() Xuanyuan Shengcai said: "The full moon token of the imperial envoy, if you add the seal of the local governor and the soldier talisman of the commander of the guard army, under special circumstances, it is indeed possible to mobilize 5000 soldiers and horses. It's just... once the guard army The transfer means that there has been a big turmoil that even the state army can't deal with. The governor thinks that there are a few bandits in Huzhou, so it is necessary for Chu to take out the gold medal to transfer troops?" He looked calm and said slowly: "Governor Have you ever thought that if the guards are mobilized and the local people know about it, it may not cause panic, I'm afraid it will cause more accidents."

Yuan Chongshang frowned, remained silent for a while, and finally raised his head and said, "Since Mr. Chu is inconvenient to see guests, I will take my leave." Obviously very dissatisfied with Xuanyuan Shengcai, he turned around and left with a straight face.

Several guards around Yuan Chongshang looked at Xuanyuan Shengcai, snorted coldly, and followed them away.

Xuanyuan Shengcai held the longbow in his hand, looking thoughtfully at the back of Yuan Chongshang leaving.

Yuan Chongshang pulled his face and walked out of Xingyuan. A guard behind him had already followed up and said, "My lord, the guards are too rampant. I don't even think whose ground this is on? Do they think this is the capital? Playing wild here?"

The other person was also dissatisfied: "My lord, why do we need to go to the imperial envoy? Huzhou is just a banditry, a mob, and if you send 800 people at will, they will be wiped out!"

Yuan Chongshang raised his face and said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense."

A few people dared not say more, Yuan Chongshang pondered for a while, someone had already led the horse, he got on the horse, and said in a deep voice: "Go to command the envoy!"

It has snowed for a while a few days ago, and the snow has not yet melted. Although the snow on the street has been swept away, the snow on both sides of the road is piled up very high. Yuan Chongshang was born as a warrior, and he is quite different from ordinary high-ranking officials. , Most of the governors of other provinces, once they go out, don't show up easily. They either take a sedan chair or a car, with many guards around them, and there are special people in front of them to open the way.

Yuan Chongshang is different, he doesn't care about those red tapes, the majestic governor, riding a horse with a few confidant guards, often roaring past the streets of Taiyuan City, that is also a scene of Taiyuan City, in fact, many people secretly call him "" "Governor Tiger", which means that the governor is as mighty as a tiger.

Turning a street, he bumped into a convoy head-on, surrounded by more than 20 strong men, Yuan Chongshang could only slow down his horse and frowned. A person beside him had already stepped forward and scolded : "Get out of the way!"

In the convoy, a rider came forward from behind. Hearing that the front was blocked, the man was a little angry, but when he saw Yuan Chongshang, his anger subsided, he sent a smile, got off his horse, and walked forward quickly , cupped his hands and said: "My lord, the grassroots have offended you, please forgive me!"

At this moment, Yuan Chongshang had already recognized that the person who came forward suddenly was actually Lu Shixun, the son of the richest man in Anyi, Lu Lengyue. He looked at the carriages and asked, "Master Lu, what are you going to transport?"

Lu Shixun hurriedly said: "My lord, the grass people are about to get married, because the wedding banquet and the new house are going to be arranged, so these few days the grass people have personally brought people to the street to buy...!" Pointing to the cars, he said: "This is all decoration. The furniture of the wedding room... My father is preparing to send a message to the adults, and when the day of the wedding comes, he will invite the governor to be the officiant!"

Yuan Chongshang suddenly remembered that the last time he attended a banquet in the Lu Mansion, Lu Lengyue also said that Lu Shixun was about to get married and Yuan Chongshang would be invited to lead the wedding. , I just remembered that there is such a thing.

Yuan Chongshang's affairs are cumbersome now, so he doesn't have the mood to pay attention to them, but the Lu family is the leading figure in Anyi's business world after all, so it's not easy to save face, so he just nodded and said: "If the governor is free, he will naturally not refuse." Lu Shixun hurriedly Said yes, turned back to let the team get out of the way, Yuan Chongshang was not wordy, was about to flatter his horse and leave, suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked: "When will you get married?"

"There are still seven days." Lu Shixun hurriedly said, "Before New Year's Eve!"

Yuan Chongshang nodded, stopped talking, patted his horse away, and galloped all the way to the commanding envoy's mansion. When he learned that the governor was coming, Mrs. Li was a woman and it was not easy to go out to greet him. As a guest, Yuan Chongshang asked directly: "How is Commander Li's health these past few days?"

Butler Xu respectfully said: "Master has been recuperating, and he can stay in bed, but his body is still very weak, and the poison he suffered is very violent. The doctor said that it has damaged the master's internal organs, so he can only take care of it carefully." Asked: "Master Governor, is there any news about Liu Laoliu?"

Yuan Chongshang said: "The Department of Criminal Affairs is still investigating. If there is any news, the Department of Criminal Affairs will send someone to tell you." He also said: "This governor is here to find Commander Li to discuss important matters. Go and tell me!"

Butler Xu was taken aback, Yuan Chongshang frowned and said, "What are you doing here? Hurry up, it's urgent!"

Butler Xu didn't dare to say anything, so he left in a hurry. After a while, he saw Steward Xu supporting Li Wangsun to the hall. Li Wangsun's demeanor was not very good. Just getting up from the couch, the man who was so powerful at the time looked very weak at this moment. Butler Xu helped him to the living room, and Li Wangsun gently pushed Butler Xu away, and was about to bow his hands to salute, but Yuan Chongshang went up to him. Come here, hold Li Wangsun's arm, and said with a smile: "You and my brother, how can you have such clichéd gifts?" Helping Li Wangsun to sit down on the chair, he frowned and said, "Why is your body like this?"

