National color raw owl

Chapter 1966 Siege

When Teguzhe was still on the way, Tushi Khan couldn't wait to launch a new round of attack on Wuping Fucheng.

Tushi Khan used thousands of craftsmen to rush to work day and night, and seized the time to make siege weapons. Without a special designer, the siege weapons were naturally very simple, but they were enough to pose a huge threat to the city.

Under the auspices of the barbarian cavalry, a large number of strong men cut down trees day and night, and in order to have enough stones, half of them went to the nearby stone mountains to mine and sent them to the city.

The Tiangong was originally built near the stone mountain. Although the Tiangong was burned by a fire, a large number of huge stones remained. In addition, a huge stone mountain near the Tiangong has also become a mining site. A large number of stones are transported every day. Come, and every day a large number of strong men fall down.

The barbarians did not have enough food. Although there was a threat from the Northwest Army, Tushi Khan sent soldiers and horses to collect food and grass in order to continue to supply.

Before the entire army of Shuchitai was annihilated, all the tribes were scrambling to collect food and grass. Being able to draw a long lottery for collecting food and grass was enough to make the barbarians excited for a while, but the annihilation of thousands of soldiers and horses was still psychologically difficult. The barbarian tribes were greatly intimidated, and now anyone who gets a long lottery to go out to grab food will be scolded for a long time.

The food provided to the barbarians is not enough, so it is impossible for Tushi Khan to distribute food to tens of thousands of captives. Except for the thousands of artisans who can still receive enough rations to survive every day, most of the captives have no food at all. It can be used to satisfy the hunger, but it is too hungry, so I can only swallow the snow in big mouthfuls to relieve the hunger.

Even so, under the super-strong labor, countless exhausted captives fell down every day. For this reason, the barbarians dug a few large pits nearby. , then dragged the person into the pit, and in just a few days, several pits were full of dead bodies. Fortunately, it was winter, so the dead bodies would not stink or spread the plague.

Although Tushi Khan gave an order that each team must produce at least five siege weapons every day, it is easy to make ladders, but it is not easy to make siege vehicles and catapults. Three siege vehicles or catapults are already the limit.

After five days of rushing to work day and night, more than 50 catapult vehicles and more than ten siege vehicles were produced, and more were ladders for climbing the city.

The production of aerial ladders is much simpler. After a few days, more than 200 aerial ladders were produced.

Tu Shi Khan was anxious. Seeing that many siege weapons were produced, he couldn't wait any longer. At dusk, he finally mobilized his troops and launched a powerful offensive.

In order to disperse the forces defending the city, Tushi Khan did not insist on attacking only one city gate this time, but divided tens of thousands of soldiers and horses into three groups, and launched an offensive against Wuping Fucheng from the east, west and north. The number of catapults is limited, but Tushi Khan felt that if the catapults were scattered, their attack effectiveness would be greatly reduced, so although the ladders were divided into three parts, there were a lot of ladders given to both sides of the thing, and even divided A small number of siege vehicles were dispatched, but the catapult vehicles were still concentrated in the north, and the North City was still the main direction of attack.

Before attacking the city, Tushi Khan asked his soldiers to experiment after the first catapult was made. At the beginning, it was always difficult to master the tricks. It was heavy and could not hit the target just right. Tushi Khan specially dispatched a group of capable barbarian soldiers to practice the use of the catapult day and night. , the deviation will not be too large.

At dusk, the sound of the bullhorn's charge echoed low and deep between the sky and the earth. The barbarian soldiers launched an offensive on Wuping Prefecture from three sides. Because they had siege weapons in hand, in the eyes of most barbarian soldiers, this time the siege It can be said to be sure, no matter how strong the defenders in the city are, by tomorrow morning, the "Qin" flag on the top of the Wuping Mansion will have already fallen.

Mountain roars and tsunami-like roars sounded from the east and west, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

Tushi Khan was riding a horse, staring coldly at the magnificent fortified city in the distance where countless barbarian soldiers were buried. Although his face was cold, his heart was quite excited. He couldn't wait to rush into the city to slaughter.

