National color raw owl

Chapter 1791 Covenant Chapter 3

The west gate of Tongzhou City has been opened. Outside the city gate, countless northwest cavalry soldiers are waiting in formation. Chu Huan did not give an order, and the northwest soldiers naturally dare not enter the city easily. It is also very clear that Liangzhou's reinforcements were defeated, and Qiao Mingtang's troops were also defeated last night. The two reinforcements that Tongzhou was looking forward to had already collapsed. They had no hope. With the current strength of Tongzhou City, they still had to persist in resisting. , Undoubtedly it is the mantis arm blocking the car.

The thick Tongzhou city gate is completely open. Inside the city gate, there are dozens of soldiers scattered, still holding weapons. Seeing the black cavalry outside the city, all the soldiers looked at each other, and some of them showed timidity. , but in the middle stood a tall man, as thick as a needle, holding a knife, standing at the front, across the middle of the gate, although facing the wolf-like Northwest Iron Cavalry, he was not like most of his companions. The color of panic.

Chu Huan came slowly on horseback, surrounded by a group of subordinates, the northwest cavalry dismounted one after another, parted a road, Chu Huan rode to the gate of the city, looked at the sparsely populated dozens of soldiers under the gate, and finally fixed his eyes on the tall man body, and asked, "Who are you?"

The tall man also looked at Chu Huan, and asked, " are Chu Huan, Governor Chu?"

"It's the governor." Chu Huan asked, "Who ordered you to open the city gate? Where is Xu Qing, Zhizhou?"

The tall man showed annoyance, and said loudly: "Governor Chu, if you want to find Xu Qing, it's already too late, he and Hu Qianhu escaped from the east gate last night taking advantage of the chaos, and they didn't even care about their family members. "

"Oh?" Chu Huan was a little surprised, but even if Xu Qing and others escaped, Chu Huan would not care too much, and asked, "Then who is in charge in the city now?"

"The city is in chaos." The tall man said: "Xu Qing and Hu Miao led the hundred and ten people and escaped from the east gate, and several hundred households also fled out of the city... I am the Tongzhou Army It's all about Yang Rusong, I ordered the city gate to open."

"Oh?" Chu Huan looked at it carefully, and said with a smile, "Yang Rusong, you really look like a strong pine, upright and unyielding, Yang Rusong, tell me why you don't stick to the city, but open the door and surrender?"

Yang Rusong sneered and said, "Governor Chu wants us to resist? I really want to defend the city to the death, but the officials all ran away. Many brothers knew that they couldn't defend, so they took off their military uniforms. Hundreds of people hid in the city. I can't find anyone, I only have this few people left under my command, and it won't be interesting to fight any more... But if you want to enter the city, I have conditions."

On the side, Gu Liangchen laughed uncontrollably: "Conditions?" Pointing at dozens of people, he said with a smile: "With your little manpower, are you still qualified to negotiate terms with us?"

Yang Rusong swung his saber across suddenly, his eyes showed a cold light, then he heard the sound of sabers and guns, and the northwest soldiers outside the city gate pointed their spears and sabers forward one after another.

"When we opened the city gate, we were ready for the blood to splash here." Yang Rusong raised his head and said with a sneer, "This knife has just seen blood, so I'm not afraid of this last blow."

"Seeing blood?" Chu Huan looked at Yang Rusong with great interest, "We didn't fight, how did your knife see blood, and whose blood did you see?"

Yang Rusong said: "Xu Qing abandoned the city and fled. Before leaving, he sent more than a dozen people to the grain depot to burn down the grain depot in the city...!"

When Chu Huan and the others heard the words, their colors changed slightly.

Chu Huan naturally knew that there must be a lot of food and grass in Tongzhou City. This batch of food and grass is not insignificant to the current Northwest Army. At this time, when I heard that Xu Qing ordered to burn the food, my heart was terrified. I never expected it Xu Qing was so vicious.

"How is the granary now?" Xu Shao asked anxiously.

Yang Rusong said: "Right now there are refugees all over the place, and many people are starving to death because they can't eat food. Naturally, we can't let Xu Qing burn the granary, so we prevent them from burning food...!" He raised the big knife in his hand, "This knife Come on, it was to prevent them from burning food with blood...!"

Chu Huan understood that Xu Qing sent someone to burn the food. Yang Rusong obviously knew the news and brought a group of people to stop the food burning. You have taken care of the overall situation and made great contributions, Ben Du...!"

"Wait a minute!" Yang Rusong interrupted Chu Huan's voice, and said, "Governor Chu, I know what you're thinking. You think the granary hasn't been burned, and all the food in the granary belongs to your Northwest Army. You are short of food right now. When the time comes, with these grains, you can solve the urgent need, right?"

Chu Huan listened to this person's blunt words, and said with a smile: "Could it be that you have other ideas?"

"To tell you the truth, although the granary has not been burned, as long as there is an order, it can be burned at any time." Yang Rusong sneered, "I have arranged a dozen brothers over there. Kerosene was poured inside and outside the granary, and now each of them holds a torch in their hands, as long as a spark is needed, the whole granary will be set ablaze...!"

"Bold!" Gu Liangchen yelled sharply: "Yang Rusong, if you dare to burn food, the whole family will kill you."

Yang Rusong laughed loudly and said, "I dare to stand here, why are you afraid that you will kill my whole family? As I said just now, if I stand here, I don't want to live. Governor Chu, do you want to hear my conditions now?"

Chu Huan said with a smile, "Tell me and listen."

"Okay!" Yang Rusong said, "After entering the city, your Northwest Army can't loot the people in the city, and you can't kill innocent people...!" At this point, seeing Chu Huan still looking at him with a smile, he asked with a frown: " Can you promise?"

