If Wei Ji hadn't said what he said before, and suddenly said that he had great plans for governing the country, Chu Huan would have just smiled lightly at most, and would never have taken it to heart. This Wei Ji looked only in his 30s. However, Huan didn't believe that such a young scholar would have any great strategies for governing the country. In Chu Huan's view, those who can really help the community and have good strategies should be well-versed in the world, have insight into the world, and have a lot of experience. Some.

However, after the long speech before, Chu Huan really did not underestimate this scholar, and asked with a solemn expression: "The good strategy that Mr. Ji said, I don't know what good strategy it is? Mr. Ji is right, the revival of Xiguan has the largest population , Now that Xiguan has a large area and few people, the first thing is to allow Xiguan refugees who are living outside to return to their hometowns as soon as possible.

Wei Ji stared at Chu Huan, pondered for a while, and finally said, "Juntian."

"Juntian?" Chu Huan was taken aback, Pei Ji stroked his beard, and asked, "What do you mean by Mr. Ji's Juntian?"

Wei Ji said sternly: "The waste land collected is owned by the government, and it is under the overall control of the government. The land is inspected, registered in the household register, and the land is divided into equal fields."

Chu Huan was a little confused, and asked: "Young Master Ji said it in a rather general way, can you...can you explain it in more detail?"

"Chu Du, the key to simplifying any major strategy is to be able to implement it." Wei Ji said solemnly: "To put it bluntly, it is to take all the barren land and the Lord's land directly into the government's possession, and then treat The cultivated land area is inspected and calculated, and the area is delineated, and then the population of the local people is counted. According to the number of males, the average land is leased to the common people. There are good and bad farmland. You can plan in detail according to the quality of the farmland. For example, each male can farm ten acres of land on average, if the best field is allocated, two acres can be reduced, and if it is a bad field, two acres can be increased...!"

Pei Ji thought about it, and asked, "Young Master Ji, you mean that there is no division of land in the same field? Shareholders are also allowed?"

"Exactly." Wei Ji nodded and said, "The so-called equal land does not divide any object. The land is equal to the head of every male in each household, and taxes are collected according to the head. Of course, the ownership of all land was originally owned by the The imperial court, but adults can also issue decrees. If the cultivated land has been cultivated for more than 15 years, for example, the ownership of the land can belong to the peasants. However, this kind of land is forbidden to be bought and sold, and only allowed to be cultivated... and the most important point, That is, the tax collected by the government should be extremely low.” After a pause, he explained: “The purpose of land equalization is to let the common people have land to plant, as well as hope and hope. The land of the landlord is the same as the land of the landlord. If it is only like this, the people who are born as tenant farmers may not return to their hometown. Therefore, we must let the people understand the actual difference between the land rented by the landlord and the land shared by the government, so that they can feel the actual benefits. .”[

Chu Huan's head got a little dizzy, he lacked the most in this kind of internal affairs, although he was a little confused, but he had a very good understanding, and he also vaguely understood some of the meaning of Wei Ji's words.

"Does the so-called actual difference mean light taxation?" Chu Huan asked cautiously because he didn't know much about internal affairs.

Wei Ji nodded and said, "What Governor Chu said is light taxation. Ji has conducted investigations before. Tenants in Xiguan rented and planted land from landlords before the war. [-]% of their income must be taken away by their employers, and the remaining [-]% must be taken away by their employers." As a result, the tenant farmers still need to bear nearly [-]% of the taxes, and there are only a few left in their hands, and they can only support their families."

Chu Huan knew a little about this.

"The governor of Chu implements the equalization of land, so naturally we can no longer do this." Wei Ji said: "Fortunately, the imperial court exempted Xiguan from paying taxes for three years, and the part of the tax paid to the court can naturally be exempted. Divide into, receive [-]%, and the common people can keep half of it."

"If you want to cultivate yourself, [-]% is too much at first." Chu Huan shook his head and said, "Master Ji must have already thought about the most suitable share?"

"The governor of Chu wants to revitalize Xiguan, and the Household Division cannot be without money, so taxes still have to be collected. According to Ji's assumption, within three years, [-]% of the taxes will be collected, which is enough to relieve the people." Wei Ji is 『 Se』dao: "The tenant farmers have land to cultivate, and they could only keep less than [-]% of the land in the past, but now they can get [-]% of the harvest. Of course they are willing to return to their hometown. From the very beginning, the tax reflects the equalization of the land and the landlord The difference between renting land... But Ji said that the biggest benefit of equalizing the land is to allow the people to produce with peace of mind and be full of hope. The core point is the ownership of the land after the cultivated land reaches the limit."

