Heifeng led the nearly two hundred people under his hand to cross a sand dune, and there was another sand dune in front of him, which was the envoy's camp, and the screams from the other end of the envoy could be heard more clearly.full text.

Many Sand Bandits were anxious. Listening to the voices from there, the battle seemed to be one-sided, and many people could be heard crying and howling. If they waited any longer, the White Wolf Sand Bandits might have already robbed everything.

Hei Fengsheng's five big and three rough, is a well-known villain in the desert, he robs and is extremely vicious, and never puts other people's lives in his eyes, he seems to be a powerful gangster, but his mind is not. As simple and vulgar as his appearance, he was still very cautious in doing things. He didn't immediately order the sand bandits under him to cross the dune to attack, but took a dozen horses to the dune by himself to see the situation on the battlefield first.

When he went up to the sand dunes and looked at the mission camp, his eyeballs almost popped out.

In his imagination, the envoy's camp should be in a mess with blood flowing like rivers, and the bandits of the White Wolf should ride their horses around the camp wantonly, killing them mercilessly.

But everything in front of him was completely different from what he had imagined.

It was indeed a mess of blood flowing into rivers, but it was not Daqin's mission, but White Wolf's sand bandits.

White Wolf's sand bandits didn't even get close to the envoy's camp at the moment.

More than 100 white wolf sand bandits, at this moment, half of them have collapsed in a pool of blood, some people are lying on the ground struggling and howling, while the remaining [-] or [-] sand bandits are in a mess on the sand. The formation is completely a group of mobs, messy.

On the outskirts of the mission camp, more than 100 Guards soldiers lined up in two rows, shooting arrows like rain towards the White Wolf Sand Bandit mercilessly. These Guards soldiers who were already sleeping were unexpectedly orderly Xuanyuan Shengcai was shirtless but held a saber in his hand and commanded from the side. The two rows of Guards soldiers were all holding longbows. After the first row of arrows shot, they quickly retreated. The row had already bent their bows and set up their arrows. They stepped forward and shot without hesitation. When they shot their arrows, they retreated immediately, and the other row continued to move forward.

The arrows kept on shooting, like locusts, they ruthlessly shot at the charging white wolf bandits.

The Guards Army is the most elite army in the Great Qin Empire, and every soldier among them is a warrior selected from a thousand miles.

The so-called elite is not only because of their excellent equipment, nor is it because of their extremely strong fighting qualities. The most important thing is that they have an iron-like fighting will and strict fighting discipline.

Hundreds of Sand Bandits rushed forward, although they were magnificent and murderous, but the soldiers of the guards were strictly disciplined, and under the command of Xuanyuan Shengcai, they fought against the enemy in an orderly manner.

Their arrow skills may not hit every shot, but they are definitely not weak. They may not be able to kill with one arrow, but they are enough to make Sand Bandits turn their backs.

The White Wolf Sand Bandit obviously did not expect such a situation.

They always thought that this sneak attack should be a massacre, and that the saber had cut off their necks while the missionary was still asleep.

But the fact is quite the opposite.

The mission seems to have been on guard for a long time. When rushing down the sand dune, the Guards soldiers who were originally in the tent suddenly appeared like ghosts. The formation had already been formed, and before the bandits following behind had a clear view of the situation ahead, there was already a rain of arrows pouring down the sky.

The horses of the sand bandits were shot at the vital point, lying on the ground and struggling. Many sand bandits also fell from their horses, crying on the ground. The sand bandits wanted to attack the mission, but they were ambushed by the mission instead.

Almost none of the bandits had such mental preparations. Under the chaos, facing the arrow rain of the guards, some brave sand bandits wanted to rush in despite the arrow rain. After all, it was cavalry against infantry. If they approached , may not be able to kill and injure the exhausted guards, but more bandits were ambushed by this, watching their companions fall from the horse with arrows, crying ghosts and howling wolves, they were really frightened, turned their horses and wanted to retreat.

