Xuanyuan Shao remained indifferent and composed as always, he didn't have the solemn expressions of the guards around him, what he had was a calm expression, no matter whether he was in a crowd of people or alone, he always had that peaceful expression, if it wasn't for the cold clothes on his body He even made people ignore that he was a warrior of the empire.

Behind the golden carriage, there is a carriage surrounded by a small square formed by dozens of Taoist priests. Although this carriage is also very luxurious, it is not the same as the golden carriage.

These are all tall buns, gray gossip gowns, and almost all of them are dusting with one hand. They are very conspicuous in the heavily armored queue. This group of people is deeply loved by His Majesty the Emperor, and he regards them as brothers, but For ordinary people and even civil and military officials, it is a group of people who are extremely disgusted.

The officials also knew very well that in the carriage surrounded by the Taoist priests was the Taoist Xuanzhen Taoist of the Tao of Longevity. Although the emperor had many confidants in the court, the officials from top to bottom agreed in their hearts that The person most trusted by the sage today is Xuanzhen Daozong.

Chu Huan was among the officials.

Among the hundreds of officials, except for a few with high status who ride horses, most of them walk on foot. Although Chu Huan is the servant of the household department, he still has to walk with everyone on foot.

Of course he saw Qi Wang Yingren in front of him, and next to Qi Wang Yingren, he even saw a man in gorgeous clothes. Chu Huan knew that it was Han Wang Yingping without anyone's introduction.

Chu Huan had to admit that among the emperor's three princes, King Yingping of the Han Dynasty definitely ranked first in terms of demeanor and appearance. Prince Yingxiang couldn't walk on both legs and was always in a wheelchair. temperament, but his face looks older than his actual age, and he looks weak and haggard, and Qi Wang Yingren shows a childish look from time to time. If he is not in the palace, he looks like a rich man, not a prince of Daqin.

Hanwang is different.

Even if it is the first time for anyone to see King Han, he will know what real luxury is. His every move, even a smile, carries a deep charm. It exudes from his bones, he is a born nobleman, there is no doubt about it.

Chu Huan also finally understood why King Han has many followers in the court and the opposition. His being a prince is certainly one aspect, but his personal charm may also be a huge factor.

The team arrived at the Tongtian Temple at noon. This was the first time Chu Huan saw the Tongtian Temple. It took up tens of miles of land. When he looked up, the wall surrounded by Zhu Se was as red as snow. A palace rising from the ground.

Among the hundreds of officials, most of them are actually seeing this huge palace for the first time. There is a moat several meters wide around the Tongtian Temple. The Zhang-wide white marble arch bridge is surrounded by lush green pine trees outside the moat. The tall and straight green pine trees shoot straight into the sky like javelins, just like soldiers guarding the Tongtian Temple.

Xue Huai'an, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, led a group of people to wait outside the main entrance.

In order to prepare for the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, the emperor specially transferred An Guogong and Xue Huai'an to handle the matter. An Guogong was old, so naturally he couldn't do everything himself, and Xue Huai'an would still handle the details of the matter.

Xue Huai'an is now in the limelight, and he is a very conspicuous important minister in the court recently. Although the envoys of the Great Qin Dynasty went to Xiliang, although they did not return with full rewards, they also gained a lot. It is said that Xue Huai'an has made great contributions to the peace of the war in the west. Since the founding of the empire, there have not been many conferred titles of dukes and dukes.

Long En is mighty, Xue Huai'an naturally regards the preparation of the Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony as the top priority. In order to make this Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony go smoothly, Xue Huai'an dare not be negligent in the slightest. After getting the order, he will stay in Tongtian Palace day and night Here, Long Jia came here today, and he led a group of officials who held the ceremony to greet him outside the main gate early.

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Tongtian Temple is the dojo where His Majesty the Emperor used to practice Taoism in the future. What he wants is peace. Not only are swords and soldiers not allowed to enter, but anyone who enters Tongtian Temple must wash his hands with a jade basin.

There were already twenty Taoist nuns in Taoist robes waiting outside the main gate. Each nun held a jade basin with clear water in it. Before each official stepped on the white marble arch bridge outside the main gate, they needed Washing hands, the emperor's big golden chariot stopped first, a Taoist nun boarded the golden chariot, knelt in front of the shaft seat in front of the golden chariot, and the emperor dressed in Taoist robes came out of the golden chariot with the empress in colorful robes, and washed his hands Afterwards, the golden car boarded the white marble arch bridge under the escort of more than 20 guards including Xuanyuan Shao.