Chu Huan listened attentively, but Pei Ji sighed, "Young Master Ji's thoughts are really groundbreaking. Throughout the ages, only princes, generals and ministers may be able to receive fiefdoms, and tenant farmers have never heard of land before."

Wei Ji smiled and said: "Mr. Pei, as I said, if... well, it's just an inappropriate analogy, if you are a tenant farmer, and the court equalizes the land, and the land is given to you for cultivation, and the taxes collected are extremely low, even more The important thing is, if you can farm the land for 15 years, and the land can live in your name, what do you think?"

"If I were a tenant farmer, I wouldn't even dare to think about it." Pei Ji sighed: "How can a tenant farmer have such a dream."

"Yes, this is just a dream for the tenant farmers." Wei Ji said: "The tenant farmers rent and plant the landlord's land, and they are busy all year round, but they can barely fill their stomachs. Day after day, year after year, generation after generation This is true for a generation, even if there is no change. Even for this chance of survival, you have to sell your self-esteem. Once you offend your employer, you can't even farm the leased land, and you can only starve to death. Suddenly one day I tell you, the government Who would not be ecstatic if given a field and planted it for 15 years, then he can own the land?"

"This can not only stimulate the people's enthusiasm for farming, but most importantly, it can control the people's mobility." Chu Huan gradually realized the huge benefits of this equalization of land. To obtain land, as long as there are no major changes, it is natural to try to cultivate it for 15 years. After 15 years, you have obtained the ownership of the land and your own field, and it is even more impossible to leave your own farmland... If If it can be implemented smoothly, Xiguan will be stable.”

Wei Ji gave a thumbs up, "Chu Du is wise, and he can see the benefits at a glance." After a pause, he said: "The purpose of equalizing the land is to stimulate the enthusiasm of the people for farming and let them engage in production with peace of mind. The most fearful thing about the policy is that after everyone has land, there will be private land transactions due to various circumstances. Once this happens, the foundation of land equalization will be seriously damaged, so... On the surface, the cultivated land will be able to grow after 15 years Whoever belongs to the peasants, but in fact, the government still has to control the ownership of the cultivated land.”

Chu Huan asked: "Is it the prohibition of private land transactions that Mr. Ji just said?"

"Yes!" Wei Ji said sternly, "At the same time, the decree prohibiting private land transactions must be recorded on the record. Of course, this decree is not in a hurry to make it public. After all, 15 years is still a long time. Time limit, just promulgate this decree. Private land transactions are prohibited, people still pay taxes for farming land, and the tax rate is flexibly adjusted according to the harvest and the environment. Although the land is nominally owned by farmers, as long as their transactions are prohibited They are still renting and planting the land of the government, and they have no right to deal with the land privately, so they cannot destroy the utility of the land equalization itself.” [

"Once the land equalization order is issued, if everything goes well, the people can produce with peace of mind, the government can collect taxes with peace of mind, and the barren land can be fully utilized...!" Pei Ji couldn't help showing admiration in his eyes, "Mr. Tian Ce is really a great strategy for governing the country."

"At the same time, most of the common people will benefit from the equalization of the land. In addition, the equalization of the land can be linked to the corvee." Wei Ji talked about it with enthusiasm. His ideas were not just a whim, but carefully studied for many years. He knew very well It is of great significance, but for a long time, whenever people mentioned it, they were sneered at by others. At this time, it seemed absurd and unbelievable, but Chu Huan, who is in a high position today, listened carefully and showed Great interest, how could Wei Ji not be excited, he just felt that after years of searching, he finally found a confidant, and most importantly, from Chu Huan's attitude, he felt that his ambition might be useful Wuzhidi was excited, "Chu Governor wants to make the people look forward to in Xiguan, and the decrees issued must naturally be treated equally. Reconstruction of Xiguan, bridges and roads, ditches and canals, dikes and dams are all necessary. Corvée is also indispensable...!"

At this time, Chu Huan finally realized that this infatuated down-and-out scholar had much more knowledge in his heart than he showed on the outside, so he immediately asked, "Young Master Ji, do you have any good suggestions for the corvee?"

