Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 95 If you don't say the chapter, I'll take it as your default!

Chapter 95 If you don't speak, I'll take it as your default!

Cui Yu stood in front of the corpse and yelled quietly for a while, the more he yelled, the more courageous he became, and he gradually stood up straight: "Hey, why don't you squeak?"

"Junior Cui Yu, because his martial arts cultivation base is poor and he has no geniuses, earth treasures, and heaven and earth spiritual breakthroughs, so he wants to borrow the bones of the gods and demons from the seniors, and please allow me." Cui Yu clasped his hands and looked directly at the female demon on the stone platform. .

"This junior only takes a small piece of the bone of the gods and demons. You can rest assured that the junior's hands are clean and neat, and will never be sloppy, causing you pain."

"Senior, if you don't say anything, this junior will tacitly agree with you." Looking at the motionless corpse of the nun, Cui Yu muttered again.

Female Demon: ... squeak squeak.

A look of joy appeared in Cui Yu's eyes: "Senior is really anxious about public affairs, and knows the worries of this junior. Since you agreed, this junior is rude."

After talking about a series of scenes, Cui Yu walked around the stone platform cautiously and cautiously, still not aware of any danger on the stone platform.

Cui Yu didn't dare to relax his vigilance. Sometimes there is no danger, but it will become the biggest danger.

Even if it is a large volume of scriptures, if someone glances at it unintentionally, they will be distorted and polluted by strange forces, turning into the biggest weirdness in the world, not to mention the legendary corpses of gods and demons.

Cui Yu didn't know much about the legend of the ancient female demon. He heard part of it from the mouth of the old Taoist priest in Nanhua, and got part of it from the legend of the previous life.

However, there is not much news about Nuba in previous life legends. It is only known that Nuba participated in the ancient gods and demons war, and defeated Fengpo and Yushi under the command of the great devil Chi You, which turned the key to the battle for the deer.

But there is no doubt that Nuba is definitely the top group of powerful people in the world, and she is definitely not a simple person who can leave a name in the ancient world where gods and demons are rampant.

"Perhaps the mystery lies in the strange vitality in his body." Cui Yu stood in front of the corpse thoughtfully, and kept deducing.

Resurrection told him that the nun was dead, but there was a strange vitality in the nun's body.

"Could it be said that the ancient female demon was pregnant, and there was a child in her belly when she died? The child in the womb is a god-like existence. Even after thousands of years, it still did not perish. Did the remaining divine power in Nuba's body survive tenaciously?" Cui Yu's brain was wide open.

If it is speculated like this, isn't the son of a god conceived in the body of the nun?
A living god?
"If I dig out that son of god and devil and refine it into my body..." Cui Yu was startled, and his whole body woke up in an instant, what was he thinking?

Even if it is a young god, one finger is enough to stab him to death.

Looking left and right, Cui Yu sized up and down the corpse of Nuba, and finally took out a two-meter-long wooden stick from the Qiankun bag, and then transformed the stick into a jade state, held it in his hand and looked at the body of Nuba on the high platform The corpse carefully poked it with a stick.

The moment the jade stick came into contact with the nun's body, Cui Yu immediately let go of the jade stick, and then stared at the jade stick carefully, but did not see any change.

After staring carefully for a while, Cui Yu stretched out his hand, tentatively picked up the jade stick, and then pulled the nun's body.

The body was as stiff as a stone.

Seeing that there was no change when pawing with a jade stick, Cui Yu took out a long knife from the Qiankun bag again, stared at the fingers of the female Ba, and said, "Bao, if you don't agree, just squeak. Otherwise, junior By default, you want to sponsor the juniors to practice martial arts supernatural powers!"

Cui Yu took out the knife, and carefully lowered it towards the palm of the female demon's black mark. After the long knife fell, there was the sound of fine iron striking.

"The body of King Kong?" Cui Yu looked surprised, and then vigorously sawed back and forth with the big knife, but did not leave even a mark.




Cui Yu knocked on Nuba's body with a blade, but heard the sound coming from Nuba's body, like diamonds and diamonds.

"Is this made of fucking titanium alloy? Or is it made of diamond?" Cui Yu stared at the palm of the female demon in front of him, his eyes full of the feeling of beeping a dog.

Can people cut titanium alloy?

Cui Yu looked at the corpse of the nun in front of him, with a look of thought in his eyes, and then the big knife in his hand was eager to try.

