Seeing the thoughtful expression on Chu Huan's face, Du Fugong leaned forward slightly and asked, "Will you promise to help me kill them?"

Chu Huan raised his head, glanced at Du Fugong, and said with a smile: "Lang Shilang and An Guogong are important officials of the court. Don't say that I have no intention of killing. Even if I really have the intention, I can't kill them." He stroked his chin and looked at them With Du Fugong.

Although Du Fugong explained his origin very clearly, of course it was impossible for Chu Huan to just believe his words.

Du Fugong smiled indifferently, the expression in his eyes seemed to be beyond words, and said: "Master Chu is a member of the King of Qi, and everyone in the court knows this. Duke An is a member of the King of Han, and the King of Han is ambitious and wants to take the reserve position It is also self-explanatory. I know that the king of Qi seems to be very close to the prince now, and the king of Han has never cared about his enemies. " Paused, and said slowly: "Master Chu thinks that once the King of Han gains power, he will let His Highness King Qi go? You are His Highness King Qi's man, so King Han and Duke An will naturally not let you go."

Chu Huan laughed and said, "Mr. Du has worked so hard, Chu Huan knows it well. I appreciate your determination to avenge your dear friend. It's just a struggle between courts, and it's not as simple as a few words." Standing up, she stretched her waist , Said: "Since Mr. has arrived here, let's settle down here first. Anyway, at least here can guarantee that Mr. will not sleep in the open. Of course, Mr. likes to drink, and my house will not be short of your wine."

Du Fu frowned, Chu Huan glanced at him, and said with a smile: "If Mister wants to leave, no one will stare at you."

Du Fugong took a deep breath and said: "A human being stands between heaven and earth, keeping promises is the top priority. Since the deed of sale is in your hands, I will perform my due duties."

Chu Huan smiled and said: "That's very good." After thinking for a while, he said: "I don't know where Mr.'s hometown is, you can pay some money later, I think Mr.'s family must be very worried about Mr., you can send someone Send them some silver taels and say goodbye."

Du Fugong was startled.

"Master Ouyang is someone I respect. If Mister is really from the same family as Mr. Ouyang, then his character should not be a problem." Chu Huan put his hands behind his back and said slowly: "Mr. Sir, and I heard that the master has a good handwriting, if there is any copying in the mansion in the future, the master will take care of it."

Du Fugong frowned and said, "You want me to be the accountant?" There was some surprise in his eyes.

It should be known that the accountant is the manager of a family's income and expenditure. Generally, high-ranking officials and dignitaries will arrange confidantes when they arrange accountants.

Du Fugong didn't expect that Chu Huan would hand over the post of accountant to him so easily.

"Sir, aren't you happy?" Chu Huan turned around and asked.

Du Fugong thought for a while, and said: "The deed of selling oneself is in your hands. I will naturally do what I have to do."

Chu Huan nodded and said, "That's very good. If you need anything, sir, just tell me. I will ask someone to arrange a yard for him alone, and try not to let others disturb you."

Du Fugong looked at Chu Huan in surprise, and finally said: "Don't think that I will be grateful to you if you do this. I will not tell you the whereabouts of the peacock picture easily."

Chu Huan shrugged and said with a smile: "Sir, you can forget about it. If you are interested in talking about it that day, I think I will be interested in listening to it. Otherwise, I won't ask you this question again."

After Chu Huan settled Du Fugong, he told the mansion again, and then went to the Yamen to do business.

Yesterday, Ma Hong arranged for Lang Wuxu and Chu Huan to submit a booklet, mainly to put forward suggestions from the Ministry of Finance on the Northwest issue. Of course, Lang Wuxu and Chu Huan knew Ma Hong's thoughts well.

Ma Hong naturally understands that this kind of thing is actually very tricky. No one knows what the consequences will be if the order to rent land for grain is really issued. He let Chu Huan and Lang Wuxu get involved in this matter early on. Make good preparations for what to do in the future, even if it is really hard to absolve yourself of the blame, at least you can put the blame on these two people.

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The main task of the Ministry of Households is to deal with the southeast and northwest, while the most important task of the Ministry of Rituals is to prepare for the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the Heavenly Palace.

Chu Huan has naturally learned that in order to prepare for this ceremony, the imperial court allocated a small amount of money from the Ministry of Households. Compared with the war in the southeast, His Majesty the Emperor seems to think that the money should be used for the ceremony. .

The days of the Heaven Worship Ceremony are approaching day by day, and Chu Huan also thought that the Emperor would summon him before the Heaven Worship Ceremony, after all, after he came back from Xiliang, the Emperor had not summoned him yet.

Chu Huan also hoped to tell the emperor what he saw and heard in the Northwest in front of the emperor. He always felt that since the emperor once ruled the world and once managed the prosperity of the country, no matter what he said, he should be A promising monarch, although the emperor neglected the governance of the empire because he wanted to live forever, but now the empire is full of devastation, Chu Huan hopes to see His Majesty the emperor wake up from the dream of longevity in the face of the current plight of the empire.

