Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 85 4 Seas and Mountains Resonate, 9 Secluded Classes Resonate

Chapter 85 The Four Seas and Thousand Mountains Respond

"No! The power of reincarnation is not right!" Old Immortal Nanhua stood on the top of the mountain, feeling the reincarnation energy passing through his body, his brows were locked together.

This power of reincarnation is much weaker than I expected!

The power of reincarnation between heaven and earth is so strong that even if the ancient gods dare to face it, they will fall, but what about the power of reincarnation here?
"Why is the power of reincarnation so strange?" Master Nanhua was puzzled.

"Master, brother Shoucheng has lost his life and death certificate?" Zhang Jiao looked at Shoucheng who was going away, with a hint of shock in his eyes.

"He has practiced with me for hundreds of years. It would be inconceivable if he hadn't eliminated the book of life and death." Master Nanhua disagreed: "Although Shoucheng's comprehension is a bit weak, the "Great Compassion Fu" and "Fulu" he cultivated are extremely talented and have already entered the upper class. Shangjing."

"The Great Compassion Fu is not a secret art of Western Buddhism?" Zhang Jiao looked surprised.

"Hahaha, my generation of practitioners, how can there be any views? As long as it is useful, just use it." The old fairy Nanhua said with a smile: "Whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, it is just a tool to reach the other shore. .”

"You must not have sectarian views in the future. The secret law of Buddhism outside the territory is no worse than my Taiping Dao. The fault is that I have learned Huang Tian's Taiping Dao, and I will be overwhelmed by that Buddhism." Nanhua Daoist said.

"Disciple obeys." Zhang Jiao felt that he had gained knowledge again, and then looked at the six circles of reincarnation in the sky: "Master, what are the six big holes?"

"Six Paths of Reincarnation." Master Nanhua explained.

"Six paths of reincarnation? Does reincarnation really exist?" Zhang Jiao was stunned.

"If the six realms of reincarnation don't exist, how will my generation of monks get rid of the register of life and death?" Nanhua Daoist asked rhetorically.

"My disciple thought that the so-called erasure of life and death is just to break a certain shackle on a person, but I never thought that there are really six reincarnations in the world." Zhang Jiao asked curiously, "How to eliminate life and death?"

"In the deepest part of the six circles of reincarnation, there is a heavenly book hidden, which records the life spans of all ghosts, gods and beings in the world, and records the merits and deeds of ghosts and gods. In the secret place, you can see your name on the heavenly book deep in the six realms of reincarnation." Speaking of this, the real Nanhua said:

"The name of a person is imprinted on the heavenly book, and it penetrates three-thirds of the way. Qi practitioners of my generation have to constantly wash and wear off the name on that day's book with magic power. It is like washing and polishing the engraving on a bluestone with water. Great perseverance, great opportunity, and great mana are indispensable."

"Those with deep morality have the power like the sea. If they want to grind away the edges and corners of reefs, it will take a hundred years or fifteen or sixteen years. Those with shallow morality are like the power of water drops. Even if they die, they will not be able to shake the name in the heavenly book." The real Nan Hua explained the secrets between heaven and earth to Zhang Jiao.

Just as he was talking, suddenly a golden thunder and lightning jumped out from the depths of the six realms of reincarnation between heaven and earth, causing Zhangjiao to tremble in fright, and Master Nanhua also constricted his pupils, and said in amazement: "Impossible! How can a person be resurrected after death! How can it be revived!"

"That's Li's Village! That's Li's Village!" Nanhua Daoist looked like a madman, and ran to Li's Village without saying a word: "The God and Demon Well! Something must have happened to the God and Demon Well."

farther away

Within the thatched cottage
Cui Huhu stood in front of the window, looking at the power of the six realms of reincarnation between heaven and earth with a pair of eyes full of dignity.

Turning around to look at his sleeping wife on the bed, the corners of Cui Huohu's mouth curled up, revealing a touch of tenderness: "The most proud thing in my life, Cui Huohu, is not that I have cultivated the ability to overwhelm the rivers and seas, but that I have married a gentle and virtuous wife. In the world, what can a husband ask for if he has a wife like this?"

"However, there is a change in Lijiacun today, and the power of the six realms of reincarnation has appeared. I'm afraid the news cannot be concealed. Could it be that the Kunlun Mirror distorts time and space and projects the ancient law of reincarnation into the present?" Cui Huo's face was gloomy and uncertain. Qi Luo disappeared in the hut, he chose to see the Kunlun mirror.

If it is true that the power of the Kunlun Mirror was inspired, it would not be in vain for him to wait 18 years.

Not long after Cui Huhu left, Cui's mother on the bed suddenly opened her eyes and disappeared into the room in a puff of black smoke.

Daliang City

Gong Nanbei embraced the sword and lit an oil lamp in front of him, quietly looking out of the window, looking at the six dark holes in the sky.

"Aren't you going to take a look?" Ji Kunpeng held a vermilion wine gourd, smelling of alcohol, and came to the north and south windows of the palace.

