Two hours is not short, but it is not long. As the sun sets, many officials in the open-air square already feel a chill in their bodies.

In late autumn, winter is about to enter, and the temperature at such a late hour is not very high.

Fortunately, His Majesty the Emperor finally came out. The emperor in Taoist robes looked like an immortal. He was already old, and without the dragon robes on, people even misunderstood that he was just an ordinary Taoist priest.

Xuanzhen Daozong with fluttering white hair led the way. His Majesty the Emperor and the Empress slowly climbed onto the high platform. Xuanyuan Shao led two subordinates to send the emperor to the edge of the high platform, but he did not follow. He faced the officials and stood upright. Such as loose, the heavy armor on his body does not show the weight at all, the longbow is on the body, the arrow box is carried on the back, and there are more than a dozen feathered arrows in the arrows. Everyone knows that as long as Xuanyuan Shao is willing, the dozen Root Feather Arrow counted more than a dozen lives, and the two subordinates behind him were also in armor. Many officials knew very well that those two were Xiaowei of the Guards. Shao's generals, and this time a commander of the guards and two captains came with them, but they also saw the caution of the guards.

The moment the emperor appeared, all the civil and military ministers in the field got up, except for the prince, everyone knelt down on the ground. The prince sat quietly in the wheelchair, looking at the high platform with a calm expression.

On the high platform, the jade bed made of white marble exudes a soft light. The emperor and the queen sat down on the jade bed, and all the officials shouted long live. The officials under the stage looked at the queen with a smile, and said softly: "Queen, how about the scenery here? This will be my dojo from now on. As long as I cultivate immortality, I will let the queen follow me. I want to be with you." The queen will be together forever."

The queen's face was beautiful, she smiled slightly, and said softly: "The concubine only hopes for the health of the holy dragon, the prosperity of the country and the people of the country."

The emperor laughed, then looked at Xuanzhen Daozong, and asked, "Daozong, when can we start the ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven?"

Xuanzhen Daozong said respectfully: "Reporting to the Holy One, it is the time when yin and yang intersect. After reading the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, pray to the heavens, and then the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven can begin!"

The emperor nodded slightly, and then said loudly: "All lovers are flat!"

When all the ministers got up, the emperor smiled and said: "My dear friends, I let you come here today for the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens. I have established the state of Qin for nearly twenty years, and the country is prosperous and the people are safe, and the weather is smooth, all thanks to God's blessing." The eyebrows twitched suddenly Yang, "In the Northwest War, countless soldiers and civilians of our Great Qin were devastated. Today's ceremony to sacrifice to heaven is for the first time to put the souls of the dead in the Northwest to rest, and secondly, it is also to hope that God will let my Great Qin live forever in peace and prosperity."

The ministers once again shouted long live, but countless people were thinking in their hearts that the empire is not going to be a smooth sailing, let alone a prosperous country and a peaceful people.

The emperor made a gesture to Xuanzhen Daozong, Xuanzhen Daozong nodded slightly, and looked at Xue Huai'an, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites. Xue Huai'an was the planner of the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. Seeing Xuanzhen Daozong's gesture, he immediately held a golden box in both hands, He bowed his body, carried the gold box to the jade platform, knelt down before His Majesty the Emperor, and said respectfully: "Chen Qizuo, this is the ceremony written by An Guogong, and it is dedicated to the Holy One!"

With a faint smile, the emperor looked at An Guogong Huang Ju, who was kneeling at the front of the ministers under the high platform, and said with a smile: "An Guogong's literary talent is extraordinary, and this piece of ceremonial ceremony must also be written with remarkable literary talent."

Xuanzhen Daozong had already come over at this time, opened the golden box in Xue Huai'an's hand, took out a golden scroll from inside, and asked the emperor for instructions: "My lord, can I read the ceremonies for offering sacrifices to heaven now?"

The emperor nodded, Xuanzhen Daozong turned around, a middle-aged Taoist came over immediately, raised his hands, respectfully took the golden scroll from Xuanzhen Daozong, bowed his body and took a few steps back, then turned around, He stood up straight, walked to the edge of the altar, and said in a loud voice: "Proclaim the ceremonies for offering sacrifices to heaven!" His voice was loud and magnetic, and Xuanzhen Daozong chose him to read out the ceremonies for offering sacrifices to heaven.

The ministers immediately became awed, An Guogong Huang Ju raised his head, his cloudy eyes were brightened at this time, looking at the Taoist priest who read out the ceremonies, expressionless.

The Taoist priest obviously felt very honored to be able to stand tall in front of the officials. He coughed, opened the golden scroll, and read aloud: "Sheng Tianxiao listen: The Central Plains is chaotic, eight thousand miles of mountains and rivers are in dire straits, and the great Qin hundred thousand The man threw his head and blood, conquered thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and unified the whole world. However, Yingyuan, the lord of the Great Qin...!" After reading this, the Taoist priest's voice stopped abruptly, and his face showed a look of surprise, and there were already many ministers in the audience. There was also a look of horror on the face of the person.

This is a ceremonial document for offering sacrifices to heaven, but the first few sentences do not look like a ceremonial document at all. Among them, the name of His Majesty the Emperor suddenly appeared directly, and many officials were caught off guard and changed their colors.

