National color raw owl

Chapter 1967 Bloody Battle

Tu Shi Khan had a smug smile on his face. The power of the catapult really opened his eyes. With the continuous attacks, the city wall on the back of Wuping Prefecture City had collapsed in many places. A hole, even many stones fell on the top of the city, killing and wounding many defenders on the top of the city.

What made Tushi Khan even more excited was that the range of the catapult was far longer than that of the bow and arrow. Although the city wall was scarred and many defenders were killed, the barbarian soldiers did not hurt a single person.

Such a result made Tushi Khan very excited.

At this time, he felt a little regretful. Although more than 30 riprap trucks lined up and launched continuous attacks on the city, the number of more than 30 riprap trucks was still too large for the long city wall of Wuping Mansion. He thought that if there were one or two hundred stone catapults, their power would be astonishing. Perhaps there was no need for soldiers to charge at all, and the entire city wall could be completely destroyed by only relying on catapult vehicles. destroy.

He was regretting in his heart, but soon something upset him.

Although the catapults are amazingly powerful, these catapults were made in a hurry, and the materials were simple. After a few rounds, several catapults were damaged. After each round of boulders, there are always a few catapults. The catapults broke down, and when half of the catapults broke down, their power was greatly weakened, and the boulders thrown were not as spectacular as before.

He was very angry. It took hundreds of people to work day and night for the 30-odd catapult trucks, and it took several days to successfully build them. Although the power is not weak, the speed of wear and tear is too fast. If this continues, it will not be used. In a long time, all the catapult vehicles will be destroyed. In this way, the biggest reliance on the siege will disappear.

He didn't have much time to wait any longer.

Seeing that many parts of the city wall collapsed, the catapults continued to be used, and even the last small part of the catapults would be damaged. Immediately ordered to stop throwing corpses, and then ordered to wave the command flag, the barbarian soldiers who had been waiting for a long time were like a tide Launched an attack on Wuping Fucheng.

Their method is still to use cavalry archers to attack the front first, and suppress the defenders at the top of the city with heavy rain of arrows, followed by soldiers carrying ladders, and at the end, push the attackers The soldiers of the city chariot moved forward slowly.

The number of ladders is not too much. There are hundreds of ladders in total, divided into three parts. Although the back is the main attack direction, after almost all the catapults are kept, it is natural not to keep all the ladders.

The soldiers of the Tushi Khan tribe, as the main force to attack the city from the north, left behind the catapults, of course, in order to concentrate their forces on a destructive blow to the city wall, but they also hoped to reduce the casualties of the soldiers of the tribe as much as possible.

Amidst the roar of mountains and tsunami, countless barbarian soldiers rushed towards the city wall.

Tu Shi Khan stared at the distance, and his hand holding the whip trembled slightly. Naturally, this was not because of nervousness, but because of excitement. Once he captured Wuping Fucheng this time, he would become the first barbarian tribe to conquer Hexi Fucheng The leader, on the grassland, will surely become a hero praised by generations.

It was already dark, but the shouts and killings around Wuping Fucheng continued one after another.

Tushi Khan watched the army attack the city, saw the ladders on the top of the city, and saw his brave soldiers climbing to the top of the city. Moreover, there were holes in many places in the city wall, and the hooks were easy to catch. The city of Wuping Prefecture was crumbling. , Tu Shi Khan is also emotional.

Soon, he saw a raging fire on the edge of the city, and heard heart-piercing screams coming from the front.

Tushi Khan leaned forward and opened his eyes wide. The soldiers around him also showed horror. In the night, the fire was very conspicuous. But soon, the entire city wall was covered by raging fire.

"Cunning Qin people." Tu Shi Khan flicked his horsewhip, his face showing annoyance, "Blow the horn, tonight, we must break through the city, and I will kill all the Qin people in the city... .!" He had a fierce look in his eyes, and when he heard the screams coming from the front, he knew that a large number of soldiers were dying below the city.

The barbarians were indeed fierce. Amidst the sound of the low-pitched horns, the barbarian soldiers did not stop attacking because of the fire. Every part of the city wall became the direction of the barbarians' attack.