This group of Sand Bandits was originally a rabble. At this moment, some wanted to continue to attack, while others wanted to retreat. The lack of unity of thought made the scene even more chaotic. Many Sand Bandits even bumped into each other.

Screaming, yelling, and shouting all mixed together.

More than a dozen fearless Sand Bandits brandished their sabers to dodge the arrows and charged towards the Guards soldiers. At close range, they thought that the Guards soldiers' bows and arrows were useless, but they didn't know that when they When the distance was still far away, the Guards soldiers served with bows and arrows. When they rushed close, a group of Guards soldiers quickly put down their longbows, picked up the short minions on the ground, and mercilessly Shoot and kill the sand bandits who are rushing towards you.

The shooting range of the short-bore is far inferior to that of a bow and arrow, but its explosiveness and lethality at close range are more powerful.

Heifeng led the people on the opposite sand dune to see clearly, the bandits under the watchman White Wolf fell one after another, suffering unprecedented heavy losses, Heifeng was also quite surprised.

The one-eyed Sand Bandit was already anxiously saying, "Brother, we can't wait any longer!"

At this moment, Hei Feng understood that the mission was more powerful than he thought, and he gritted his teeth, but did not issue an order immediately. The one-eyed sand bandit said anxiously: "Brother, they have all been led over there, let's attack at this time, Attacking from both sides may not necessarily lead to victory.”

The other side of the mission was in full swing, but this side was extremely deserted. The muscles on Heifeng's face twitched, and he felt a little conflicted at this moment. Going down might turn the tide of the battle, but seeing the ear-piercing screams of the White Wolf Bandit, he didn't dare to act rashly.

"Brother, we are going for this opportunity. They are on guard, and it will be difficult to find another opportunity." Seeing that Heifeng is still hesitating, the one-eyed sand bandit is burning with anxiety: "Brother, give an order quickly, we can't wait!"

Heifeng finally made a decision: "Erhe, take 50 people and rush down first to see what is true... But if something is wrong, withdraw immediately, and I will meet you here!"

The one-eyed sand bandit had already turned his head, waved to the sand bandit under the dune, and shouted: "Follow me 50 people!" Immediately, dozens of horses galloped out of the sand bandits, following the one-eyed sand bandit, who had already He was impatient, and when he got the order, he swung his saber and said sharply, "Follow me!" He took the lead and swooped down from the sand dunes.

The sand bandits behind him were also brandishing sabers, following behind the one-eyed sand bandits like a tide, and the lights of their sabers flickered under the scorching sun.

Although the White Wolf Sand Bandit was horrific, the One-Eyed Sand Bandit was still full of morale. As long as he led people to rush into the mission's camp from here, he believed that the mission's position would be in chaos.

The guards set up an ambush and dealt a heavy blow to the White Wolf Sand Bandit, but the One-Eyed Sand Bandit felt that the troops of the mission were at the end of their strength. The bandits believed that if they fought hand-to-hand at close range, the guards at this moment would definitely be vulnerable.

The horse under his crotch was running fast, and the dust was billowing. He believed that he would be a real hero who broke into the mission camp.

Amidst the tumbling dust, an arrow pierced the air from the camp like a shooting star. The speed of the arrow was so fast that the one-eyed sand bandit only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then felt pain in the center of his brow, and he had already fallen off his horse.

This arrow was shot mercilessly into the eyebrow of the one-eyed sand bandit, with incomparable precision.

The one-eyed sand bandit thought he would be the first hero to rush into the camp, but he became the first strong man to be killed by the black wind sand bandit.

When the One-Eyed Sand Bandits fell from their horses, hundreds of Guards soldiers rushed out of the envoy's camp quickly, all of them were carrying long bows and arrow boxes, carrying short shovels, and came out of the tent. Within a short period of time, they had already lined up in two rows, put the short men by their feet, quickly took off the longbow with both hands and feet, bent the bow and set the arrow, the movement was smooth, and when they were ready, Chu Huan had already stood out from the crowd, also carrying the arrow on his back. Arrow box, holding a bow in his hand, raised his hand, and shouted sharply: "She!"

