The corners of Lu Haosheng's eyes twitched, and he shouted sharply: "You are so bold, the king of Qi is the current auxiliary state, yet you speak rudely...!"

But Qiu Ruxue persuaded with a smile: "Lord Lu, they are all ignorant subordinates, don't worry about them." He said to the soldier: "Go and call Zhizhou over."

The soldiers were polite when they saw Qiu Ruxue, and they were a little afraid of Qiu Ruxue, so someone went to the mansion to report, and soon, the soldier came out and said: "Sun Zhizhou let you in."

Lu Haosheng snorted coldly, and didn't care about it at this time, but he was thinking about going back and reckoning with the account. He entered the mansion, but Qiu Ruxue and others had knives on them. Naturally, they couldn't all enter the magistrate's mansion. He didn't want to go inside. After driving for a few days, he was a little tired. He just remembered Chu Huan's order to protect Lu Haosheng's safety. At that moment, Qiu Ruxue asked his subordinates to find an inn in the city and settle down. Send two more people to wait.

The Governor's Mansion was burnt down like that, so naturally it was impossible to stay there. Before Qiu Ruxue came, Chu Huan allocated enough money and expenses, and Qiu Ruxue had to secretly establish a "Shadow Guard" during his trip to gather them together. With manpower and special funds, Lu Haosheng might worry about money, but people like Qiu Ruxue didn't worry at all.

Qiu Ruxue never left his body with his knife. Seeing Qiu Ruxue's aura, the soldiers did not dare to stop him. Lu Haosheng was in front and Qiu Ruxue was behind. When they arrived in the hall, they saw a middle-aged official in his early forties in official uniform He was holding a teacup, sipping tea leisurely. Although he saw Lu Haosheng entering the hall, he didn't intend to get up. He glanced at him and put down the teacup. Lu Haosheng had already walked into the hall, with his hands behind his back, looking at the middle-aged man with no expression on his face. Officials, but a pair of eyes are abnormally cold.

"Who is your Excellency?" The official looked at Lu Haosheng and asked lightly, "They say you are the governor sent by King Qi?"

Lu Haosheng sneered and said, "You still don't pay homage after seeing the Governor?"

The official suddenly laughed, as if he had heard something extremely funny, he sat on the chair, leaning his back on the chair, "If you would worship anyone you saw, my legs would have been broken long ago. You said you were the new governor, and I would Do you believe that you are the new governor? Is there a beggar on the street, calling himself the governor, and I want to kneel down to pay homage?"

"You...!" Lu Haosheng changed color suddenly, raised his finger and pointed at the official, "How dare you insult the governor?"

The official got up slowly, put his hands behind his back, and walked in front of Lu Haosheng. At this time, Qiu Ruxue was outside the hall and did not come in. He naturally did not forget Chu Huan's instructions. What Lu Haosheng did in Beishan, Qiu Ruxue Stand on the sidelines, don't intervene.

"I tell you that a few days ago, some people pretended to be imperial envoys and tried to cheat money." The official said indifferently: "Do you know the result? They broke their legs, cut off their tongues, and threw them outside the city. Now I'm afraid It has been taken away by wild wolves... I ask you, you said you sent the new governor, do you have a purpose?"

"Of course there is." Lu Haosheng held back his anger and took out a document from his arms, "This is the appointment document personally approved by His Royal Highness King Qi of Fuguo. Open your eyes and see clearly."

The official finished the appointment document, glanced at it, and threw it on the ground, and said coldly: "Come here, pull down this daring man who pretends to be the governor...!"

A few soldiers outside the door were about to rush in, but Qiu Ruxue said in a deep voice, "Wait a minute." Holding the swords in front of the door, the soldiers were startled, and at this moment Lu Haosheng shouted angrily: "This is Qi How dare you blaspheme the appointment document approved by Wang himself." Hastily picked it up, and said sharply, "You should be the one who should be beheaded."

"You said it was an appointment document approved by the King of Qi. Does it have the seal of the King of Qi on it? But with a signature, do you dare to say it was signed by the King of Qi?" The official said coldly: "Also, why is there no Governor Chu on it? seal? It must be fake."

