National color raw owl

Chapter 1547 Bribery

Lu Haosheng's face was quite calm at first, but after hearing this, his face changed slightly, and he frowned and said, "What did you say? The Department of Household Affairs does not exist? This... what does this mean? There are six divisions under the governor's yamen. The Household Division is one of the six divisions, how could there be no Household Division?"

"Returning to my lord, it's not that there is no such yamen, but that this yamen no longer exists." Sun Yun explained: "I don't know if your lord knows that the head of the household department in Beishan Road has always been headed by the rebel officer Xiao Huanzhang. The eldest son, Xiao Jingsheng, is in charge of the entire Household Division. Xiao Jingsheng has the final say. Xiaguan, the magistrate of Xinzhou, can't interfere at all. Not only that, everyone in the Household Division is the best friend of Xiao's father and son. Officer Xiao Huanzhang and his sons have extremely strict control over the Department of the Household Department, and outsiders cannot interfere at all, and the Department of Household Department holds official positions, either from their Xiao clan or their confidantes...!"

Lu Haosheng frowned.

Sun Yun continued: "Xiao Huanzhang was defeated in Jiazhou and Xiao Jingsheng died on the front line. The Household Division has lost its mind, but even so, nothing has happened yet. When the news of Xiao Huanzhang's death came, the Household Division immediately collapsed. However, the officials who held official positions in the Household Department were either missing or whereabouts were unknown, but Luo Dingxi made excuses to kill a group of them, and there were not many left. The accounts of the Household Department were also in a mess. After a pause, he continued: "Luo Dingxi originally promoted some officials to take over the accounts of the Ministry of Accounts, but he either died or fled in front of him, and the accounts were in a mess, and he couldn't figure it out. If it's just like this, then it's nothing. Some people who understand the accounts, spend three to five months to slowly clean up, and they can always straighten it out, but when Luo Dingxi was killed in Shuoquan, when the news came back, the officials of the Household Department who were promoted by Luo Dingxi immediately coaxed And scattered, one after another put on their coats, and I don’t know who was so bold, they set fire to the accounts of the Ministry of Finance, and when the officials arrived, just like the governor’s mansion, many things were also burned to ashes.”

Lu Haosheng couldn't help but said angrily: "Since you are the magistrate of Xinzhou, and you are in Yuchang City, the Sixth Division Yamen is right under your nose. Didn't you notice the actions of the Household Department Division beforehand and let them burn the accounts? "

"Lord Lu, since you are from the capital, you know some things better than the lower officials." Sun Yun did not have the slightest fear of Lu Haosheng. Respectfully, "The six divisions of each province are under the control of the governor. Although the official position of the subordinate officials is higher than that of the six divisions, but without the governor's order, the subordinate officials cannot issue orders to the six divisions. Since taking office, the subordinate officials have also I have never been involved in the Six Division Yamen, but it is just an idle job. I really don’t know what each department does... Even so, when I heard that there was trouble in the Department of Household Affairs, I still took people there, but those guys first If you step down from office, there is nothing you can do about it."

Lu Haosheng never thought that when he first arrived in Beishan, the ground would be covered with thorns, and he became more and more annoyed, and asked, "What is the situation of the Department of Household Affairs?"

"Returning to my lord, there are still a few scribes, and if there are others, the lower official has disappeared, and has been waiting for the new governor to come to deal with it. The few remaining scribes have nothing to do, so the lower official said If it doesn't exist." Sun Yun cupped her hands and said: "Fortunately, Governor Lu has arrived, and everything must be handled by Governor Lu."

Lu Haosheng pondered for a while, and finally said: "Since that's the case, you should immediately find all the officials from all the yamen... When the governor entered the city, there was chaos in the city, and even the soldiers guarding the city were lawless. No one cares?"

"Returning to my lord, it's already dark. I'm afraid it will be very difficult to find all the officials at this hour and a half." Sun Yun said: "My lord has worked hard all the way. In the opinion of the next officials, my lord might as well go to the post house to rest first and go down The official is now sending someone to notify the officials of the various departments. When the Lord comes at dawn tomorrow, all the officials of the various departments must have arrived. In fact, everyone is also looking forward to the new governor's appointment as soon as possible. When they arrive, they must all come here.”

After hearing these words, Lu Haosheng's expression softened a little. After thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "That's fine, Sun Yun, you send someone to inform the various departments that they must gather here before dawn tomorrow. Something needs to be arranged."

Sun Yun bowed her hands and said yes, and when Lu Haosheng got up, Sun Yun arranged for someone to send Lu Haosheng to the post house. In fact, every state capital has a special post house for officials to rest.

The Governor's Mansion is already uninhabitable, so for the time being, we can only arrange Lu Haosheng in the inn. Qiu Ruxue originally wanted to let his subordinates live in the inn in the city, so he can only accompany Lu Haosheng to live in the inn at this time. Fortunately, When he left the mansion, there were already two guards waiting outside the mansion, so Qiu Ruxue arranged for them to follow Lu Haosheng to the post house first, and only said that he would inform the others to go to the post house as guards.

After Lu Haosheng left, Qiu Ruxue was about to leave, but Sun Yun had already cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Hero Qiu, there is still good tea in the house, please treat him with a cup of tea."