"I don't know if it's a layer of hard skin, or the flesh and bones inside are made of titanium alloy?" Cui Yu looked at the corpse, then at the machete in his hand, and after a little hesitation, he turned to look at the face of the female demon:
"Hey, can I cut you with a knife?"

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your consent." Cui Yu wiped the big knife in his hand, and there was a hint of eagerness in his eyes.

If her skin was hard, I might be able to find a way to break it open for her.

Carefully observing the woman's face, still as expressionless as a sculpture, Cui Yu swung the steel knife in his hand and slashed at the back of the woman's hand.


Sparks splattered everywhere, causing Cui Yu's arms to go numb, and his figure couldn't help staggering, almost falling off the stone platform.

Looking at the body again, there was not even a trace left.

"Could it be that the whole finger is pure diamond?" Cui Yu waved his numb arm.

With my strength of a thousand catties, coupled with the blessing of speed, even the fingers of titanium alloy should have changed their shape.

"What made this female demon's body?" Cui Yu was curious.

The body of Nuba is so hard, Cui Yu gave up, if it was pure steel inside, Cui Yu thought to himself that he would not be able to cut it.

Not to mention that he is the only one with a thousand catties of strength, even if he is given ten thousand catties, he still can't chop solid titanium alloy.

The skin on Nuba's body surface is not necessarily made of titanium alloy, but a material that Cui Yu has never seen before.

"Can I perform material transformation, transform the skin of the female demon into tofu, and directly expose the flesh and blood under the skin?" Cui Yu stood in front of the corpse, studied it carefully, and found a way.

Wasn't it the same when I destroyed Yaodao Chunming's indestructible body?

Directly perform material transformation to transform the opponent's steel and iron bones into tofu?
"I think it will work!" Cui Yu muttered, feeling the unmoving vitality in Nuba's body, and then carefully glanced at Nuba's face:
"Bao, do you mind if I give you a new skin? If you don't mind, I'll do it. If you mind, just squeak or wink."

Cui Yu stared at the female demon for a while, seeing that the other party still had no response, he rolled up his sleeves boldly, and glanced at the ten palms covered with black spots.

Ten slender jade fingers, each of which seemed to be stained with a little bit of ink.

Cui Yu looked back and forth on his slender fingers, and finally landed on his little finger.

Pick the soft persimmons and pinch them!

People have five fingers, the little finger must be the weakest, but it is the most important, it is related to the balance of the whole palm.

The power of the divine blood surged out of Cui Yu's body, and a drop of the power of the divine blood gushed out. Cui Yu pointed at Nuba's little finger: "Change!"

Refers to materialized form!

An inexplicable rule flowed out from Cui Yu's hands and landed on Nuba's little finger, but the power disappeared inexplicably after falling on Nuba's little finger, without any change.

Cui Yu frowned: "Isn't the power of a drop of divine blood not enough?"

It refers to the strength of the materialized form, which is related to the strength of the power of the blood in Cui Yu's body. If the power of the blood in Cui Yu's body is strong, the laws emitted will be stronger.

Of course, the success rate of referring to the materialized form is related to the object of the referred to materialized form.

Refers to the materialized object, which involves energy conversion.

Matter is not shaped out of thin air, nor does it disappear out of thin air, but one kind of energy is transformed into another kind of energy.

It's like the energy emitted by Cui Yu can shape an egg, but it can't shape a chicken.

Refers to the energy of materialized form, facing the power of gods and demons, it is too weak, too weak to cause any waves.

Even if it's just a finger, and it's still a dead demon, Cui Yu is still helpless.

Can the power of gods and demons be at the same level as ordinary power?

It's just that Cui Yu couldn't move even a single finger of the other party's finger. Cui Yu was still a little reconciled and couldn't believe his eyes.

Can't even shake the opponent with a single finger?
In other words, didn't even a single hair of the other party shake?
Cui Yu carefully observed the palm of Nuba's hand, her skin was as delicate as jade, and there was no hair at all.

A real goddess never grows fine hair!

The real goddess never defecates!

"Could it be that I made a mistake in using my supernatural powers? In fact, the inside of this finger has changed, but the outer skin is too hard and hasn't changed?" Cui Yu began to comfort himself.

But this kind of comfort from Ah P's spirit can't fool Cui Yu's heart at all.

Cui Yu looked away from his fingers, took out a stick and tapped on his fingers, as if he wanted to hear if there was any change in it, whether it had turned into tofu.

There was a crisp sound of jingling, and after Cui Yu looked at it seriously for a while, he finally put down his stick: "The power of a drop of divine blood is a little less."