"Enroll in corvée!" Wei Ji said without hesitation: "All registered persons within the specified age, the Governor of Chu can give each male a period of corvée. For example, each male has a one-year Within a period of 20 days of corvee, no one can be exempted from the 20 days of corvee. In the past, the gentry and wealthy families were all exempted from corvée, just like a flood. The whole family of the gentry and aristocrats, one person contributed, and when others fought the flood, they dragged their families, moved their wealth, and avoided other places... In fact, the flood really couldn't withstand it. Those ordinary people did not have much wealth, and the losses they received They are far inferior to those big families, but those who undertake the corvee in the front are those ordinary people, do you think they can be convinced?"

"If it were me, I wouldn't be convinced." Chu Huan sighed.

"So the corvées are distributed to the households, and the gentry and rich families also have to serve corvée according to the number of heads. They are treated equally, and they will definitely win the hearts of the people." Wei Ji said: "Of course, the governor of Chu can issue a decree at the same time, and Ji personally calls it the exchange of taxes and corvees. "

"Interchange between Fu and corvee?" Chu Huan only felt that this word was a bit novel.

"The meaning of mutual adjustment of Fu and corvée is just one sentence. More Fu can be less Fu, and more Fu can be less Fu." Wei Ji paused for a moment, thought for a while, and then explained: "It's like a gentleman. The [-]-day corvée is in his body, but he doesn’t want to do it, so he can pay more taxes instead of the corvee. The government has issued a decree that if a day’s corvée is equivalent to one dou of rice, then he can use [-] dou of rice for his [-]-day corvée. Instead, similarly, if some people cannot pay the prescribed taxes because of poor production or due to arrears, they can be replaced by corvee, which can be changed flexibly and solve many contradictions. Don't call it the exchange of taxes and corvees! "

Pei Ji couldn't help clapping his hands and said: "Okay, Mr. Ji, I'm convinced." He said to Chu Huan: "Second brother, the strategy that Mr. Ji offered today is really a good strategy for governing the country. Once it is promulgated, the refugees living outside will inevitably come back, and I even think that those refugees who are forced to become bandits will also abandon bandits and become good because of these two laws."

Chu Huan also clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Brother, I finally understand today that a literati can make a hundred thousand soldiers with a single pen. If you can make those rogues willing to go home and farm, it is far better than sending troops to conquer."

"If it can be implemented smoothly, the population of Xiguan will inevitably increase rapidly." Wei Ji said confidently, "Not only the refugees living outside Xiguan, but people from other places will also come to Xiguan?"

"What does Mr. Ji mean?"

"Field equalization in Xiguan is of course limited to the people of Xiguan." Wei Ji said, "But after land equalization, the tenant farmers have their own fields to cultivate. I am afraid that the hardest hit is the gentry class in Xiguan. They used to use the cheapest The cost is to hire a large number of tenants to cultivate for themselves. Now that the tenants have other roads, it is difficult to hire people in the land of the gentry. Their fields cannot be cultivated by others, so they can only improve their treatment and hire long-term workers. Common people, it is very likely that they will enter Xiguan and become the servants of the gentry...!"

"It makes sense!" Chu Huan nodded.

Wei Ji said: "As long as we stick to the interchanging of the Juntian Order and Fu Yu, Ji believes that it can bring great wealth to the government and stabilize the lives of the people, and Xiguan will gradually become rich and powerful... With the powerful Xiguan Road, if Xiliang sends troops to attack, Xiguan may not be afraid."

Pei Ji nodded again and again. He is very familiar with military affairs, but he is not as good as military affairs in internal affairs. What Wei Ji said today, he couldn't think of it. It seems that he is a down-and-out scholar, but who would have thought that such a person has the talent for governing the country, speaks clearly and carefully, and considers all matters big and small.

Speaking of this, Wei Ji had already taken out a booklet from his arms, and the booklet was a little flustered, "Chu Du, this is Ji's detailed explanation of the land-equaling order and the exchange of taxes and corvees for many years, as well as the method of implementation. Please take a look at Chu Du!"

Chu Huan took it over, opened it and looked at it carefully, Wei Ji said softly: "The implementation of these laws and regulations is easy to say, but in practice, it is very complicated and involves many things. The usable area is easy to use for equalizing the land. In addition, it is necessary to count the household registration, find out the head of the equalizing land, and also check the land area owned by the local gentry and wealthy families. Many gentry and wealthy families conceal the land area to avoid taxation. I think a large part of the tax can be increased, and besides, although the people have land, the biggest problem is to solve the food and farming tools...!"

While flipping through the pages, Chu Huan listened to Wei Ji's narration, and suddenly heaved a long sigh, got up and bowed deeply to Wei Ji, "Mr. , Chu Huan, on behalf of the people of Xiguan, thank you, Mr. Ji!"

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