"Governor Chu?" Lu Haosheng couldn't help clenching his fists, "Governor Beishan will be appointed and dismissed, so it's the Governor Xiguan's turn to seal?"

The official sneered and said: "Of course, the governor of Chu put down the rebellion. Now the candidate for the governor of Beishan is pending, and it is nothing more than the order of the emperor. Otherwise, how can the governor of Chu ignore the current situation in the northwest? How important is the candidate for the governor of Beishan, Chu How can there be no news from the governor?"

Lu Haosheng was furious, but at this time Qiu Ruxue finally entered the hall, the official saw Lu Haosheng brought into the hall, his face changed slightly, only thinking that Qiu Ruxue was Lu Haosheng's subordinate with evil intentions, and shouted loudly: "Who are you? Why don’t you back down and enter the hall with a knife?” He shouted, “Come on, take them down.”

The soldiers rushed over again, but Qiu Ruxue had already asked, "Are you Sun Yun, the magistrate of Xinzhou?"

"Of course I am the official."

"That's good." Qiu Ruxue took out something from his bosom and threw it to Sun Yun, the magistrate of Xinzhou, "There must be twists and turns for Governor Chu, you can see for yourself, this is the letter of introduction from Governor Chu, this person is indeed King Qi Lord Lu, the new Governor-General."

Sun Yun took it and scanned it. It was written clearly that the new Governor Lu Haosheng appointed by the King of Qi came to take up the post. He didn't have much to say, but it was stamped with the seal of the Governor of Xishan.

When Sun Yun saw the seal, her expression changed, she became respectful, carefully folded the letter of introduction, presented it to Qiu Ruxue, and asked, "Your Excellency?"

Qiu Ruxue said: "I am on duty with Governor Chu. This time, I was sent by Governor Chu to escort Mr. Lu to the post. Qiu Ruxue is me."

Sun Yun was in awe immediately, and cupped her hands and said, "So you are the legendary Qiu Hero. I have admired you for a long time. I have heard about it. There is a righteous Qiu Hero next to Du Du Chu. He is so powerful. I am lucky to see you today." Come on, come on, let's serve tea, Master Qiu, please take a seat, please take a seat." Bowing his body and inviting him again and again, Qiu Ruxue pouted his mouth, and Sun Yun just came to his senses and walked over to Lu Haosheng, bowing his hands and apologizing Said: "Master Lu, you are really rude, I am a low-level official, please forgive me."

Lu Haosheng snorted coldly, and he was not polite, and asked: "Sun Yun, the Governor asked you, King Qi ordered to protect the Governor's Mansion, why did the Governor's Mansion become like that?"

Sun Yun cupped her hands and said, "Lord Lu, I did borrow an order to guard the governor's mansion, and I did send someone to guard it, but... my lord, the governor's mansion has burned down like that, there is nothing worth guarding at all." , The lower officials sent people to guard for a few days, and the soldiers all ran away in the middle of the night, saying that there was a ghost over there...!"

"Nonsense." Lu Haosheng frowned and said, "How could it be haunted?"

"This lower official can't tell. Anyway, I have been there a few times, and they all say that the night is scary and there are ghosts, so the soldiers dare not go. The lower official can't kill them?" Sun Yun said: "And there are indeed There was nothing there, everything that should have been burned had been completely burned, and no one would go there at ordinary times. What happened to the fire at that time, except that the Department of Criminal Justice sent someone to check and confiscated a few corpses. , it’s still pretty much the same.”

Qiu Ruxue suddenly interjected, "Where are those coffins?"

"Hero Qiu, I found a yard and parked it there first." Sun Yun hurriedly said, "I haven't dared to move. I'm waiting for orders from the higher-ups to see how to deal with it."

Qiu Ruxue nodded slightly and stopped talking.

Only then did Lu Haosheng stride over to the chair where Sun Yun was sitting just now, sat down, and said, "Sun Yun, I want to ask you, do Xiao Huanzhang have many stores in Beishan? It is said that his stores are all over the three states of Beishan. Not only did he take bribes and break the law, but he also manipulated the store business behind his back and exploited a large amount of money, is there such a thing?"