Cui Yu is not reconciled!
The corpse of the god and demon is right in front of him, if he can't even break through the opponent's defense, what is the foundation of the gods and demons martial arts?
Now he doesn't expect to be able to cut off the bones of gods and demons, but only hopes to cut a little skin and get a little blood, which means that the ancestral grave will smoke.

"Tang Zhou is a great power to eliminate the book of life and death. The avatar technique can't resist my material transformation, but now I can't even break the skin of others. From this point of view, the monk who eliminated the book of life and death is nothing? The mere cultivator who erased his life and death is like an ant, and I, Cui Yu, am a man who has been hacked by even gods and demons." Cui Yu muttered to cheer himself up on the stage, and then the next moment, all three drops of divine blood in his body were burned. It turned into the endless power of gods and demons, and the law of material transformation fell towards the little finger of the female demon's left hand.

"I still don't believe it." Cui Yu stood there, his eyes fixed on the finger, and with the twisting and falling of the power of supernatural power, Cui Yu's eyes widened.

a breath

two breaths
After three breaths, Cui Yu looked at the motionless little finger, stretched out his hand to hold the jade stick, and tapped it lightly.

"It's useless!" Cui Yu cursed, put the jade stick on his shoulder, and muttered: "This is still a god who doesn't know life and death, and my supernatural power is also a natural supernatural power. If this awakened god Wouldn't it be a catastrophe?"

"As expected of a person who can even influence the land of Kyushu." Cui Yu felt a little sour. When he came to the Fountain of Immortality, the power of real water in the Spring of Immortality flew out, and the power of the four drops of divine blood in Cui Yu's body recovered within a breath. Consummation.

"The power of the three drops of divine blood is not enough, what about the four drops? Maybe it's just one drop, the critical point?" Cui Yu stood on the rocky cliff, feeling the power of the divine blood circulating in his body, his heart was about to move, My mind is full of resentment.

He is indeed not reconciled, and there are indeed reasons for not being reconciled!

He doesn't have an earth-shattering background, he doesn't have a 5000-year-old family, and he doesn't have an earth-shattering master.

He only has one natal talent, and a god-and-devil-level martial arts iron-smelting hand that can't be said to be good or bad.

The establishment of the foundation of the martial art of gods and demons is his only chance to catch up with those supreme forces!He has only been practicing martial arts for a few months, and compared with those Tianjiao who have practiced martial arts since childhood and have been accumulated by various geniuses and treasures, he is far behind.

A force supports a genius, and Cui Yu struggles hard all by himself, how does he compare?
As for those powerful arrogances whose martial arts foundation is unstable because of their geniuses and earth treasures?Or are they all birds in the greenhouse without fighting?

You are thinking too much!
How can there be such a big loophole in the training of children in big families?

You, a Ph.D. in finance, have been playing with capital for decades, but you can’t compare to the small entrepreneurial goals of others!
"God-level martial arts forging iron hands! God-level martial arts forging iron hands!" At this moment, Cui Yu was having countless distracting thoughts pounding his mind, and suddenly his body was jolted, and a thought flashed through his mind like a thunder.

Demon-level martial arts --- Iron Hand!
"The iron-making hand is a god-and-devil-level martial art, and the corpse in front of me is also a god-and-devil level. Then, can it be successful to chop up the meat of a god-and-devil with a knife of the god-and-devil level?" Cui Yu stood on the high platform, thinking. Suddenly sparks of wisdom flowed, and a smile appeared in the eyes of the whole person: "It's interesting!"

"Building the foundation of martial arts is to absorb the power of gods and demons, or to train the blood of dragons and ancients into the body. The iron forging hand absorbs the power of iron sand, and refines the power of all things in the world."

Cui Yu's eyes lit up, and the more he thought about it, the more energetic he became:

"There is a lot to do! I directly use the iron hand to refine the body in front of me. What is the difference from martial arts training to absorb the blood of the great demon? As long as my iron hand can bite a breath of energy from the body of the god and demon, then I will be considered a demon." The foundation of the martial arts of gods and demons has been established, and there are characteristics of gods and demons in the body."

Cui Yu's eyes lit up, and he looked at the girl's face with a flattering smile: "Ba, I want to show you a mysterious martial art on you, you said you were sealed in I don’t know how many thousands of years this place has been here, you don’t mind if I come to show you a unique technique to relieve your boredom?”

"If you mind, just squeak. If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your acquiescence!"

(End of this chapter)

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