Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 94 Ba, you squeak, Ba!

Chapter 94 Ba, Squeak!
"I read too many novels and filmed too many movies in my previous life, and I always felt insecure. When I met an immeasurably strong man, I always had a feeling in my heart that the other party wanted to kill me." Cui Yu stood up: "The strong man in this world There are so many people, if I don't give it a try, how will I gain a foothold in the future? I can cause trouble like this, and if I offend someone who can't afford it in the future, and the whole family will be implicated and crushed to death, it would be better for me to be crushed to death now. The gods and demons were crushed to death."

"Yu, let's go." Cui Yu yelled and walked towards the well of gods and demons.

The two returned to the Shenmo Well again, and Cui Yu looked at Yu: "Can you still bear the divine power?"

"Yes! Yes!" Facing Cui Yu's eyes, Yu flickered slightly, and then nodded without hesitation.

Cui Yu touched Yu's pulse, and shook his head after a while: "Your physical body is not strong enough, you should slow down for a while."

"I can still bear three hundred strands." Yu looked at him with big eyes full of stubbornness.

"Okay!" Cui Yu felt the determination of the little slave girl, and after a little hesitation, she poured wisps of divine power cautiously.He was already prepared to bring the dead back to life if he was not careful.

In fact, the little girl did not disappoint him. Even though she was sweating profusely and her body was trembling, she still gritted her teeth and persisted.

Cui Yu patted the girl's forehead, gently helped her to sit down on the stone platform, and then took out the lamp: "These kerosene is enough to light for a month. I'm afraid I won't go out this month. Or more Long……."

Speaking of this, Cui Yu hesitated a little: "If I don't come back after a year, you can go find a deep mountain and old forest and practice hard. If you are not invincible, don't come out."

The dead body of the gods and demons was unusual and contained a great crisis. Although Cui Yu had a golden finger, he did not dare to guarantee that he would come back.

The reason why he had the guts to try again this time was because of the blood of Gong Gong in his body!

That is the power from the Demon God!

That is his confidence, the confidence to fight for him to activate Goldfinger.

No one will be content with mediocrity!

Moreover, Cui Yu would never think that his own ability would be invincible. On the contrary, the more he understood the world, the more frightened he became.

Think about it, if you were given a Magneto, would you be able to fight it?

If this gives you a doctor of the mind, constantly invading the minds of people around you, what will you do?
If there is another guy who is fast and almost time is still, how do you fight?
A mere American blockbuster is so terrifying, but here is a world where gods and demons can still cause Kyushu to suffer disaster after death.

Magneto and Apocalypse came here as just a younger brother.

Brother middle brother!
Especially today's encounter scared Cui Yu to death.The joy of turning Tang Zhou into a toad disappeared instantly.

"Master!" Yu sensed the taste in Cui Yu's tone, and suddenly became nervous.

"Don't be afraid, your master, I have the magical ability to bring the dead back to life. No one in this world can kill me." Cui Yu stroked the little slave girl's hair: "When you have digested the blood of the gods and I haven't left the customs, you can kill me in the daytime." I will go to the old Taoist priest to practice, and I will hide here at night."

"Remember, if I don't come out after a year, you can go find a deep mountain and hide in an old forest, and come out to travel the world after your bloodline is mature." Cui Yu stroked the head of the little slave girl.

Such an innocent and beautiful little slave girl, if she doesn't have the strength to stand by her, what if she is cheated?
"Master!" Yu's eyes immediately turned red.

Cui Yu touched the face of the little slave girl, and when she pinched it, it was like peeling an egg.

"Hahaha, wait for me." After Cui Yu finished speaking, he turned around and strode away.

Watching Cui Yu's leaving back, the little slave girl had rosy eyes, and sat alone in front of the lamp, choking on sobs.

Cui Yu came to the cave

The places they passed were strange and shunned, and they walked quietly along the way, without causing the slightest abnormality.

Coming to the stone platform again, water seeped out from the underground soil, twisted and folded in front of Cui Yu's body, and turned into a step.

Cui Yu stepped up the steps, and the strange force in the air seemed to be a little angry, rolling up hot winds, trying to blow Cui Yu down, but who knew that the water around Cui Yu fluctuated and turned into a water curtain, Push Cui Yu upside down on the steps.

Despite the strange wind, Cui Yu stood on the stone platform protected by the water curtain, but remained motionless like a mountain.

The water is ordinary water, but under the blessing of Gonggong's power, incredible changes have taken place, and it has some inexplicable characteristics.

Cui Yu looked at the strange force constantly acting as a monster outside, and seemed to be able to hear the roar and roar of the strange force.

Then the next moment, the water curtain turned into a waterspout, which caught the strange power around it and swallowed it into the body forcibly, without going through the power of the system, it directly turned into the power of Gong Gong's blood.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu was stunned: Is it so beautiful?workers?
He originally thought that the strange power was invincible in the world, but who knew that the power of Gong Gong was braver than the other party, so he directly swallowed it alive, and transformed it into his own power exactly.

