National color raw owl

Chapter 497 Sneak Attack

Qiu Mingdao plucked up his courage and came to Ma Xiulian's side, but Ma Xiulian didn't seem to notice anyone approaching at all, until Qiu Mingdao sat down beside her, she didn't even look at her. \\.\\

Qiu Mingdao looked at Ma Xiulian's profile. Ma Xiulian was not extremely beautiful, and she had lived in the Gobi all year round, so her skin was a little rough, but she was full of heroism. It was just that this face rarely saw a smile, and it was even more indifferent at the moment.

"Xiulian...!" Qiu Mingdao opened his mouth and let out a soft cry, but he didn't know what to say.

Ma Xiulian didn't look at him, but said calmly: "Where do you think he will go?"

Qiu Mingdao was taken aback for a moment, and realized in an instant that the "he" in Ma Xiulian's mouth could only be a wolf boy, frowning slightly, "Xiulian, no matter where he goes, I will find him, and I must avenge Uncle Ma!"

Ma Xiulian finally turned her head to look at him, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth: "You mean to say that no matter who kills my father, you will avenge me?"

Qiu Mingdao nodded without hesitation, clenched his fist and said, "That bastard, I am determined not to let him live."

Seeing Qiu Mingdao's solemn expression, Ma Xiulian stared at him for a long time, then sighed suddenly, and finally asked, "Qiu...Brother Qiu, I have a question for you, and you must answer me honestly!"

Qiu Mingdao was flattered when Ma Xiulian called himself "Brother Qiu", and hurriedly said, "Say it, say it!"

Ma Xiulian thought for a while before asking softly: "Someone said that your Qiu family proposed marriage to my Ma family not because of me, but because your Qiu family wanted to merge with our Ma family. Is this true?"

Qiu Mingdao was startled, and then said firmly, "Of course it's not true." He asked back, "Xiulian, do you also believe the nonsense of outsiders? Can't you see my feelings for you at all?"

Ma Xiulian said indifferently: "It seems that you don't know."

"Do not know what is this?"

"Your father is ambitious. When he was young, he used to tell the truth after drinking." Ma Xiulian said slowly: "He wants to connect the seventeen camel families in Luoyan Town into one, and he will control all of them. Don't you Do you know what he's thinking?"

Qiu Mingdao was taken aback, opened his mouth, then shook his head and said, "Impossible, Dad never told me."

Ma Xiulian sneered and said: "To merge the seventeen camel customers, the first thing to bear the brunt is to merge our Ma family camel customers. The Qiu and Ma families are the two largest camel customers in Luoyan Town. As long as our Ma family is replaced by you Merging, the other [-] companies will be much easier."

Qiu Mingdao shook his head and said: "Don't listen to other people's nonsense. This marriage was not mentioned by my father. Xiulian, you should know that you and I grew up together. I liked you many years ago. I told my father I beg, beg him to propose marriage to your Ma family, this is definitely not for some merger... Daddy is not a treacherous person as you think, he is a man with loyalty first!"

Ma Xiulian said: "Isn't he a treacherous person? Is he a man?" With a sarcasm, he asked, "Then do you know why your father chose you instead of anyone else when he won the championship?"

Qiu Mingdao frowned.

Ma Xiulian said slowly: "My father won the bid that day and let the wolf boy shoot the arrow, because he knew very well that the wolf boy would not disobey what he said. But your father is not the only one who is good at archery, you are the camel guest of the Qiu family. Among them, there are at least three or four people who are stronger than you."

Qiu Mingdao didn't know why Ma Xiulian said that, and asked, "So what?"

"It's just because your father knows very well that if you are chosen to fight, you must not persevere until the end." Ma Xiulian sneered, "You can shoot out while riding and standing, but you won't be able to persist in the third round. Your father has already Knowing that you would not be able to persevere, so I deliberately selected you to join the battle, and when you gave up the battle and surrendered, he beat you with a horsewhip, just pretending to show everyone." When she said this, the corners of her mouth turned pale. He sneered disdainfully: "With your father's skill, no one can compare to him."

Qiu Mingdao's face turned ugly, and he said in a deep voice: "Xiulian, don't think of my father like that, I will not be able to do it by myself, and my father...!" Suddenly thought, knowing a son is like a father, and I will abandon the formation on that day , although it is my own subjective reason, but Qiu Yinghao knows my own temperament best, and I gave up halfway, perhaps it is really in Qiu Yinghao's expectation.

"You say he is a man, but he is afraid of death." Ma Xiulian said: "He knows it well, unless you are very sure, you will never shoot an arrow. As long as you go out, he will never have to worry about his life. In addition, You voluntarily abandoned the battle, and the Qiu family lost in the bid, but outsiders will not say that your father is incompetent, they will only say that you value love and righteousness, even if someone thinks that your Qiu family is not successful, they will only say that you lack courage, Your father's reputation will not be damaged in the slightest." Biting his lip, he said slowly: "The most important thing is that my father proposed to win the bid, and your father was prepared to lose from the very beginning...!"

"My father is going to lose?" Qiu Mingdao showed a trace of anger in his eyes: "Xiulian, my father has been competitive all his life, and strives for victory in everything. Is it too much for you to say that about my father?"

