National color raw owl

Chapter 150 Set up an iron pot and cook pork!

Xishan Road governs seven prefectures. Tongzhou is located in the north of Yunshan Mansion. The distance between the two places is nearly [-] miles. The geographical environment is mostly mountainous, and the natural conditions are also very harsh. , but the climate here is obviously colder than Yunshan Mansion, with deep snow.

Zhao Guangqing, the magistrate of Tongzhou, is also considered a cadre, but suffers from public grievances and turmoil from time to time under the rule. He has worked in this position of magistrate of Tongzhou for nearly ten years, but he has not been promoted because of local banditry.

Daqin has increased taxes in recent years, and Tongzhou has always been a land of drought. Even if the year is good, the crops in the field can only be harvested by [-]%. In a year of severe drought, sometimes even some grains may fail Under the circumstances, the taxes suppressed by the imperial court have to be handed over, but they can only forcefully collect taxes at the local level. Sometimes the common people can’t even eat, so there is no tax to pay. In [-], Tongzhou must have garrisons to quell civil uprisings.

Zhao Guangqing understood that forcing the common people too far would only make the situation in Tongzhou more and more chaotic, but he could not ignore the pressure from the imperial court. He wrote several papers and begged the imperial court to reduce or exempt taxes, but was impeached by many officials of the imperial court for ineffective control. He was almost dismissed from office, but thanks to the fact that he also had someone in the court, he survived.

He also wanted to leave this crater, but the imperial court seemed to stare at him dead, neither promoted nor demoted, he was held in this place, he was in a dilemma, Zhizhou did really hard work.

After autumn, Zhao Guangqing was very anxious, because every year after autumn, it was the time to pay taxes to the imperial court, but the taxes collected in Tongzhou were less than [-]%, and there was a huge shortage. It was hard to collect [-]% of the taxes and transport them to Beijing. Several civil upheavals were caused, and after the settlement, Zhao Guangqing was waiting for news from the court again.

He knew in his heart that in recent years, the expenditure of the imperial court was like flowing water. Many officials from various places were dismissed from office due to tax reasons, and even a few lost their lives.

Now that only [-]% of the tax is paid and sent up, there must be a lot of evidence for impeachment.

In the past few years, Zhao Guangqing was still terrified, really worried that he would lose his official title, but every time after the impeachment, someone came out to keep it, and the imperial court just issued an official document to reprimand him, ordering him to pay all the taxes he owed as soon as possible , he still wants to continue working in this position. Year after year, he has calmed down. From the beginning, he was worried that his official hat would be taken off, but now he would rather hope that the court would demote him and transfer him. He is waiting for the court's order every year. .

He also knows that this tax needs to be paid just right, if it is too much, it will not be able to pay, if it is too little, it may lose its head, and if it is [-] to [-]%, it can be passed so-so.

Just look at the current situation. This year, taxes are forced to be collected and [-]% can be barely collected at the cost of the commotion of the people, but next year I am afraid that even [-]% will not be collected.

Tongzhou, a large crater.

In Tongzhou City, Zhao Guangqing waited for the imperial edict every day for a long time. On the contrary, this night, an official from the prefecture city was ushered in, and he left after sending an official document.

Zhao Guangqing looked at the official document, but asked him to gather people overnight, find an open place outside the city to build 2000 tents, and prepare meals for [-] people.

Under the official document, there is the seal of the governor.

Zhao Guangqing was miserable, tossing about these things in the middle of the night, he didn't know why he had this official document, but he didn't dare to neglect the order, so he called people together that night, rushed to the east of the city to set up a tent, and ordered people to prepare meals, Late at night in the cold winter, go to war.

Just after dawn, the five hundred tents were finally set up. Some subordinates had reported that two thousand imperial guards were coming quickly to Tongzhou City. Zhao Guangqing was taken aback. The imperial guards were mobilized. The rebels, and the two thousand imperial guards went to war even more, and the number of rebels put down was not small, but as far as he knew, there was no place in Tongzhou under his rule that required such a large number of elite soldiers to come to suppress them.

The imperial guards hardly took any rest along the way. Starting from Yunshan Mansion, each person was distributed three days of dry food. They traveled day and night and continued on their way. Finally, they arrived outside Tongzhou City in the early morning.

Chu Huan and Wei Tianqing set off one day later than the Imperial Guards, and joined the main force of the Imperial Guards on the way. Chu Huan secretly admired the qualities of the Imperial Guards along the way.

Although it was a rapid march day and night, the imperial guards had strict orders, no order to stop, and no one dared to stop. The rapid march was already difficult, and if it was a winter march, it would be even more difficult. The requirement of will is extremely strict, and this imperial guard maintains extremely abundant physical strength. It can be seen that the physical training is extremely strict on weekdays. The general army will never be able to withstand such a high-intensity rapid march.

Along the way, apart from eating dry food and resting for a while, after three days, they hardly had a good rest, but when the 2000 people marched, they still maintained a neat formation.

Seeing this situation in Chu Huan's eyes, he admired Wei Tianqing even more. As the saying goes, there are no weak soldiers under a strong general. To see Wei Tianqing's ability to govern an army, one only needs to look at his subordinates. Soldiers will do.

This Imperial Guard is strictly disciplined, and orders are strictly prohibited. Although they have not seen them kill the enemy, the abundant physical fitness and tenacity shown in the rapid march have already demonstrated the tough style of this Imperial Guard. There are soldiers like this, which can be seen. Wei Tianqing's talent in commanding troops, it's no wonder Governor Qiao Mingtang admires and trusts Wei Tianqing so much. It is indeed Qiao Mingtang's luck to have such a loyal and talented subordinate.

