiang Caizhu's head, with a look of disgust on his face: "I just came to tell you that the matter has been resolved, and you can go home and sleep."

"Is the matter solved? How did you solve it?" Xiang Caizhu showed curiosity.

"Of course they killed everyone." Cui Yu knocked on Xiang Caizhu's forehead, and then snatched the lantern from the hand of the doorman next to him: "Let's go! Come and find me in Lijia Village when you have time."

Looking at Cui Yu's back, Xiang Caizhu curled her lips: "I have prepared dinner for you."

She knew why Cui Yu asked her to go to Lijia Village, it must be because of the blood.

"I still have something urgent to do." Cui Yu carried the lantern and disappeared into the night.

Han Xin has not yet been resurrected, and Han Xin's sister is still waiting in the ruined temple.

Looking at Cui Yu's back, Xiang Caizhu rolled her eyes and walked back to the house in a spirited manner.

"Brother, I think Xiang Caizhu treats you very differently." Yu and Cui Yu walked quietly on the street, and after a long time, Yu popped out a sentence behind Cui Yu.

"Huh?" Cui Yu pulled a long nasal voice.

"Xiang Caizhu probably fell in love with you." Yu whispered.

Cui Yu remained silent.

"She is a nobleman, and you are a commoner. There is no result. If you really want to be together, the Xiang family will not agree. At that time, I don't know how many people will be implicated. My father and mother will also be implicated." Yu followed in Cui Yu Thoughts behind him.

Cui Yu stopped and looked at Yu.

"You guys won't have any results. It's better to stay away from her earlier, so as not to cause twists and turns." Speaking of this, the little slave girl looked at Cui Yu timidly:

"My brother and I are the best match! We are the same family. Xiang Caizhu is a star in the sky, and we are fireworks on earth."

"En." Cui Yu turned around, hummed, and still didn't speak.

Seeing this sweet smile on his face, Yu followed closely behind Cui Yu, holding Cui Yu's right sleeve:

"Brother, where are we going?"

"Find someone." Cui Yu finally replied.

The little slave girl followed behind Cui Yu, her eyes sparkled, and she said worriedly after a while: "Brother."

"Huh?" Cui Yu replied in surprise, "What's wrong?"

"If you want to marry Xiang Caizhu, you can't abandon me. Brother is a man of great ability, and the door can't stop you. I'm afraid that one day, if you have Xiang Caizhu, you won't want me."

"Xiang Caizhu is my younger sister! Do you think I will have feelings for a five-year-old child?" Cui Yu touched the head of the little slave girl, and he remembered the white dress under the moon:
"You will be my younger sister in the future, and I will definitely find you a nobleman from the Zhou Dynasty to marry, so that you can enjoy all the glory and wealth."

"Whoever wants to be a noble lady, I will be by my brother's side. Wherever my brother goes, I will go there." Yu hummed.

Even though it was late autumn, Daliang City was still extremely hot, and the night temperature did not drop at all.

Cui Yu was walking on the street with a lantern in his hand. Not long after, his whole body was already drenched with sweat. Only the power of water veins gathered under his feet could dissolve the scorching heat in his body.

Shing Tung Tau

Dilapidated Town God's Temple
Endless darkness enveloped the entire temple, and a faint torch was a bit dazzling in the dark night.

"Brother, what are we doing in Chenghuang Temple?" Yu was puzzled.

Cui Yu didn't speak, but walked towards the ruined temple with a normal expression.

Inside the ruined temple

In front of the dim bonfire, an eight or nine-year-old girl, who was covered in dirt and her gender could not be identified, stood alone in front of the dilapidated gate of the Town God's Temple, looking at the night sky in the distance.

Seemingly aware of Cui Yu's lights, the figure panicked, quickly picked up a stick on the ground, and stood in front of the campfire with a vigilant expression.

Cui Yu walks into the temple
The Town God's Temple has been in disrepair for a long time, weeds are everywhere, and there are countless broken walls and ruins. Only a few pillars and a few girders are crumbling in the wind.

The figure stood in front of the bonfire, the sour smell was separated from the door, and Cui Yu choked so much that he wanted to vomit out the food in his stomach.

Cui Yu finally knew how a little girl managed to survive in this world.

This sour smell is really unbearable.

The girl stood there quietly, like a little leopard, not speaking.

"Han Xin is your brother?" Cui Yu asked, finally breaking the silence in the darkness.

The figure was silent.

"I'm entrusted by your brother to take you to meet him. You can come with me." Cui Yu turned around and left, lighting the lantern.

Cui Yu left, and the short figure stood in the ruined temple, still motionless.

Yu followed Cui Yu, walked more than 30 steps, and said in a low voice: "She didn't follow. We two strangers suddenly came to her and said they would take her away. It's no wonder he followed."

Before Yu finished speaking, he heard the sound of footsteps in the dark night, and then the figure chased after him with a torch.

The figure was panting heavily, Cui Yu couldn't open his eyes because of the stench.

But neither Cui Yu nor Yu showed any expression.

"Who is she?" Yu asked curiously.

"Han Xin's younger sister." Cui Yu replied.

"Who is Han Xin?" Yu was puzzled.

"The disciple of the old Confucian scholar." Cui Yu replied.

"The disciples of the old Confucian scholar? I remember that the old Confucian scholar only had four disciples." Yu couldn't figure it out.

"Not now, but soon." Cui Yu decided to recommend Han Xin to the old Confucian scholar.

He didn't believe that there would be such a coincidental name in the world!

"Where is my brother?" The little girl was a little girl after all, and she followed Cui Yu for a while, looking at the pitch-black darkness around her, she felt fear in her heart, and asked.

The sound is not crisp.

I can't even hear men and women.

Because at the age of seven or eight, children cannot tell the difference between male and female.

"Why do you believe that I know your brother?" Cui Yu didn't answer, but asked rhetorically.

"I was skeptical at first, but when you say that, I believe it [-]%." ​​The girl looked at Cui Yu's back and said, "There is no shortage of people who put up bids to sell their heads, let alone daughters of good families. I dress up like this, if you still kidnap and sell, I have nothing to say."


In this world, people can't sell their children for a meal, and they can't find a buyer. Who would abduct and sell a beggar who doesn't know the gender?

What's more, this beggar is dirty and smelly, and people who can choke a few meters away wish they could empty their stomachs.

Cui Yu didn't answer.

"My brother never came back after dark. He always came back before dark. Did he delay this time, did he make a mistake?" The girl was silent for a while before asking.

"It's a mistake, but it's not a big deal." Cui Yu admired the girl's wisdom: "What's your name?"

"I don't have a surname. My father gave me a name, 'Xiang'. You can call me Xiang Ji." The girl's voice was low.

is her?

Cui Yu was stunned, Xiang Ji was Han Xin's first wife!
On the side, Yu was also surprised and said: "Just like me, there is only a first name, but no surname. Otherwise, I will also be called Yu Ji in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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