() Taiyuan Mansion, the government office.

Yuan Chongshang didn't take a carriage today, but came directly on horseback. In a hurry, he jumped off the horse, entered the shaft, and went straight to the courtyard where Chu Huan was.

He was followed by several imperial guards wearing swords and armor, and the sound of the armor rubbing against each other rang loudly.

Yuan Chongshang looked dignified. When he arrived at the courtyard where Chu Huan was, he saw that there were guards and warriors guarding the courtyard. In front of the courtyard, there were four warriors with sabers lined up, heavily armored.

"Get out of the way, the governor has something urgent to see the imperial envoy." A warrior behind Yuan Chongshang had already stepped forward, and said in a deep voice.

The four Guards soldiers guarding the yard kept their eyes straight and raised their heads slightly. They are the elite Royal Guards of the empire. The four people turned a blind eye to the cry, but the hand holding the handle of the knife has become tighter, and the expression on the face is also more solemn.

Seeing that the four warriors did not give way, Yuan Chongshang frowned and said coldly, "Get out of the way!"

A guard has already replied in a cold voice: "The imperial envoy has an order. During the recuperation, no one will be seen. If anyone resists the order and trespasses, he will be killed without mercy!"

The imperial guards behind Yuan Chongshang were all Governor Yuan's confidantes. Hearing what the guards said, their expressions changed, and they were annoyed. They all put their hands on the handles of their swords.

The guards did not wait for them to draw their sabers, but they had already pulled out their sabers first, "choking and choking" several times, several guards had already held their knives in their hands, and the other guards who were not far away, although they did not come over immediately , but they were already looking at this side with cold eyes, they were already holding knives in their hands, and they would rush over immediately if there was any change.

Yuan Chongshang didn't seem to have expected so many reactions from the guards, and his expression was solemn and stern, but at this moment, he heard a voice saying: "What's the matter?" The gate of the courtyard has been opened, and Xuanyuan Shengcai, who is dressed in armor, has come out of the courtyard. He has a knife at his waist, a longbow in his hand, and an arrow box behind him. In his eyes, his face was a little surprised.

"It turned out to be the governor." Xuanyuan Sheng smiled when he saw Yuan Chongshang, "What is the governor doing?"

Seeing Xuanyuan Shengcai's behavior, Yuan Chongshang couldn't help asking: "General Xuanyuan, what are you...!" Looking up and down at Xuanyuan Shengcai's attire, although he didn't ask directly, the meaning was clear.

Xuanyuan Shengcai said with a smile: "I have obeyed the order of the Holy Majesty. This trip came to Anyi with the imperial envoy to protect the safety of the imperial envoy with all my strength. I dare not neglect in the slightest."

Yuan Chongshang said "Oh", but his face quickly showed anxiety again, and said: "How is Master Chu now? He has been ill for several days. It is best that the governor sent him to Taiyuan a few days ago." The doctor, I heard that Master Chu did not ask him to treat him."

Xuanyuan Shengcai said: "Master Chu said that his illness is an old problem, and it won't be cured in three to five days, but it won't be a big problem. He only needs to rest for ten or eight days, and he should be able to recover. Master Chu still Tell me, when he is recuperating, he must not be disturbed by anyone, his illness is very strange, the quieter the better, if he is slightly frightened and interferes with recuperation, all previous efforts may be wasted."

Yuan Chongshang asked suspiciously, "What kind of disease is this?"

Xuanyuan Sheng shook his head and said, "I don't know either. By the way, the governor came here in person today, what orders do you have?"

Yuan Chongshang immediately said: "There is indeed an urgent matter to discuss with Master Chu!"

Xuanyuan Sheng shook his head and said: "Mr. Governor, I'm afraid it won't work today. No one will be seen until Mr. Imperial Envoy recovers!"

"You don't even see the governor?" Yuan Chongshang showed displeasure, "Go and tell Mr. Chu that the governor has a very urgent matter to discuss with him, and there should be no delay."

Xuanyuan Shengcai just shook his head.

Yuan Chongshang was annoyed. Although he was in awe of the Xuanyuan family of the Wu Xun family, his official position was several levels higher than Xuanyuan Shengcai. Xuanyuan Shengcai stopped him in public. Really unable to come down to the stage, he said in a deep voice: "Xuanyuan Shengcai, how dare you stop such an urgent matter? If you delay the important matter, you...you can't afford it!"

Only then did Xuanyuan Sheng see that Yuan Chongshang was angry with anxiety, and it seemed that something serious had happened. He frowned and asked, "What is the urgent matter that the Governor-General said?"

Yuan Chongshang said: "At this time, the governor wants to discuss with Master Chu, you can't be the master."

Xuanyuan Shengcai shook his head and said, "I may not be able to decide on big things, but Xuanyuan Shengcai can still decide whether the governor can enter."

"What do you mean, the governor can't enter this gate today?" Yuan Chongshang's eyes turned stern.

Xuanyuan Shengcai was blatantly fearless, staring at Yuan Chongshang's eyes, and said word by word: "I can't get in!"