"Is there anything to watch? I used to watch it every day when I was honing the book of life and death. When I opened my eyes and closed my eyes, I got tired of watching." Gong Nanbei just stroked the sword in his hand, feeling the power of reincarnation across the air, revealing Thoughtful color.

"There's something wrong with the power of reincarnation, why don't you go and see?" Ji Kunpeng bewitched beside him.

"The old Confucian scholar retreats, and I still have to protect him. Besides, I, a sword cultivator, only believe in my own sword in this life. No matter what monsters, tricks, gods, people, and all kinds of inconceivable things, I will kill him with a single sword." ..." Before Gong Nanbei could finish speaking, suddenly a golden lightning flashed across the sky, and in a trance, a palm that spanned time, space, and eternity came from nothingness, breaking the six laws of reincarnation with one palm, and then that The rotating six circles of reincarnation stopped unexpectedly, and then reversed, the palm grabbed a figure from the six circles of reincarnation, and disappeared without a trace.

"Fuck!" Gong Nanbei dropped the sword in his arms to the ground, and stood up excitedly.

"Did you see it? Did you see it?" Ji Kunpeng felt as if struck by lightning, and the vermilion gourd in his hand fell to the ground, his fingers trembling with excitement, he grabbed Gongnanbei's collar, and pointed to the six big gourds that gradually dissipated in the distance. Kong Kong asked excitedly.

"Someone reversed the cycle of reincarnation, and some people wanted to bring the dead back to life!" Gong Nanbei's body was trembling, and the palm that came from the ancient times grabbed a soul from the depths of the six paths of reincarnation, and it was firmly engraved in his heart.

"It's saved! It's saved! He can come back from the dead, so can my father and uncle also come back to life? Can they come back to life?" Ji Kunpeng's body was trembling constantly, murmuring like a nightmare.

"Go, go and have a look!" Gong Nanbei turned into a stream of light and went away in an instant without saying a word.

"Don't you say you only believe in your own sword?" Looking at the back of Gong Nanbei going away, Ji Kunpeng shouted.

"The dead are resurrected, you fucking asked me what science is... No, what is swordsmanship?" Gong Nanbei's words fell, and the people had disappeared into the sky.

Inside the Chen Family Courtyard

Tang Zhou was making wishful thinking, and countless thoughts were circulating in his mind, thinking about how to kill Cui Yu, but the next moment he suddenly raised his head and looked at the distant sky: "Six paths of reincarnation!!!"

After the words fell, the whole person ran away without the slightest hesitation.

At this moment, the entire Eight Great Scholars' Houses in Daliang City, and even countless lurking masters, either ran away or searched directly in the direction of Li's Village.

At this moment, the heaven and the earth were crying, it was the voices of countless hungry ghosts from the deepest part of hell, roaring, crying, and pleading across the cycle of reincarnation.

Some hungry ghosts hope to break through the barrier of yin and yang and come to the human world, while some hungry ghosts beg Cui Yu to resurrect them and fulfill their unfulfilled wishes.

Crying like ghosts and howling wolves, a cloud of yin rushed out of the Yin Cao. The Liangjie Mountains, which were originally arid and scorching, unexpectedly became more shady out of thin air.

dry well

Behind Cui Yu, the yin-yang and Tai Chi diagrams slowly disappeared, and he looked at Han Xin in front of him with a serious face, and saw a little bit of heartbeat gradually sounding in Han Xin's body.

"Ganlin!" Cui Yu stretched out his palm, and a drop of Ganlin fell into Han Xin's mouth, and he saw a burst of vitality infiltrating his whole body, awakening every cell.

Han Xin's shattered internal organs are slowly recovering.

Cui Yu looked at the recovered Han Xin, picked him up without saying a word, and walked out of the ancient well through the cave.

He is not stupid, he had already sensed the vision of heaven and earth when he came back to life earlier.

Cui Yu walked out of the ancient well with Han Xin in his arms, looking at the pouring rain in the sky, the Gonggong blood in his body sent out a wave, all the rainwater was close to three feet around him, and they all avoided it.

"Brother!" Yu pulled Xiang Ji and appeared in the rainstorm, and the two of them were drowned.

"Let's go!" Cui Yu led the way without saying a word.

"Where are you going?" Yuji asked.

"Go to the broken house of the second brother's house to shelter from the rain first." Cui Yu carried Han Xin, and the underground rainwater automatically dispersed wherever he passed, and the moisture in the soil was pulled away, turning into dry and soft sand.

"Brother!" Xiang Ji saw Han Xin in Cui Yu's hand, and couldn't help but let out a groan, and staggered towards her.

"Don't talk!" Cui Yu looked at Xiang Ji: "Your brother is fine!"

Xiang Ji was taken aback when she heard the words, and looked at Cui Yu's serious face, after all, she was a girl who had experienced a lot of ups and downs. On Han Xin's body.

A heavy rain caused Xiang Ji, who was already filthy, to take a free bath.

