Wei Ji sighed resolutely: "I think that when the Great Qin was founded, the world was in order. I was studying at that time, and everyone said that the Great Qin would be led by the emperor to a prosperous age, but I never thought that in just 20 years, the world would be like this!" With a puzzled face, he shook his head, full of regret.

"The world is in chaos, and there will be no peace in the northwest." Pei Ji's expression became serious, and he stared at Chu Huan. "Second brother, there is a wolf in the northwest. Open your bloody mouth and devour the northwest."

Chu Huan understood what Pei Ji meant, and knew that the "wolf" Pei Ji was talking about could only be Zhu Lingyue, the Governor of Tianshan Road.

"Chu Du, in fact, I came to the northwest to go to the northwest, not because I wanted to seek protection from the Lord." Wei Ji hesitated, and finally said: "In fact, Wei wants to show his ambition under the command of Chu Du. The road has never been smooth and bumpy, but Ji has thought about it, Chu Du is generous, and Ji may be able to do something for the adults in the northwest!"

Chu Huan knew that if he wanted to manage Xiguan, what he lacked was a large number of outstanding talents. Although Wei Ji was down and out, he still seemed to be quite talented. It would not be difficult to arrange an errand for him in Xiguan. The new salt bureau is currently short of manpower. Although the salt road is not yet in operation, salt production will start immediately after the factory is completed. The new salt bureau will soon become one of the busiest yamen in Xiguan.

He was about to mention the errands of the new salt bureau with Wei Ji. Seeing that Chu Huan was silent, Wei Ji thought Chu Huan was in trouble, and said: "Chu Governor, Ji came to the northwest from Hebei and entered the territory of Xiguan. Seeing that many fields are barren and people are cultivating them, has Chu Du thought about how to solve these problems?"

Chu Huan was taken aback.

He has only been in Xiguan for a short time. Apart from dealing with Zhu Dang and the Beishan gentry, he is currently devoting the most energy to the few things, one is to build a factory to make salt, the other is to build an army, and the other is that he is currently still in the field. To deal with the plague.

As for the fields, he also knew in his heart that after the war in Xiguan, a large number of fields were barren. Although the gentry in Beishan and many local gentry in Xiguan had plowed and planted them, the arable land in Xiguan was huge, and the quality of the fields was different. Most of the land that was cultivated was The relatively fertile fields in Xiguan have relatively little cultivated area as a whole. [

"Xiguan has just gone through a war. During the war, many people in Xiguan died under the iron hooves of Xiliang people. In addition, many people were displaced from their hometowns. Although some people have returned to their hometowns, there are still a large number of people living outside. "Wei Ji said sternly: "Three ways of Xiguan, in terms of area and population, Xiguan naturally ranks first, but the governor of Chu should be aware that a large number of people living in Xiguan live in Tianshan and Beishan. compared to before the war."

Chu Huan and Pei Ji looked at each other with surprise in their eyes. The two of them hadn't noticed this problem before, but they specialized in surgery. Chu Huan wanted to eradicate the hostile forces in Xiguan and revitalize the economy of Xiguan. Pei Ji's focus was to build an elite army for Chu Huan that could stabilize the foundation in Xiguan.

Wei Ji mentioned the population problem at this time, which is actually a fundamental problem.

Wei Ji saw that Chu Huan and Pei Ji were looking at him seriously, obviously listening carefully, and immediately said: "The governor of Chu wants to revitalize Xiguan, the population is indispensable. I don't know if you have heard of the pre-Qin reform, the Qin State Daliang Zao Yang once said that it is not beneficial for the people to surpass the land and the land to surpass the people. A large land does not necessarily mean rich and strong, and a narrow land does not necessarily mean poor and weak. Make effective use of population and land.”

There was brilliance in Chu Huan's eyes. His previous impression of Wei Ji was that he was a rather affectionate scholar, but after saying these few words, Chu Huan suddenly felt that he might underestimate this person who had been depressed and frustrated. of scholars.

"What's your opinion, Mr. Ji?" Pei Ji asked with a smile.

"To restore the vigor of Xiguan, the governor of Chu must lightly pay and pay less." Wei Ji said solemnly: "But if you want to make Xiguan rich and strong, you should make full use of the population and land so that they can be combined in the best possible way." Together, it produces the greatest effect. The population in the Northwest, compared to the inside of the pass, is sparsely populated. After the war in the West Pass, the number of casualties, and the outflow of a large number of refugees, although it is taboo to come to the West Pass for the first time, but don’t think about it. In Xiguan, the situation of vast land and sparse population is unavoidable, this is what Daliang stoma said, the land is too much for the people, the cultivated land is not fully utilized, and a large amount of wasteland appears, which is absolutely beneficial to the revitalization of Xiguan.”

Chu Huan thought thoughtfully, "Young Master Ji, you mean that Xiguan is short of manpower?"

"Forgive me to be blunt. The sharp drop in population is even a disaster worse than war for Xiguan." Wei Ji looked solemn. Refugees, Ji also chatted with many people at that time, asking them why they did not return to their hometown, and knew a thing or two about their thoughts."

