National color raw owl

Chapter 1709 Plan ahead

The rain was gradually subsiding, but the icy rain fell on the person, and a gust of wind passed by at this time, but it felt a little cold. Han Wang seemed to be more impatient than Chu Huan, and said: "Chu Huan, you are also a three-foot-tall man. Be quicker, kill me if you want, kill me, your reputation in the world will naturally be greatly shaken."

Chu Huan thought for a while, and finally said: "Mr. Hei, the governor really wants to see how much commotion is going on in your Tianmen Dao...!" His face sank, "You and I exchange hostages and go our own way , we will meet again someday, and we will fight for life and death again!"

Mr. Hei was taken aback, as if a little surprised.

Capturing Qi Hong was a helpless move, and he didn't think he could really exchange the King of Han with Chu Huan, but Chu Huan offered to exchange, which surprised Mr. Hei.

"Chudu...!" Qi Hong shouted urgently, but his eyes showed gratitude.

Chu Huan didn't say much, and said to Meiniang: "Meiniang, come here!" Meiniang didn't hesitate, and protected the queen and went around behind Chu Huan, but Tian Hou was also holding the knife, with a pale face, and slowly pushed Mr. Hei around.

Chu Huan held the King of Han hostage and walked forward slowly. Seeing this, Mister Hei also held Qi Hong forward, and when he was three steps away, they all stopped. !"

Mr. Hei nodded and said, "Excellent!"




Chu Huan pushed Hanwang over, but his whole body was tense at this moment, and the knife in his hand was sharp. As long as Mr. Hei didn't let him go, he could immediately bully him and regain control of Hanwang.

Fortunately, Mr. Hei also knew that Chu Huan was a difficult person, so he let go and pushed Qi Hong forward. The King of Han and Qi Hong passed by, and Chu Huan took Qi Hong by hand, pulling him behind him. Mr. Hei also held King Han's arm, and stepped back a few steps. Tian Hou stepped in front of King Han in a flash.

The king of Han stood still, looked back at Chu Huan, his eyes were strange, but he smiled and said, "Chu Huan, it seems that this king underestimated you in the past...for the sake of a small follower, I didn't even let this king go. Knowing that you are serious about friendship, you are still too stupid!"

Chu Huan smiled coldly, and said: "I spare your life, just to let him see the day when the Heavenly Gate Dao is destroyed." He said in a deep voice, "Let's go!" Find out, now the sooner you leave this place, the better.

Qi Hong had already gone to pull a few horses. They were all horses left by the Songzhou cavalry. Under the watchful eyes of the King of Han, Mei Niang helped the queen to get on the horse, and then turned over and sat behind the queen. Qi Hong got on a horse. , led another horse to Chu Huan, and handed the reins to Chu Huan, "Chu Du, let's go!"

Chu Huan got on his horse, rode on the horse, glanced at the King of Han, saw that the King of Han was also looking at him, didn't say much, turned the horse's head, and galloped away. Tian Hou saw Chu Huan leaving, a little unwilling, and said coldly : "Sir, are we really going to let him go like this?"

Seeing Chu Huan leave, Mr. Hei seemed to be relieved. He looked at Chu Huan and others going away, and seemed to be talking to himself: "We are not their opponents. If we really want to fight hard, we will all die here .”

"Why didn't Mister use poison?" Tian Hou said: "We have already taken Mr.'s antidote beforehand, as long as we use the poison, Chu Huan and the others will definitely die here!"

"It's not that simple." Mr. Hei said indifferently, then looked at the King of Han and asked, "My lord, how do you feel?"

But the King of Han straightened his clothes and said, "Chu Huan's martial arts are not what they used to be. This king never thought that he would have such skill."

"His martial arts are probably even more terrifying than we thought." Mr. Hei pondered for a moment before asking, "It seems that Hujin is not easy to deal with. Where is the prince going next?"

The King of Han straightened his green cloth cap and said, "Go to Liaodong!"

"Liaodong?" Mr. Hei was taken aback.

The king of Han said indifferently: "Don't worry, the person chosen by the king will not be wrong, and we will surely gain something when we go to Liaodong!"

Tian Hou frowned and said: "My lord, Liaodong is Chilian Dian's territory. Could it be...the lord wants to persuade Chilian Dian?"

The King of Han didn't answer, but looked up at the dark night sky, muttering to himself: "Perhaps I don't need this king to convince him, I'm afraid he just needs someone like me!"

Chu Huan and the others galloped without stopping until dawn, when they were far away from the village.

Walking to the edge of a forest, Chu Huan took the lead to pat his horse into the woods, Mei Niang and Qi Hong flew their horses to follow, and entered the forest, only to find that Chu Huan had already dismounted from the horse.

Mei Niang reined in her horse, and Chu Huan had already come over, looked at the queen, cupped her hands and said, "The queen is frightened!"

The queen also didn't comment, and got off the horse one after another with Meiniang. Their clothes were still wet and their curves were graceful. The queen obviously knew this too. She turned around and walked behind a big tree. Meiniang was about to follow, Chu Huan He stopped and said, "Meiniang, let the queen be alone!"

Mei Niang frowned slightly, and she went to be the queen. Qi Hong had already walked over, knelt down on the ground, choked up and said, "Chu Du, it's your humble job that ruined your big business, and your humble job is incompetent...!"

Chu Huan had already stretched out his hand to help him up, and said with a smile, "What nonsense are you talking about, what's wrong with you."

"If it wasn't for his humble position, Chu Du has already captured the King of Han."

Chu Huan laughed and said, "So what if you catch him?"

Mei Niang also complained: "The King of Han is full of tricks, and he is in collusion with the monster of Tianmen Dao. If you don't get rid of this person, I'm afraid he will become your roadblock in the future."