There is only half a house left in Yang Erlang's house, but it is enough to keep out the wind and rain.

The four people came under the eaves, Cui Yu looked at the three people who were wet, and suddenly felt a movement in his heart. In an instant, the water vapor on the three people turned into drops of water and fell to the ground.

The clothes on the body are dry and the clothes are dry, as if they have never been exposed to rain.

Cui Yu put Han Xin on the ground, Xiang Ji rushed over and shouted eagerly: "Brother! Brother! How are you?"

"Stop shouting, he's fine, he's just injured a little bit, and it will take three to five days for his soul to return to his place before he wakes up. You're shouting, but you're going to recruit someone." Cui Yu comforted him beside him.

Xiang Ji stopped crying immediately when she heard the words, and sat there without saying a word.

"Brother, there was a terrifying vision in the sky before, but suddenly black clouds covered the city, and there were six large black holes, and the sky collapsed." Yu carefully described the vision beside Cui Yu.

Cui Yu's eyebrows trembled, and then thoughtful: "It's strange, I was resurrected from the ground, but I didn't have such an earth-shattering vision. Could it be that I died while the heat was still there? And Han Xin Is it completely dead?"

"The resurrection technique actually leads to six reincarnations. It doesn't look as simple as imagined." Cui Yu mumbled as he looked at the rain outside, and felt that inexplicable energy gathered in the rain was absorbed by the Gonggong blood in his body, and then Cui Yu split the gathered power, and the divine blood consumed in his body was also rapidly recovering, and it was completely recovered in a short time.

"Where there is water, my Gonggong blood can absorb the power of the water to restore the divine power in my body." Cui Yu smiled, which is good news.

"Go to sleep." Cui Yu ordered: "Remember, no matter what sounds you hear later, don't open your eyes."

After speaking, Cui Yu directly put on the bed with his clothes on.

Yu looked at Xiangji and comforted her in a low voice: "I'm afraid there will be troubles, no matter what sounds you hear later, you must not open your eyes. Come, sleep here."

Yu pointed to the bed not far away.

Although Xiang Ji was reluctant to part with Han Xin, she still obediently lay down on her knees.

Seeing this smile, Yu simply took Han Xin and threw him on Xiang Ji's bed, causing Xiang Ji to blush involuntarily.

Yu Ji smiled, then unceremoniously climbed onto Cui Yu's bed, and slipped into Cui Yu's arms, like a kitten looking for a comfortable sleeping position.

"Are you so hot?" Cui Yu said unhappily.

"Hmph, it's not hot." Yu clings tightly to Cui Yu's body.

Cui Yu patted Yu Ji on the shoulder and gestured for silence, and then the cottage returned to silence.

Outside Lijia Village
Immortal Nanhua was the first to arrive, and he quickly came to Lijia Village all the way, heading straight for the Demon Well.

The torrential rain continued, Nanhua Daoist held an oil-paper umbrella, came to the gods and demons well, stood in front of the gods and demons well and looked at it for a while, finally his eyes fell on the direction of the village, and then walked into the village holding an umbrella.

Not long after Nanhua Immortal left, Cui Huhu strode into the village wearing a bamboo hat, and came directly under the dilapidated small bridge. Looking at the mirror still hanging under the small bridge, he was in a daze: "Isn't it the Kunlun mirror? Little Apart from the Kunlun mirror, does Li Village have power beyond the world?"

Cui Huhu looked surprised, then stepped into the mud and walked into the village.

shortly after

Gong Nanbei and Ji Kunpeng arrived one after another.

Then there were waves of figures in black, rushing into Lijia Village from the Liangjie Mountains.

This group of people was originally hunting for treasure in the Liangjie Mountains, but seeing the earth-shattering vision above Lijia Village, they couldn't help but swarm over.

No matter who it was, they didn't disturb the tranquility of the village after their arrival.

After all, the power to reverse reincarnation cannot be provoked by oneself.

Inside the thatched cottage

Cui Yu listened to the footsteps in the rain, and he felt the gaze of the eyes in the rain.It's a pity that Cui Yu didn't really feel it through the rain.

After the second wave of people left, Yu in Cui Yu's arms suddenly lowered his voice: "Brother, the sound of these footsteps is a bit like a master."

"I'm afraid you heard it wrong. Dad is hiding in Liangjie Mountain. Why did he appear here?" Cui Yu rubbed Yu's ears.

"That's right." Yu scratched his head, feeling as comfortable as a kitten: "Why did the master appear here?"

A group of people with evil intentions shuttled back and forth in the village, Cui Yu lay quietly in the thatched shed and slept soundly.

heavy rain
After all, it was suppressed by the infinite scorching air. When the first ray of purple air rose from the sky, half a cloud had disappeared between the sky and the earth.

ps: One update today, no more moves, brothers.

 Brothers who are in the shortage of books can read the old books of the author Jun, they are all high-quality goods, very good-looking wow

(End of this chapter)

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