"You can ask him." Ma Xiulian said nonchalantly, "Only if we lose, will our Ma family camel guests follow us into the desert. In your father's heart, perhaps he wanted to let our Ma family camel guests enter the desert! "

Qiu Mingdao got up angrily, he heard Ma Xiulian's words very harshly.

In his heart, Qiu Yinghao is a heroic hero, and Qiu Mingdao has always respected and even admired his father, but Ma Xiulian described Qiu Yinghao as a cunning and cunning person in a few words, which seemed to be full of him. How could Qiu Mingdao accept the scheming.

He was about to refute, but suddenly, his eyes shrank sharply, and he said in a deep voice, "Xiulian, look, then... what is that?"

Ma Xiulian heard that Qiu Mingdao's voice was very unusual, she frowned, and looked at Qiu Mingdao, only to see that he was looking ahead with a look of surprise on his face.

Ma Xiulian stood up, followed Qiu Mingdao's gaze, and her pretty face instantly showed surprise. On the sand dunes in the distance, more than a dozen horses suddenly appeared, and the horses lined up on the sand dunes. At noon, when the scorching sun was in the sky, the riders on the steeds who were dressed in strange costumes and tied their heads were all holding sabers in their hands. Under the scorching sun, the sabers were dazzling.

Soon, countless horses quickly emerged from behind the sand dunes, lined up on the sand dunes, like ghosts, this group of people came silently, if Qiu Mingdao hadn't discovered them in time, even now no one has found them trail.

"No, it's the sand bandits!" Qiu Mingdao finally came to his senses, pointing to the camp below the hill and said, "They want to sneak attack the mission!" He said urgently, "Xiulian, go and inform father that the sand bandits are coming, I will notify the mission."

Ma Xiulian pulled out the saber she wore at her waist, shook her head and said, "It's too late!"

It's really too late.

Those sand bandits didn't hesitate too much, only to see one of the sand bandits raised his saber and swung it down heavily. Dozens of sand bandits had already poured down from the sand dunes, like tigers descending the mountain, moving quietly to the ground. The regiment camp rushed straight down, behind the sand dunes, there were still many sand bandits coming up, densely packed, scrambling to kill the camp.

These sand bandits don't shout or scream, and their horses' mouths are tied. It is a typical sand bandit sneak attack. Before the target reacts, they quietly approach their prey, and then bite like a pack of wolves.

Qiu Mingdao rushed forward and shouted loudly: "The sand bandits are coming, the sand bandits are coming...!" His voice was hoarse, and he didn't know whether to rush to the rescue or return to report to Qiu Yinghao.

After these shouts, there was no movement in the envoy's camp, but the experienced camel passengers reacted quickly. Several camel passengers had already rushed out of the tent, and Qiu Yinghao rushed over with a saber in his hand, shouting: "Ming Dao, what's going on?" What's wrong?"

"Sand bandits!" Qiu Mingdao was running towards Qiu Yinghao, out of breath, and pointed to the direction of the mission camp: "Father, it's not good, the sand bandits sneak attack, they sneak attack the mission!"

The faces of the camel passengers changed suddenly, and Qiu Yinghao also showed surprise on his face: "Have you found the sand bandit?" He walked quickly to the mission camp, and before he reached the sand dunes, he heard repeated screams from the mission. There was no wind in the desert, and the scorching sun was shining. Although the camel camp was some distance away from the mission, the miserable cry was clearly transmitted.

Qiu Yinghao's expression was dignified, but at this moment, Liu Meiniang had already walked over with Mu Mu and Shui Yong, before approaching, Liu Meiniang asked, "Master Qiu, what happened?"

Qiu Yinghao said anxiously: "Miss Liu, it's a sand bandit, don't go there." He had already climbed to the top of the sand dune and looked over to the mission camp.


Heifeng and nearly two hundred sand bandits under him have been waiting.

The venomous sun hangs in the sky, and the heat emitted by the golden sand seems to be roasting everyone. Many bandits have already taken off their coats, shirtless, just holding their sabers, standing next to their horses, waiting for the black When the wind gave an order, they all rushed out.

This is the hottest time of the day, and it is also the time when normal people are most distracted in the desert.

Hei Feng also took off his coat, revealing a thick, thick, black body, really like an iron tower, with muscles all over his body like horned dragons, sweat dripping down his dark body.

There was no sound in the surrounding area, and when the screams from the mission camp came, the one-eyed sand bandit beside him was already excited: "Brother, the White Wolf's troops have taken action!"

Heifeng's pupils also lit up, he clenched his saber tightly, turned around and walked to his big black horse, got on the horse, swung the knife, and the bandits under him turned on the horse skillfully.

"Listen everyone, listen to my orders later, and charge with all your strength." Hei Feng said in a deep voice, "No one is allowed to charge alone without my order!"

All the sand bandits nodded again and again, and everyone's eyes showed greed.

This group of sand bandits already knew that their prey this time was Daqin's mission. The property carried by this mission was priceless, and everyone would be fattened after this one-ticket sale.

And everyone knows that the Daqin Mission has already rested at this moment, and the White Wolf has more than 100 people on the opposite side.

The sand bandits under Heifeng were a little impatient, just now Heifeng had spoken, and after the battle, they judged meritorious deeds based on their heads, but now these people are thinking of rushing to chop off their heads, so that they can get their heads and receive rewards later.

The continuous shrill screams coming from the mission camp made the blood in the bones of Heifeng and the bandits boil, their eyes were red and murderous.

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