The guards behind Yuan Chongshang couldn't bear it any longer, and "choke choke" had drawn out their knives. In front of the courtyard gate, the two sides were at war in an instant. Yuan Chongshang stared firmly at Xuanyuan Shengcai's eyes, but Xuanyuan Shengcai's eyes were also He became very sharp, and looked at Yuan Chongshang. After a while, he saw Yuan Chongshang's angry face gradually softened, and he actually laughed: "The people of Xuanyuan's family are really unusual." After a pause, he finally said: "I got a report this morning that in the territory of Huzhou, hundreds of bandits gathered in the forest and looted several villages in a row. The gangsters rose up in Langshan, Gumengshan and Tuluoshan mountains in Huzhou. Wanton looting...!"

Xuanyuan Sheng frowned, "Big Thief Jungle?"

"That's right." Yuan Chongshang said with a sneer: "The big bandit Jungle is a well-known bandit in Anyi, and has always been active in Huzhou. Six years ago, this person led more than 200 people to raid the county government office and seized him. After reaching the county magistrate, he opened the death row prison and released dozens of death row prisoners inside. These people followed him, killed the county magistrate, and hung their heads on the gate of the county...!"

When Xuanyuan Sheng heard this, he frowned even tighter.

"The governor sent officers and soldiers to fight against them, and finally surrounded and suppressed the gangsters, and the gangster Lin Lin was also arrested." Yuan Chongshang said slowly: "But on the way to escort him back to Taiyuan, someone rescued him halfway. Since then, Jungle has disappeared, and there is no news of him. Bendu also issued a wanted notice, offering a reward of one hundred taels to capture Jungle, but there was no result. But this morning, the news that the bandit Jungle has revived has gathered hundreds of People, looting several villages, several bandits who once hid their heads in Huzhou, as if they had been discussed in advance, made chaos in Huzhou overnight, burned, killed and looted. There are probably more than a thousand bandits in the rebellion."

Xuanyuan Shengcai's eyes turned cold, "Since this is the case, the governor should arrange for people to put down the chaos. What's the use of looking for Lord Chu?"

Yuan Chongshang said: "Naturally, it is necessary to quell the chaos. It is precisely because of the quelling of the chaos that we have to consult with Master Chu. There are two thousand local Huzhou troops in Huzhou, but the governor has already dispatched a thousand prefectural troops from Huzhou to encircle and suppress Huang's family." The rebellion, so there are only one thousand state troops in Huzhou City now, and this team can no longer be transferred away from Huzhou City. The magistrate of Huzhou has already summoned the gentry of Huzhou City, and is going to gather strong men and Xiangyong. It is by no means a match for the gang of Bandit Jungle."

Xuanyuan Shengcai understood that after the founding of the Qin Dynasty, His Majesty the Emperor who established the country with Wu has strict control over the army. The army of the empire is divided into the Beijing Army, the Guard Army and the local state army.

The Beijing Army is naturally the Royal Guards and the twelve guards on the left and right. The Guards Army is a standing army established in various guards across the country. This is also the main force of the imperial army. Make a transfer.

As for the Ruozhou Army, one prefecture is the Governor’s Imperial Guard, which can only have less than 5000 people, while each state has a state army with only 2000 people. The strength of the army is strictly regulated, but if it exceeds, it will be suspected of treason. Local officials have never dared to make a fuss in the army. After all, the emperor has Shenyiwei in his hands. Everyone is worried that those elusive Shenyiwei are around. Once the number exceeds the number, the emperor will never show mercy.

The number of local troops is barely enough to defend the city, but if the local officials want to make waves, the troops in their hands are naturally weak and pitiful, and these small troops, in addition to being responsible for city defense and maintaining order, are also responsible for It has the duty to quell local unrest, especially the Governor's Guards. However, there are rebellions in the local area. This well-equipped and well-trained army is the trump card to quell the chaos.

Unless a large-scale turmoil breaks out, the empire will mobilize the guard army, and the mobilization of the guard army first requires the resolution of the Ministry of Education, and then the Privy Council approves it, and then the Ministry of War issues a transfer order to the place In the next step, the governor will convey the transfer order to the commander of the guard army, and the commander of the guard army will dispatch the army in a unified manner. The process of mobilizing the guard army is very cumbersome, but this is exactly the procedure that His Majesty the Emperor intends to do to mobilize the army The more complicated it is, the more yamen are involved. Although it will lead to inefficiency, it can avoid the self-respect of local troops.

"Your Excellency, there are still heavy troops at Yusuo Lake." Xuanyuan Shengcai said, "Why don't you send troops to Huzhou?"

Yuan Chongshang said: "Compared to the Huang family's rebellion, the gangsters in the Thief Jungle are just small fish and small shrimps." A trace of embarrassment flashed in his eyes: "In the last battle, the officers and soldiers suffered heavy losses and their morale was frustrated. On the side of Yusuo Lake, there must be an absolute superiority of troops to guarantee the absolute superiority against the Huang family's rebellious party. If it weren't for the fact that the troops of the states can no longer be easily mobilized, the governor would like to send more troops to Yusuo Lake." After a pause, "The governor thought about it for a while, and for the current plan, only by seeking Master Chu can we solve the immediate urgent need."

Xuanyuan Shengcai seemed to understand something, and asked, "Does the governor want Master Chu to use the imperial envoy's full moon gold medal?"

"That's right." Yuan Chongshang nodded and said, "Huzhou has a guard station, and there are still thousands of guard troops there. The full moon gold medal in Lord Chu's hand can help us mobilize the guard troops!"

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