Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 96 The Curse from the Ancient Times

Chapter 96 The Curse from the Ancient Times

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence." Cui Yu looked at the expression on Nuba's face, then stretched out his hand the next moment, and was about to use his iron hand to seize the power of the gods and demons from Nuba.

Cui Yu's palm approached, and his eyes were fixed on the palm of Nuba. The next moment, when the palm was about to touch Nuba's body, he paused involuntarily.

He suddenly thought of a question, if he touched the corpse of the god and demon with his palm, wouldn't something terrible happen?What if he was shocked to death?What should I do if the other party has a divine light for body protection?
Cui Yu hesitated in his heart, but thinking of the indestructible body of a god and demon like a tortoise shell, Cui Yu simply couldn't bite a hedgehog, so the little hesitation in his heart was thrown into the sky, and he was always ready for the resurrection technique.

If you want to build a martial arts foundation with the body of a god and demon, how can you do it without taking risks?
Is it true that all big opportunities are so easy to get?
Didn't the protagonists in those stories all escaped death before gaining incredible power?
"It's best to prepare some more rain." Cui Yu withdrew his palm.

He felt that there must be a great terror in the body of the gods and demons. Once touched, in case of an accident, he was afraid that it would be too late to use it.

Some time ago, Cui Yu obtained the Ganlin spell, which has the power of exorcism and rebirth, but it can be refined just in case.

Since it is going to be done, of course it must be extremely thorough, and all means of defense are ready. Even if you really encounter a major crisis and die, you will have no regrets at that time.

"The Ganlin technique is strange, it is between the magical method and the supernatural power. It uses a unique method to obtain the essence of water, and then intercepts the essence of heaven and earth by means, and endows it with incredible power." Cui Yu's eyes fell on the spring of immortality: "The Spring of Immortality is the best material for making Ganlin."

I saw Cui Yu stretching out his hand, and the spring of immortality flew out, suspended in front of Cui Yu's body, and then Cui Yu recited the formula, and the divine power in his body circulated, and the spring of immortality in front of him unexpectedly changed, and under the influence of divine power, it changed inexplicably, turning into A drop of milky white liquid, as big as a bowl, was collected by Cui Yu into the Dinghaishen Bead, and then the Dinghaishen Bead fell into the salivary gland in Cui Yu's mouth.

As long as the situation is critical, Cui Yu can swallow the spring of immortality and buy himself time to come back to life.

What Cui Yu needs is a chance to perform resurrection!

Seeing that he was ready, Cui Yu's salivary glands internally fixed a trace of the spring of immortality in the Sea God Pearl, and then Cui Yu stretched out his palm and touched the body of the god and demon in front of him with a firm expression.

"As long as I don't kill my soul and turn my body into ashes in an instant, I still have a chance." Cui Yu's thoughts flashed in his mind: "And I still have the Dinghaishen Orb, which should be able to save me at a critical moment." I die."

Before he finished changing his thoughts, Cui Yu's palm had already touched Nuba's body.

The earth-shattering power that Cui Yu imagined did not erupt.

Cui Yu was a little surprised and couldn't believe it: "I'm afraid this is not the body of a fake god or demon? Even if it is a book from the heavens, it will pollute a large area with radiation. I touched you, but you didn't respond?"

The next moment the iron-smelting hand was running, Cui Yu's white and delicate palms turned bright red, wanting to train the power of the god and demon, but who knew that after the iron-smelting hand was running, the body of the god and demon was not leaking, and even a little bit of anger The machine has not been trained.

"I..." Cui Yu tried his best to run the iron-smelting hand, but he couldn't get a trace of the body of the god and demon.

"What should I do?" Cui Yu's palm landed on Nuba's, and it felt cold to the touch, like stroking an iron block in the cold winter.

"Are you going to return empty-handed?" Cui Yu used all methods, facing the body of the god and demon, he used all available methods, but the body of the god and demon was as motionless as a mountain.

He was like a little ant, unable to shake Mount Tai in front of him at all.

"Could it be that we really want to guard Baoshan empty-handed and fail to return?" Cui Yu was unwilling.

Countless thoughts circulated in his mind, and Cui Yu kept observing all the abilities in his body, trying to find a way to shake the blood of the goddess.

[Name: Cui Yu. 】

[Talent: Usurpation. 】

[Devil God Gong Gong's blood: a wisp. 】

[Divine Blood: Four drops. 】

[Supernatural powers: Bringing the dead back to life (big). 】

[Supernatural power: refers to materialized form (small). 】

[Supernatural power: sit on fire. 】

[Supernatural power: Dingxian Shenguang (+). 】

[Kunlun mirror manipulation formula (complete)]

[Wonderful method: tight-knit incantation. 】

[The magic method: the nectar technique. 】

[Magic weapon: Dinghai Shenzhu. 】

【Time Mood】

Suddenly, Cui Yu's gaze paused, and he landed on the blood of Gong Gong on the page. He thought of his true water and no phase through the barrier.