Chu Huan originally thought that the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens would be an extremely boring thing, but the biggest benefit of coming to participate in the sacrifices to the heavens today is probably to see the appearance of the luxurious palaces of the empire.

It's just that he didn't expect that His Majesty's name suddenly appeared in the ceremonial ceremony. The name of the emperor is a taboo. In all dynasties, let alone calling the emperor by his first name in public. It is even taboo for the people to use the words in their own names lightly. In many dynasties, in order to avoid the taboo of the emperor's name, they even used fake characters to replace the words in the emperor's name in the documents.

The officials were astonished, and many people's first reaction was that the Taoist priest might be a little nervous, so he read the Liwen wrongly, but the Taoist priest looked closely at the Liwen, and the expression on his face became more and more terrified. Looking at Xuanzhen Daozong, Xuanzhen Daozong frowned, but the emperor looked calmer than everyone else, and asked, "Why don't you read on?"

Xuanzhen Daozong approached and said: "My lord, I'm afraid there may be some mistakes in the etiquette...!"

Xue Huai'an was even more surprised at the side, he was the Minister of Rites, he was the one who presented this ceremony, if there was any mistake, he, the Minister of Rites, could hardly escape the blame.

Of course, he knew that His Majesty the Emperor attached great importance to this ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. The Qin army in the southeast was fighting against the Heavenly Gate, and the northwest was yet to be rebuilt. Just because Xue Huai'an knew that His Majesty the Emperor attached great importance to this ceremony, Xue Huai'an was careful in every link of the ceremony, lest there be any mistakes.

The temper of the current emperor is clear to all ministers in the court. He has come out of iron and blood, and has never been afraid of bleeding. As he grows older, the emperor's domineering looks no longer what he used to be, but his moody personality is getting more and more serious , You may have been very important to you the day before, but if you make a slight mistake, you may be dragged into death row the next day.

Xue Huai'an never dreamed that the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven had just begun, and there would be a problem with the first procedure. When Xuanzhen Daozong claimed that the etiquette of offering sacrifices to heaven was wrong, Xue Huai'an had already knelt down on the ground and said in horror: "My lord, the etiquette It was written by An Guogong himself, and even the humble minister watched An Guogong seal it into the golden box, there will be no mistakes...!"

The emperor was expressionless, but said to Xuanzhen Daozong indifferently: "Let him continue reading!"

"Your Majesty...!" Seeing the terrified expression of the Taoist priest, Xuanzhen Daozong blatantly appeared the name of His Majesty the Emperor in the first few sentences, and he was not allowed to write more presumptuous words later, and whispered: "My lord, don't How about asking Longmu to take a look first, and then ask the Holy One to make a decision?"

The emperor shook his head.

Seeing the emperor like this, Xuanzhen Daozong could only turn his head and nodded to the Taoist priest. The Taoist priest was terrified and could only continue reading. His voice was loud and cadenced before, but now there was an obvious tremolo in his voice: "The Lord of the Qin Dynasty, Ying Yuan resides on the throne of the emperor, but he does not appear to be enterprising. He does not hesitate to use the heroic souls of thousands of soldiers on the battlefield. He is self-willed, obsessed with monsters, cultivates Taoism and alchemy, and depletes the country. But suddenly said sharply: "Give me a louder voice, so that everyone can hear."

Under the ceremony platform, all the officials were already terrified. No one thought that what was supposed to be an auspicious ceremony for offering sacrifices to heaven would turn into such a rebellious article.

Chu Huan was also frowning at this time. Xue Huai'an told the emperor on the stage that it was written by An Guogong himself. Chu Huan naturally couldn't hear it. Xue Huai'an was preparing, but he felt incredible in his heart. Xue Huai'an is a cautious person. Not to mention that he made this rebellious ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, even if he didn't dare to say "no" to the emperor behind his back, Chu Huan judged this right away. The etiquette was definitely not made by Xue Huai'an, Xue Huai'an didn't have such courage, the thought in his heart, he only felt that this etiquette was very likely to be stolen by someone, and someone wanted to take this opportunity to kill Xue Huai'an.

He and Xue Huai'an went to Xiliang together, although they were not life-and-death friends, but he also felt that Xue Huai'an was not a sinister person, this time he already felt that Xue Huai'an was going to be very bad luck, he couldn't help feeling sorry.

The officials had their own thoughts, but the Taoist priest still read: "Ying Yuan, as an emperor, has committed ten sins. God listens to him. The first sin is moodiness and failure to distinguish loyalty. The second sin is not knowing right from wrong, arbitrarily Kill the courtiers...!"

The more the officials in the audience listened, the more shocked they became.

I thought this ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven was a grand event, but at this moment, everyone knew that such a grand event was already impossible, and bloodshed and sacrifice might be inevitable.

"The eighth crime is not caring about the sufferings of the people, becoming extravagant, being extremely vicious, and making the people's lives miserable...!" The Taoist priest's face was already pale at this time, and cold sweat was pouring down like rain.

The empress frowned, her plump and delicate body trembled slightly, Xue Huai'an even lay on the ground, feeling unable to move, and his mind was in a mess. On the contrary, it was His Majesty, calm as water, stroking his beard, as if he was listening to a beautiful scene. article.

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