Seeing this scene, the strange force also seemed to be frightened, and rushed to the surroundings in a hurry, never daring to approach Cui Yu in the slightest.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu sneered in his eyes: "Feng Shui turns around, just wait, sooner or later I will eat you."

Arriving in front of the barrier, Cui Yu's body collapsed and disintegrated in an instant, and the supernatural power, true water, was activated without phase, and when he reappeared, he even crossed the space barrier and appeared on the high platform.

"True water without phase is really fragrant!" Cui Yu glanced at the barrier behind him.

With the incorporation of the Gonggong blood, Cui Yu himself has some understanding of the grasp of supernatural powers.

True water without phase is the analysis of using water molecules to pass through all things.

Water molecules are very small, but "true water molecules" are even smaller than water molecules, and they are the most basic particles of all water, all divine water, and congenital water in the world.

Particles smaller than water atoms, water molecules, and quarks.

It is the essence of water, the most fundamental particle that permeates all things.

For 'true water', even space molecules have gaps, gaps that can be penetrated.

Cui Yu turned around and stroked the space barrier, with a look of thought in his eyes.

"True water is the law of Gonggong! It is the origin of Gonggong! The power of space is formless, but for real water, there are gaps." Cui Yu stroked the space in front of him, and the space distorted for a while, and the place where his palm passed was distorted back in another direction.

"It just consumes too much divine power!" Cui Yu saw that half of Gong Gong's power had been consumed, and he took a step forward. The water under his feet distorted and turned into a bridge, arching Cui Yu to the jade platform.

On the jade platform, the clear light was dim, and Cui Yu couldn't help but feel terrified when he saw the figure covered with strange patterns and black spots on his body, as if a great terror was constantly approaching.

At this time Cui Yu stood in front of the stone platform, carefully watching the figure on the stone platform.

The top and bottom of the stone platform are full of red light, covering the figures on the stone platform, so standing under the red light is like looking at flowers in the fog, which is not real.

Cui Yu went to look at the eight holes under the jade platform, and the strange power that came out seemed to be a little stronger than when he came last time.

Although the increase was negligible, Cui Yu was sensitive to the difference.

There was a look of seriousness in his eyes, but even though Cui Yu's eyes were wide open, he didn't have sharp eyes. He could only see the emerald green clothes in the red light, and the strange black lines, like rotten scars, branded on the figure palms and faces.

The black is so pure, pure and shiny, the black light exudes inexplicable energy, but it is blocked by the red light.

Cui Yu carefully stared at the figure in the red light with a pair of eyes, pondered for a while and then slowly stepped forward, the red light curtain surrounding the corpse quickly retreated in shock, as if afraid of being swallowed by Cui Yu.

"This red light seems to be a living thing?" Cui Yu looked at the figure in the sky who seemed to have wisdom, and there was a hint of thought in his eyes.

This world is too weird and distorted, Cui Yu dare not underestimate any weirdness.

Just like this red light, I almost suffered a big loss and became the other party's food.

"It's weird, they're all a bunch of bastards." Cui Yu kept approaching, the weird barrier in front of him was not a single layer, but a three-meter-thick barrier, Cui Yu took a step forward, and the weird force took a step back.

At the same time, the red light boiled like a tide, as if to angrily warn Cui Yu not to meddle in his own business.

Cui Yu glanced at the red light curtain, and a provocative smile hung on the corner of his mouth: "Come and hit me! Swallow me if you have the ability."

While speaking, Cui Yu took another step forward, and the strange power in the red light turned into a flame, slashing towards Cui Yu.

Seeing the flames of the red light, Cui Yu sneered, and the next moment, the power of Gong Gong circulated around his body, and a water curtain appeared, covering towards the red light.

The power of Gonggong fell, and the startled red light receded, only roaring in the distance.

"What are these red lights? I used to think that they were emitted by corpses, causing a severe drought in the world, but now it doesn't seem to be the case." Cui Yu pressed on step by step, and the red light kept roaring and vibrating, as if accusing Cui Yu of nothing. present.

At this moment, Cui Yu's footsteps stopped, the red light in front of his eyes disappeared, and the figure on the jade platform finally appeared in front of Cui Yu.

"There are two streams of red light, one is emitted by the figure itself, and radiates towards the earth, resisting the invasion of the strange force under the jade platform. There is also a red light, which escapes from under the stone platform, radiates upward, and invades Shitai, while attacking Xiaoli Village.

"The figure emits red light to suppress the red light below, but it unintentionally caused a severe drought in the world." Cui Yu looked at the corpse on the stone platform with his eyes, and saw the red light under the stone platform dissipating, and the figure on the The red light is also gradually restrained.

As the red light dissipated, the emerald green clothes on the figure gradually faded away.