Even space barriers can shuttle, and space particles can shuttle, so what about the demon god's corpse?
And the Gonggong blood in his body is the true blood of the ancient great god Gonggong. Although the number is small, it is definitely the power of the gods and demons.

In terms of strength and quality, it will never be inferior to any gods and demons.

Cui Yu's eyes lit up: "Can you use the True Water Formless to infiltrate the female demon's blood from the skin?"

Cui Yu stared at the page in front of him, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

True water has no form!

True water has no form!

Thinking of this, Cui Yu didn't say a word, the next moment the Gonggong blood in his body was activated, and then Cui Yu went to sense the body of the nun, and sense the blood in the body of the nun.

He could feel that Nuba's blood had stopped flowing, like stagnant water for thousands of years.

But the blood that has stopped flowing contains a different kind of vitality.

"True water has no form!"

Cui Yu activated his supernatural powers, and the divine power of the ray of Gong Gong's blood in his body was exhausted. The next moment, he saw the black spots on the body surface of Nu Ba's body flickering, as if they were alive, and turned into little tadpoles, constantly floating on the ground. The body surface wanders.


Ghosts were crying and wolves were howling in the air, and a wisp of black mist imperceptible to the naked eye seeped out from the female demon's invulnerable body and landed on Cui Yu's palm.

The next moment, an extreme heat, accompanied by unspeakable fear, came from the wisp of water molecules. Cui Yu only felt the heat in his palm, and an indescribable coldness in the wisp of black blood moved toward him. Penetration in the body goes.

The blood is obviously boiling hot, and if the palm of the hand has been tempered with the samadhi sand, it is afraid that the palm of the hand will be evaporated just by touching the face, but in the extreme heat, there is an indescribable fear and coldness seeping out, piercing into it. It entered Cui Yu's blood, and attacked all the orifices in his body with lightning speed.

That feeling is like accidentally touching a poisonous snake in the wet soil on a cold and wet dark rainy night!
That's right, that's the feeling, like being in the wet soil, suddenly touching the cold greasy and slippery.

Although that kind of power was tiny, it was unstoppable, like the first time Cui Yu came into contact with public blood, touching the power that essentially crushed the state.

Cui Yu was terrified. Although the power was weak, it exuded extreme evil. Wherever it passed, the blood stopped flowing, and an unconcealable stench of corpses rushed to his face. Before Cui Yu could change his mind, he saw Suddenly it went dark, and fell into the infinite darkness, like falling into the endless hell, the time and space in front of him distorted and changed, it seemed to have crossed time and space, passed through the black and yellow, a tall figure exuding a black and foul smell filled the world Between them, he looked down at the little Cui Yu who looked like a speck of dust on the ground.

"Quack quack ~ quack ~ new prey ~"

"My ancestor, my chance to be reborn in the world has come."

"Give me your body, and I will live for you, Patriarch."

The figure was tall and tall, Cui Yu looked at him and saw that the other person was standing upright, and he could only see the soles of the other person's feet.

Yes, maggot-covered soles.

The darkness turned into chains, traveling across time and space, and came to Cui Yu's side in a blink of an eye, wanting to pierce through them.

The iron chain didn't seem to be fast, but it actually ignored the distance of time and space, and couldn't tolerate Cui Yu's reaction at all.

"No! You must not be entangled by that chain, or I'm afraid something bad will happen!" Cui Yu panicked in his heart, and looked around, but saw that the chain was pitch black, with strange runes flowing on it.

But if you look closely, the chains are chains, and they are clearly hideous, terrifying and dull zombies, each with their hands and feet intertwined, exuding a bloodthirsty aura, and looking at him with covetous eyes.

"Referring to materialized form!"

Cui Yu wanted to activate his supernatural powers, but at this moment he was in the endless darkness, and his whole body felt like he had fallen into an endless hell, turning into an ordinary mortal, without even a little bit of supernatural power circulating in his body.

"Dinghaishenzhu!" Seeing the chain getting closer and closer, Cui Yu wanted to summon Dinghaishenzhu, but where is the shadow of Dinghaishenzhu?
At this moment, Cui Yu lost all support, and turned into a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, facing the sacrifice of gods and demons.

Just when Cui Yu fell into the spiritual world, a puff of black air was rolled up on his body at a speed visible to the naked eye. Wherever the black air passed, the blood in Cui Yu's body stopped flowing and was polluted by the black gas.

The black energy was sourced from the blood of the female demon held by Cui Yu, and it continuously invaded Cui Yu's body. In a blink of an eye, it had spread all over the body, except for the neck and above.

