National color raw owl

Chapter 1710 Retreat

The queen frowned slightly. She was sitting behind the big tree with a graceful posture. She was obviously very tired. Her long legs were stretched out and her curves were soft. She stared at Chu Huan and asked, "I don't understand what you mean!"

"So that's it." Chu Huan said with a thoughtful smile, "That's why I was worrying too much." Turning around, she was about to leave, but after taking two steps, the Queen stopped her, "Master Chu just wanted to ask such an inexplicable question? "

Chu Huan didn't look back, turned his back to the Queen, and said, "The King of Han grew up in the palace when he was young, and he had a lot of contact with the Queen, so I thought the Queen knew the King of Han's temperament very well. If there is anything unusual about the King of Han, others will not see it Come out, the queen may be able to see the clue."

The queen pondered for a while before saying: "You had the opportunity to kill them, but you didn't do that. Could it be that you did it on purpose?"

Chu Huan then turned around and sighed softly: "Maybe I was thinking too much, but if I'm not wrong, the King of Han will never be killed."


"As far as I know, the King of Han should be a very cautious person." Chu Huan approached the queen, and now he was a little closer, and could smell the body fragrance of a mature woman on the queen, "But last night, he You said things you shouldn't have said."

The queen stared into Chu Huan's eyes and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Of course it's Tianmen Dao." Chu Huan said softly: "People in Tianmen Dao have always acted with a shy head and tail, unless it is absolutely necessary, of course they will not easily reveal their identities, and the King of Han and the others are obviously infiltrating into the north and secretly wooing the north. Officials, since this is the case, should try their best to keep their identities secret."

"You mean that Yingping shouldn't reveal that he is involved with Tianmen Dao?"

Chu Huan smiled calmly, "It's not that I don't think it's wrong, but I feel a little surprised. It's just that Mr. Hei obviously doesn't want Han Wang to reveal his relationship with Tianmen Dao."

The queen sighed softly, and said: "The child's temperament is actually not bad, it's just...!" After a pause, he finally said: "Chu Huan, what did you see, can you tell me?"

Chu Huan hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Don't you think that the Queen thinks that the King of Han is likely to be manipulated by Tianmen Dao. Although he is a prince, that Mr. Hei may not really be his entourage."

The queen raised her phoenix eyes slightly, "You mean that Yingping is controlled by Mr. Hei?"

"This is just my guess." Chu Huan said thoughtfully, "All the members of the Heavenly Clan have been brainwashed...!"

"Brainwashing?" The queen seemed to be quite unfamiliar with this word.

Chu Huan explained: "It is to make the Tianmen Daoists become walking corpses... If the King of Han really joins the Tianmen Dao, even if he does not become a walking corpse, he will definitely abide by the rules of the Tianmen Dao and will not easily leak information about the Tianmen Dao."

The queen frowned and said, "Do you want to say that although Yingping is with the Taoists of Tianmen, he is not really in cahoots with them?"

"Too many words will lead to failure." Chu Huan said: "The king of Han wants to form an alliance with me today, and even revealed his plan after the alliance. At first glance, it seems that he really wants to form an alliance with me, but... I think it is too urgent! "

"Too fast?"

"Some things, he could have said nothing, and he didn't have to say it." Chu Huan's eyes flickered, "But he just said it...but the result was just the opposite, which made me understand the current situation of Tianmendao. strategic intent."

The queen said: "Is it what you said, the Tianmen Dao is at the end of its strength, and it is temporarily unable to advance northward, but they refuse to sit back and watch the imperial court grow in the north, so they try their best to provoke a battle among the various ministries in the north?"

"That's right." Chu Huan said, "This is the key to the King of Han's exposure. There are millions of people from the Tianmen Dao, sweeping the south, and the momentum is huge, but the Tiangong God is mysterious. Obviously, the Mingmen Daoists are all over the south, but the people in the world People don't know much about them...!" Staring at the empress's eyes, I just feel that the empress's eyes are very charming at this moment, "The empress follows the emperor, although she doesn't participate in political affairs, she should be quite aware of the court's situation. I understand, from the Queen's point of view, how does Hexi view Tianmendao's next actions?"

The queen hesitated for a moment before saying: "The imperial court feels that after Tianmen Dao occupies the capital, it will continue to go north!"

"Yes." Chu Huan said: "Tianmen Dao should be very clear about Qin's dynamics and strength, but Qin has almost no knowledge of Tianmen Dao. Until now, Hexi is worried that Tianmen Dao will continue to advance northward. , the so-called know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger, the Lord of Heaven knows yourself and the enemy, but Qin obviously can't do this...!"

The queen said: "But now you know that the Tianmen Dao has no power to go north."

"That's right, and this is thanks to the King of Han." Chu Huan frowned and said, "Queen, in your opinion, is it because the King of Han didn't think carefully, or did he leak such news on purpose?"

The queen sighed softly: "Now I finally understand why the Holy One sent you to the northwest. Not only were you safe and sound, but you controlled the northwest... Not everyone can guess the key to this, you can think so deeply , it is not by accident that we can have today.”