Chu Huan nodded and said: "When I came to take up the post, I also saw a large number of refugees in Qingzhou. Judging from their situation, it seems that they are not ready to return home." After a pause, he asked: "Mr. Are they worried that people from Xiliang will call again?"

Wei Ji raised his hand and waved it, "Chu Du has never plowed the land, so he doesn't understand how farmers feel about the land." Suddenly feeling that his words were a bit abrupt, he said awkwardly, "Chu Du, I mean it!"

Chu Huan had already laughed and said, "Mr. Ji has something to say, but it's okay to say it. We are sitting here talking now. We are just friends and there is no restriction."

Wei Ji paused, and then said, "Like a scholar's pen, or a businessman's scale, this field is the lifeblood of the common people. Who would want to be left outside if they don't have to?"

"Then why don't they return to their hometown?"

"In fact, the reason is very simple. Many people think that even if they return to their homeland, they will not survive." Wei Ji sighed: "If you have land and food, you can wait for it. How many people starve to death, the common people are not afraid of swords and guns now, but they are afraid that there will be no food." Food. In the three areas of Xiguan, Xiliang soldiers invaded our country of Qin and almost occupied the entire territory of Xiguan. On the contrary, the two areas of Tianshan and Beishan are dangerous, and the iron hooves of Xiliang did not enter their territory, so their production has not been destroyed. How much is Xiguan? The families of the land gentry were destroyed and their properties were looted, while the gentry of Beishan and Tianshan, although their money and food were confiscated during the war, their vitality was not damaged!" After a pause, he said: "Otherwise, the gentry of Beishan would not have such financial resources to pour into the land. Xiguan, spend a lot of money." [

Chu Huan nodded slightly, and Pei Ji was also thoughtful.

"So when the autumn harvest comes, the harvests of Beishan and Tianshan won't be greatly affected. At least they won't starve to death. The refugees from Xiguan also said that if they stay in Beishan of Tianshan, even if they beg, they can get a few But when they returned to Xiguan, they had nowhere to go to even beg.” Wei Ji said with a wry smile, “Most of the people who returned to Xiguan were small farmers with a few acres of Susukida. They stayed in Beishan and Tianshan and farmed for the local landlords and gentry. At the beginning, those tenant farmers farmed for the landlords and gentry, and at the end of the year, they could still keep a few percent. Now the refugees in Xiguan are farming with them, and the conditions are harsh. Fight for food, but the employer can give them some soup and water every day, so that they can survive."

Chu Huan sighed. He hadn't researched this before, but he also knew a little bit. The people at the bottom of the empire were divided into small farmers and tenant farmers. Small farmers all had their own fields, but the number was very small. They can keep the barn grain, but the tenant farmers do not have their own land and can only farm for the rich and powerful. In fact, they rent the land to grow grain. Compared with the small farmers, they have to pay taxes to the government and use most of the harvest as rent. It is paid to the employer throughout the year, and what is left is barely enough to make ends meet.

As for slaves, they are like cattle, sheep and livestock, they can be bought and sold freely, and their own bodies do not belong to them, let alone own their own things.

Pei Ji listened for a long time, then suddenly said: "Young Master Ji is right. Population is the most important thing. In terms of production and construction, even conscription requires a large number of people. Today's Xiguan, just like what Young Master Ji said, a lot of land is barren. , and the sharp drop in population is definitely not a good thing for Xiguan.”

Chu Huan was a little distressed and said, "Refugees are wandering outside, can't we tie them back with a rope?" With a wry smile, he said, "Many people have already settled here, and I'm afraid they have given up the desire to return to their hometown."

"Since Mr. Ji talked about this issue, he must have thought about this issue for a long time." Pei Ji looked at Wei Ji, "Is there any good way, Mr. Ji, to resolve this situation?"

Wei Ji sighed: "Actually, as early as many years ago, Mr. Chen and I were the teacher. He told Ji at that time, Your Majesty!" Dare to continue, Chu Huan said again: "Young Master Ji, you can speak freely without any restrictions."

Wei Ji then said: "The Holy Majesty is obsessed with cultivating the Tao, and taxes are increasing day by day. My teacher said at that time that if things go on like this, the state of prosperity at the beginning of the founding of the country will soon change. If the common people have no food to eat, no clothes to cover their bodies, they will never give up. I don’t have the mind to engage in production, but what the teacher said has come true, a few years ago, many lands in the empire began to be barren, and many people were forced to become bandits!"

"Where is the commander now?"

Wei Ji smiled wryly and said: "My teacher passed away three years ago. After his death, Ji went to the capital to serve the court. What a pity!" He shook his head and sighed: "People speak lightly. The great plan of governing the country left by the former teacher has been useless, and later he left Beijing for Hebei, thinking of developing his ambitions in Hebei, but he is still a native! "

Chu Huan immediately asked: "What is the master's plan for governing the country?"

Wei Ji raised his head, his eyes lit up, "The master's great plan for governing the country is to deal with the current situation in Xiguan. Ji came here this time, only hoping to develop his ambitions under Chu Du's command. Ji believes that as long as Chu Du adopts this strategy This policy will not only allow the Xiguan refugees who are living abroad to return one after another, but also will definitely solve the current situation of a large number of barren fields."

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