National color raw owl

Chapter 1790 Where to Go

At dawn, the inside and outside of Tongzhou City had already calmed down, blood flowed into rivers outside the city, and corpses were scattered all over the field. The Xishan Army dropped thousands of corpses and scattered in all directions, while the Northwest Army also suffered hundreds of casualties.

Although the cavalry carried out a harvesting attack on the Xishan infantry, the [-] Imperial Guards in the Xishan still fought hard, and the [-] Xishan cavalry lost more than half. Hundreds of rides.

Only a few hundred people were killed in the desperate fight on the battlefield, but most of them were killed by the Northwest Iron Cavalry from behind when the Xishan Army collapsed, causing a large number of deaths and injuries to the Xishan Army.

The dawn light projected onto the earth, quietly staring at the bloody battlefield on the vast land, how many unknown warriors lay quietly on the earth, no more sound.

Chu Huan rode a horse on the battlefield after the fight, looking at the corpses everywhere, but his expression was quite dignified. Behind him, Xu Shao and Gu Liangchen followed from left to right.

Blood-stained battle armor, whether it is Xu Shao or Gu Liangchen, the battle armor is covered with blood. Although the strength of the two sides was very different last night, they still went through a tragic fight.

"As usual, the soldiers who died in battle should be well compensated." Chu Huan sighed: "Let the brothers clean up the battlefield and bury the corpses of the Xishan Army."

Xu Shao cupped his hands and said yes, and said again: "Chu Du, you could have caught up with Qiao Mingtang last night, why did Chu Du let him go?"

Chu Huan said: "Qiao Mingtang was kind to me back then, and no matter what, for Brother Wei's sake, he must be let go." After a pause, he said: "The most important thing is that Qiao Mingtang has been in Xishan for many years. , with him here, there will be no great chaos in Xishan, but if something happens to Qiao Mingtang, the northern part of Xishan will be in chaos, thieves will be crowded, disasters will be everywhere, and it is the common people who will suffer. This Governor does not want to see such a scene. In the south, it will not be able to be digested in ten days and half a month, and it is not yet possible to extend its tentacles to the north of Xishan, and Qiao Mingtang needs to temporarily stabilize the situation in the north."

"So that's how it is." Xu Shao cupped his hands and said, "The governor of Chu is far-sighted, and the general will admire him."

Chu Huan laughed, then looked at Gu Liangchen, and said, "General Gu, your troops are really timely. If you hadn't come back in time, even if I have two thousand cavalrymen under my command, if I want to defeat Qiao Mingtang, it will be a loss." Not lightly, your [-] soldiers and horses are really just in time."

Gu Liangchen smiled and said: "This is all the general's strategizing. The governor of Chu put all his troops into the battle of Liuzihe, and the general succeeded in the battle and completely defeated Wei Tianqing's troops. After Liuzihe won, the general took advantage of the victory The victory went straight to Liangzhou, but the general thought that Chu Du's troops were weak, and Qiao Mingtang was likely to put all his eggs in one basket, so he ordered the last general to lead [-] cavalry to quickly return to support."

But Xu Shao sighed: "Chu Du, it seems that your painstaking efforts to build the cavalry corps are indeed far-sighted. Although the cavalry cost a lot, they really want to fight at a very fast speed. If General Gu led the infantry, he would never It is possible that Qiao Mingtang dared to attack us by rushing back to rescue in such a short period of time, and he certainly did not expect our reinforcements to come back so soon."

Chu Huan said: "With this cavalry in our hands, it is true that we are invincible, but if the financial resources cannot keep up, the cavalry will become a heavy burden." Looking up at the sky, "Now think about it, Zhu Lingyue had [-] cavalry back then. , It looks majestic, but the financial and material resources it consumes are really no small thing."

Gu Liangchen sighed: "That's exactly the case. At the beginning, Zhu... [-] black wind riders spent money and food every year like running water. If it weren't for Zhu Lingyue's clever means to collect a lot of money and food, it would not be able to support it at all. "

"What General Gu said is very true. Thirty thousand cavalry is worth the cost of one hundred thousand infantry." Chu Huan said: "We now have nearly 2 cavalry, and the burden in the future will not be light."

Xu Shaodao: "Chu Du, the quality of soldiers is more important than the number of troops. In fact, when we were in Qingyuan Racecourse, we have already improved. Although there are 2 cavalry, we will vigorously cultivate the land in the Bingtun and try to save as much food as possible. On the one hand, it lightens the burden on the Governor of Chu. Nearly half of the cavalry soldiers are used in the military camp...!" Looking at Gu Liangchen, he smiled: "General Gu is worthy of being a cavalry veteran. To the greatest effect, these [-] people are all trained cavalry. They have cavalry roots and are wealth in our hands. If the burden is too heavy, we will cut them down and dismiss them. "

"Exactly." Chu Huan said: "I also considered this, so I didn't order to reduce the number of troops."

"However, if [-] cavalry train for a long time, they will consume a lot of money and food every day." Xu Shao said: "So we divided the cavalry into two teams according to the general's suggestion, and took turns farming in the fields. According to the normal supply, the rations in the farmland will be reduced, and everyone knows that the Northwest is in a difficult situation, as long as they keep their military households, it is acceptable."