The soldiers defending the city were also full of tenacity. The troops were obviously at an absolute disadvantage, but they still resisted desperately.

The collapsed and dilapidated city walls made it easier for barbarian soldiers to climb to the top of the city. In fact, under the darkness of night, a large number of barbarian soldiers climbed to the top of the city. The army not only wanted to prevent more barbarian soldiers from climbing to the top of the city, but also to start a hand-to-hand fight with the barbarian soldiers who had already climbed to the top of the city.

The fighting never stopped. The winter night was cold, but Tushi Khan felt his whole body was burning. He had been riding on the horse, and he didn't even know how long it had passed.

The siege engine had already rushed under the city gate.

He looked into the distance, only looking forward to the cheers coming from the front, the time passed quietly, but there was no cheers from the front that made Tushi Khan excited, but the continuous screams kept coming to his ears.

The defenders kept falling down from the top of the city with stones and rolling logs, and poured fuel oil from the top of the city from time to time. As long as the fire below the city weakened, new fuel would pour down from above. They seemed to want to make the city a sea of ​​fire all the time. , although Tushi Khan didn't approach, but he knew very well that in the raging fire, there might be countless corpses of barbarian soldiers burned to ashes.

The offensive launched at dusk did not stop until midnight. Not only did there not be news that pleased Tushi Khan from the north side of the main attack, but there was also no good news from the other two sides.

At this time, Tu Shi Khan felt a little doubt in his heart.

He wondered if there were really only a few thousand defenders in this city?

Thousands of defenders defended the three walls, and the combined length of the three walls was enough to completely disperse the defenders.

Of course, Tushi Khan knew the bravery of the barbarian soldiers. As long as there is one place to climb the top of the city and stand firm, then the backup soldiers can climb up from this gap continuously, and the whole city will be submerged soon.

But such a scenario did not appear.

There is no doubt that the combat effectiveness of the city defenders is really amazing. If there are really only a few thousand soldiers and horses, then their willpower is even more terrifying.

Naturally, Tu Shi Khan could not have imagined that at this moment, the emperor Dingwu of the Great Qin Empire was already wearing armor and taking the lead. soldier.

The defenders not only shot down the city with a dense rain of arrows, but also threw a large number of rolling logs and stones down without thinking. The barbarian soldiers brought fatal injuries, not only physically, but also psychologically to countless barbarian soldiers.

Relying on their brave will to fight, the barbarian soldiers forced their way up to the top of the city from time to time, but before they could stand still, some people came forward with long spears.

Dingwu only has less than [-] elite guards under his command. Naturally, it is impossible to defend all the city walls. However, the strong men recruited from the city have also been tempered under the continuous attacks of the barbarians in the recent period. Formed a brave team.

Almost all of them are from Hexi, they are located in the north of the empire, their temperaments are brave, and most of them are young and strong, they are hot-blooded men. Compared with the southerners, they know the cruelty of the barbarians and understand what will happen if the city is broken Parents and children will fall into purgatory, so they are prepared to resist to the end from the beginning.

Although the tyranny of the Qin State made the people of the world resent, but at the last critical moment, Emperor Dingwu deployed his troops, took the lead, and showed his belief in fighting the enemy to the end, which made the whole city admire him greatly.

Under the leadership of the emperor himself, tens of thousands of strong men have already prepared to die, vowing to live and die with the city.

Compared with training, brutal fighting can train a person better, it will train a person into a warrior at the fastest speed.

The strong men scattered at the top of the city also received equipment from the arsenal. Wearing armor and holding spears and swords, they seemed to be real warriors.

Although the barbarian soldiers climbed to the top of the city many times, they couldn't gain a foothold on the top of the city at all. Dingwu even rushed to Qian himself to fight with the barbarian soldiers who climbed to the top of the city.

His martial arts skills are so good, if the barbarian soldiers happened to bump into him, they wouldn't even be able to see Ding Wu's face clearly, and their bodies would be separated in an instant.

There are quite a few bodyguards and martial arts halls in Wuping Prefecture, and there are even some scattered martyrs. If it was someone else who attacked the city, perhaps many people would just watch it coldly, but when they were facing the barbarians, these Everyone stood up without hesitation, climbed to the top of the city, and fought hand in hand with the defenders.

