National color raw owl

Chapter 1446 Bloody Battle in Hezhou

Zhu Lingyue rode on the horse and watched his army rushing towards Hezhou City like a flood. Naturally, he also saw the tenacious resistance of the defenders, and the charge of the Tianshan Army also suffered a certain blow.

He looked stern, but also extremely calm.

On the battlefield, death is inevitable, and he also understands that although the Tianshan Army has a large number of people and has undergone strict training in Tianshan, most of the Tianshan Army can only be regarded as a group of hunting dogs.

A hound is ferocious, but it is not a wolf.

Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit!

What he needs is not just a team of hunting dogs, he needs a team of bloodthirsty wolves. No matter how he trains, hunting dogs can't become vicious wolves. Only after going through the blood and fire on the battlefield, can only watch his companions die. When you fall by your side, you can only change from a hunting dog to a wolf by stepping on the corpse of your companion and rushing forward to cut off the enemy's neck.

He also knew that although the Tianshan Army was strictly disciplined because of the clear rewards and punishments, there must be a sense of terror among these charging soldiers who were subjected to the lethality of the counterattack from the top of the city.

Only by persevering and defeating the heart of terror can we forge a bloodthirsty army.

It is true that the Tianshan army who charged saw the extremely miserable death of their companions, but their hearts were shrouded in terror. They roared desperately, trying to suppress their fear with their screams. Facing the arrows and stones flying all over the sky, some soldiers who could not bear it could not bear it, and turned around to run, while the cavalry of the law enforcement team were behind them. The enemy was very cruel, but the law enforcement team was even more cruel. , Stabbed with spears, whipped, and slashed and killed the retreating soldiers like livestock, as if these were not his companions at all, but his enemies.

If you go back, you will die, but if you go forward, there is still a chance!

One corpse after another on the ground, the blood pooled and flowed, the small catapults and bows and arrows at the head of the city continued continuously, and the catapults of the Tianshan Army never stopped. , has already organized a counterattack against the top of the city. The arrows from both sides converged into a rain of arrows all over the sky. Although the Tianshan Army that charged was heavy, the Xiguan Army that defended the city also suffered heavy casualties. The head fell down, and occasionally a huge boulder flew up to the top of the city, which could instantly cause fatal damage to the soldiers who were fighting bravely at the top of the city.

The five phalanxes of the Tianshan Army were originally spread out to attack the entire west side of Hezhou City. The main force of the soldiers and horses defending the city was concentrated in the middle section, trying to protect the city gate. The biggest damage of the Tianshan Army, and because of this, the three offensive phalanxes near the middle of the five phalanxes all suffered considerable losses.

Although the phalanxes on the left and right wings were also resisted by the defenders at the top of the city, they were weaker than those suffered by the companions of the big phalanxes in the middle. Moreover, the Tianshan Army concentrated three phalanxes to attack from the middle and rushed towards the city. Han Ying naturally concentrated the catapults to the middle, and fought back violently against the Tianshan army attacking the middle.

Although there are archers on both sides of the city wall, the number is much smaller than that in the middle. Archers are technical arms. Not every soldier can shoot arrows. There are not many archers. The defense of the capital is airtight, and the number of archers living on both sides is much smaller. Because of this, although the charge of the phalanx on the two wings of Tianshan Mountain has also been blocked to a certain extent, the progress is much smoother than that in the middle. When the third formation was still some distance away from the city gate, the two-wing phalanx had finally reached the base of the city wall.

Under the cover of archers, in the blind spot under the city wall, the infantry set up ladders, climbed the ladders, and climbed up screaming. After two volumes of dozens of ladders were built, the city wall was already dark. The Tianshan Army has already ordered that the first person to kill the top of the city will receive a reward of 300 taels and be promoted to three ranks. For most people, this is undoubtedly a huge temptation. Begging, because of the extreme fear, I have forgotten life and death, and I only want to go to the top of the city and become the No.1 on the top of the city.

Although the cavalry of the Tianshan Army did not move, they waited until the city was broken before making an assault, but when they saw from the rear that our army had pushed to the city wall and set up a ladder, they immediately waved their sabers and cheered like mountains and tsunami to cheer for the infantry brothers who attacked the city ahead. Zhuang Shengwei, the sound of cheers seemed to have captured Hezhou City.

The infantry climbed the ladder to grab the top of the city, while the archers behind were not stingy with their own arrows. In order to cover the climbing troops, countless arrows flew in the air. It was a thrilling scene, just like a waterfall pouring down from the sky. .

Brick chips flew across the city wall, and there were cracks everywhere. From the cracks, from the shooting holes of the battlements, and from the cracks in the stones, it seemed that arrows shot out everywhere. The whole city was moaning, and people were shot by arrows on the wall from time to time. Falling to the ground, the defenders' corpses were bleeding, bloody handprints were all over the battlements, and arrows were flying in all directions.

The messengers ran back and forth at the top of the city, shouting one after another, and the continuous sound from the catapults and storm arrows made people's eardrums hurt faintly.

The logistics team led by Huang Yutan was also part of the battle at this time. Although they couldn't draw their bows in person amidst the arrow rain and stones, they formed small teams to deliver arrows and stones to the soldiers who were fighting and bloodshed. Some logistics teams have already lit a cauldron, carried buckets of hot oil to the top of the city, and poured it down on the Tianshan soldiers who were climbing the ladder. Howling ghosts and howling wolves.