Chu Huan said: "This is just my personal guess, but it may not be correct. The king of Han only revealed clues, and I can't be sure what his intentions are!"

"If he is really controlled by Tianmen Dao, Mr. Hei will naturally be the one watching him." The queen said softly, "In front of Mr. Hei, of course he can only talk about that."

Chu Huan said: "The queen also thinks that there is something wrong with the King of Han?"

The queen raised her head slightly, looked at a tree trunk in front of her, and said softly: "If he really does this, it will be difficult for him."



Xiguguan is located between the eight hundred miles of North Ridge, and the Eight Hundred Miles of North Ridge is like a giant dragon crawling on the vast land, blocking the northwest of the empire, separating the three northwestern roads, and forming a road that is almost impossible The wrath of the Passover.

Xiguguan stretches for dozens of miles, towering toweringly, with high and thick walls and several miles in width. Within the territory of Qin State, Xiguguan can be called the No. [-] Neiguan in the world.

The closing door is made of pure copper and weighs several thousand catties. There is a mechanism, whether it is to open or close the door, it needs to be activated, and it takes dozens of people to operate the mechanism.

It was midsummer, the weather was hot, the rolling Beiling Mountains, the vegetation was lush, and there were many guards at Xigu Pass. There was a 5000-man pass army at Xigu Pass, whose duty was to guard this pass.

The four of Chu Huan and his party disguised themselves and trekked all the way to Xigu Pass. However, they found that the inside of Xigu Pass was overcrowded. As far as the eye could see, they were all dark crowds, spreading from Xigu Pass to the east for more than ten miles. It is said that there are also 2 people, and it is impossible to squeeze forward for a while, and it is even more difficult to get close to Xiguguan.

Among the crowd, most of them are ordinary people, but there are also many gentry and businessmen among them. Many motorcades are crowded together in clusters. Most of the vehicles are fully loaded with objects, and there are many gorgeous-looking carriages. There are many entourages guarding with swords, and Chu Huan knows that it must be a wealthy family in the pass.

It was difficult to get close to Xigu Pass. Many people didn't know what was going on at Xigu Pass, so they simply set up simple tents on the road, and some even set up drying racks with wooden sticks to dry their clothes in the open air.

As the only pass leading to the northwest, Xiguguan has always been a constant stream of people and vehicles, but Chu Huan has never seen such a situation. He ordered Mei Niang and Qi Hong to take care of the queen, and went forward to the crowd, but saw There was a burst of laughter from the side, and when I got closer, I found an old man sitting on a chair, surrounded by a group of people, listening to him talk.

Chu Huan walked around the crowd for a while, only to find that among the crowd, there were really hidden secrets. Of course, there were a few of them. The bustling city of which bustling town is average.

Just as he was frowning, he suddenly felt a change in his waist. Without thinking about it, he reached out and grabbed a wrist. He turned his head and saw a fifteen or sixteen-year-old thin boy grinning like a monkey. Chu Huan Looking down, he knew that this kid was actually a pickpocket, he was amused, he never expected that in this kind of place, someone would already do such a job, he said with a smile: "You want money?"

The monkey forced a smile and said, "Brother, it''s my fault...!"

"Don't rush to apologize first." Chu Huan said, "I'll ask you a few words. If you answer honestly, let's forget about it. Otherwise, we'll go to the officials right now, steal good people in broad daylight, and you're really brave." Fat enough!"

The monkey hurriedly said: "Don't meet the official, big brother, what do you want to ask, as long as I know, I will tell you everything."

Chu Huan looked around and asked in a low voice, "What's going on in front? Why are there so many people gathered here?"

"You don't know?" Monkey was obviously a little surprised. He sized up Chu Huan and saw that Chu Huan was dressed plainly and looked like a refugee in distress. , are waiting here to open and close the door.”

"The West Valley Pass is sealed?"

"Yes." The monkey said, "It's been a few days. It was fine. In the past few days, many people had left the pass, but just two days ago, the officers and soldiers suddenly blocked the pass without explaining the reason. It’s just that we are not allowed to leave the customs, many people have worked hard all the way here, and they can’t turn back many people are waiting here, they can’t always be locked up and not allowed to leave.”

Chu Huan looked up at the majestic checkpoint in the distance, and could even see soldiers standing on the wall with a chilling air. After pondering for a moment, he asked, "Where are these refugees coming from?"

"There are all kinds of places." The monkey said, "But most of them are from the vicinity of the capital, and there are also people from Jinling Road..."!Raising his finger, he pointed to a convoy not far away. There were more than a dozen horse-drawn carriages and dozens of guards, occupying a place where no one dared to approach. The monkey lowered his voice and said, "I heard they came from Jinling Road. Yes, they are still officials, hehe, when they first came, I heard that they squeezed into the gate to clear it, but this time, those soldiers are fair, no matter whether you are a beggar or an official, no one is allowed to come out. Guan... Hey, before everyone rushed to go to the capital and Jinling, who cares about the place where the dog doesn't shit in the northwest, but now it's better, they all go to the fucking northwest...!"

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