Without giving the Sand Bandit any chance to hesitate, the arrows flew out like locusts.

Dozens of Black Wind Sand Bandits knew something bad was going on when the one-eyed Sand Bandits fell from their horses. When the soldiers of the Guards rushed out of the tent, the Black Wind Sand Bandits did not continue to charge forward, but reined in their horses and turned around. then go.

They had already seen clearly what happened to the White Wolf Sand Bandits on the sand dunes just now, and these people knew in their hearts that rushing over at this moment was just repeating the scene of the White Wolf Sand Bandits.

The Black Wind Sand Bandits are retreating quickly, and the White Wolf Sand Bandits on the other side have also retreated hastily.

Longbows and short crossbows, in the hands of well-trained and disciplined guards, are incomparably powerful killing tools, with amazing power, the White Wolf Sand Bandits can't make a sneak attack, or even try to get close. With a strong crossbow, they finally understood at this time that the surprise attack this time was not a caravan, but a mission protected by the most elite warriors in the Great Qin Dynasty.

Most of the white wolf sand bandits were damaged, and there were dead bodies of sand bandits all over the sand. Some of them were still alive and struggling on the ground. The horses of their companions were in chaos. Trampled to death, the sand bandits had lost all fighting spirit, turned around and left, ignoring their companions crying for help on the ground.

It came quickly, but it was also fast.

The white wolf sand bandit left corpses all over the place, and finally fled in embarrassment. Xuanyuan Shengcai looked at the retreating sand bandit, and did not order the soldiers to pursue it. He still lined up to guard against the sand bandit's return.

The White Wolf Sand Bandit retreated quickly, and the Black Wind Sand Bandit did not retreat slowly. Although three or four people were shot and killed and a few others were injured during the retreat, the casualties were very light due to the timely retreat.

Heifeng was on the sand dunes, and the moment he saw the one-eyed sand bandit fell off his horse, he changed color in shock, his face was distorted, his lips trembled, and the riders around him looked at each other, daring not to speak.

Everyone knows that the one-eyed sand bandit is the number one general of Hei Feng's subordinates, the number two of Hei Feng's sand bandits, and he is highly regarded by Hei Feng.

The One-eyed Sand Bandit is bloodthirsty by nature, and every time he goes out, he always rushes to the front, his hands are covered with blood, but no one would have guessed that this cruel and easy-to-kill general died here inexplicably this time.

The Heifeng sand bandits had already retreated to the sand dunes. Hei Feng looked at the envoy camp, saw the two rows of Guards soldiers waiting in formation, and looked at the one-eyed sand bandits lying on the ground with their fists clenched and their pupils constricted.

Although the casualties of his subordinates were very light, the killing of the one-eyed bandit was a serious blow to him.

He really wanted to wave his hand and let the [-] bandits under him rush over. He believed that although the guards were prepared, with longbows and short rooks, if they really wanted to rush over madly, they might not be able to rush into the middle of the camp. .

But he also knows that doing so is undoubtedly a desperate attempt to bury his years of hard work in vain. He is a "learned" sand bandit, and he knows the truth of killing an enemy ten thousand and self-defeating eight thousand. If he rushes over this time, he will win Now, there must be very few Black Wind Sand Bandits left. Even if I have snatched the mission's finances, if my subordinates suffer heavy losses, then my capital in the desert will disappear.

"Boss, what shall we do?" Seeing that the mission was waiting in full force, just defending and not chasing, a bandit next to him asked cautiously.

Heifeng finally showed a cruel smile, "The road to the desert is still long, I will never let them walk out of the desert alive!" Turning the horse's head, he led his bandits back down the sand dunes.

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