It's just that before boarding the white marble arch bridge, the weapons of all the guards were unloaded, and the only one who entered with weapons was Xuanyuan Shao, the arrow god. He couldn't leave his bow. The person whose weapon enters the Tongtian Temple.

The generals who accompanied them all the way were not allowed to enter the Tongtian Palace, and they were not allowed to enter the Tongtian Palace with weapons. This was specially ordered by Xuanzhen Daozong. His Majesty the Emperor has great trust in Xuanzhen Daozong. Except for Xuanyuan Shao, everyone must Follow this rule.

Chu Huan followed Baiguan into the Tongtian Palace, and only then did he realize why this palace cost a lot of money. At the bottom, the white jade road spreads to the front, and there is a grand square. The square is in the middle, and it is a high platform with pure white color. Separation, it seems that every place you look at is a finely sculpted painting by skilled craftsmen, and there is no place that is not beautiful or incongruous.

The square is a circular place, spacious and grand, the circular white high platform is a circle within a circle, and the square is surrounded by a circle, and there is a tall white marble column at a certain distance, and the top of the jade column is Auspicious birds and beasts carved by skilled craftsmen.

All the ministers gasped in admiration, followed behind the golden chariot, and looked around. Compared with the already grand and majestic Chengtian Palace, Tongtian Palace is obviously much stronger.

Many people can only admire in their hearts that such a palace can only be built by the power of a powerful country, even those wealthy merchants and tycoons who are incomparably rich, it is absolutely impossible for them to have such a handicraft.

The emperor's golden chariot did not stop at the square, but turned to a temple in the Tongtian Temple for a rest. Although the various procedures of the ceremony were presided over by the Ministry of Rites, this was not an ordinary royal sacrifice. It is the emperor's sacrifice to his own monastery, so the time for offering sacrifices to heaven is determined by Sitiantai Xuanzhen Taoist sect.

According to Xuanzhen Daozong, the Taoist universe emphasizes the coordination of yin and yang. Now it is noon, when the yang energy is too strong, but it is not suitable for worshiping the sky. The time to worship the sky should be when the yin and yang intersect. The best time is Youshi.

When the ministers arrived at the square, it was two hours before You fashion, and the emperor wanted to take a rest within these two hours. Fortunately, the ministers did not have to work very hard, and the square was arranged early. The seats provided delicacies, hundreds of officials each had a seat, and the food was served by Taoist priests, but the food was food, but most of them were snacks and fruits, and there was no meat or meat.

All the pastries were exquisite. Chu Huan sat at the banquet, not polite, and ate heartily, while the officials chatted and laughed in the open-air square.

This place is like a fairyland, and being in it, many people have the illusion that they have become gods in the sky. Everyone's topic is naturally indispensable to comment on the buildings in the surrounding area.

While eating, Chu Huan was looking at the high platform in the middle of the square. This high platform seemed to be made of white marble. Around the circular jade platform, there were eight stone steps to reach the high platform.

Chu Huan's eyes were on the side of the jade platform, but among the officials, many people's eyes fell on the princes, especially the crown prince Yingxiang. He did not sit on the ground like other officials, but sat on a table. On the wheelchair, the person who pushed the wheelchair for him was Tian Hou, the guard commander of the Prince's Mansion. Naturally, Tian Hou's "ghost knife" could not be brought in, but he just stood quietly beside the prince's wheelchair, which was extremely conspicuous among the officials. .

The prince has been paralyzed for many years, and his figure in the court has also become very indifferent, far inferior to the king of Han, who is at the top of the sky. At this time, the king of Han is beside the prince, and he seems to be very respectful to the prince. A piece of pastry, the two brothers whispered softly, with faint smiles on their faces. If you only watched this scene, you would think it was brotherly love. No one would think that these two people have been fighting to the death for many years .

It's just that the two brothers are getting closer together now, their demeanor and appearance stand out, with the crown prince as a foil, the King of Han is even more handsome, compared with the prince by a long way, while Qi Wang Yingren is bored and lazy, he has already I saw Chu Huan among the officials, but on this occasion, it was naturally not easy to get close to Chu Huan.

The king of Han and the crown prince seemed to be in love with each other. Not far away, An Guogong and Shen Keqiu, the imperial envoy of the right capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, seemed not so harmonious. At the other party's glance, An Guogong is a member of the King of Han's party, while Shen Keqiu is a member of the Taizi's party. Fully stripped.

An Guogong seemed very tired. He was old and lacked energy, so the delicious food on the table was naturally not attractive to him. Waiting for two hours may be over for other officials. , but for this elderly and elderly Duke, it was not a short period of time. He just closed his eyes and recharged his energy.

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