Where the black energy passed, Cui Yu's skin was ashen, and black spots appeared like the same black spots on the female demon's body.

The whole body burst out with dead energy, as if turning into a zombie.

Yes, like the body of a zombie.

At this time, Gong Gong's blood was circulating under Cui Yu's feet, and he was still not afraid of the black gas. The black gas seemed to know the power of Gong Gong's blood, and even took the initiative to avoid it.

But at this time, Gong Gong's blood exhausted his strength by using True Water Formless, and wanted to fight back to expel the black energy in Cui Yu's body, but he couldn't do it.

Seeing the black gas bursting towards the top of Cui Yu's head and spreading across his neck, suddenly a drop of nectar dripped from Cui Yu's salivary glands.

The nectar was strange to say, a strong vitality surged out like a torrent, blocking the black gas from breathing.

After one breath, he broke through immediately and was repelled by the black air.

All this is a long story, but it is just two breaths.

It was the obstruction of that drop of nectar, at this time Cui Yu's innate supernatural power finally reacted.

[Ding, I found a strange force invading.Weird name: Curse of the Corpse Ancestor. 】

[A curse spanning ten thousand years, this curse originated from the corpse ancestor.In the ancient years, the dead were resurrected, able to command the corpses of the world, feed on the resentment of all living beings, never grow old, never die, never enter reincarnation, and never perish after thousands of kalpas.In the battle for the deer, the Empress Ba defeats Yushi and Fengpo, but encounters the corpse ancestor on the battlefield.The corpse ancestor is cunning, pretending to be a corpse, and pretending to be dead in the battlefield.Emperor Xuanyuan and Chi You had a life-and-death duel, and when passing by the corpse of the corpse ancestor, he suddenly wanted to bite the body of Emperor Xuanyuan and absorb the divine origin of Emperor Xuanyuan.At the juncture of life and death, the emperor's daughter Ba stepped forward and pushed Xuanyuan away, but was bitten by the corpse ancestor. 】

[Emperor Nvba beheaded the corpse ancestor, and the corpse ancestor turned into a curse, existing between heaven and earth, infected along Nvba's wound, and wanted to take away Nvba.After the battle for the deer, the Empress Dowager gradually fell into a disadvantage in the face of the corpse ancestor, her body began to stiffen, she kept absorbing the dead energy from the world, her sanity gradually lost, and she began to massacre the Yanhuang bloodlines.Thanks to the help of Anonymous, he gave him a secret treasure to keep his wits intact, and he sealed himself at the foot of Buzhou Mountain to fight against the corpse ancestor. 】

[Note 1: All cursed people will have mutated bodies, passively absorb the resentment of all beings in the world, feed on all living beings, gradually transform themselves into ancient drought demons, and seize the body for the resurrection of the corpse ancestor. 】

[Note 2: This curse is like a shadow, even gods and demons cannot be reversed. 】

[Note 3: This curse is contagious. 】

After Goldfinger finished describing the source of the strange power, the layout in front of him changed again:
[Discover the invasion of strange forces: usurpable. 】

[After usurping, you will get the Secret Law: Seven Arrows with Nailheads. 】

[Note 1: Seven Arrows with Nailheads is a curse method, as long as you know the name and origin of your opponent, you can curse them.There is no level difference in this secret method, and mortals can curse the demon god to death. 】

[Note 2: There must be a price for using this secret method.When performing this secret method, it will absorb the eternal resentment from the six realms of Zhou and Tian as its source, pour the resentment into your body, and use your body as a medium to curse and kill the enemy.The greater the gap between your opponent's cultivation base and yours, the more resentment you will absorb. At that time, you will be empowered by resentment and become the host of resentment. You will become an immortal zombie who only knows how to kill without reason. In the end, you will be killed by Taikoo Gods, demons and wraiths seized their homes. 】

[Note 3: The consideration can be partially exempted.The price: corpse ancestor karma, a curse that spans time and space. 】

In the endless dark world, seeing that the countless chains were about to crash down, Cui Yu was about to be pierced by that powerful and unparalleled force, and when his soul was completely wiped out, all of a sudden, he heard the pitiful scream of the upright god , let out an unbelievable voice: "Who are you! Who are you! Impossible, how can there be such a terrifying power in the world."

Before he could finish speaking, the demon god who was so upright that Cui Yu couldn't even see the opponent's ankles disappeared into Cui Yu's spiritual world.

At this time, the chains in front of Cui Yu's body also shattered into pieces and turned into wisps of black smoke, disappearing between heaven and earth.

At this moment, Goldfinger's long-lost voice finally rang in Cui Yu's ears:

[Discover a strange power, you can usurp it.Is it usurpation? 】

(End of this chapter)

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