Seeing Sun Yun's strange smile, Qiu Ruxue knew that there might be something else going on, so he followed Sun Yun back to the hall, Sun Yun immediately asked someone to change the tea, screened the servants, and then brought up a delicate box, closed it. When they came to the door, Qiu Ruxue didn't know what Sun Yun was going to do, but after seeing Sun Yun closed the door, he came to Qiu Ruxue's side, put down the box in his hand, and looked very respectful: "Hero Qiu, this is a little thought from the official." Please accept it with a smile." When he spoke, he opened the lid of the box slightly, and Qiu Ruxue saw a soft light glowing inside, glanced at it, and saw a night pearl inside.

Qiu Ruxue frowned and said, "Master Sun, what does this mean?"

"Hero Qiu, this is a treasure from Xiaguan's family." Sun Yun said very politely: "Xiaguan is a layman, and he is really not worthy of keeping this pearl. Only Hero Qiu can have it."

Qiu Ruxue laughed and said, "Master Sun is trying to bribe Qiu?"

Sun Yun hurriedly said: "Hero Qiu made fun of him, it's just the subordinate's admiration for Hero Qiu."

"Master Sun, let's avoid this." Qiu Ruxue laughed and said, "You will not be rewarded for no merit, I understand what you mean, but Qiu is just an errand next to Chu Du, so he can't help you much. "

Sun Yun showed no embarrassment, and said softly: "Hero Qiu is being polite. This is just a small plaything for the officials to show respect to Hero Qiu. There is another important gift from Chudu. I hope that the hero can send the gift that the official gave to Chu Du, and it is also an expression of my admiration for Chu Du."

Qiu Ruxue sighed: "Master Sun, Governor Chu is the governor of Xiguan, and this Lu Haosheng Master Lu is the governor of Beishan. In my opinion, giving these things to Master Lu will help your career. This night pearl , the value is not cheap, if you give it to Qiu, it will be wasted if it falls into the water."

"Hero Qiu is just joking." Sun Yun said with a light smile, "Hero Qiu is from the rivers and lakes. I know that Hero Qiu must be a happy person. I don't like to beat around the bush, so I don't want to talk nonsense. I want to ask Hero Qiu. This Lord Lu, sir. The official has never heard of the name before, why did he suddenly send such a person here? The official wants to know, this Lu Haosheng came here, but is Chu Du's intention?"

"Governor Chu?" Qiu Ruxue smiled and said, "Master Sun, what does it matter? This person is the new governor, so what does it have to do with whom he sent? What's more, Governor Chu is the governor of Xiguan. How can he interfere? Lu Haosheng himself said that he was sent by the King of Qi to take up the post, and he got the consent of the King of Qi. Since that is the case, what does it matter if the Governor of Chu is willing or not?"

Sun Yun rolled her eyes, listened to the words, understood, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Master Qiu, for your enlightenment. According to this, Lu Haosheng's coming to take up the post is not the intention of Governor Chu at all?"

Qiu Ruxue waved his hands and said, "Master Sun, when Qiu came, Governor Chu told him not to talk too much about the affairs here. Our character is to escort Lu Haosheng to Yu Changcheng. Bian Qunlong has no leader, so there must be some confusion in a short time. I was worried that Lord Lu sent by King Qi would make a mistake, so he asked me to wait here to protect Lu Haosheng for half a month. After half a month, no matter what the scene is, I will return to Shuoquan to return to my life...!" Staring at Sun Yun, he said, "Master Sun, no matter what, the Xiao family father and son are not here, you are the highest official in Xinzhou besides Lu Haosheng. I don't know the place of life well, but your grandson has been here for many years and has a wide network of contacts, so Qiu hopes that at least within this half month, no one will threaten Lu Haosheng's life, otherwise Qiu will not be able to explain to Governor Chu, You, Mr. Sun, can't explain to King Qi either."

"The lower official understands, the lower official understands." Sun Yun said with a smile: "The lower official can only do things impartially." Pushing Ye Mingzhu to Qiu Ruxue's side, "Hero Qiu, it's just a small gift, you should accept it, otherwise the lower official will be heartbroken." disturbed……!"

"Master Sun, Qiu doesn't know about official affairs." Qiu Ruxue said with a smile: "But there is one thing that Qiu knows. Beishan needs to restore order. In the final analysis, it still depends on you Beishan officials. You didn't negotiate too deeply with Xiao Huanzhang, or you didn't have any trouble with Xiao Huanzhang to harm the common people, so you wouldn't have too much trouble. The higher-ups still depend on you to manage Beishan, so in my opinion, you don't need to rush to send things now, things No matter how much, if things are not done beautifully, the future is also in danger, but if you do things well and are really talented, Qiu promises that you will still be able to be reused."

Sun Yun rolled her eyes, as if trying to figure out the meaning behind Qiu Ruxue's words.

"Lord Sun, I don't want to bother you anymore, I still have some private matters to do." Qiu Ruxue got up, "Didn't it mean that Master Lu will summon the officials from the Sixth Yamen tomorrow? I think you should make arrangements early, but Don't make our Governor Lu unhappy again in the morning, after all, he is the Governor of Beishan now, you low-ranking officials, you can't offend your superiors, right?"

Sun Yun said with a smile: "I understand, I understand, Daxia Qiu, to tell you the truth, in fact, the officials of each department are now waiting for the new governor to come. I told Governor Lu before I said that if you know He has already arrived, and everyone will gather here tomorrow morning, before dawn, and are all waiting for the governor."——

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