Looking at the emerald green, lush clothes without any variegated colors, it looks like jade in the water, which is extraordinarily fresh, and that kind of pure green makes people feel lush and cool in their hearts.

A bright yellow rope was tied around the figure's waist, and the silk ribbons were scattered, looking like a khaki dragon.

On the yellow silk sash, there are bright runes that seem to be substantive.

Seeing the yellow silk sash and emerald green clothes, Cui Yu's mouth watered.


Absolutely a treasure!
Damn it, a treasure from the age of ancient gods and demons!

If this is picked up....

Cui Yu's eyes were about to drop.

Forcibly suppressing the restlessness in his heart, he managed to move his eyes away from the treasure, and finally Cui Yu saw the whole figure of the figure.

With long fiery red hair and black face, strange runes kept wandering around, and black spots that seemed to be rotten were firmly imprinted on the skin.

Only the face, neck, and hands of the figure are exposed.

The figure lay with hands crossed on its abdomen, and it could be seen through the parts that could not be invaded by the black plaque rune, that the skin was as white as creamy fat, which looked extraordinarily attractive.

The tall and straight Shuangfeng told Cui Yu that the figure with strange face, black spots and black runes all over her body was a woman.

"Emperor Ba! This person should be the Emperor." Cui Yu's eyes fell on the woman's hair, and on the woman's fiery red hair, there were many ornaments made of animal teeth, shells, and jade. A savage atmosphere unique to the ancient times rushed towards his face and poured into Cui Yu's eyes.

"It stands to reason that the bodies of gods and demons are weird. The most powerful weirdness in the world can pollute, dirty, and distort everything. When my eyes touch the figure, there should be a weird power to twist me." Cui Yu was puzzled.

He also wanted to take advantage of the weirdness of the body of the god and demon to sacrifice the last few days of the Ding Sea God Orb.

"There is no information at all! There is no strange power." Cui Yu looked at the figure in front of him.

Having said that, standing on the stone platform, Cui Yu still didn't dare to act rashly, approaching the scene of the strange confrontation between the figures on the stone platform and the people below the stone platform, Cui Yu saw it with his own eyes.

"Nvba." Cui Yu was thoughtful, if Nanhua Lao Dao hadn't tricked himself and hadn't mistranslated, the figure on the stone platform would have been Nvba.

"Could it be that the nun is still alive?" Thinking of the previous scene where the nun was so red, a thought flashed in Cui Yu's mind, and he almost jumped off the stone platform in fright.

If this has lived from ancient times to the present, what is the concept?
Swept the world, right?

One breath could kill him.

Cui Yu was a little hesitant to move forward, staring at the figure in front of him with his eyes, and finally took a deep breath, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and bowed: "But senior nun?"

After bowing for a moment, Cui Yu quietly raised his head when there was no response:

"Senior Nuba? Senior Nuba? Do you want this junior to help you suppress this demon?"

"Emperor Ba???"

"Senior female demon, are you still alive?"

"Can you squeak?"

"Can you say something?"

"Are you there?"


"What's going on under the jade platform?"


Cui Yu stood in front of the stone platform and muttered for a long time, and then slowly stood up after seeing nothing.

"Returning to life told me that she was dead, but there was an inexplicably strange vitality entrenched in her body. That vitality was too weird. It was unspeakably weird." Cui Yu stood in front of the stone platform, looked left and right for a long time, and finally fought Boldly muttering to the side: "Bao, are you still alive? Squeak aloud, Ba?"

 The following outline has been revised, and the previous content has not been changed, so you don’t need to re-read it, and let everyone read it happily.Immediately give Wu Guang to Ga.

  Some people say that they can't understand the combat power of this book, the author will explain to you:
  Cui Yu is now the pinnacle of the first level of martial arts.

  Refers to the power of supernatural powers such as materialization and transformation, which is determined according to the amount of divine blood released.

  For different items, the amount of divine blood consumed to cast finger materialization is different.The object of the cast refers to the materialization line determines the intensity of the consumption of the divine blood.

  For example, a drop of divine blood can turn ordinary people into animals.But martial arts will consume two drops.There is no exact amount.

  The energy of various magical treasures must also be counted.

  For example, when the protagonist enlightened Wu Guang, the energy of the divine blood was not enough, so he was blocked by the killing gun.

  Tang Zhou is an example, 360 five avatars, the strength is geometrically weakened, otherwise the strong in life and death would not be so weak, all of which will be explained later.

  This is also because the author did not explain clearly, which is a big mistake.

  At present, this book refers to the martial arts that can shake the martial arts gods who do not have treasures, that is, the martial arts triple heavens.

  The transformation of matter and the act of referring to materialization are two different things.Material transformation can be transformed a little, which means that the materialization line must be a whole.

  Under the Dingxian Shenguang Yuanshen, everything can be determined.That is the fourth heaven of martial arts: Yuanshen Realm.

  Chapter 87 has been reworked, so you can take a look at it again.

(End of this chapter)

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