National color raw owl

Chapter 151 Negotiation

The iron pot was set up, and a hundred pigs were not difficult, and they were delivered soon. Seeing the arrival of the pork, the morale of the soldiers was lifted. Naturally, no one would refuse. Originally, the soldiers wanted to kill pigs and stew meat, but Wei Tianqing asked the soldiers of the Imperial Guards to go to bed immediately, and asked Duan Xun to lead the soldiers of Tongzhou Camp to kill pigs and stew meat. Stew it well, and let the soldiers of the Imperial Guard stand up and enjoy it.

The imperial guards were the trump card army of Xishan Road. Although Duan Xun and his Tongzhou battalion soldiers felt dissatisfied, they did not dare to disobey.

Fatigued, many soldiers fell asleep, but in a short while, the snoring of the camp was loud.

Although Chu Huan is in excellent physical condition, he was very sleepy after traveling for several days, so he found a tent and fell asleep. Although Wei Tianqing said that he would rest here for a few days, Chu Huan knew that resting for a few days was just a publicity It's just a lie, Wei Tianqing asked the Tongzhou camp to kill pigs and stew meat but let the guards rest quickly. It was obviously to seize all the time to let the soldiers recover their strength.

He fell asleep in a daze, and he didn't know how long it had been before he heard someone calling: "General Chu Wei, General Chu Wei...!" Although Chu Huan was asleep, he was extremely alert. He woke up immediately, grabbed the big knife in his hand, turned over, and a soldier came in from outside the tent. When he saw Chu Huan, he cupped his hands and said, "General Chu Wei, Lord Commander told you to go over quickly...!"

Chu Huan responded, and when he got out of the tent, he saw that the sky was a bit dark, and asked in surprise, "What time is it?"

"It's two quarters of the application time." The soldier replied.

Chu Huan put on the saber and rubbed his face. He remembered that the whole army began to rest at Chen Shi in the morning. It took more than four hours to squint his eyes, but he slept comfortably this time, and the feeling of fatigue has dissipated. Go, and the energy and physical strength have recovered by [-]% to [-]%.

He followed the soldiers to a tent and said, "The last general, Chu Huan, begs to see you!"

Wei Tianqing's voice came from inside and said: "General Chu Wei, come in quickly!"

Chu Huan opened the tent and entered, but saw that many generals had gathered inside, all of them were generals of the imperial guards, including Pan Fu and Qiao Yin whom Chu Huan had met before.

Chu Huan had already learned from Wei Tianqing on the way that there are currently four generals in the imperial guards of Yunshan Mansion, including himself, they are nine generals. Five guards, plus himself, is six guards, Wei Tianqing is sure to win this time, and he is determined to wipe out the bandits in Heishuishan in one fell swoop.

After Chu Huan took his seat, several more people entered the room one after another. Three generals and six generals all arrived, and the top generals of the imperial guards had already gathered here.

A cowhide rug was thrown under the tent, and everyone was sitting on the floor. When the generals arrived, Wei Tianqing coughed, took out a map, and spread it out on the ground.

Chu Huan looked around calmly, and saw that the three generals seemed to know what they were thinking, but the generals all showed doubts. Obviously, they didn't know why Wei Tianqing called everyone at this time.

Chu Huan immediately understood that the secret of the encirclement and suppression of Heishui Mountain was indeed extremely strict, and the guards, who were senior generals in the army, knew nothing about it.

Although he was also a general of the guard, before he set off, he already knew the situation of the army encircling and suppressing Heishui village. From this, it could be seen that Wei Tianqing really trusted and valued him very much.

"This is the topographic map of Heishui Mountain." Wei Tianqing cut to the chase: "It was Shenyiwei Sun Baihu who personally inspected it and then sketched it out. There is absolutely no problem with the topography."

Wei Tianqing's tone was affirmative, which also showed that he had great trust in Shen Yiwei's work.

A guard general asked cautiously: "Sir, aren't we going to Cangzhou? Why do we need a topographic map of Heishuishan?"

Wei Tianqing said solemnly: "Everyone, our goal is not Cangzhou, but Heishui Village in Heishuishan. According to reliable information, Heishuishan is entrenched with a group of bandits, and the disaster is extremely serious. Therefore, the governor ordered that this We are going to flatten the Black Water Village in one fell swoop!"

The guards were all a little surprised, but no one said anything.

