National color raw owl

Chapter 1048 bared teeth

In the side hall of the Gao Mansion, behind a landscape screen, figures flickered, Gao Lian sat on a chair, Zhao Dun and another person walked back and forth in the hall with their hands behind their backs, their expressions of arrogance palpable.

Several other people were sitting on the chairs, all of them looked dignified, and there was no other noise in the side hall except the sound of Zhao Dun and the two pacing back and forth.

I don't know how long it took, but Zhao Dun suddenly stopped, and finally said: "It's really impossible, we've been looking for Dong Shizhen together, it's been almost three days, we can't just sit around like this."

"We may not be able to see Dong Shizhen." Gao Lian said, "In the past two days, we went to the governor's mansion three or four times, but the person surnamed Chu didn't see him behind closed doors. It was obvious that he didn't want to let him go."

"You don't want to let him go?" Zhao Dun said angrily, "Gao Shibo, you told us that Chu just wanted to take this opportunity to make a fortune. None of us are stingy, donating money to the New Salt Bureau The land is enough for him, Chu Huan, to live a good life for several lifetimes... His appetite is big, and our shots are not small, but why has there been no movement from him until now? People from our six families have been arrested. Until now, there is no Let one out."

Someone next to him frowned and said, "Could it be that Chu is not satisfied and wants us to bleed?"

"His appetite is already very big." Zhao Dun said, "Why is he dissatisfied with the donations from the six families? Does he still want to swallow us all at once?"

Gao Lian pressed his hands, signaling Zhao Dun not to be too anxious, and said: "Theoretically speaking, what we give should be enough, even if he is not satisfied, at least a few people should be released, but so far, no one has been released. Come out, this situation is really not right."

A stout Beishan gentry suddenly stood up, and said with a sneer: "Chu, can it be that he only takes money and does nothing? It really won't work. Let's write a letter to the court to report that Chu is corrupt in Xiguan and broke the law, filling his own pocket...!"

Before he finished speaking, Gao Lian stretched out his hand and said, "Where's the evidence?"

"Isn't the money sent to the new salt bureau evidence?"

"Although the new salt bureau was established by Chu Huan, it is a government office." Gao Lian said indifferently: "Chu Huan has long thought of a way out, and the money will be sent to the new salt bureau, not to Chu Huan. How to report? Don’t forget that compared to us, Chu Huan holds a bigger handle. We are all in his hands, and the power of life and death is also in his hands...!" Thinking of Gao Huo's life and death now unknown , I also became anxious in my heart.

Zhao Dun seemed to be tired from walking, so he sat down on the chair and said, "If this matter drags on for another day, many people's hearts will be in turmoil. Gao Shibo, I'm afraid you also know that the Song family and the Wu family have already started looking for someone. They want to sell the shop and the land at a low price...they thought they were doing it a secret, but they still couldn't hide it from me after all."

"Ah?" Someone next to him immediately became nervous, "Zhao Dun, you mean the two of them are going to leave?"

"Before they went through a lot of trouble to buy the shop and fertile land. Now that the autumn harvest is not here, the crops in the fields are growing well. Their shop has not been open for a long time. At this time, if you want to sell the shop and fertile land, you say they are What are you going to do?" Zhao Dun sneered and said, "It's because we saw that something happened to us, and we were afraid of being involved, so we planned to withdraw first."

"It's so fucking boring." Someone scolded: "In order to come to Xiguan, how many times did they run to Gao Shibo's mansion, and now they are in trouble, so they have to sneak away."

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes, not to mention that we are not husband and wife at all." Gao Lian said indifferently: "In the market, in the past two days, rumors have spread everywhere...!"

Zhao Dun said: "I also heard that we, the Beishan gentry, secretly know the way of heaven, and now the government is thoroughly investigating this matter...!"

"Fucking shit." Someone scolded: "Chu Huan hasn't come up with conclusive evidence so far, so why are those rascals talking nonsense?"

"We can't keep their mouths shut." Gao Lian sneered, "There is a high probability that Chu Huan sent people to let this matter go. Spread the word."

Zhao Dun frowned and said: "People's words are terrible... We have family members who have been arrested, so we can't get out immediately, but the Song family...!" At this point, he suddenly thought of something, raised his brows, and sneered: "Uncle Gao , The matter has been going on for a few days, why Chu Huan didn't do anything to the other Beishan gentry except our six families? If he really wanted to make money, wouldn't it be an extra source of money if he wanted to make more money?"

"Judging from the current situation, I'm afraid Chu Huan is not just trying to plot some money from us." The corners of Gao Lian's eyes twitched slightly, "If I guessed correctly, I really know his ultimate intention now."

Zhao Dun was obviously not a fool, so he immediately said, "Uncle Gao is saying that Chu Huan's ultimate goal is to drive us... all out of Xiguan?"

"It should be like this." Gao Lian has already clenched his fists, "His move is to kill a chicken for monkeys to see, and to attack our six families. The real purpose is to show the entire Beishan gentry and let the Beishan gentry know. Retire due to difficulties and withdraw from Xiguan... Just like the Song family and Wu family, they must be worried that the matter of Tianmen Dao will be involved in them, so they simply sold the shop and land they just bought, and pulled back to Beishan. We are in Xiguan The foundation is not stable, and the old foundation is still in Beishan, and when he returns to Beishan, Chu Huan will naturally be unable to find their troubles."

"There will never be a minority of people with this intention." Zhao Dun frowned and said, "I didn't move at first, I was just waiting and watching, but after a few days, Chu Huan has not released him, and the rumors in the market are getting more and more serious. Fierce, it seems that all of us Beishan gentry have joined the Tianmen Dao. You may be able to hold your breath, but for the Song and Wu families, you can't hold your breath. Today, the Song family and the Wu family have begun to do well. The preparations for the retreat, the other families know, how can they sit still?"

