National color raw owl

Chapter 1447 Faith

The battle in Hezhou was raging, but Chu Huan was quite anxious at the Qingyuan Racecourse.

Although the soldiers and horses were stationed at the Qingyuan Racecourse, they did not just wait. Of course, Chu Huan led people to inspect the Horse Training Valley. Qi Hong learned that Pei Ji's letter refused to continue marching, and Chu Huan judged that the Hezhou soldiers and horses might retreat. After Pei Ji asked the troops from Shuoquan to meet them at the Qingyuan Racecourse, Qi Hong and several generals suggested that some fortifications should be built in the Horse Training Valley. It's always good to build some fortifications.

Besides, if tens of thousands of soldiers and horses are just waiting, it may not be a good thing. In war, waiting often makes people suffer and has a considerable impact on morale.

Chu Huan felt that what everyone said was true, and there happened to be a dense forest to the south of the Qingyuan Racecourse. In order to build fortifications, logging was unavoidable.

To build fortifications, for this army and horses, tens of thousands of horses are familiar with the road. They are divided into three parts, one part is responsible for cutting wood, the other part is responsible for building fortifications, and the least part is responsible for security tasks.

A large amount of timber was transported to Horse Taming Valley. Chu Huan rode a horse to inspect and saw that many soldiers had begun to chop the whole timber into sections with swords and pile them on the ground.

After getting off the horse, Chu Huan walked into the crowd. A group of soldiers were driving piles on the ground. When they saw Chu Huan approaching, they all stopped their work and bowed to salute. Chu Huan waved his hand and said with a smile, "It's all hard work!"

Chu Huan's face was pleasant, so the soldiers were not afraid, and one of them couldn't help asking: "My lord, can these fortifications really stop the Tianshan Army?"

Chu Huan was taken aback.

Another soldier on the side said: "My lord, I heard that the Tianshan Army has a lot of cavalry. If even Hezhou City can't stop them, can these logs really stop them?"

Chu Huan groaned for a moment, then simply sat on the grass and waved, "Everyone sit down!"

The soldiers were all taken aback. Although everyone knew that the governor was a good official, the dignified governor was so unassuming. The soldiers immediately became more fond of him. Several of them had already sat down. After all, they could sit with the governor. It is also an honor to be able to say a few words.

More than a dozen soldiers sat around, and more soldiers surrounded them. For a while, the crowd was crowded. Many people saw Chu Huan sitting on the ground. Many people showed excitement on their faces.

"You're a good question. If even Hezhou City can't stop the Tianshan Army, we can't stop them with our fortifications. It's just a matter of fighting more and killing more people." Chu Huan glanced at everyone and said warmly. : "I ask you a question, everyone just speak your mind."

"My lord, what do you want to ask?"

"Let me ask you, what do you think about this expedition?" Chu Huan asked, "Are you willing to go on this expedition?"

The soldiers looked at each other, but no one answered.

"You can say what you think in your heart, don't be afraid." Chu Huan said gently: "No matter what you say, the governor will not blame you!"

After a period of silence, a soldier who was nearly forty years old finally said: "My lord governor, although we are soldiers, we should go to battle to kill the enemy, but... if anyone says that anyone is willing to go to the battlefield to fight for their lives, that is also a lie. There are parents and family members who die on the battlefield, and the life of the family members will be difficult...!"

Chu Huan nodded slightly and said, "So, everyone doesn't want to go to war?"

"Your Excellency, even if you don't want to, we still have to fight some battles." The veteran immediately said: "The young man has been in the army for many years, and he hasn't been promoted or made a fortune, nor has he made many military exploits. He doesn't think too much about many battles. Fight, but there are two battles, the little one thinks it must be fought!"

Chu Huan said "oh", motioned the veteran to approach, and asked, "Which two games are you talking about?"

"This first match, of course, is to fight the people of Xiliang." The veteran clenched his fist and said, "When the people of Xiliang attack our land, kill our people, burn our houses, and rob us, they will definitely fight. Even if you know you are dead, you still have to fight."

As soon as this remark came out, all the soldiers around nodded their heads.

"That's right, it's only natural for a hot-blooded man to protect his family and country when a foreign race invades, otherwise he wouldn't be considered a man." Chu Huan said with a smile, "Then there is another one?"

"There is another battle, against Zhu Lingyue." The veteran sneered, "If we don't beat Zhu Lingyue away, we won't be able to live a good life?"


"Your Excellency, everyone has seen what you have done since you came to Xiguan, who is a good person and who is a bad person, no one is a fool, and everyone has a steelyard in their hearts." The veteran said: "When you came, Xiguan was The plague, if it wasn't for you, I don't know how many people would have died, many brothers' family members here have been infected with the plague, and it was the governor who brought the prescription, so many of our brothers' families could survive."

As soon as the words fell, many soldiers immediately said: "That's right, that's the case, Governor, you are our great benefactor."