Wei Tianqing beckoned, and everyone moved forward. Then Wei Tianqing pointed to the map and said, "Everyone, look at this river. It is the famous Heishui River in Tongzhou. It flows from north to south. This river on the ground of Tongzhou , there are many mountains, and along the banks of the Heishui River, there are several mountains...!" The finger slid and pointed to one place: "This is Heishui Mountain, where the bandits are hiding."

General Lang Qiao Yin said: "There are bandits in Heishui Mountain, and the Tongzhou government doesn't even know about it. It's really incompetent."

Wei Tianqing shook his head and said, "We can't completely blame the Tongzhou government. According to Sun Baihu's inquiries, these bandits are not doing evil on this land, and their whereabouts are very secretive. Moreover, the terrain in this area is not good, there are not only few roads, but also It's rough and difficult to walk, with few people, and Tongzhou is a huge land, and the bandits didn't make any noise here, just nested there like rats, if Sun Baihu didn't investigate carefully, they really wouldn't know there were bandits hiding here."

Pan Fu clenched his fists and said excitedly: "My lord, tell me, what should we do? I haven't exercised for a long time, this time I will have a good time!"

Wei Tianqing laughed, and then solemnly said: "It is easy for us two thousand elite soldiers to wipe out the black water villages. But what we have to do this time, first, we must not let them slip through the net, we must catch them all at once. .Secondly, these bandits are quite ferocious, and they are definitely not a mob. Therefore, when we fight, we must be secretive and comprehensive, and give them a surprise attack as much as possible, so as to reduce our casualties. Otherwise, we will wipe out these bandits , but the casualties are too large, then it will be defeated...!"

All the generals nodded.

This time, in order to destroy the Heishui village, two thousand elite soldiers were mobilized to march for three days. From this, we can see that the governor and Wei Tianqing attached great importance to this operation, and that with such a strong force to attack the Heishui village, if the casualties are really too heavy, That was an absolute failure.

Everyone looked at Wei Tianqing, waiting for his order.

"Earlier, the general sent an order to the whole army, saying that he would rest here for a few days." Wei Tianqing said slowly, "This is just a plan of the general... We kept on going, and everyone thought that we could not act immediately. In addition to my order, I am afraid no one will guess that we will set off immediately!"

"My lord, you mean... let's act now?" A guard general was a little surprised.

Wei Tianqing nodded, and said in a deep voice: "The best way to catch them all and reduce casualties is to catch them off guard." He clenched his fists: "We're going to use strange soldiers to make strange moves, not even our own brothers Knowing that we are going to attack Heishuizhai tonight, how could the people in Heishuizhai think of it? We have been marching in a hurry these days, and those who are interested only think that we are going to Cangzhou... Hehe, let's take a surprise this time and fight a battle Nice victory!"

He pointed to the map and said: "Behind Heishui Mountain is the Heishui River, so this time the troops will divide into three groups, except for the side of Heishui River, and attack from three sides. It is best if we have already attacked the mountain before they find out. , those bandits are bound to be in chaos and have no fighting spirit anymore." He ordered: "Qiao Yin, you lead 500 people and detour from the left wing. Pan Fu, you lead 500 people and attack from the right wing. I will lead 1000 people from the front. Attack...Before attacking, try to be as stealthy as possible, and get close without anyone noticing...!"

Chu Huan frowned, thought for a while, seemed to want to say something, but didn't say it right away, Wei Tianqing saw it, and asked with a smile: "General Chu Wei, do you think there is anything wrong?"

Everyone immediately looked at Chu Huan.

This is the first time for Chu Huan to participate in the military meeting of the Imperial Guard. Of course, everyone present has heard of Chu Huan's name, but most of them don't know anything about Chu Huan. But also somewhat dissatisfied.

Wei Tianqing had great prestige in everyone's minds, but Chu Huan seemed to have objections to assigning tasks at this time. Many people felt that Chu Huan was a little ignorant.

Chu Huan thought for a while before saying, "My lord, are we going to attack the mountain from three sides?"

"Naturally." Wei Tianqing nodded and said, "Behind Heishui Mountain is the wide Heishui River, so naturally we can't attack the mountain from the river...!" At this point, he suddenly thought of something, slapped his head, and said: " Damn, I almost missed a major event!"

Everyone was startled, not knowing why Wei Tianqing said this——

ps: Today is the third update, ask for a red ticket, the second update will be released around [-] pm!

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