War has always been hidden in Pandora's box. Once the box is opened and the war is released, it will be a tragic Shura hell.

There are many soldiers in Tianshan Mountain, and the city wall of Hezhou City is also very long. Thousands of soldiers defend the long city head, and there will never be too many troops. In places where the guards can't take care of it, some Tianshan soldiers sneak up on the city wall , and the patrol team formed at the head of the city, as long as they see Tianshan soldiers emerging from the battlements, they will immediately rush forward.

The casualties of the Tianshan army were not small, and the pressure on the defense line at the top of the city was getting heavier every moment. More and more Tianshan soldiers approached the city wall, and more and more ladders climbed the city wall. Some Tianshan soldiers had already climbed over the battlements. Boarded the top of the city.

The fighting didn't just happen in the west of the city, the shouts of killing also came from other sides of Hezhou City.

Ganhou's [-] Northwest Army also launched an attack on the north of Hezhou City. Xu Shao led the defenders at the top of the city and resisted tenaciously.

To the south of Hezhou City, the soldiers and horses transferred by Zhu Lingyue also stormed the city, but in comparison, the battle in the west was particularly brutal, with the most casualties.

There were sounds of killing from three sides in Hezhou City, but the east of the city was relatively quiet. Zhu Lingyue only transferred 2000 troops from the top of the city. Although he shouted and bluffed, he did not really launch a crazy attack.

Dogs jump over the wall in a hurry, rabbits bite people in a hurry, as long as people have no way out, they are the most terrifying creatures. Zhu Lingyue is well aware of this, so he deliberately deployed a weak force in the east, which is actually for the Xiguan army defending the city. A way of retreat, so that the Xiguan army knows that they still have a way to retreat, so that they will not fight to the death. In this way, heavy casualties of their own troops can also be avoided.

It seems to be a way out for the Xiguan Army, but in fact it is to relieve the pressure on yourself.

Because the troops outside the East Gate are weak, the Xiguan Army has a retreat in mind, so they may not fight desperately with the determination to die. In this way, the Tianshan Army can reduce their losses.

But this was just a false way of life for the Xiguan army. Zhu Lingyue was very cunning. He deliberately let this way go. He even really hoped that the Xiguan army would really break through the east gate after they couldn't stand it anymore.

In fact, the last thing he likes to see is the siege battle. Before the war, he wants to use various methods to reduce the loss of the siege battle as much as possible. Prepare.

In comparison, what he most wanted to see was field battles on the plains.

He has a powerful cavalry in his hands, the Black Wind Cavalry. He has always put his energy and thoughts on the construction of the cavalry, invested a lot of energy and money, and indeed built a team that is at least unrivaled in the Northwest. cavalry regiment.

In his opinion, if the Xiguan army guarding the city really thought that the east of the city could break through, or even broke through from the east city when they couldn't hold on in the end, it would be playing into his own hands.

There are very few cavalry of the Xiguan Army, even if they successfully break out from the east city, then it will be time for the Black Wind Riders to show their power. A pack of wolves chasing and slaughtering lambs.

The fighting on the top of the city was already a hand-to-hand fight. After all, there were only a handful of Tianshan soldiers who attacked the top of the city, and the defenders on the top of the city were already ready for the fight. The two sides fought hand-to-hand at the top of the city.

In the battle at the top of the city, the defenders were not at a disadvantage. On the contrary, some generals at the top of the city shouted loudly: "Brothers, brothers guarding Jiazhou, not long ago, they won a great victory in Jiazhou and threw away the armor and armor killed by the Beishan army. We, the Hezhou Army, are not as good as the brothers from Jiazhou? Many of you have been transferred from Jiazhou, since the Beishan Army that you killed lost their helmets and armor, can't you defeat the Tianshan Army?"

The shouts came and went, motivating the defenders.

For the generals who guarded Hezhou earlier, the great victory of Jiazhou made the soldiers and horses of Jiazhou who participated in the southern front war extremely glorious. , participated in the Battle of Koshu, and when he thought of that battle, his blood surged even more, and a kind of glory of victory shrouded his heart.

Under the encouragement of the defenders at the top of the city, their morale was greatly shaken, and they suppressed the Tianshan soldiers who had climbed to the top of the city.

Zhu Lingyue and some of the generals who were watching the battle from the rear had already frowned. There is no doubt that Hezhou's resistance exceeded their imagination. A battle that is sure to be defeated must have low morale, but in today's battle, the situation seems to be unexpected. The resistance of the Xiguan Army is indeed amazing.

The Tianshan soldiers who attacked the city fell one by one in a pool of blood. Zhu Lingyue frowned, and the generals around him couldn't help but said: "Zhu Du, the casualties are too heavy, should we retreat for the time being and take a rest?"

Before Zhu Lingyue could speak, he suddenly saw a horse galloping towards him, "Report, Zhu Du, General Gan attacked the North Gate, causing a lot of casualties, and the troops have been retreated for the time being...!"

The corners of Zhu Lingyue's eyes twitched. At this time, the sky was already slightly bright, and soldiers could be seen falling from the top of the city from time to time. Tianshan soldiers who climbed the ladder also screamed and fell from time to time. Hezhou City was not immediately breached. For a moment, he pondered for a while, and finally said in a deep voice: "Ming Jin retreats!"

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