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Since the imperial court appointed me as the governor of Xiguan at the beginning, it was to let the people live a good life and eliminate the plague. That is also the duty of the governor, not a kindness."

"My lord said this, but we don't see it that way. People in the Northwest are upright, and they are kind if they are gracious." The veteran continued: "What makes everyone most happy is that the lord implemented the order of equalization of land, allowing the common people to share the land. We Many families have not had a single inch of land of their own for several generations. They have made a living by giving important land to those gentry and aristocrats. Treat everyone equally, before that, who would dare to do this?"

"Yes, my lord. In the past, we ordinary people were very poor and suffered heavy taxes. Many families couldn't even afford to eat and had to bear corvees. On the contrary, those rich and well-fed families collected our rent. Those who eat well and drink spicy food are exempted from corvee.” A young soldier said indignantly, “I have done the most, but I have nothing to eat, and I have done less, but I can live in luxury…!”

As soon as these words were said, many soldiers present showed a sense of injustice.

These ordinary soldiers are all from the families of poor people, real rich and noble families, not to mention that they will not send their children to serve as soldiers, even if they are really sent to the army, they will also enter the school.

Chu Huan smiled and said, "What you said makes sense."

"My lord, our family has never had our own land, and this time we have been assigned a field." A soldier said excitedly, "Everyone in the family is very happy. A while ago, someone came to visit us and said that we have a field so that we can grow grain." , there is no seed, the government can still borrow seeds, and when there is a harvest, the government only collects [-]% of the harvest. As long as you work hard to harvest the harvest, the whole family will never go hungry. The family also said that this is the governor My lord's kindness, let me be a soldier and go through life and death for my lord!"

"Yeah, our family has been assigned to the field, and the family also said that I should follow the adults well...!"

For a while, many people shouted one after another, and everyone seemed very excited.

"My lord, I'm going out with you this time. Firstly, it's a soldier's bounden duty to obey orders. Second, it's because my lord is kind to the people of Xiguan, and everyone is willing to go through life and death with you. The third reason, hehe, in the end, it's the same. For the sake of our own family." Seeing that Chu Huan has always been amiable, the veteran became more courageous, "My lord is in Xiguan, we can have our own fields, as long as we work hard in the future, our family will not starve to death, but if Zhu Lingyue really beats me , The fields that the adults just gave us will be snatched by them immediately, even if we want to protect our own fields, we have to work hard with them!"

"That's right. Originally, when we defeated Beishan in Xiguan, we could live in peace for a few days. The common people could get the seeds and plant the land with peace of mind, but at this time, the people from Tianshan came here. It was because they deliberately prevented us from growing food. , It is also intentional to starve us Xiguan people to death, other things are fine, if they want to rob us of our fields, if they want to starve us to death, then there is no need to say anything, the right way is to fight with a knife." A young soldier He clenched his fists and said, but his eyes were full of determination.

At this moment, Chu Huan suddenly understood something.

Starting from Shuoquan, the soldiers under his command had firm eyes. When they set off, they did not hesitate. This was obviously not because they were warlike in their hearts, but because they knew what the battle was about.

For the family to be able to feed their stomachs, and for their own fields not to be robbed.

The reasoning is very simple, but this most common reasoning is enough to make this group of men firm in their beliefs and follow their governor through life and death to fight a bitter battle.

This is a group of fighters with firm beliefs, and fighters with beliefs are the most terrifying.

"Brothers, I am here to repeat it again today." Chu Huan stood up slowly: "The reason why soldiers fight is not because they are good at fighting, but because they want to make their relatives live better. Yong Modulation, as long as the governor is in Xiguan for one day, he will unswervingly implement it, anyone who wants to prevent and destroy the people's good life is our enemy, we will use the knife to die!"

Chu Huan's voice was firm, and the soldiers around immediately burst into cheers. His voice alarmed other soldiers who were working in the distance, and they looked over one after another. Many of them didn't know what happened for a while.

"Pass down the order, there is no need to nail this wooden stake any more." Chu Huan said loudly: "The governor will eat and drink with you here, and refresh your spirits. When the Tianshan army really comes, we will fight them to the end! "

"Blood battle to the end, blood battle to the end, blood battle to the end!"

The soldiers raised their arms and shouted, and the sound spread in all directions. Although the soldiers in the distance didn't know what happened, when they saw their companions raising their arms and shouting, they also raised their arms and shouted. The voice of "bloody battle to the end" spread all over the place. Quartet.

"My lord, what should we do with these logs? Can we stop logging, there are still many brothers logging in the south...!" Qi Hong asked for instructions from the side.

Chu Huan looked at the big thick and long trees piled up on the ground, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he shook his head and said, "Continue to cut wood, but don't need to make stakes, Qi Hong, let everyone do this...!" Close to Qi Hong In his ear, he ordered a few words, Qi Hong showed doubts, but still nodded and said: "I understand!"

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