Chu Huan shook his head and said, "I was never afraid of him even when he was at his best. Could it be that I'm still afraid of him when he's down and out?"

"That's the way it is said, but if you kill him, you will always get rid of a scourge." Meiniang sighed softly: "If you save Qi Hong, we can kill them all there, why are you in such a hurry Leave and let them live?"

Chu Huan hesitated for a moment, shook his head with a smile, and said, "I haven't recovered my skills. If we really want to fight, we don't know who will win." .

"Chu Du, how do we go next?" Qi Hong asked in a low voice.

Chu Huan said: "Our whereabouts have been exposed, and we must leave Hujin as soon as possible. After a short rest, we will set off immediately and leave Xigu Pass one day earlier, so we will be safe sooner."

Mei Niang frowned and said: "Brother Huan, if the crown prince deliberately refuses to let you go back, I'm afraid he has already sent people to seal off Xigu Pass, and our appearance may have been sent to the pass. It's over."

"It's up to people to do it. Get to Xigu Pass first, and then think about how to get out." Chu Huan said, "Take a rest first. After half an hour, we will start immediately." Glancing in the direction of the queen, she saw that the queen was hiding in a Behind the big tree, he hesitated for a while, and finally walked over slowly. Seeing this, Mei Niang couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "I just don't want to see women. At this time, Baba ran over to show his courtesy."

Qi Hong laughed at the side and said, "Ma'am, Governor Chu is not that kind of person, I'm afraid he has something to do with the queen."

"Yo, you know him better than I do?" Mei Niang glanced at Qi Hong, twisted her waist, walked to an ancient vine and sat down, beckoned to Qi Hong, "Come here!"

Qi Hong walked over, he knew that among the wives, this Mrs. Meiniang was the most cunning, acting strangely, and said cautiously with a smiling face: "Ma'am, do you have any orders?"

"Qi Hong, I heard that you are from the Imperial Guard?" Meiniang asked with a half-smile.

Qi Hong nodded and said: "Before I followed Governor Chu, I served as an errand in the Royal Guards. At first, I followed Governor Chu as an envoy to Xiliang, and then Governor Chu went to the northwest to take up a post. Chu Du's side."

Mei Niang smiled very charmingly, "So, brother Huan has the kindness to know you?"

"That's natural." Qi Hong sighed: "If you have a lowly position in the Guards, and you come from a poor family, you will never be able to make it to the top... If it wasn't for being valued by Governor Chu...!" Shaking his head, he didn't say much.

Mei Niang said with a smile: "If Brother Huan didn't like it, you should be in the guard army in Hexi now...Qi Hong, in this way, Xuanyuan Shao was not your boss before?"

Qi Hong's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Husband... madam, what does this mean?"

Mei Niang smiled even more charmingly: "Don't think too much, I just want to ask casually, I'm bored...!"

Qi Hongdao: "When I was on duty in the Guards, Xuanyuan Shao was the commander of the Guards, and the humble position is indeed his subordinate...!"

"It was certainly not by chance that you were able to follow Brother Huan on the mission to Xiliang back then." Meiniang said quietly, "Since the guards belonged to the commander Xuanyuan Shao, the guards of the guard mission were of course assigned by Xuanyuan Shao. If I guessed correctly, it was Xuanyuan Shao who transferred you to the mission guard, so it seems that Xuanyuan Shao regards you very highly."

Qi Hong said seriously: "Madam, when I was working under Xuanyuan Shao, even if Xuanyuan Shao asked me to kill people and set fire to me, I would not frown. But now I follow Chu Du, so I can only be loyal to Chu Du."

"Don't get excited." Meiniang said with a coquettish smile, "Qi Hong, if... I mean, if, one day, Xuanyuan Shao sent someone to secretly look for you and ask you to do something wrong to Chu Du, how would you choose? "

Qi Hong smiled and said, "Madam, is she doubting Qi Hong's loyalty to Governor Chu? If so, you can kill me right now to avoid future troubles."

"People's hearts are sinister, and no one knows what other people's thoughts are through their belly." Meiniang said quietly: "If you are loyal to Brother Huan, Guangzong Yaozu will naturally be around the corner, but if you betray Brother Huan one day, don't worry about it." Blame me for being ruthless. The imperial court regards Brother Huan as a thorn in his side. If nothing happens, they will definitely send many spies to sneak into the Northwest. Brother Huan has a lot of trust in you. If you betray Brother Huan for a while, Brother Huan will be very sad."

Qi Hong was not angry, and nodded slightly, "What madam said is very true. It's just that madam doesn't know something. When I was in Xiliang, if it wasn't for Chu Du, I would have died in a foreign land. My life was given by Chu Du, unless I die, otherwise I will swear allegiance to Chu Du." Staring at Meiniang, she said softly, "Madam is suspicious of me, but she cares for Chu Du in her heart. It is really a great blessing for Chu Du to have a confidante like Madam."

"I'm planning for a rainy day." Meiniang sighed softly: "You and Brother Huan are living and dying together, so anyone in the world can betray Brother Huan, but you and I absolutely cannot."

Chu Huan didn't pay attention to Mei Niang's side at this time, walked behind the big tree, hesitated for a while, and then said softly: "Queen, you have worked hard all the way."

The queen was tidying up her somewhat messy black hair. When she heard Chu Huan's voice, she stopped, cast a sideways glance at Chu Huan, and asked, "Master Chu, what's the matter?"

Chu Huan said: "Chu Huan wants to ask the empress, in that village last night, I wonder if the empress can see anything strange!"

"Weird?" The queen was taken aback, then turned to look at Chu Huan, "What do you mean?"

"King of Han!" Chu Huan walked up to the queen, "Does the queen see anything strange about King Han?"

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