Chu Huan smiled and said, "You guys are bothering." His eyes moved to Tongzhou City not far away, and he said, "But since we have taken Tongzhou and Liangzhou, from now on, the financial pressure will be greatly reduced. After the pass is blocked, our new salt cannot be traded with the pass. Linlang is probably dying of anxiety. Now that the road is open, the new salt can enter the pass smoothly. Linlang knows that it should be easy... Yes, Xu Shao, you Immediately send someone back to Shuoquan to report the battle on the front line to Lin Lang and Director Du, and tell them that the line has been opened and the caravan can enter the customs."

Speaking of this, Lin Lang's appearance immediately came to mind. She hadn't seen her for a long time, but in her heart she missed her family very much. She had a lot of affairs, and after An Rong was born, she didn't even have much time to accompany her, so she felt a little guilty and ashamed.

"Chu Du...!" Xu Shao called out, showing slight hesitation, but did not continue.

Seeing his appearance, Chu Huan said, "What? Xu Shao, we are all brothers. If you have anything to say, just say it, don't hesitate."

Xu Shao hesitated for a moment, then said softly: "Chu Du, the other side of Jiazhou...!"


"Chu Governor may have forgotten that the queen is now in Jiazhou." Xu Shao's voice was very low: "And Chu Governor has arranged for Lu Cunxiao to escort the food team, and by the way, escort King Qi to Jiazhou to meet the queen...!"

Chu Huan's face suddenly became serious.

Gu Liangchen thought for a while, and then said softly: "Chu Du, the general is a rough person, and he doesn't know the importance of what he says... It's just that the general thinks that if Chu Du uses the king of Qi as his banner, it may backfire, which is not only useless, It's harmful."

"Oh?" Chu Huan said, "Why did General Gu say that?"

"Chu Du, the King of Qi is the King of Qi of the Qin State. No matter what feud he has with the current false emperor, in the eyes of the world, he only represents the State of Qin." Gu Liangchen said slowly: "If the Governor of Chu is the King of Qi As a name, then I have tens of thousands of soldiers in the Northwest. In name, that is to work for the King of Qi, not to mention whether the soldiers are willing or not. In the eyes of the world, the Northwest Army's exit is not to save the people of Li from suffering. It’s just King Qi and the False Emperor fighting for the throne of Qin, and millions of civilians and tens of thousands of soldiers in the northwest are throwing their heads and blood just to fight for the throne for their brothers, this...!"

Chu Huan smiled and said, "But it's okay to say, don't worry about it."

Gu Liangchen then said: "The false emperor now represents the court of Qin State, and we are incompatible with each other. In other words, the court of Qin State, which holds the real power of Qin State, is our sworn enemy. , then all the anti-Qin forces will still regard us as officers and soldiers of the Qin State, or regard us as enemies... The most important thing is that the people in the northwest suffered from the Qin State for a day or two. , work hard to govern, and benefit the people, everyone remembers Chu Du's goodness in their hearts, but with one move of Qi Wang's banner, in the eyes of millions of people in the northwest, Chu Du has become...!" Some hesitated, But he didn't dare to continue talking.

Chu Huan looked calm, and said softly: "You have become Qin's running dog?"

"This... the general dare not...!" Gu Liangchen was a little embarrassed: "But the general thinks that the people in the northwest will greatly reduce the favor of the governor of Chu. Although there are still some ghosts and monsters in the northwest, But the majority of the common people still support Governor Chu from the bottom of their hearts, and if they lose the hearts of the people, the prosperity of the Northwest Army today may be nothing more than a fleeting moment."

Xu Shao said solemnly from the side: "Chu Du, we are military generals. We shouldn't talk too much about these things, but although General Gu spoke directly, he got to the point. The general will know that Chu Du is a brother to Qi Wang. , has been taken care of, but... as General Gu said, Governor Chu is now the expectation of millions of people in the northwest, and perhaps in the future it will be the expectation of all people in the world. ..and missed a major event, it may disappoint many people...!"

Chu Huan smiled and said, "If that's the case, will you be disappointed?"

Xu Shao and Gu Liangchen looked at each other, and Gu Liangchen smiled wryly: "Chu Du, others don't know, but if the last general worked for King Qi, he would think it was worthless if he died, but...but since he followed Chu Du No matter what decision Chu Du makes, the general will always follow Chu Du."

"The last general also said the same thing." Xu Shao sighed: "Chu Du, you know that the last general was born, and the last general followed old general Yu to serve the country, but... with old general Yu's ability, you can It is impossible to reverse the situation of the Qin State, but this Qin State is also terminally ill and is really unpopular with the people. The Governor of Chu is wise and wise. It is up to the Governor of Chu to decide where the Northwest Army will go. No matter what, we will follow to the death."

Chu Huan stretched out his hand and patted Xu Shao's shoulder lightly, "I'm very happy when you say that, not because you swear to follow the governor to the death, but because you don't shy away from these words and are honest with me... .!" Looking up at the sky, the sky was full of rays of light, the sun had already risen from the sky, he thought softly, "I know what to do."

At this moment, they heard shouts from a distance, and Chu Huan and the others turned their heads to look over, and saw figures scurrying in the distance, and the sound of horseshoes, galloping together, got off the horse, and said: "Chu Du, The gate of Tongzhou City is open, they... they seem to want to open the city and surrender!"


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