If the barbarians were on horseback and formed a powerful cavalry regiment, there would be few enemies in the world today, but when it comes to individual combat, they are often no match for the defenders.

The 500 people composed of escort agencies, martial arts halls, and scattered knights have become an important force for defending the city.

Ding Wu knew very well in his heart that these people were desperately guarding, not necessarily for his emperor, let alone for the Great Qin Empire, but in extreme times, as long as it could be used to resist barbarian forces, he would not refuse.

Tushi Khan was high-spirited at the beginning of the attack, then nervous, and then angry. In the middle of the night, he still had no momentum to capture the city, and he was even a little desperate.

He really didn't understand that the powerful barbarian iron cavalry had amazing fighting power. The gathering of tens of thousands of elite cavalry this time can be said to be the most powerful and powerful barbarian cavalry in history. Weak city?

"Tu Shi Khan, I can't fight anymore...!" Just as the corners of Tu Shi Khan's eyes twitched, a general next to him couldn't help saying: "If you continue to fight like this, I'm afraid... only I'm afraid that if the city is not captured, more than half of our people will die...!"

Tu Shi Khan turned his head, his eyes were like knives, and he glanced at the man, who was stared at by Tu Shi Khan, shivered, and immediately lowered his head.

Although Tu Shi Khan was furious, he also understood that if the fight continued like this, the casualties would only become more and more serious.

In the previous several attacks on the city, Tu Shi Khan's troops did not act as the main force, but this time, Tu Shi Khan was cautious. Most of the thousands of soldiers and horses rushed to the battle. From dusk to this time, the battle was extremely tragic. In fact, he knew very well that his own troops must have suffered heavy losses.

He came here to get something, but if he continued to fight, he could only continue to lose more.

These thousands of soldiers and horses are his trump card and confidence to devour all the tribes in the grassland in the future. If these soldiers and horses are lost here because of the attack on Wuping Fucheng, it will not be worth the loss.

More than 2000 people from Shuchitai came to the Central Plains, and the entire army has been wiped out. Everyone knows that the tribes of Shuchitai are close to being destroyed. Tushi Khan does not want to end up in the same situation as Shuchitai .

Compared with breaking the city tonight and preserving strength, the latter is of course the most important. If the troops and horses of the headquarters suffer heavy losses, even if the city of Wuping Prefecture is defeated, it will be useless. Maybe it will be used as wedding clothes for others, which is cheaper for other tribes He really wanted to hold on for a while longer, and fought for most of the night. Although he knew that the barbarian soldiers had suffered heavy losses, he also knew that the Qin army defending the city might be at the end of their battles. Maybe if they persisted for a while, they might break the city, but After all, this idea was overwhelmed by the preservation of strength. Although he was unwilling, Tushi Khan finally ordered the entire army to withdraw.

The barbarians who had gone through a fierce fight finally retreated. They once felt that Wuping Fucheng was about to be trampled under their feet, but it was always a little bit worse.

The little hope in their hearts made them grit their teeth and want to persevere, but the continuous deaths and injuries of their companions made them shaken in their hearts. When Tushi Khan gave the order to withdraw the troops, there was no need to sway left and right. The barbarian soldiers were like a tide. They retreated, of course they no longer cared about the corpses of their comrades who died in battle. There were piles of corpses everywhere in the city, some of which had been scorched by the fire, and there was a scorched smell that made people want to vomit everywhere in the city.

After the barbarian soldiers retreated, the city guards felt as if they had been separated for a while. Many people thought that the barbarians would fight to the end. If the barbarians continued to fight, they might not last until dawn. They are all ready to die.

The barbarians didn't know, but they themselves knew that the balance of power between the two sides was too great. In the bloody battle overnight, the barbarians suffered heavy losses, but the defenders also suffered a lot. There were also countless corpses lying here and there, and the attacks of the barbarians were fierce and sharp. If this kind of offensive continued continuously, no one could guarantee that they could continue to defend.

Watching the barbarians go away, many defenders were exhausted and sat down without caring about the corpses all over the ground.

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