He has been waiting for a long time, but this time he is full of confidence.

The offensive on the left and right sides has already started, and on the side of the North City, Tu Shi Khan was not in a hurry to let his cavalry rush over, but lined up dozens of catapult carts, and behind the catapult carts were more than a dozen The barbarian cavalry, whose siege engines were already in full formation, and many soldiers carrying ladders, were about to swarm out when Tushi Khan gave an order.

The catapults finally began to attack.

When dozens of catapults were launched together, and dozens of huge stones roared towards the thick city like meteorites from the sky, Tu Shi Khan admired the Central Plains people in his heart.

The whistling boulders drew beautiful arcs in the air, and fell towards the city one after another. Although half of the boulders had not reached the edge of the city, they fell on the way, and several boulders crossed the top of the city and smashed into the city, but there were still quite a few of them. It hit the city wall fiercely, and several pieces fell on the top of the city.

The boulder smashed on the city wall, and a hole was immediately smashed out.

The catapult did not stop. Immediately after the throw, someone filled the catapult with boulders. It took at least four or five people to lift a boulder.

When the barbarians in the north city used catapults to attack the city frantically, the barbarians on the east and west sides had already launched a fierce attack on the city.

The barbarians are much smarter now. They cover with multiple teams. During the impact, arrows rain down, suppressing the defenders at the top of the city. In the rain of arrows, from time to time, soldiers were hit by arrows and fell from the top of the city.

Although there were also archers fighting back from the top of the city, the counterattack was extremely weak.

There are less than 3000 real elite soldiers guarding Wuping Fucheng, and Beicheng is the focus of the enemy's attack. Half of the guards are deployed at the head of Beicheng. Attack, so the remaining half of the guards are distributed in other city gates.

Although tens of thousands of strong men were recruited in the city, these strong men were also assigned to the gates of the city, and there was a shortage of troops, but the real soldiers, except for the north gate, were only a few hundred in each gate.

These guards are the main force defending the city. The enemy rushed over, tens of thousands of them, and they were all good at riding and shooting. The opponent's arrows poured down like heavy rain. Hundreds of soldiers in the city fought back with arrows. It is difficult to cause fatal damage to the enemy.

Under the weak strength of the enemy, the barbarian soldiers rushed to the city easily. Obviously, they tasted the sweetness of suppressing the opponent with arrows. The barbarian soldiers rained arrows continuously. Under the cover of the soldiers, they rushed to the city shouting. Although most of the barbarian soldiers didn't know how to operate the catapults, they didn't need anyone to teach them how to use the ladders. Dozens of ladders had already been set up on the city wall. , Amidst the shouts of killing, the barbarian soldiers scrambled up the ladder and rushed up to the top of the city.

Seeing that his companions had already started to climb the ladder, in order to avoid shooting his own people, the barbarian archer slowed down his arrows. At this moment, he heard the sound of drums in the city. Amidst the sound, countless human heads appeared from the top of the city, and then they saw countless people holding up large and small stones and smashing them down from the top of the city.

The barbarian soldiers let the defenders see the sharpness of the arrow rain, and at this time the defenders also began to let the barbarians know the ruthlessness of the stones. The defenders obviously stored enough stones at the top of the city. The barbarian soldiers, under the falling rocks, screamed again and again, there were so many people, and they wanted to dodge for a while, but they couldn't dodge.

At this time, the barbarian soldiers only hoped that their companions on the ladder could climb to the top of the city quickly. As long as they could suppress the enemies at the top of the city and prevent them from throwing stones, the people behind would be able to climb to the top of the city one after another.

The barbarian soldiers who were still some distance away from the city wall watched the defenders throwing stones down at the top of the city. They all bent their bows and set up arrows.

Suddenly, many barbarian soldiers saw that many people in the city lifted up wooden barrels and poured them down on the ladders on the city wall. On the ground, it was even sprinkled on the barbarian soldiers who ascended the city.