At this time, Chu Huan had already changed into the general guard's armor rationed by the imperial guards. He was wearing a gray-brown armor with cowhide inside and iron scales. Wearing a suit of armor on his body, he is still heroic, especially Chu Huan's sharp-edged face, wearing a helmet, looks even more heroic, and unnaturally, there is a fierce murderous aura radiating out.

Just like when he first put on the black scale armor, Wei Tianqing praised it at that time, Chu Huan seemed to be born to wear armor, and the armor on the boat suddenly gave him a very powerful appearance.

Most people would feel a little uncomfortable wearing armor for the first time, but Chu Huan seemed to be very satisfied with the armor. With the armor on, his spirit unnaturally became excited.

Two thousand imperial guards marched overnight in the cold weather, but none of them complained. Fortunately, the equipment of the imperial guards was the best among the soldiers of Xishan Road. Inside the armor, there were very warm inner cotton coats. Trotting along the way, his body was hot, but he still managed to reach Tongzhou City. Under the dawn, he could already see the dark Tongzhou City under the sky from a distance, and an area under the city had already set up tents of [-] companies. The snow has also been cleared away.

On the other side of the city gate, someone had already come to greet him. He was also in armor, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. When he saw Wei Tianqing, he had already led a few flying horses forward. There was a distance away, and he had already dismounted and knelt down on one knee. : "Duan Xun, the last general of Tongzhou Yingqian households, sees Master Zhizhi!"

Naturally, this person also recognized Wei Tianqing.

Each of the sixteen roads of the Great Qin Dynasty has a prefectural city, and the imperial guards with an establishment of 5000 people in the prefectures are under the command of the imperial guards, and the command is directly ordered by the governor.

In addition, each state under the jurisdiction of each province has a battalion with a staff of about 500 people. It is mainly used to guard the city gates, and occasionally to suppress small groups of turmoil. Small-scale civil uprisings can only be accomplished by state battalion sergeants. Unless they are unable to handle it, it is possible to go to Fucheng to request the mobilization of a large number of imperial guards to suppress it, and even request the Ministry of War and the Privy Council to mobilize the guards to quell the chaos.

In order to prevent local monopoly, the local administration of Daqin was separated from the military and the government. The power to mobilize the guards was directly ordered by the military department of the imperial court. Local officials had no right to mobilize the guards, but the military could not intervene in local government affairs.

Zhao Guangqing governed one side and made a decision. Wei Zhihou, the highest officer of the Guards Army stationed in Tongzhou, had no right to intervene at all. On the contrary, Zhao Guangqing had no right to mobilize a single soldier of the Guards Army.

What Zhizhou can mobilize is only a few hundred soldiers from the Zhizhou Yamen and soldiers from the Tongzhou Battalion, and the Tongzhou Battalion does not belong to the Guards or the Imperial Guards, but can only be regarded as the local guards.

The supreme commander of each state camp is Qianhu, which is under the jurisdiction of Zhizhou.

Wei Tianqing is under the command of the imperial guards, and this section of Xun is a thousand households in the Tongzhou camp, which is lower than Wei Tianqing's level, so naturally he has to pay homage.

Wei Tianqing didn't get off his horse either, and asked directly, "Have the tent and meals been prepared?"

Duan Xun immediately said: "Reporting to the Commander, five hundred tents have been set up, brothers can rest at any time, and food for 2000 people has been prepared."

Wei Tianqing nodded, without saying much, waved his hand, and led the people to the station.

When they arrived at the camp, the tight strings of the soldiers of the Imperial Guard had been loosened. Many people only felt sore backs, and only wanted to get into the tents to have a good rest and sleep.

Wei Tianqing also knew the hard work of the soldiers these days, and said loudly: "Brothers, from today onwards, everyone should rest here for a few days, and when we have recharged our spirits, we will set off for Cangzhou... These few days, it will be scheduled Let you eat and sleep well."

However, Duan Xun had already ordered food to be brought up. They were all steaming white flour steamed buns and delicious rice porridge. Although the guards were exhausted, they still lined up to receive the food in an orderly manner.

Wei Tianqing led a group of generals under his command, led by Duan Xun, around the camp, and then saw the soldiers frowned as they ate and drank rice porridge and white flour steamed buns.

Duan Xun looked at his words and hurriedly asked, "My lord, is there something wrong?"

Wei Tianqing said seriously: "Duan Qianhu, do you know that these brothers under my command have not rested for three consecutive days and nights, are exhausted and lack of physical strength, if they eat these things on a daily basis, I will not say much, But this time it won't work!"

Duan Xun frowned, Wei Tianqing had already said: "Please go find fifty big iron pots, set them up next to the camp, and report to Zhao Zhizhou, I don't care what methods he uses, Find a hundred pigs first, I will set up an iron pot here to cook the meat, and the brothers under my hands can eat as much as I want, I will let them eat the pork and go to sleep, and then continue to eat meat after waking up, so as to raise enough pigs. Mental and physical strength...!"

Duan Xun was stunned, and Wei Tianqing said loudly: "Duan Qianhu, don't you hurry up? There are many dignitaries and dignitaries in the huge city of Tongzhou. They eat delicacies every day. Now my brother wants to eat some pork. Isn't it difficult?"

Duan Xun hurriedly said, "I'll report to you, the general!" He led his men into the city.

Chu Huan secretly praised Wei Tianqing in his heart. Wei Tianqing really deserves to be a general. During the three days of rapid march, the soldiers worked hard. There are some complaints, but this time eating pork in an iron pot will allow the soldiers to quickly recover their physical strength, and secondly, the small grievances in the hearts of the soldiers will soon disappear.

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