"If there are no accidents, in the next few days, more people will sell all their real estate and land." One person smiled bitterly: "We were ambitious and entered Xiguan on a large scale. We wanted to do something here. After a career, it’s a good thing now, just as I have a look, I will be forced out of here by the surname Chu...!"

Gao Lian was thoughtful, suddenly raised his eyelids, scanned the crowd and said: "Everyone, everyone has experienced the hardships of coming to Xiguan, and everyone knows the hardships. In order to gain a firm foothold in Xiguan and establish a foundation, everyone present Ladies and gentlemen, which family didn't go bankrupt, transferred a large amount of money to Xiguan, bought houses and land, and many families even borrowed huge debts... That's it, after we arrived in Xiguan, how much did we spend to get the shop and land Heart blood, Dongfang Xin and Dong Shizhen are blood-sucking bats, we should be grandchildren in front of them, but also put on a smile and let them suck the blood from us...!"

Everyone's expressions became serious, and everyone's eyes were solemn, and there was an unconcealable hatred.

Gao Lian thought for a while, scanned the crowd again, snorted coldly, and said, "Now Chu Huan is making a fuss out of a molehill by taking advantage of a small matter. Not only does he want to swallow up the money we have accumulated for generations, but he also wants to drive us out of Xiguan , are you willing in your heart?"

"Of course I'm not reconciled!" Someone immediately said: "In order to build a foundation in Xiguan, my Huo family mobilized all the resources of the family and borrowed a large amount of debt. Not to mention losing face from now on, how will we repay the huge debt we owe? My Huo family is now counting on [-] hectares of fertile land in Xiguan, if we sell it and withdraw it at this time, we will lose everything. "

Several other people also said yes one after another, and they all poured out their difficulties.

Gao Lian raised his hand and said: "Everyone is right, withdraw at this time, not to mention that we can't save the family, the large sum of money we donated to the New Salt Bureau before, we will wait if we feed the dogs and go No return, the most important thing is that when we came to Xiguan from Beishan, the momentum was so great that the entire Northwest and even the whole of Daqin already knew how majestic we were when we came here, but now we are being held by a young junior who has been in office for less than a month. If we are forced out of Xiguan, how can we face the elders of Beishan?"

"Uncle Gao, the situation forces us to do so, so what if we don't dare?" One person asked, "Things have come to this point, Dongfang Xin and Dong Shizhen are still pretending to be deaf and dumb, and have not come up with any useful solutions. People don’t fight against officials, without the help of Dongfang Xin and Dong Shizhen, how can we fight against Chu Huan? Although he is a new official, his foundation is not stable, but he is a governor after all, a great official in frontiers, so what can we do?”

Gao Lian clenched his fists and said with a sneer: "His purpose is already obvious. He wants to force us Beishan gentry to death. Should we just watch him flaunt his might and wait for death?"

Seeing Gao Lian sitting upright, Zhao Dun felt something, and asked, "Uncle Gao, do you... have any good ideas?"

Gao Lian hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth, waved his hand, and signaled everyone to come closer. Everyone was a little surprised, but they all got up and moved to Gao Lian's side.


In the governor's mansion, Chu Huan was sitting on a chair, holding a teacup in his hand. Less than three steps in front of him, an official in blue clothes was hunched over, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he didn't dare to raise his head.

"Xin Zhao is gone?" After taking a few sips of tea, Chu Huan put down his teacup, raised his head, and frowned, "I didn't see you yesterday, you official, why did you come to report today?"

The official in blue clothes is the commander of the Ministry of War and a subordinate of Zhao Xin. At this moment, he is breaking out in cold sweat, and his voice is weak: "Reporting to the governor, Mr. Zhao occasionally has private affairs, and it is not uncommon for him to not arrive at the yamen for three to five days. This time... the official really doesn't know, this time he will disappear with all his family members... The official and his colleagues from the Ministry of War have searched in many places, but no one knows the whereabouts of Chief Zhao...!"

"Did Zhao Xin tell you that the governor gave him three days to exchange the weapons from the arsenal?" Chu Huan looked at the official indifferently, "Did he handle this matter?"

The official hurriedly said: "I don't know, the lower official, Mr. Zhao didn't explain it."

"Are you sure Xin Zhao is missing?"

"I'm sure." The official said: "I'm going to Mr. Zhao's mansion today, and the servants in his mansion are still there. I heard from someone that Mr. Zhao's wife has something to do with her natal family, and she has to go back in a hurry, so I packed it up yesterday. After packing their bags, they left in the middle of the night, Master Zhao only told his family that he would return after sending his wife to the city gate, but he would never return after this trip, until today, Master Zhao still has not returned to the mansion."


ps: I have to explain the reason for the suspension of updates in the past two days. I started to leave at [-] o’clock in the morning the day before yesterday. Because I have to do private business, I need the household registration certificates of both households, so I took a car with my wife to the mother-in-law’s side. Impossible, and when I get there, I have to go to those relatives’ houses. Yesterday I went to Hefei early in the morning. Although I finished my work at noon, I started to go to my hometown by car in the afternoon. Going to pick up guests, my sister is getting married, and the wedding party has already finished the wedding at the man's side in Ningbo, but there is still a wine at home, the customs here are weird, you have to come to invite guests, three aunts, six women, aunts, uncles, uncles, I can't let the old man go out, I have been busy for another day, and I finally have a rest at night. I will send this chapter first, and I will write it soon. There must be another update. I'm sorry everyone.

In addition, the New Year is approaching, everyone must pay attention to safety and be careful on the way back, everyone has a smooth journey.

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