Sun Yun clasped his hands and said, "Xiao Huanzhang and his son are greedy and exploit the common people. They deserve to die. Mr. Lu, although the subordinate officials are the magistrates of Xinzhou, they have never had any real power. Xiao Huanzhang is in Shuoquan City, and all the yamen are controlled by his people." So, although the lower official is the magistrate of Xinzhou in name, the real power is not comparable to that of Qingzhou and Ganzhou. I also don’t want to exploit the common people with him, so I’ve always been just a name, knowing less and doing less...!”

Lu Haosheng sneered and said: "Don't be in a hurry to clear your guilt, Beishan officials, who is guilty and who is not, the governor will naturally investigate in detail." , all confiscated, if you do a good job, the governor will naturally open up and give you a chance to make amends."

"Master Lu, clear up Xiao Huanzhang's family wealth?" Sun Yun frowned and said, "This lower official is really powerless. The lower official knows nothing about Xiao Huanzhang's family wealth, except for his Governor's Mansion, but now it has been burned to ashes. The things in the house were almost burnt down, and the things that could be used inside had already been put into the courtyards that hadn't been burnt down. There was nothing valuable at all, and other than that, Xiaguan didn't know anything else. "

"Xiao Huanzhang is greedy and extravagant, you said he has no valuables in the governor's mansion?" Lu Haosheng sneered, "Sun Yun, you know that Xiao Huanzhang ended up dead after taking bribes and breaking the law. This governor advises you to think twice." For good."

"Your Excellency Lu, do you mean that the officials are corrupting the property of the Governor-General of Mo?" Sun Yun showed displeasure, "Your Excellency, you can go and investigate. After the fire started, the officials immediately sealed off the scene and sent people to put out the fire. After the fire, It was also in front of everyone counting the belongings together, and the remaining things were sealed up in those yards, and there was nothing valuable at all. If Mr. Lu doesn't believe it, he can be punished now, but the officials have countless witnesses. If the crime of corrupting the law is used to punish the subordinate officials, the subordinate officials will not accept it."

"You mean that after the fire in Xiao Huanzhang's governor's mansion, he couldn't even find a tael of silver?" Lu Haosheng stared at Sun Yun, "As far as I know, he lives in extravagance, has many antiques, and there are many utensils in his house. They are all made of gold, silver or jade, don’t they all disappear?”

"It's strange to be a lower official, but it's all true." Sun Yun said: "After Xiao Huanzhang died, the governor's wife was in charge of the governor's mansion. It is said that before the governor's mansion burned down, the governor's wife dismissed all the people in the governor's mansion, and Everyone gave severance pay... If the governor's mansion really has gold and silver property, I'm afraid it will be handled by the governor's wife."

Lu Haosheng's face sank again, and his heart sank.

"Then what about Xiao Huanzhang's stores?"

Sun Yun shook her head and said, "I don't know. Since Xiao Huanzhang is operating behind the scenes, of course no one will know about these places. The Xiao family and his son are dead, and Mrs. Xiao is also dead. I'm afraid no one knows which stores are Xiao Huanzhang's. private property."

Lu Haosheng pondered for a while, then suddenly sneered and said: "This is not a problem for the governor. The governor will naturally have a way to know. Xiao Huanzhang exploited the people, and the merchants will not avoid it. Just go to the Ministry of Household Department to investigate. Other shops, he Naturally, it is heavily taxed, and my own shops will naturally evade taxes. As long as the Department of Household Affairs finds out that those shops pay less or even no commercial tax, then even if it is not Xiao Huanzhang's property, they must have colluded with Xiao Huanzhang and confiscate everything. "

Qiu Ruxue didn't make a sound, but he thought in his heart that this Lu Haosheng is not an ordinary person after all, and this method hits the nail on the head.

But Sun Yun shook her head and said: "Master Lu, the method is very good, but this matter cannot be done."

"Why?" Lu Haosheng said in a deep voice, "Is there anyone else who dares to obstruct what this governor wants to do? This time, this governor will definitely investigate from the Department of Household Affairs to find out the wealth of Xiao's father and son who are greedy for ink. No one can stop it." .”

"Lord Lu, I'm not saying that you don't have the courage, but that Beishan no longer has the Department of Household Affairs." Sun Yun looked strange, "There is no Department of Household Affairs, so there is nowhere for you to find out."

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