It's just that the emperor never summoned him until the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. Perhaps when the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven came, the emperor had already put all his thoughts on this grand event of the empire.

Tongtian Temple is located in the eastern outskirts of Luo'an City, half a day away from the empire. As early as when the construction of Tongtian Temple started, many roads had already set up checkpoints. This is the dojo of His Majesty the Emperor. Idlers should not approach easily.

The Tongtian Palace cost a lot of money, and this palace put a heavy burden on the empire. Back then, His Majesty the Emperor listened to Xuanzhen Daozong's proposal and planned to build a large-scale Tongtian Palace in the eastern suburbs of the capital. I beg His Majesty the Emperor not to have such thoughts. Some officials even denounced Xuanzhen Taoism as a demon way, which harms the country and the emperor.

Even An Guogong, the actual manipulator of the household department at that time, advised that it should be delayed at this time.

In order to practice alchemy, the emperor has spent a large amount of silver in the treasury every year. Alchemy is extraordinary, and its raw materials are extremely expensive, and there are very few pills that can be refined out of a large number of extremely expensive raw materials, and even failures often occur. The condition of the furnace, the so-called failure of the furnace, means that the time for refining the elixir is too long or too short, or the fire is too hot or too weak, which leads to the failure of refining the elixir. Within ten times, the elixir can be successfully refined The medicine is only two or three times, and the cost of refining the elixir each time, at least tens of thousands of taels of silver, once it fails, the tens of thousands of taels of silver will be in vain.

After the founding of the empire, it worked hard for more than ten years. The national treasury, which was still full, was gradually empty just because of alchemy, and officials from top to bottom were searching for the people's fat and anointment because of this name. The Central Plains Dynasty, which was on the road to revival, went from prosperity to decline in an instant, and the private taxation increased again and again, and the construction of the Tongtian Temple caused a serious crisis in the empire's finances. Large-scale construction, not to mention the Great Qin Empire, which has shown signs of weakening.

Now that the refugees in the empire are in chaos, the Tianmen Dao is rising. The reason for the return date is precisely because the heavy taxes of the empire make the people unable to afford it.

Tongtian Temple is a majestic and magnificent dojo, covering an extremely large area. Even the Imperial Chengtian Temple with a history of hundreds of years is only half the size of Tongtian Temple. The bricks, tiles, flowers and plants here look beautiful. It is incomparable, but behind it is built with countless blood and tears. For this palace, the empire has spent countless manpower, material and financial resources. The purpose is only for His Majesty to have a monastery where he can seek longevity.

Of course, it's not just the blood and tears of ordinary people.

In order to prevent the construction of the Tongtian Temple, countless officials in the court angered Longyan, and the emperor went on a killing spree without mercy. In the emperor's view, to stop the construction of the Tongtian Temple was to hope that he would die sooner. , in the eyes of His Majesty the Emperor, it is natural to be beheaded mercilessly, and countless officials have lost their families because of this.

Even after the construction of the Tongtian Temple began, countless bones were buried under this beautiful temple. For several years, in order to build this palace, countless civilian accidents were buried under it.

Of course, the days of the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven are the auspicious days of the zodiac carefully selected by Si Tiantai.

Hundreds of officials gathered, they lined up from the imperial city, followed the dragon chariot, and went out to the east gate. On the road tens of feet away, flags were unfurled, covering the sky and the sun, and at the front was a square formation of cavalry, which was clear. The cold light of the iron armor was extremely majestic. All the soldiers marched slowly with spears, and two columns held flags, with solemn expressions.

Then there was another cavalry phalanx, but the eyes of the armor were brighter. Under the bright sunlight, the cold light shone, which was truly majestic.

Teams of phalanxes moved forward in an orderly manner, and their armors were similar, but they were all gold and iron armor, full of chilling aura, and the people who saw them felt a sense of awe in their hearts.

Mingguangjia, Xuansejia, Qilinjia, Pixiu Banner, Six Barge Banner, and Golden Dragon Banner are dazzling, and the officials are arranged from front to back according to their ranks. The whole team looks majestic and dignified.

In the middle of the team, the golden light is dazzling, a golden vehicle is slowly moving, the scale is huge and magnificent, just like a big golden house is slowly moving from the ground, under the sunlight , the golden car shines brilliantly, shining with dazzling golden light, colorful, luxurious and magnificent, it seems that the light between heaven and earth is emanating from here.

People even felt a hazy feeling, the golden light was too strong and dazzling, and they couldn't even see the whole outline of this big golden car clearly, but people could clearly see that eight people were pulling this big golden car. It is hard to find a white horse, not to mention eight peerless horses that are almost identical in body shape. They don't have a single hair on their bodies, and they are extremely smooth, just like the eight god horses in the sky, pulling the fairy palace to the world .

Surrounding the big golden chariot, there were naturally burly soldiers. They circled the side of the big golden chariot. One of them had a tall horse, a black helmet on his head, and a longbow on his back. With white hair, he is the commander of the Royal Guards, the Arrow God Xuanyuan Shao!

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