Many barbarians were puzzled, wondering if there were not enough stones in the city, and the opponent would use cold water to resist, but before they thought about it, they saw countless torches suddenly appearing from the top of the city. Some people were surprised that it was not dark yet. , Why did the defenders light the torches so early, but saw that the torches on the top of the city were thrown down towards the ladder, almost in an instant, the ladder was suddenly ignited and spread rapidly, those barbarians whose bodies were doused with liquid In just a moment, the barbarian's whole body was already in flames.

The barbarian soldiers finally understood that what was poured down by the defenders was not water at all, but oil. The torches stuck to the ladder, and they would ignite as soon as they touched the oil. Amidst the cry, they fell from mid-air, like fireballs pouring down from the air.

The barbarian soldiers crowded under the city widened their eyes when they saw the scene above. Fire oil poured down from the top of the city, and countless barbarian soldiers were splashed on them. Spreading under the city, amidst the shrill screams, the defenders at the top of the city seemed to feel that they were not strong enough, so they lifted the crossbar from the top of the city and threw it down. They smashed one of them to death, and the crossbar instantly burst into flames. In just a moment, the city was already covered in a sea of ​​flames.

Seeing this scene, the barbarian soldiers who followed were frightened. Before they attacked the city, the opponents used bows and arrows and falling rocks to deal with them, and the barbarians always thought that the opponent had only these two hands.

Now it seems that Qin Jun is still too cunning. They have never used such a killer move before, perhaps because their fuel is too scarce, so they waited until today to take it out. It had been devoured by the fire, and there were only a few ladders left. Although the barbarian soldiers were still climbing up, the top of the city was still smashed down with crossbars and falling stones.

They defended the city not only with bows and arrows, but also with stones, wood, and kerosene. These are not only varied, but also very lethal.

The barbarian soldiers watched helplessly as their siege weapon, the ladders, burned in the raging flames, but they had no choice. It took several days to make these ladders, and it took a lot of manpower, but in this short period of time, they They were all destroyed, and some barbarian soldiers even sighed in their hearts. The ladder is a siege weapon invented by the Central Plains people. Of course, they also figured out how to crack such a weapon.

Although most of the ladders were destroyed, the barbarians were of course unwilling to retreat like this. Although the ladders were destroyed, they still had siege vehicles in their hands.

In fact, when the barbarians charged, not only did the ladders come up, but also several siege vehicles.

The whole body of the siege vehicle is covered with solid protective gear, and the front end is cut wood, and the wood is covered with a layer of iron armor, which is used for collision.

Although the city gate is wide, two siege vehicles have already occupied the entire city gate. A siege vehicle needs more than a dozen people to push it together. At this moment, the siege vehicle has been pushed under the city gate. The barbarian guarded the soldiers pushing the siege vehicles tightly, surrounded by a circle of barbarian soldiers holding shields. Each barbarian soldier held two shields, one on top of himself, for Protect yourself, and the other side is to protect the top of the cart soldier to protect his companions.

The barbarian soldiers did not stop attacking. Although most of the ladders were destroyed, the barbarian soldiers continued to climb up with the help of the remaining ladders. Their purpose is very simple, to launch an attack along the entire city wall. Their manpower is large enough, far exceeding the soldiers defending the city. The barbarian soldiers found a gap and climbed to the top of the city.

Using this method of attack, they can disperse the troops of the defenders at the top of the city to the maximum extent, so that the pressure on the companions who attack the city gate will be reduced.

They have launched countless attacks with the hook rope before, but they failed every time. This time they did not think that they could really use the hook rope to break through the city, but they pinned all their hopes on those few attack vehicles. On the city chariot, as long as the siege chariot can break through the city gate and the army rushes in, the defenders will be powerless.

Amidst the shouts, two siege vehicles, under the guard of the barbarians, rammed the city gate again and again. The Qin army naturally knew that this was the ultimate move of the barbarians. Although the troops were scattered at the top of the city, defending the entire city wall , but there were crowds of people above the city gate. Of course, they would not just watch the siege vehicles hit the city gate and let the barbarians easily enter.

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