"No other conditions?" Chu Huan said with a smile: "Aside from these two, are there any other conditions?"

Yang Rusong thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "As long as you can ensure that your soldiers don't loot the people and kill innocent people indiscriminately, the granary... the granary can be handed over to you. Although I have a low status, I have heard of your Governor Chu Your reputation, Governor Chu is also from our Xishan, and the former magistrate Zhao Guangqing intends to rebel, and everyone says you got rid of that dog official...!" At this point, he seemed to feel that his words were a bit messy, and he simply said: "You Now that you are a high official, you can’t take your word for it, and if you agree, you can’t go back on your word.”

Chu Huan laughed, and then his expression became serious, and he said in a loud voice: "Go on, the whole army in the Northwest, without the order of the governor, no one is allowed to enter the city without permission. A commoner!" His eyes became cold and stern: "The looters who enter the city, kill!"

"Whoever hurts someone's life, kill!"

"Thieves, kill!"

Three sentences of killing, throwing the ground with a sound, all the soldiers behind him said in unison: "Decree!"

When Yang Rusong saw that Chu Huan had issued the military order in front of the entire army, his expression relaxed, and he cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Governor Chu, of course you keep your word."

Chu Huan laughed and said: "Yang Rusong, you can tell the people in the city that the Northwest Army will not enter the city in a large scale, but the governor will send a small number of troops into the city to maintain law and order in the city. Now that the city is in chaos, some unscrupulous people must take advantage of the chaos to act. If it hurts the common people, then it will be blamed on the Northwest Army, do you think the governor can send troops into the city?"

Yang Rusong was a little dazed, the stern look on his face before had disappeared, and he was quite embarrassed.

Xu Shao and Gu Liangchen exchanged glances, and secretly smiled in their hearts. The military regulations that Chu Huan set today are similar to the style of Liu Bang's entry into Xianyang, but they also know that since Tongzhou is taken, it will become an important part of the Northwest Army in the future. The stronghold, the hearts of the people must not be disturbed. The city is occupied by the Northwest Army. For the soldiers and civilians in the city, what they are most worried about is the disaster caused by the Northwest Army entering the city. settle down in your emotions.

"Xu Shao, you mobilize a thousand soldiers and horses into the city, and you will command them yourself. Remember the military regulations set by the governor. Once you disobey, no matter who they are, they will be treated equally!"

Xu Shao cupped his hands and said, "The general will understand!"

Chu Huan looked at Yang Rusong and said with a smile, "Yang Rusong, are you all right?"

Yang Rusong nodded, the local state army set up a thousand households, and below that there are hundreds of households, and those below the hundred households are all responsible, and their status is not high.

"Okay, from now on, you are a hundred households!" Chu Huan said: "But to be a hundred households, you need to help the governor to do one thing. If you can do it, you will not only be promoted to a hundred households, but you will also There is still a big reward for the governor."

Yang Rusong asked doubtfully, "What does Governor Chu want me to do?"

"How many defenders in the city are left?"

Yang Rusong said: "At first there were only more than 1000 defenders in the city. Later, because the troops were too small, when you came here, you recruited strong men from the city. Xu Qing promised a big reward, saying that as long as you repel you, you will be rewarded generously." " Sneered: "But when Xu Qing saw that the reinforcements were defeated, he led a group of people to flee in a hurry. , and hid in the city.”

Chu Huan nodded slightly, and said, "The stragglers in the city, can you gather them together?"

Yang Rusong immediately became alert and said, "What does Governor Chu want to do?"

"Don't worry, the Governor will not settle accounts after the fall." Chu Huan said with a smile: "Do you think that the Governor asked you to gather them and punish them?"

Yang Rusong was a little embarrassed when Chu Huan immediately revealed his doubts. Chu Huan had already said: "Since they are officers and soldiers, they can't cut off their future. You can let them gather and still guard Tongzhou City. Tell me Those soldiers who are hiding bravely, they stick to the city, are all heroes, not only will the governor not punish them, but also reward them, as long as they come out, the governor will reward each of them with ten catties of grain!"

Yang Rusong was startled, Xu Shao and Gu Liangchen also frowned.

"That's it, I... I'll try it." Yang Rusong hesitated for a moment before saying, "But I can't guarantee that all of them will stand up, they... they may not trust you." Put away the knife, turned around and said: "Brothers, go find them separately and let them come back."

Xu Shao approached Chu Huan and said in a low voice: "Chu Du, call those soldiers back and give them food, this...!"

Chu Huan chuckled and said, "There are at least five or six hundred soldiers hiding in the city. Although these people have taken off their clothes, they have not put down their weapons. If they can't be disposed of properly, these hundreds of people will be hiding in the city." powder kegs...!"

"A powder keg?"

Chu Huan said: "What I mean by this governor is that these people are regular officers and soldiers with weapons in their hands. If they are not handled properly, they may become murderers in the city. There are dangers everywhere. Summon them and continue to let them stay in the city." Guarding, not only can eliminate these crises, but also increase the number of troops defending the city...!"

"But they used to be Qiao Mingtang's subordinates...!" Xu Shao worried.

Chu Huan shook his head and said with a smile: "When soldiers eat food, they don't care what clouds float over their heads or rain, they only care about whether they can eat enough and wear warmth. For the time being, you will be responsible for the defense of Tongzhou City. Whether these people return to their hearts depends on how you do it." Already." Leaning closer, he said in a low voice, "This Yang Rusong seems to have some influence among the soldiers, if you want to regain the courage of other soldiers, you must conquer his heart first, then you will get twice the result with half the effort."

Xu Shao is a smart person. When Chu Huan said this, he immediately understood and said with a smile, "The general understands!"


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