Li Wangsun smiled bitterly and said: "Your Excellency, I don't know. Although the rescue was timely and a life was picked up, the doctor also said that the poison is very poisonous. It is also due to my good health before I was released from office. When I was poisoned, I was lucky." I protected my heart, otherwise I would have reported to the Palace of the Underworld long ago. But even though I saved my life, my internal organs have also been injured...!" Shaking his head and sighing, "Whether it can be cured or not is unknown, it's just that I'm afraid the lifespan won't be too long...!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Yuan Chongshang frowned and said, "Your body is made of iron, but it's just a mere poison. How can you expect to live longer?"

Li Wangsun seemed unwilling to say more about these things, and asked, "Your Excellency, come here in person today, but do you have any urgent orders?"

Yuan Chongshang hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Over there in Huzhou, the bandit forest has revived. Several groups of bandits in Huzhou have joined forces and have looted several villages. The magistrate of Huzhou sent people to come to help. The Huzhou bandits have gathered thousands of people. , we are going to arrange soldiers and horses to quell the chaos!"

Li Wangsun frowned and said with a sneer, "The jungle is not dead yet?" Looking at Yuan Chongshang, he asked, "Does the governor want to send troops to encircle and suppress?"

"The encirclement and suppression are of course necessary." Yuan Chongshang sighed, "But where are the troops to be deployed now?"

"Isn't there still two thousand Imperial Guards in Taiyuan City?" Li Wangsun's eyes showed a strange color, "Although there are nearly a thousand bandits in Huzhou, they are all mobs after all. Your Excellency only needs to send out one army and horses." , Naturally, it can be settled in the shortest time." His expression became serious, "We can't delay at this time, we must make arrangements as soon as possible, and the officials are worried that if the matter is delayed for a long time, other accidents will occur."

Yuan Chongshang sighed: "Who says it's not... Commander Li, which soldier and horse do you think should be transferred?"

Li Wangsun shook his head and said, "I don't dare to speak nonsense."

"Old Li, you also know." Yuan Chongshang was a little embarrassed, "Yusuo Lake was defeated and lost thousands of troops. It cannot be garrisoned without soldiers, and these 2000 troops cannot move."

Li Wangsun nodded slightly: "My lord is right, the city defense of Taiyuan City is the most important thing. Then we can only mobilize troops from Yusuo Lake. The state troops of other states cannot be easily mobilized, and the city defense of each state cannot have any Mistakes...!" He glanced at Yuan Chongshang, and said slowly: "Nowadays the southeast war is raging, and we in Anyi have people with ulterior motives, as far as I know, those Heavenly Gate monsters have entered every prefecture. It is still necessary to step up the search for the Tianmen monster."

Yuan Chongshang stroked his thick beard, and there was a strange look in his eyes, but he quickly smiled and said: "Tianmen Dao wants to make trouble in Anyi, I'm afraid they don't have the ability." After a pause, he frowned and said: "But Yusuo Lake Over there, I don’t want to be transferred easily.”

"Oh?" Li Wangsun thought for a while, and then said: "Are you worried about the lack of troops in Yusuo Lake?"

Yuan Chongshang said: "Yusuo Lake is hundreds of miles away, and the Huang family is entrenched there. The governor should not put down the rebellion, but also wipe it out completely. We can't let a rebellious party escape. This is the most important thing for our Anyi Road now. However, the rebellion in Huzhou is naturally not comparable to the rebellion of the Huang family. Yusuo Lake has less than 8000 soldiers and horses, and the siege of Yusuo Lake is already a bit stretched. A gap will be exposed, and Huang Tianyi will take advantage of it."

Li Wangsun seemed to understand something, frowned and said: "What does the governor mean, is it necessary to mobilize the guards?"

Yuan Chongshang smiled and said: "Old Li, you finally understand. There are many soldiers and horses stationed in our Anyi guard post. If we don't use them now, when will we wait? The guards have not been in battle for a long time, old man Li, you don't want your soldiers to find a chance to exercise? Huzhou bandits are in chaos, it's a good time!"

Li Wangsun was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "My lord governor, I'm afraid this will fail!"

"No?" Yuan Chongshang frowned immediately.

"It's not that the lower officials don't want them to go out to exercise." Li Wangsun said slowly: "It's just that the adults know that without the transfer order of the Ministry of War, the guards can't transfer without authorization. The lower officials can only transfer 500 people at most. Insufficient. My lord should still remember that when he encircled and suppressed the jungle, he was only 400 people at that time, and we sent nearly a thousand people, and it took a lot of effort to capture him, and he was rescued by his fellow gang... These gangsters Although the bandits are mobs, they are all desperadoes. They are used to looting houses. When fighting, they may not be weaker than the officers and soldiers. If they really want to send troops to encircle and suppress them, their strength must not be weaker than them. Even if they mobilize 500 people, the strength is far from enough. "Paused, staring into Yuan Chongshang's eyes, "There is one more thing. As we all know, the state army is the main force for local chaos suppression. The Weisuo army is rarely used to quell local chaos. Army, everyone knows that the disaster is serious, if your lord mobilizes the guard army, people who don't know the truth will think that something big has happened in Anyi, and it will be useless to the hearts of the people and the army!"

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